On 10.8.2020 17:34, Sergey Matyukevich wrote:
> Hi Egor,
>>>> During the transition from wpa_supplicant v2.4 to v2.9 on a legacy
>>>> project I get the following message:
>>>> mgmt::auth
>>>> authentication: STA=7c:dd:90:44:a5:83 auth_alg=7820
>>>> auth_transaction=112 status_code=31962 wep=1 seq_ctrl=0x60a0
>>>> Unsupported authentication algorithm (7820)
>>>> authentication reply: STA=7c:dd:90:44:a5:83 auth_alg=7820
>>>> auth_transaction=113 resp=13 (IE len=0) (dbg=handle-auth)
>>>> My conf file looks like this:
>>>> ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
>>>> ap_scan=1
>>>> network={
>>>> ssid="myssid"
>>>> mode=2
>>>> frequency=2447
>>>> key_mgmt=NONE
>>>> wep_key0="passw"
>>>> wep_tx_keyidx=0
>>>> }
> ...
>> The old working rootfs had wpa_supplicant 2.4 but I have also tested
>> it with the same kernel version 5.4.8. wpa_supplicant 2.10 has no
>> problem with WPA/WPA2 and no encryption. The only problem so far is
>> WEP.
> Coud you please clarify which combination of kernel/wpa_ did work on
> your setup ? Did your WEP setup worked with new kernel and old wpa_s ?
> I could not reproduce similar behavior using hwsim and AP and STA both
> operated by wpa_s. What kind of client are you using ? Is it possible
> to configure auth_alg on your client ?
> If you can configure auth_alg on both AP and STA, then could you please
> try explicitly specify the same auth_alg on both sides. For this purpose
> you may set auth_alg=OPEN or auth_alg=SHARED in wpa_supplicant configs
> for both AP and STA network configurations. If client configuration is
> beyond your control, then could you please try explictly both auth_alg
> options on AP side.
> Regargs,
> Sergey
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Are you sure wep is enabled in the build (CONFIG_WEP=y)? Seems wep is
becoming obsolete and will be disabled in the future.
Best Regards, Jar
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