Well, it took a while, but I now have it working again. For posterity's sake,
here is a link to how we do it in our tool (but much will apply to anyone else's
efforts as well).
On 3/6/20 2:41 PM, Ben Greear wrote:
On 3/6/20 12:42 PM, Ben Greear wrote:
I'm back to poking at HS20-r2. I feel like I am close, but not quite there yet.
The symptom I see is that after I click the 'Accept' button in the webkit GUI,
it appears to properly make the call to the 'add-free.php' script, but then the
GUI just sits there and eventually it says "Could not connect: Connection timed out"
I am not sure what it is trying to connect to. Nothing interesting shows up when I
sniff the Osen AP. Anyone know what is supposed to happen (ie, which method or
network connection calls in what part of the hs20 framework) next?
Ok, this looks like maybe a webkit issue. This patch makes it work as expected
I think:
diff --git a/hs20/server/www/add-free.php b/hs20/server/www/add-free.php
index 1efc65563..4ef8c1e62 100644
--- a/hs20/server/www/add-free.php
+++ b/hs20/server/www/add-free.php
@@ -45,6 +45,13 @@ $db->exec("INSERT INTO eventlog(user,realm,sessionid,timestamp,notes) " .
"strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%f','now'), " .
"'completed user input response for a new PPS MO')");
-header("Location: $uri", true, 302);
+# This did not work on my webkit on Fedora-27, it appeared to ignore the
+# header and/or it was waiting for more data from the web server.
+#header("Location: $uri", true, 302);
+# This, however, appears to do the same think and work as hoped.
+print("<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL='$uri'\" /></head>\n");
+print("<body><a href=\"$uri\">Exit</a></body></html>\n");
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