[PATCH] wpa_supplicant/dbus: drop the old D-Bus interface support

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This drops support for the fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant D-Bus name
along with the associated CONFIG_CTRL_IFACE_DBUS option. Nothing should
really be using this since 2010.

This is a just a straightforward removal. Perhaps the dbus_common.c and
dbus_new.c can be merged now. Also, the "_NEW" suffix of the config
option seems to make even less sense than it used to.

Signed-off-by: Lubomir Rintel <lkundrak@xxxxx>
 .../build-wpa_supplicant-internal.config      |    1 -
 tests/hwsim/example-wpa_supplicant.config     |    1 -
 tests/hwsim/test_dbus_old.py                  |  858 ----------
 wpa_supplicant/Android.mk                     |   39 +-
 wpa_supplicant/Makefile                       |   56 +-
 wpa_supplicant/android.config                 |    4 -
 wpa_supplicant/dbus/Makefile                  |    3 -
 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf  |    8 -
 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_common.c             |    8 -
 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.c                |  745 ---------
 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.h                |  142 --
 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.c       | 1393 -----------------
 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.h       |  101 --
 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers_wps.c   |  156 --
 ...fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.service.in |    5 -
 wpa_supplicant/defconfig                      |    4 -
 .../doc/docbook/wpa_supplicant.sgml           |    2 +-
 wpa_supplicant/examples/wpas-test.py          |   91 --
 wpa_supplicant/main.c                         |   12 +-
 wpa_supplicant/notify.c                       |   30 +-
 .../systemd/wpa_supplicant.service.in         |    4 +-
 wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant_i.h             |    3 -
 22 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 3630 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tests/hwsim/test_dbus_old.py
 delete mode 100644 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.c
 delete mode 100644 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.h
 delete mode 100644 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.c
 delete mode 100644 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.h
 delete mode 100644 wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers_wps.c
 delete mode 100644 wpa_supplicant/dbus/fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.service.in
 delete mode 100755 wpa_supplicant/examples/wpas-test.py

diff --git a/tests/build/build-wpa_supplicant-internal.config b/tests/build/build-wpa_supplicant-internal.config
index d397cabca..5a92a637a 100644
--- a/tests/build/build-wpa_supplicant-internal.config
+++ b/tests/build/build-wpa_supplicant-internal.config
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ CONFIG_OCSP=y
diff --git a/tests/hwsim/example-wpa_supplicant.config b/tests/hwsim/example-wpa_supplicant.config
index 7924015e1..b82a0932b 100644
--- a/tests/hwsim/example-wpa_supplicant.config
+++ b/tests/hwsim/example-wpa_supplicant.config
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ CONFIG_OCSP=y
diff --git a/tests/hwsim/test_dbus_old.py b/tests/hwsim/test_dbus_old.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e132a0d4..000000000
--- a/tests/hwsim/test_dbus_old.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,858 +0,0 @@
-# wpa_supplicant D-Bus old interface tests
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jouni Malinen <j@xxxxx>
-# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
-# See README for more details.
-import logging
-logger = logging.getLogger()
-import sys
-    if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
-        from gi.repository import GObject as gobject
-    else:
-        import gobject
-    import dbus
-    dbus_imported = True
-except ImportError:
-    dbus_imported = False
-import hostapd
-from utils import HwsimSkip
-from test_dbus import TestDbus, alloc_fail_dbus, start_ap
-WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
-WPAS_DBUS_OLD_PATH = "/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant"
-WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.Interface"
-WPAS_DBUS_OLD_BSSID = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.BSSID"
-WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.Network"
-def prepare_dbus(dev):
-    if not dbus_imported:
-        raise HwsimSkip("No dbus module available")
-    try:
-        from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
-        dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
-        bus = dbus.SystemBus()
-        wpas_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_PATH)
-        wpas = dbus.Interface(wpas_obj, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE)
-        path = wpas.getInterface(dev.ifname)
-        if_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, path)
-        return (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj)
-    except Exception as e:
-        raise HwsimSkip("Could not connect to D-Bus: %s" % e)
-class TestDbusOldWps(TestDbus):
-    def __init__(self, bus):
-        TestDbus.__init__(self, bus)
-        self.event_ok = False
-    def __enter__(self):
-        gobject.timeout_add(1, self.run_wps)
-        gobject.timeout_add(15000, self.timeout)
-        self.add_signal(self.wpsCred, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE, "WpsCred")
-        self.loop.run()
-        return self
-    def wpsCred(self, cred):
-        logger.debug("wpsCred: " + str(cred))
-        self.event_ok = True
-        self.loop.quit()
-    def success(self):
-        return self.event_ok
-def test_dbus_old(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    res = if_obj.capabilities(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    logger.debug("capabilities(): " + str(res))
-    if 'auth_alg' not in res or "OPEN" not in res['auth_alg']:
-        raise Exception("Unexpected capabilities")
-    res2 = if_obj.capabilities(dbus.Boolean(True),
-                               dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    logger.debug("capabilities(strict): " + str(res2))
-    res = if_obj.state(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    logger.debug("State: " + res)
-    res = if_obj.scanning(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    if res != 0:
-        raise Exception("Unexpected scanning: " + str(res))
-    if_obj.setAPScan(dbus.UInt32(1), dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    for t in [ dbus.UInt32(123), "foo" ]:
-        try:
-            if_obj.setAPScan(t, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid setAPScan() accepted")
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if "InvalidOptions" not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid setAPScan: " + str(e))
-    for p in [ path + "/Networks/12345",
-               path + "/Networks/foo" ]:
-        obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, p)
-        try:
-            obj.disable(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-            raise Exception("Invalid disable() accepted")
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if "InvalidNetwork" not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid disable: " + str(e))
-    for p in [ path + "/BSSIDs/foo",
-               path + "/BSSIDs/001122334455"]:
-        obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, p)
-        try:
-            obj.properties(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_BSSID)
-            raise Exception("Invalid properties() accepted")
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if "InvalidBSSID" not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid properties: " + str(e))
-def test_dbus_old_scan(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - scanning"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], { "ssid": "open" })
-    params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid="test-wpa2-eap")
-    params['wpa'] = '3'
-    hapd2 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params)
-    class TestDbusScan(TestDbus):
-        def __init__(self, bus):
-            TestDbus.__init__(self, bus)
-            self.scan_completed = False
-        def __enter__(self):
-            gobject.timeout_add(1, self.run_scan)
-            gobject.timeout_add(7000, self.timeout)
-            self.add_signal(self.scanDone, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE,
-                            "ScanResultsAvailable")
-            self.loop.run()
-            return self
-        def scanDone(self):
-            logger.debug("scanDone")
-            self.scan_completed = True
-            self.loop.quit()
-        def run_scan(self, *args):
-            logger.debug("run_scan")
-            if not if_obj.scan(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE):
-                raise Exception("Failed to trigger scan")
-            return False
-        def success(self):
-            return self.scan_completed
-    with TestDbusScan(bus) as t:
-        if not t.success():
-            raise Exception("Expected signals not seen")
-    res = if_obj.scanResults(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    if len(res) != 2:
-        raise Exception("Unexpected number of scan results: " + str(res))
-    for i in range(2):
-        logger.debug("Scan result BSS path: " + res[i])
-        bss_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, res[i])
-        bss = bss_obj.properties(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_BSSID,
-                                 byte_arrays=True)
-        logger.debug("BSS: " + str(bss))
-    obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, res[0])
-    try:
-        bss_obj.properties2(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_BSSID)
-        raise Exception("Unknown BSSID method accepted")
-    except Exception as e:
-        logger.debug("Unknown BSSID method exception: " + str(e))
-    if not if_obj.flush(0, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE):
-        raise Exception("Failed to issue flush(0)")
-    res = if_obj.scanResults(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    if len(res) != 0:
-        raise Exception("Unexpected BSS entry after flush")
-    if not if_obj.flush(1, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE):
-        raise Exception("Failed to issue flush(1)")
-    try:
-        if_obj.flush("foo", dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-        raise Exception("Invalid flush arguments accepted")
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.InvalidOptions"):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid flush: " + str(e))
-    try:
-        bss_obj.properties(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_BSSID,
-                           byte_arrays=True)
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.Interface.InvalidBSSID"):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid BSS: " + str(e))
-def test_dbus_old_debug(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - debug"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    wpas = dbus.Interface(wpas_obj, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE)
-    try:
-        wpas.setDebugParams(123)
-        raise Exception("Invalid setDebugParams accepted")
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if "InvalidOptions" not in str(e):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid setDebugParam: " + str(e))
-    try:
-        wpas.setDebugParams(123, True, True)
-        raise Exception("Invalid setDebugParams accepted")
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if "InvalidOptions" not in str(e):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid setDebugParam: " + str(e))
-    wpas.setDebugParams(1, True, True)
-    dev[0].request("LOG_LEVEL MSGDUMP")
-def test_dbus_old_smartcard(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - smartcard"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    params = dbus.Dictionary(signature='sv')
-    if_obj.setSmartcardModules(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'opensc_engine_path': "foobar1",
-                               'pkcs11_engine_path': "foobar2",
-                               'pkcs11_module_path': "foobar3",
-                               'foo': 'bar' },
-                             signature='sv')
-    params2 = dbus.Dictionary({ 'pkcs11_engine_path': "foobar2",
-                                'foo': 'bar' },
-                              signature='sv')
-    params3 = dbus.Dictionary({ 'pkcs11_module_path': "foobar3",
-                                'foo2': 'bar' },
-                              signature='sv')
-    params4 = dbus.Dictionary({ 'opensc_engine_path': "foobar4",
-                                'foo3': 'bar' },
-                              signature='sv')
-    tests = [ 1, params, params2, params3, params4 ]
-    for t in tests:
-        try:
-            if_obj.setSmartcardModules(t, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid setSmartcardModules accepted: " + str(t))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.InvalidOptions"):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid setSmartcardModules(%s): %s" % (str(t), str(e)))
-def test_dbus_old_smartcard_oom(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - smartcard (OOM)"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    for arg in [ 'opensc_engine_path', 'pkcs11_engine_path', 'pkcs11_module_path' ]:
-        with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1,
-                             "=wpas_dbus_iface_set_smartcard_modules",
-                             "setSmartcardModules",
-                             "InvalidOptions"):
-            params = dbus.Dictionary({ arg : "foo", }, signature='sv')
-            if_obj.setSmartcardModules(params,
-                                       dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1, "=_wpa_dbus_dict_fill_value_from_variant;wpas_dbus_iface_set_smartcard_modules",
-                         "setSmartcardModules", "InvalidOptions"):
-        params = dbus.Dictionary({ arg : "foo", }, signature='sv')
-        if_obj.setSmartcardModules(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-def test_dbus_old_interface(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - interface get/add/remove"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    wpas = dbus.Interface(wpas_obj, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE)
-    tests = [ (123, "InvalidOptions"),
-              ("foo", "InvalidInterface") ]
-    for (ifname,err) in tests:
-        try:
-            wpas.getInterface(ifname)
-            raise Exception("Invalid getInterface accepted")
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if err not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid getInterface: " + str(e))
-    params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'driver': 'none' }, signature='sv')
-    wpas.addInterface("lo", params)
-    path = wpas.getInterface("lo")
-    logger.debug("New interface path: " + str(path))
-    wpas.removeInterface(path)
-    try:
-        wpas.removeInterface(path)
-        raise Exception("Invalid removeInterface() accepted")
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if "InvalidInterface" not in str(e):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid removeInterface: " + str(e))
-    params1 = dbus.Dictionary({ 'driver': 'foo',
-                                'driver-params': 'foo',
-                                'config-file': 'foo',
-                                'bridge-ifname': 'foo' },
-                              signature='sv')
-    params2 = dbus.Dictionary({ 'foo': 'bar' }, signature='sv')
-    tests = [ (123, None, "InvalidOptions"),
-              ("", None, "InvalidOptions"),
-              ("foo", None, "AddError"),
-              ("foo", params1, "AddError"),
-              ("foo", params2, "InvalidOptions"),
-              ("foo", 1234, "InvalidOptions"),
-              (dev[0].ifname, None, "ExistsError" ) ]
-    for (ifname,params,err) in tests:
-        try:
-            if params is None:
-                wpas.addInterface(ifname)
-            else:
-                wpas.addInterface(ifname, params)
-            raise Exception("Invalid addInterface accepted: " + str(params))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if err not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid addInterface(%s): %s" % (str(params), str(e)))
-    try:
-        wpas.removeInterface(123)
-        raise Exception("Invalid removeInterface accepted")
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.InvalidOptions"):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid removeInterface: " + str(e))
-def test_dbus_old_interface_oom(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - interface get/add/remove (OOM)"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    wpas = dbus.Interface(wpas_obj, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE)
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1, "=_wpa_dbus_dict_fill_value_from_variant;wpas_dbus_global_add_interface",
-                         "addInterface", "InvalidOptions"):
-        params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'driver': 'none' }, signature='sv')
-        wpas.addInterface("lo", params)
-    for arg in [ "driver", "driver-params", "config-file", "bridge-ifname" ]:
-        with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1, "=wpas_dbus_global_add_interface",
-                             "addInterface", "InvalidOptions"):
-            params = dbus.Dictionary({ arg: 'foo' }, signature='sv')
-            wpas.addInterface("lo", params)
-def test_dbus_old_blob(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - blob operations"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    param1 = dbus.Dictionary({ 'blob3': 123 }, signature='sv')
-    param2 = dbus.Dictionary({ 'blob3': "foo" })
-    param3 = dbus.Dictionary({ '': dbus.ByteArray([ 1, 2 ]) },
-                             signature='sv')
-    tests = [ (1, "InvalidOptions"),
-              (param1, "InvalidOptions"),
-              (param2, "InvalidOptions"),
-              (param3, "InvalidOptions") ]
-    for (arg,err) in tests:
-        try:
-            if_obj.setBlobs(arg, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid setBlobs() accepted: " + str(arg))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            logger.debug("setBlobs(%s): %s" % (str(arg), str(e)))
-            if err not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid setBlobs: " + str(e))
-    tests = [ (["foo"], "RemoveError: Error removing blob"),
-              ([""], "RemoveError: Invalid blob name"),
-              ([1], "InvalidOptions"),
-              ("foo", "InvalidOptions") ]
-    for (arg,err) in tests:
-        try:
-            if_obj.removeBlobs(arg, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid removeBlobs() accepted: " + str(arg))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            logger.debug("removeBlobs(%s): %s" % (str(arg), str(e)))
-            if err not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid removeBlobs: " + str(e))
-    blobs = dbus.Dictionary({ 'blob1': dbus.ByteArray([ 1, 2, 3 ]),
-                              'blob2': dbus.ByteArray([ 1, 2 ]) },
-                            signature='sv')
-    if_obj.setBlobs(blobs, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    if_obj.removeBlobs(['blob1', 'blob2'], dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-def test_dbus_old_blob_oom(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - blob operations (OOM)"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    blobs = dbus.Dictionary({ 'blob1': dbus.ByteArray([ 1, 2, 3 ]),
-                              'blob2': dbus.ByteArray([ 1, 2 ]) },
-                            signature='sv')
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1, "=wpas_dbus_iface_set_blobs", "setBlobs",
-                         "AddError: Not enough memory to add blob"):
-        if_obj.setBlobs(blobs, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 2, "=wpas_dbus_iface_set_blobs", "setBlobs",
-                         "AddError: Not enough memory to add blob data"):
-        if_obj.setBlobs(blobs, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 3, "=wpas_dbus_iface_set_blobs", "setBlobs",
-                         "AddError: Error adding blob"):
-        if_obj.setBlobs(blobs, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1, "=wpas_dbus_decompose_object_path;wpas_iface_message_handler",
-                         "setBlobs",
-                         "InvalidInterface: wpa_supplicant knows nothing about this interface"):
-        if_obj.setBlobs(blobs, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-def test_dbus_old_connect(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - add a network and connect"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    ssid = "test-wpa2-psk"
-    passphrase = 'qwertyuiop'
-    params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid=ssid, passphrase=passphrase)
-    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
-    for p in [ "/no/where/to/be/found",
-               path + "/Networks/12345",
-               path + "/Networks/foo",
-               "/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant/Interfaces",
-               "/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant/Interfaces/12345/Networks/0" ]:
-        obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, p)
-        try:
-            if_obj.removeNetwork(obj, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid removeNetwork accepted: " + p)
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.Interface.InvalidNetwork"):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid removeNetwork: " + str(e))
-    try:
-        if_obj.removeNetwork("foo", dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-        raise Exception("Invalid removeNetwork accepted")
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.InvalidOptions"):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid removeNetwork: " + str(e))
-    try:
-        if_obj.removeNetwork(path, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-        raise Exception("Invalid removeNetwork accepted")
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.Interface.InvalidNetwork"):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid removeNetwork: " + str(e))
-    tests = [ (path, "InvalidNetwork"),
-              (bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, "/no/where"),
-               "InvalidInterface"),
-              (bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, path + "/Networks/1234"),
-               "InvalidNetwork"),
-              (bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, path + "/Networks/foo"),
-               "InvalidNetwork"),
-              (1, "InvalidOptions") ]
-    for t,err in tests:
-        try:
-            if_obj.selectNetwork(t, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid selectNetwork accepted: " + str(t))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if err not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid selectNetwork(%s): %s" % (str(t), str(e)))
-    npath = if_obj.addNetwork(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    if not npath.startswith(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_PATH):
-        raise Exception("Unexpected addNetwork result: " + path)
-    netw_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, npath)
-    tests = [ 123,
-              dbus.Dictionary({ 'foo': 'bar' }, signature='sv') ]
-    for t in tests:
-        try:
-            netw_obj.set(t, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-            raise Exception("Invalid set() accepted: " + str(t))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if "InvalidOptions" not in str(e):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid set: " + str(e))
-    params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'ssid': ssid,
-                               'key_mgmt': 'WPA-PSK',
-                               'psk': passphrase,
-                               'identity': dbus.ByteArray([ 1, 2 ]),
-                               'priority': dbus.Int32(0),
-                               'scan_freq': dbus.UInt32(2412) },
-                             signature='sv')
-    netw_obj.set(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-    id = int(dev[0].list_networks()[0]['id'])
-    val = dev[0].get_network(id, "scan_freq")
-    if val != "2412":
-        raise Exception("Invalid scan_freq value: " + str(val))
-    params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'scan_freq': "2412 2432",
-                               'freq_list': "2412 2417 2432" },
-                             signature='sv')
-    netw_obj.set(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-    val = dev[0].get_network(id, "scan_freq")
-    if val != "2412 2432":
-        raise Exception("Invalid scan_freq value (2): " + str(val))
-    val = dev[0].get_network(id, "freq_list")
-    if val != "2412 2417 2432":
-        raise Exception("Invalid freq_list value: " + str(val))
-    if_obj.removeNetwork(npath, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    class TestDbusConnect(TestDbus):
-        def __init__(self, bus):
-            TestDbus.__init__(self, bus)
-            self.state = 0
-        def __enter__(self):
-            gobject.timeout_add(1, self.run_connect)
-            gobject.timeout_add(15000, self.timeout)
-            self.add_signal(self.scanDone, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE,
-                            "ScanResultsAvailable")
-            self.add_signal(self.stateChange, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE,
-                            "StateChange")
-            self.loop.run()
-            return self
-        def scanDone(self):
-            logger.debug("scanDone")
-        def stateChange(self, new, old):
-            logger.debug("stateChange(%d): %s --> %s" % (self.state, old, new))
-            if new == "COMPLETED":
-                if self.state == 0:
-                    self.state = 1
-                    self.netw_obj.disable(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-                elif self.state == 2:
-                    self.state = 3
-                    if_obj.disconnect(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-                elif self.state == 4:
-                    self.state = 5
-                    if_obj.disconnect(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-                elif self.state == 6:
-                    self.state = 7
-                    if_obj.removeNetwork(self.path,
-                                         dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-                    try:
-                        if_obj.removeNetwork(self.path,
-                                             dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-                        raise Exception("Invalid removeNetwork accepted")
-                    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-                        if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.Interface.InvalidNetwork"):
-                            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid wpsPbc: " + str(e))
-                    self.loop.quit()
-            elif new == "DISCONNECTED":
-                if self.state == 1:
-                    self.state = 2
-                    self.netw_obj.enable(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-                elif self.state == 3:
-                    self.state = 4
-                    if_obj.selectNetwork(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-                elif self.state == 5:
-                    self.state = 6
-                    if_obj.selectNetwork(self.path,
-                                         dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-        def run_connect(self, *args):
-            logger.debug("run_connect")
-            path = if_obj.addNetwork(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            netw_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, path)
-            netw_obj.disable(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-            params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'ssid': ssid,
-                                       'key_mgmt': 'WPA-PSK',
-                                       'psk': passphrase,
-                                       'scan_freq': 2412 },
-                                     signature='sv')
-            netw_obj.set(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-            netw_obj.enable(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-            self.path = path
-            self.netw_obj = netw_obj
-            return False
-        def success(self):
-            return self.state == 7
-    with TestDbusConnect(bus) as t:
-        if not t.success():
-            raise Exception("Expected signals not seen")
-    if len(dev[0].list_networks()) != 0:
-        raise Exception("Unexpected network")
-def test_dbus_old_connect_eap(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface - add an EAP network and connect"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    ssid = "test-wpa2-eap"
-    params = hostapd.wpa2_eap_params(ssid=ssid)
-    hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params)
-    class TestDbusConnect(TestDbus):
-        def __init__(self, bus):
-            TestDbus.__init__(self, bus)
-            self.connected = False
-            self.certification_received = False
-        def __enter__(self):
-            gobject.timeout_add(1, self.run_connect)
-            gobject.timeout_add(15000, self.timeout)
-            self.add_signal(self.stateChange, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE,
-                            "StateChange")
-            self.add_signal(self.certification, WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE,
-                            "Certification")
-            self.loop.run()
-            return self
-        def stateChange(self, new, old):
-            logger.debug("stateChange: %s --> %s" % (old, new))
-            if new == "COMPLETED":
-                self.connected = True
-                self.loop.quit()
-        def certification(self, depth, subject, hash, cert_hex):
-            logger.debug("certification: depth={} subject={} hash={} cert_hex={}".format(depth, subject, hash, cert_hex))
-            self.certification_received = True
-        def run_connect(self, *args):
-            logger.debug("run_connect")
-            path = if_obj.addNetwork(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            netw_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, path)
-            params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'ssid': ssid,
-                                       'key_mgmt': 'WPA-EAP',
-                                       'eap': 'TTLS',
-                                       'anonymous_identity': 'ttls',
-                                       'identity': 'pap user',
-                                       'ca_cert': 'auth_serv/ca.pem',
-                                       'phase2': 'auth=PAP',
-                                       'password': 'password',
-                                       'scan_freq': 2412 },
-                                     signature='sv')
-            netw_obj.set(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-            netw_obj.enable(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-            self.path = path
-            self.netw_obj = netw_obj
-            return False
-        def success(self):
-            return self.connected and self.certification_received
-    with TestDbusConnect(bus) as t:
-        if not t.success():
-            raise Exception("Expected signals not seen")
-def test_dbus_old_network_set(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface and network set method"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    path = if_obj.addNetwork(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    netw_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, path)
-    netw_obj.disable(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-    params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'priority': dbus.UInt64(1) }, signature='sv')
-    try:
-        netw_obj.set(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-        raise Exception("set succeeded with unexpected type")
-    except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-        if "InvalidOptions" not in str(e):
-            raise Exception("Unexpected error message for unexpected type: " + str(e))
-def test_dbus_old_wps_pbc(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface and WPS/PBC"""
-    try:
-        _test_dbus_old_wps_pbc(dev, apdev)
-    finally:
-        dev[0].request("SET wps_cred_processing 0")
-def _test_dbus_old_wps_pbc(dev, apdev):
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    dev[0].flush_scan_cache()
-    hapd = start_ap(apdev[0])
-    hapd.request("WPS_PBC")
-    bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
-    dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq="2412")
-    dev[0].request("SET wps_cred_processing 2")
-    for arg in [ 123, "123" ]:
-        try:
-            if_obj.wpsPbc(arg, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid wpsPbc arguments accepted: " + str(arg))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.InvalidOptions"):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid wpsPbc: " + str(e))
-    class TestDbusWps(TestDbusOldWps):
-        def __init__(self, bus, pbc_param):
-            TestDbusOldWps.__init__(self, bus)
-            self.pbc_param = pbc_param
-        def run_wps(self, *args):
-            logger.debug("run_wps: pbc_param=" + self.pbc_param)
-            if_obj.wpsPbc(self.pbc_param, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            return False
-    with TestDbusWps(bus, "any") as t:
-        if not t.success():
-            raise Exception("Expected signals not seen")
-    res = if_obj.scanResults(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    if len(res) != 1:
-        raise Exception("Unexpected number of scan results: " + str(res))
-    for i in range(1):
-        logger.debug("Scan result BSS path: " + res[i])
-        bss_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, res[i])
-        bss = bss_obj.properties(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_BSSID,
-                                 byte_arrays=True)
-        logger.debug("BSS: " + str(bss))
-    dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=10)
-    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
-    dev[0].wait_disconnected(timeout=10)
-    dev[0].request("FLUSH")
-    hapd.request("WPS_PBC")
-    dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq="2412")
-    with TestDbusWps(bus, bssid) as t:
-        if not t.success():
-            raise Exception("Expected signals not seen")
-    dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=10)
-    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
-    dev[0].wait_disconnected(timeout=10)
-    hapd.disable()
-    dev[0].flush_scan_cache()
-def test_dbus_old_wps_pin(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface and WPS/PIN"""
-    try:
-        _test_dbus_old_wps_pin(dev, apdev)
-    finally:
-        dev[0].request("SET wps_cred_processing 0")
-def _test_dbus_old_wps_pin(dev, apdev):
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    hapd = start_ap(apdev[0])
-    hapd.request("WPS_PIN any 12345670")
-    bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
-    dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq="2412")
-    dev[0].request("SET wps_cred_processing 2")
-    for arg in [ (123, "12345670"),
-                 ("123", "12345670") ]:
-        try:
-            if_obj.wpsPin(arg[0], arg[1], dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid wpsPin arguments accepted: " + str(arg))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.InvalidOptions"):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid wpsPbc: " + str(e))
-    class TestDbusWps(TestDbusOldWps):
-        def __init__(self, bus, bssid, pin):
-            TestDbusOldWps.__init__(self, bus)
-            self.bssid = bssid
-            self.pin = pin
-        def run_wps(self, *args):
-            logger.debug("run_wps %s %s" % (self.bssid, self.pin))
-            pin = if_obj.wpsPin(self.bssid, self.pin,
-                                dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            if len(self.pin) == 0:
-                h = hostapd.Hostapd(apdev[0]['ifname'])
-                h.request("WPS_PIN any " + pin)
-            return False
-    with TestDbusWps(bus, bssid, "12345670") as t:
-        if not t.success():
-            raise Exception("Expected signals not seen")
-    dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=10)
-    dev[0].request("DISCONNECT")
-    dev[0].wait_disconnected(timeout=10)
-    dev[0].request("FLUSH")
-    dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq="2412")
-    with TestDbusWps(bus, "any", "") as t:
-        if not t.success():
-            raise Exception("Expected signals not seen")
-def test_dbus_old_wps_reg(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface and WPS/Registar"""
-    try:
-        _test_dbus_old_wps_reg(dev, apdev)
-    finally:
-        dev[0].request("SET wps_cred_processing 0")
-def _test_dbus_old_wps_reg(dev, apdev):
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    hapd = start_ap(apdev[0])
-    bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
-    dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq="2412")
-    dev[0].request("SET wps_cred_processing 2")
-    for arg in [ (123, "12345670"),
-                 ("123", "12345670") ]:
-        try:
-            if_obj.wpsReg(arg[0], arg[1], dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            raise Exception("Invalid wpsReg arguments accepted: " + str(arg))
-        except dbus.exceptions.DBusException as e:
-            if not str(e).startswith("fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.InvalidOptions"):
-                raise Exception("Unexpected error message for invalid wpsPbc: " + str(e))
-    class TestDbusWps(TestDbusOldWps):
-        def run_wps(self, *args):
-            logger.debug("run_wps")
-            if_obj.wpsReg(bssid, "12345670", dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-            return False
-    with TestDbusWps(bus) as t:
-        if not t.success():
-            raise Exception("Expected signals not seen")
-    dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=10)
-def test_dbus_old_wps_oom(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface and WPS (OOM)"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1,
-                         "=wpa_config_add_network;wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pbc",
-                         "wpsPbc",
-                         "WpsPbcError: Could not start PBC negotiation"):
-        if_obj.wpsPbc("any", dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1,
-                         "=wpa_config_add_network;wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pin",
-                         "wpsPin", "WpsPinError: Could not init PIN"):
-        if_obj.wpsPin("any", "", dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1,
-                         "=wpa_config_add_network;wpas_dbus_iface_wps_reg",
-                         "wpsReg",
-                         "WpsRegError: Could not request credentials"):
-        if_obj.wpsReg(bssid, "12345670", dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-def test_dbus_old_network_set_oom(dev, apdev):
-    """The old D-Bus interface and network set method (OOM)"""
-    (bus,wpas_obj,path,if_obj) = prepare_dbus(dev[0])
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1,
-                         "=wpa_config_add_network;wpas_dbus_iface_add_network",
-                         "addNetwork",
-                         "AddNetworkError: wpa_supplicant could not add"):
-        if_obj.addNetwork(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    path = if_obj.addNetwork(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_IFACE)
-    netw_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_OLD_SERVICE, path)
-    netw_obj.disable(dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-    with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1,
-                         "_wpa_dbus_dict_fill_value_from_variant;wpas_dbus_iface_set_network",
-                         "set", "InvalidOptions"):
-        params = dbus.Dictionary({ 'ssid': "foo" }, signature='sv')
-        netw_obj.set(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
-    tests = [ { 'identity': dbus.ByteArray([ 1, 2 ]) },
-              { 'scan_freq': dbus.UInt32(2412) },
-              { 'priority': dbus.Int32(0) },
-              { 'identity': "user" },
-              { 'eap': "TLS" }]
-    for arg in tests:
-        with alloc_fail_dbus(dev[0], 1, "=wpas_dbus_iface_set_network",
-                             "set", "InvalidOptions"):
-            params = dbus.Dictionary(arg, signature='sv')
-            netw_obj.set(params, dbus_interface=WPAS_DBUS_OLD_NETWORK)
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/Android.mk b/wpa_supplicant/Android.mk
index d63e4c41c..6a9aa091a 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/Android.mk
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/Android.mk
@@ -1422,44 +1422,25 @@ endif
 OBJS += ctrl_iface.c ctrl_iface_$(CONFIG_CTRL_IFACE).c
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_old.c dbus/dbus_old_handlers.c
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_old_handlers_wps.c
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_dict_helpers.c
-DBUS_OBJS ?= dbus/dbus_dict_helpers.c
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_helpers.c
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new.c dbus/dbus_new_handlers.c
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_dict_helpers.c
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_helpers.c
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new.c dbus/dbus_new_handlers.c
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_common.c
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_handlers_wps.c
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_handlers_wps.c
 ifdef CONFIG_P2P
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_handlers_p2p.c
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_handlers_p2p.c
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_introspect.c
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_introspect.c
-ifdef DBUS
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_common.c
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/Makefile b/wpa_supplicant/Makefile
index e55e06287..4187bae48 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/Makefile
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/Makefile
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ ALL += systemd/wpa_supplicant.service
 ALL += systemd/wpa_supplicant@.service
 ALL += systemd/wpa_supplicant-nl80211@.service
 ALL += systemd/wpa_supplicant-wired@.service
-ALL += dbus/fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.service
 ALL += dbus/fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.service
 ALL += libwpa_client.so
@@ -1576,35 +1575,17 @@ endif
 OBJS += ctrl_iface.o ctrl_iface_$(CONFIG_CTRL_IFACE).o
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_old.o dbus/dbus_old_handlers.o
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_old_handlers_wps.o
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_dict_helpers.o
-ifndef DBUS_LIBS
-DBUS_LIBS := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs dbus-1)
-DBUS_INCLUDE := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags dbus-1)
-DBUS_OBJS ?= dbus/dbus_dict_helpers.o
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_helpers.o
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new.o dbus/dbus_new_handlers.o
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_dict_helpers.o
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_helpers.o
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new.o dbus/dbus_new_handlers.o
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_common.o
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_handlers_wps.o
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_handlers_wps.o
 ifdef CONFIG_P2P
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_handlers_p2p.o
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_handlers_p2p.o
 ifndef DBUS_LIBS
 DBUS_LIBS := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --libs dbus-1)
@@ -1613,21 +1594,12 @@ ifndef DBUS_INCLUDE
 DBUS_INCLUDE := $(shell $(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags dbus-1)
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_introspect.o
+OBJS += dbus/dbus_new_introspect.o
-ifdef DBUS
-DBUS_OBJS += dbus/dbus_common.o
 OBJS_c += ../src/utils/edit_readline.o
@@ -1990,13 +1962,11 @@ else
 %.service: %.service.in
-	$(Q)sed -e 's|\@BINDIR\@|$(BINDIR)|g' \
-		-e 's|\@DBUS_INTERFACE\@|$(DBUS_INTERFACE)|g' $< >$@
+	$(Q)sed -e 's|\@BINDIR\@|$(BINDIR)|g' $< >$@
 	@$(E) "  sed" $<
 %@.service: %.service.arg.in
-	$(Q)sed -e 's|\@BINDIR\@|$(BINDIR)|g' \
-		-e 's|\@DBUS_INTERFACE\@|$(DBUS_INTERFACE)|g' $< >$@
+	$(Q)sed -e 's|\@BINDIR\@|$(BINDIR)|g' $< >$@
 	@$(E) "  sed" $<
 wpa_supplicant.exe: wpa_supplicant
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/android.config b/wpa_supplicant/android.config
index 854f48167..6536c110a 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/android.config
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/android.config
@@ -327,10 +327,6 @@ CONFIG_IEEE80211W=y
 #PLATFORMSDKLIB="/opt/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Lib"
-# Add support for old DBus control interface
-# (fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant)
 # Add support for new DBus control interface
 # (fi.w1.hostap.wpa_supplicant1)
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/Makefile b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/Makefile
index f355ebef5..bc06ba377 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/Makefile
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/Makefile
@@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ CFLAGS += $(DBUS_INCLUDE)
 	dbus_common.o \
-	dbus_old.o \
-	dbus_old_handlers.o \
 	dbus_new.o \
 	dbus_new_handlers.o \
 	dbus_new_helpers.o \
@@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ LIB_OBJS= \
-LIB_OBJS += dbus_old_handlers_wps.o
 LIB_OBJS += dbus_new_handlers_wps.o
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf
index 382dcb343..e81b495f4 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus-wpa_supplicant.conf
@@ -3,11 +3,6 @@
         <policy user="root">
-                <allow own="fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"/>
-                <allow send_destination="fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"/>
-                <allow send_interface="fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"/>
                 <allow own="fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1"/>
                 <allow send_destination="fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1"/>
@@ -15,9 +10,6 @@
                 <allow receive_sender="fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1" receive_type="signal"/>
         <policy context="default">
-                <deny own="fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"/>
-                <deny send_destination="fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"/>
                 <deny own="fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1"/>
                 <deny send_destination="fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1"/>
                 <deny receive_sender="fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1" receive_type="signal"/>
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_common.c b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_common.c
index 7ef6cad62..efa6c7b20 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_common.c
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_common.c
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 #include "dbus_common.h"
 #include "dbus_common_i.h"
 #include "dbus_new.h"
-#include "dbus_old.h"
 #include "../wpa_supplicant_i.h"
@@ -351,9 +350,6 @@ struct wpas_dbus_priv * wpas_dbus_init(struct wpa_global *global)
 	    wpas_dbus_ctrl_iface_init(priv) < 0 ||
-	    wpa_supplicant_dbus_ctrl_iface_init(priv) < 0 ||
 	    wpas_dbus_init_common_finish(priv) < 0) {
 		return NULL;
@@ -372,9 +368,5 @@ void wpas_dbus_deinit(struct wpas_dbus_priv *priv)
-	/* TODO: is any deinit needed? */
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.c b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 88227af7c..000000000
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,745 +0,0 @@
- * WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface
- * Copyright (c) 2006, Dan Williams <dcbw@xxxxxxxxxx> and Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
- * See README for more details.
- */
-#include "includes.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include "common.h"
-#include "eloop.h"
-#include "wps/wps.h"
-#include "../config.h"
-#include "../wpa_supplicant_i.h"
-#include "../bss.h"
-#include "dbus_old.h"
-#include "dbus_old_handlers.h"
-#include "dbus_common_i.h"
- * wpas_dbus_decompose_object_path - Decompose an interface object path into parts
- * @path: The dbus object path
- * @network: (out) the configured network this object path refers to, if any
- * @bssid: (out) the scanned bssid this object path refers to, if any
- * Returns: The object path of the network interface this path refers to
- *
- * For a given object path, decomposes the object path into object id, network,
- * and BSSID parts, if those parts exist.
- */
-char * wpas_dbus_decompose_object_path(const char *path, char **network,
-				       char **bssid)
-	const unsigned int dev_path_prefix_len =
-	char *obj_path_only;
-	char *next_sep;
-	/* Be a bit paranoid about path */
-	if (!path || strncmp(path, WPAS_DBUS_PATH_INTERFACES "/",
-			     dev_path_prefix_len))
-		return NULL;
-	/* Ensure there's something at the end of the path */
-	if ((path + dev_path_prefix_len)[0] == '\0')
-		return NULL;
-	obj_path_only = os_strdup(path);
-	if (obj_path_only == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	next_sep = strchr(obj_path_only + dev_path_prefix_len, '/');
-	if (next_sep != NULL) {
-		const char *net_part = strstr(next_sep,
-					      WPAS_DBUS_NETWORKS_PART "/");
-		const char *bssid_part = strstr(next_sep,
-		if (network && net_part) {
-			/* Deal with a request for a configured network */
-			const char *net_name = net_part +
-				strlen(WPAS_DBUS_NETWORKS_PART "/");
-			*network = NULL;
-			if (strlen(net_name))
-				*network = os_strdup(net_name);
-		} else if (bssid && bssid_part) {
-			/* Deal with a request for a scanned BSSID */
-			const char *bssid_name = bssid_part +
-				strlen(WPAS_DBUS_BSSIDS_PART "/");
-			if (strlen(bssid_name))
-				*bssid = os_strdup(bssid_name);
-			else
-				*bssid = NULL;
-		}
-		/* Cut off interface object path before "/" */
-		*next_sep = '\0';
-	}
-	return obj_path_only;
- * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error - Return a new invalid interface error message
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message this error refers to
- * Returns: A dbus error message
- *
- * Convenience function to create and return an invalid interface error
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error(DBusMessage *message)
-	return dbus_message_new_error(
-		"wpa_supplicant knows nothing about this interface.");
- * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error - Return a new invalid network error message
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message this error refers to
- * Returns: a dbus error message
- *
- * Convenience function to create and return an invalid network error
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(DBusMessage *message)
-	return dbus_message_new_error(message, WPAS_ERROR_INVALID_NETWORK,
-				      "The requested network does not exist.");
- * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_bssid_error - Return a new invalid bssid error message
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message this error refers to
- * Returns: a dbus error message
- *
- * Convenience function to create and return an invalid bssid error
- */
-static DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_bssid_error(DBusMessage *message)
-	return dbus_message_new_error(message, WPAS_ERROR_INVALID_BSSID,
-				      "The BSSID requested was invalid.");
- * wpas_dispatch_network_method - dispatch messages for configured networks
- * @message: the incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: a network interface's data
- * @network_id: id of the configured network we're interested in
- * Returns: a reply dbus message, or a dbus error message
- *
- * This function dispatches all incoming dbus messages for configured networks.
- */
-static DBusMessage * wpas_dispatch_network_method(DBusMessage *message,
-						  struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-						  int network_id)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	const char *method = dbus_message_get_member(message);
-	struct wpa_ssid *ssid;
-	ssid = wpa_config_get_network(wpa_s->conf, network_id);
-	if (ssid == NULL)
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(message);
-	if (!strcmp(method, "set"))
-		reply = wpas_dbus_iface_set_network(message, wpa_s, ssid);
-	else if (!strcmp(method, "enable"))
-		reply = wpas_dbus_iface_enable_network(message, wpa_s, ssid);
-	else if (!strcmp(method, "disable"))
-		reply = wpas_dbus_iface_disable_network(message, wpa_s, ssid);
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dispatch_bssid_method - dispatch messages for scanned networks
- * @message: the incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: a network interface's data
- * @bssid: bssid of the scanned network we're interested in
- * Returns: a reply dbus message, or a dbus error message
- *
- * This function dispatches all incoming dbus messages for scanned networks.
- */
-static DBusMessage * wpas_dispatch_bssid_method(DBusMessage *message,
-						struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-						const char *bssid_txt)
-	u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
-	struct wpa_bss *bss;
-	if (hexstr2bin(bssid_txt, bssid, ETH_ALEN) < 0)
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_bssid_error(message);
-	bss = wpa_bss_get_bssid(wpa_s, bssid);
-	if (bss == NULL)
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_bssid_error(message);
-	/* Dispatch the method call against the scanned bssid */
-	if (os_strcmp(dbus_message_get_member(message), "properties") == 0)
-		return wpas_dbus_bssid_properties(message, wpa_s, bss);
-	return NULL;
- * wpas_iface_message_handler - Dispatch messages for interfaces or networks
- * @connection: Connection to the system message bus
- * @message: An incoming dbus message
- * @user_data: A pointer to a dbus control interface data structure
- * Returns: Whether or not the message was handled
- *
- * This function dispatches all incoming dbus messages for network interfaces,
- * or objects owned by them, such as scanned BSSIDs and configured networks.
- */
-static DBusHandlerResult wpas_iface_message_handler(DBusConnection *connection,
-						    DBusMessage *message,
-						    void *user_data)
-	struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s = user_data;
-	const char *method = dbus_message_get_member(message);
-	const char *path = dbus_message_get_path(message);
-	const char *msg_interface = dbus_message_get_interface(message);
-	char *iface_obj_path = NULL;
-	char *network = NULL;
-	char *bssid = NULL;
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	/* Caller must specify a message interface */
-	if (!msg_interface)
-		goto out;
-	wpa_printf(MSG_MSGDUMP, "dbus[old/iface]: %s.%s (%s) [%s]",
-		   msg_interface, method, path,
-		   dbus_message_get_signature(message));
-	iface_obj_path = wpas_dbus_decompose_object_path(path, &network,
-							 &bssid);
-	if (iface_obj_path == NULL) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error(message);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Make sure the message's object path actually refers to the
-	 * wpa_supplicant structure it's supposed to (which is wpa_s)
-	 */
-	if (wpa_supplicant_get_iface_by_dbus_path(wpa_s->global,
-						  iface_obj_path) != wpa_s) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error(message);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (network && !strcmp(msg_interface, WPAS_DBUS_IFACE_NETWORK)) {
-		/* A method for one of this interface's configured networks */
-		int nid = strtoul(network, NULL, 10);
-		if (errno != EINVAL)
-			reply = wpas_dispatch_network_method(message, wpa_s,
-							     nid);
-		else
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(message);
-	} else if (bssid && !strcmp(msg_interface, WPAS_DBUS_IFACE_BSSID)) {
-		/* A method for one of this interface's scanned BSSIDs */
-		reply = wpas_dispatch_bssid_method(message, wpa_s, bssid);
-	} else if (!strcmp(msg_interface, WPAS_DBUS_IFACE_INTERFACE)) {
-		/* A method for an interface only. */
-		if (!strcmp(method, "scan"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_scan(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "scanResults"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_scan_results(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "addNetwork"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_add_network(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "removeNetwork"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_remove_network(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "selectNetwork"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_select_network(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "capabilities"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_capabilities(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "disconnect"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_disconnect(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "setAPScan"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_set_ap_scan(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "setSmartcardModules"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_set_smartcard_modules(message,
-								      wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "state"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_get_state(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "scanning"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_get_scanning(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "setBlobs"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_set_blobs(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (!strcmp(method, "removeBlobs"))
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_remove_blobs(message, wpa_s);
-#ifdef CONFIG_WPS
-		else if (os_strcmp(method, "wpsPbc") == 0)
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pbc(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (os_strcmp(method, "wpsPin") == 0)
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pin(message, wpa_s);
-		else if (os_strcmp(method, "wpsReg") == 0)
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_wps_reg(message, wpa_s);
-#endif /* CONFIG_WPS */
-		else if (os_strcmp(method, "flush") == 0)
-			reply = wpas_dbus_iface_flush(message, wpa_s);
-	}
-	/* If the message was handled, send back the reply */
-	if (reply) {
-		if (!dbus_message_get_no_reply(message))
-			dbus_connection_send(connection, reply, NULL);
-		dbus_message_unref(reply);
-	}
-	os_free(iface_obj_path);
-	os_free(network);
-	os_free(bssid);
- * wpas_message_handler - dispatch incoming dbus messages
- * @connection: connection to the system message bus
- * @message: an incoming dbus message
- * @user_data: a pointer to a dbus control interface data structure
- * Returns: whether or not the message was handled
- *
- * This function dispatches all incoming dbus messages to the correct
- * handlers, depending on what the message's target object path is,
- * and what the method call is.
- */
-static DBusHandlerResult wpas_message_handler(DBusConnection *connection,
-	DBusMessage *message, void *user_data)
-	struct wpas_dbus_priv *ctrl_iface = user_data;
-	const char *method;
-	const char *path;
-	const char *msg_interface;
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	method = dbus_message_get_member(message);
-	path = dbus_message_get_path(message);
-	msg_interface = dbus_message_get_interface(message);
-	if (!method || !path || !ctrl_iface || !msg_interface)
-	wpa_printf(MSG_MSGDUMP, "dbus[old]: %s.%s (%s) [%s]",
-		   msg_interface, method, path,
-		   dbus_message_get_signature(message));
-	/* Validate the method interface */
-	if (strcmp(msg_interface, WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE) != 0)
-	if (!strcmp(path, WPAS_DBUS_PATH)) {
-		/* dispatch methods against our global dbus interface here */
-		if (!strcmp(method, "addInterface")) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_global_add_interface(
-				message, ctrl_iface->global);
-		} else if (!strcmp(method, "removeInterface")) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_global_remove_interface(
-				message, ctrl_iface->global);
-		} else if (!strcmp(method, "getInterface")) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_global_get_interface(
-				message, ctrl_iface->global);
-		} else if (!strcmp(method, "setDebugParams")) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_global_set_debugparams(
-				message, ctrl_iface->global);
-		}
-	}
-	/* If the message was handled, send back the reply */
-	if (reply) {
-		if (!dbus_message_get_no_reply(message))
-			dbus_connection_send(connection, reply, NULL);
-		dbus_message_unref(reply);
-	}
- * wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scan_results - Send a scan results signal
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant network interface data
- * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- *
- * Notify listeners that this interface has updated scan results.
- */
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scan_results(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	struct wpas_dbus_priv *iface = wpa_s->global->dbus;
-	DBusMessage *_signal;
-	/* Do nothing if the control interface is not turned on */
-	if (iface == NULL || !wpa_s->dbus_path)
-		return;
-	_signal = dbus_message_new_signal(wpa_s->dbus_path,
-					  "ScanResultsAvailable");
-	if (_signal == NULL) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: Not enough memory to send scan results signal");
-		return;
-	}
-	dbus_connection_send(iface->con, _signal, NULL);
-	dbus_message_unref(_signal);
- * wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_state_change - Send a state change signal
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant network interface data
- * @new_state: new state wpa_supplicant is entering
- * @old_state: old state wpa_supplicant is leaving
- * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- *
- * Notify listeners that wpa_supplicant has changed state
- */
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_state_change(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					     enum wpa_states new_state,
-					     enum wpa_states old_state)
-	struct wpas_dbus_priv *iface;
-	DBusMessage *_signal = NULL;
-	const char *new_state_str, *old_state_str;
-	if (wpa_s->dbus_path == NULL)
-		return; /* Skip signal since D-Bus setup is not yet ready */
-	/* Do nothing if the control interface is not turned on */
-	if (wpa_s->global == NULL)
-		return;
-	iface = wpa_s->global->dbus;
-	if (iface == NULL)
-		return;
-	/* Only send signal if state really changed */
-	if (new_state == old_state)
-		return;
-	_signal = dbus_message_new_signal(wpa_s->dbus_path,
-					  "StateChange");
-	if (_signal == NULL) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: %s: could not create dbus signal; likely out of memory",
-			   __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	new_state_str = wpa_supplicant_state_txt(new_state);
-	old_state_str = wpa_supplicant_state_txt(old_state);
-	if (!dbus_message_append_args(_signal,
-				      DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &new_state_str,
-				      DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &old_state_str,
-				      DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: %s: Not enough memory to construct state change signal",
-			   __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dbus_connection_send(iface->con, _signal, NULL);
-	dbus_message_unref(_signal);
- * wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scanning - send scanning status
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant network interface data
- * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- *
- * Notify listeners of interface scanning state changes
- */
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scanning(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	struct wpas_dbus_priv *iface = wpa_s->global->dbus;
-	DBusMessage *_signal;
-	dbus_bool_t scanning = wpa_s->scanning ? TRUE : FALSE;
-	/* Do nothing if the control interface is not turned on */
-	if (iface == NULL || !wpa_s->dbus_path)
-		return;
-	_signal = dbus_message_new_signal(wpa_s->dbus_path,
-					  "Scanning");
-	if (_signal == NULL) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: Not enough memory to send scan results signal");
-		return;
-	}
-	if (dbus_message_append_args(_signal,
-				     DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &scanning,
-				     DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-		dbus_connection_send(iface->con, _signal, NULL);
-	} else {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: Not enough memory to construct signal");
-	}
-	dbus_message_unref(_signal);
-#ifdef CONFIG_WPS
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_wps_cred(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					 const struct wps_credential *cred)
-	struct wpas_dbus_priv *iface;
-	DBusMessage *_signal = NULL;
-	/* Do nothing if the control interface is not turned on */
-	if (wpa_s->global == NULL)
-		return;
-	iface = wpa_s->global->dbus;
-	if (iface == NULL || !wpa_s->dbus_path)
-		return;
-	_signal = dbus_message_new_signal(wpa_s->dbus_path,
-					  "WpsCred");
-	if (_signal == NULL) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: %s: Could not create dbus signal; likely out of memory",
-			   __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!dbus_message_append_args(_signal,
-				      &cred->cred_attr, cred->cred_attr_len,
-				      DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: %s: Not enough memory to construct signal",
-			   __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dbus_connection_send(iface->con, _signal, NULL);
-	dbus_message_unref(_signal);
-#else /* CONFIG_WPS */
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_wps_cred(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					 const struct wps_credential *cred)
-#endif /* CONFIG_WPS */
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_certification(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					      int depth, const char *subject,
-					      const char *cert_hash,
-					      const struct wpabuf *cert)
-	struct wpas_dbus_priv *iface;
-	DBusMessage *_signal = NULL;
-	const char *hash;
-	const char *cert_hex;
-	int cert_hex_len;
-	/* Do nothing if the control interface is not turned on */
-	if (wpa_s->global == NULL)
-		return;
-	iface = wpa_s->global->dbus;
-	if (iface == NULL || !wpa_s->dbus_path)
-		return;
-	_signal = dbus_message_new_signal(wpa_s->dbus_path,
-					  "Certification");
-	if (_signal == NULL) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: %s: Could not create dbus signal; likely out of memory",
-			   __func__);
-		return;
-	}
-	hash = cert_hash ? cert_hash : "";
-	cert_hex = cert ? wpabuf_head(cert) : "";
-	cert_hex_len = cert ? wpabuf_len(cert) : 0;
-	if (!dbus_message_append_args(_signal,
-				      DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &depth,
-				      DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &subject,
-				      DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &hash,
-				      &cert_hex, cert_hex_len,
-				      DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: %s: Not enough memory to construct signal",
-			   __func__);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	dbus_connection_send(iface->con, _signal, NULL);
-	dbus_message_unref(_signal);
- * wpa_supplicant_dbus_ctrl_iface_init - Initialize dbus control interface
- * @global: Pointer to global data from wpa_supplicant_init()
- * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- *
- * Initialize the dbus control interface and start receiving commands from
- * external programs over the bus.
- */
-int wpa_supplicant_dbus_ctrl_iface_init(struct wpas_dbus_priv *iface)
-	DBusError error;
-	int ret = -1;
-	DBusObjectPathVTable wpas_vtable = {
-		NULL, &wpas_message_handler, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
-	};
-	/* Register the message handler for the global dbus interface */
-	if (!dbus_connection_register_object_path(iface->con,
-						  WPAS_DBUS_PATH, &wpas_vtable,
-						  iface)) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "dbus: Could not set up message handler");
-		return -1;
-	}
-	/* Register our service with the message bus */
-	dbus_error_init(&error);
-	switch (dbus_bus_request_name(iface->con, WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE,
-				      0, &error)) {
-		ret = 0;
-		break;
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: Could not request service name: already registered");
-		break;
-	default:
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: Could not request service name: %s %s",
-			   error.name, error.message);
-		break;
-	}
-	dbus_error_free(&error);
-	if (ret != 0)
-		return -1;
-	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Providing DBus service '" WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE
-		   "'.");
-	return 0;
- * wpas_dbus_register_new_iface - Register a new interface with dbus
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant interface description structure to register
- * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
- *
- * Registers a new interface with dbus and assigns it a dbus object path.
- */
-int wpas_dbus_register_iface(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	struct wpas_dbus_priv *ctrl_iface = wpa_s->global->dbus;
-	DBusConnection * con;
-	u32 next;
-	DBusObjectPathVTable vtable = {
-		NULL, &wpas_iface_message_handler, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL
-	};
-	/* Do nothing if the control interface is not turned on */
-	if (ctrl_iface == NULL)
-		return 0;
-	con = ctrl_iface->con;
-	next = ctrl_iface->next_objid++;
-	/* Create and set the interface's object path */
-	wpa_s->dbus_path = os_zalloc(WPAS_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH_MAX);
-	if (wpa_s->dbus_path == NULL)
-		return -1;
-	os_snprintf(wpa_s->dbus_path, WPAS_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH_MAX,
-		    next);
-	/* Register the message handler for the interface functions */
-	if (!dbus_connection_register_fallback(con, wpa_s->dbus_path, &vtable,
-					       wpa_s)) {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: Could not set up message handler for interface %s",
-			   wpa_s->ifname);
-		return -1;
-	}
-	return 0;
- * wpas_dbus_unregister_iface - Unregister an interface from dbus
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant interface structure
- * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
- *
- * Unregisters the interface with dbus
- */
-int wpas_dbus_unregister_iface(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	struct wpas_dbus_priv *ctrl_iface;
-	DBusConnection *con;
-	/* Do nothing if the control interface is not turned on */
-	if (wpa_s == NULL || wpa_s->global == NULL)
-		return 0;
-	ctrl_iface = wpa_s->global->dbus;
-	if (ctrl_iface == NULL || wpa_s->dbus_path == NULL)
-		return 0;
-	con = ctrl_iface->con;
-	if (!dbus_connection_unregister_object_path(con, wpa_s->dbus_path))
-		return -1;
-	os_free(wpa_s->dbus_path);
-	wpa_s->dbus_path = NULL;
-	return 0;
- * wpa_supplicant_get_iface_by_dbus_path - Get a new network interface
- * @global: Pointer to global data from wpa_supplicant_init()
- * @path: Pointer to a dbus object path representing an interface
- * Returns: Pointer to the interface or %NULL if not found
- */
-struct wpa_supplicant * wpa_supplicant_get_iface_by_dbus_path(
-	struct wpa_global *global, const char *path)
-	struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s;
-	for (wpa_s = global->ifaces; wpa_s; wpa_s = wpa_s->next) {
-		if (wpa_s->dbus_path && strcmp(wpa_s->dbus_path, path) == 0)
-			return wpa_s;
-	}
-	return NULL;
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.h b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 451a9f827..000000000
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- * WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface
- * Copyright (c) 2006, Dan Williams <dcbw@xxxxxxxxxx> and Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
- * See README for more details.
- */
-struct wps_credential;
-#define WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE	"fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
-#define WPAS_DBUS_PATH		"/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant"
-#define WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE	"fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
-#define WPAS_DBUS_NETWORKS_PART "Networks"
-/* Errors */
-	WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE ".InvalidOptions"
-	WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE ".InvalidInterface"
-#define WPAS_DBUS_BSSID_FORMAT "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
-struct wpa_global;
-struct wpa_supplicant;
-int wpa_supplicant_dbus_ctrl_iface_init(struct wpas_dbus_priv *iface);
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scan_results(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scanning(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_state_change(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					     enum wpa_states new_state,
-					     enum wpa_states old_state);
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_wps_cred(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					 const struct wps_credential *cred);
-void wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_certification(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					      int depth, const char *subject,
-					      const char *cert_hash,
-					      const struct wpabuf *cert);
-char * wpas_dbus_decompose_object_path(const char *path, char **network,
-				       char **bssid);
-int wpas_dbus_register_iface(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-int wpas_dbus_unregister_iface(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-/* Methods internal to the dbus control interface */
-struct wpa_supplicant * wpa_supplicant_get_iface_by_dbus_path(
-	struct wpa_global *global, const char *path);
-static inline void
-wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scan_results(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-static inline void
-wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scanning(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-static inline void
-wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_state_change(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					enum wpa_states new_state,
-					enum wpa_states old_state)
-static inline void
-wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_wps_cred(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-				    const struct wps_credential *cred)
-static inline void
-wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_certification(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					      int depth, const char *subject,
-					      const char *cert_hash,
-					      const struct wpabuf *cert)
-static inline int
-wpas_dbus_register_iface(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	return 0;
-static inline int
-wpas_dbus_unregister_iface(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	return 0;
-#endif /* CTRL_IFACE_DBUS_H */
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.c b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e540832f2..000000000
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1393 +0,0 @@
- * WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface
- * Copyright (c) 2006, Dan Williams <dcbw@xxxxxxxxxx> and Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
- * See README for more details.
- */
-#include "includes.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include "common.h"
-#include "eap_peer/eap_methods.h"
-#include "common/ieee802_11_defs.h"
-#include "eapol_supp/eapol_supp_sm.h"
-#include "rsn_supp/wpa.h"
-#include "../config.h"
-#include "../wpa_supplicant_i.h"
-#include "../driver_i.h"
-#include "../notify.h"
-#include "../wpas_glue.h"
-#include "../bss.h"
-#include "../scan.h"
-#include "dbus_old.h"
-#include "dbus_old_handlers.h"
-#include "dbus_dict_helpers.h"
- * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error - Return a new invalid options error message
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message this error refers to
- * Returns: a dbus error message
- *
- * Convenience function to create and return an invalid options error
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(DBusMessage *message,
-					       const char *arg)
-	DBusMessage *reply;
-	reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-		"Did not receive correct message arguments.");
-	if (arg != NULL)
-		dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg,
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_new_success_reply - Return a new success reply message
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message this reply refers to
- * Returns: a dbus message containing a single UINT32 that indicates
- *          success (ie, a value of 1)
- *
- * Convenience function to create and return a success reply message
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(DBusMessage *message)
-	DBusMessage *reply;
-	unsigned int success = 1;
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &success,
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_global_add_interface - Request registration of a network interface
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @global: %wpa_supplicant global data structure
- * Returns: The object path of the new interface object,
- *          or a dbus error message with more information
- *
- * Handler function for "addInterface" method call. Handles requests
- * by dbus clients to register a network interface that wpa_supplicant
- * will manage.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_add_interface(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_global *global)
-	char *ifname = NULL;
-	char *driver = NULL;
-	char *driver_param = NULL;
-	char *confname = NULL;
-	char *bridge_ifname = NULL;
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	DBusMessageIter iter;
-	dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter);
-	/* First argument: interface name (DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
-	 *    Required; must be non-zero length
-	 */
-	if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
-		goto error;
-	dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&iter, &ifname);
-	if (!os_strlen(ifname))
-		goto error;
-	/* Second argument: dict of options */
-	if (dbus_message_iter_next(&iter)) {
-		DBusMessageIter iter_dict;
-		struct wpa_dbus_dict_entry entry;
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_open_read(&iter, &iter_dict, NULL))
-			goto error;
-		while (wpa_dbus_dict_has_dict_entry(&iter_dict)) {
-			if (!wpa_dbus_dict_get_entry(&iter_dict, &entry))
-				goto error;
-			if (!strcmp(entry.key, "driver") &&
-			    entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-				os_free(driver);
-				driver = os_strdup(entry.str_value);
-				wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-				if (driver == NULL)
-					goto error;
-			} else if (!strcmp(entry.key, "driver-params") &&
-				   entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-				os_free(driver_param);
-				driver_param = os_strdup(entry.str_value);
-				wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-				if (driver_param == NULL)
-					goto error;
-			} else if (!strcmp(entry.key, "config-file") &&
-				   entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-				os_free(confname);
-				confname = os_strdup(entry.str_value);
-				wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-				if (confname == NULL)
-					goto error;
-			} else if (!strcmp(entry.key, "bridge-ifname") &&
-				   entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-				os_free(bridge_ifname);
-				bridge_ifname = os_strdup(entry.str_value);
-				wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-				if (bridge_ifname == NULL)
-					goto error;
-			} else {
-				wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-				goto error;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Try to get the wpa_supplicant record for this iface, return
-	 * an error if we already control it.
-	 */
-	if (wpa_supplicant_get_iface(global, ifname) != NULL) {
-		reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-			"wpa_supplicant already controls this interface.");
-	} else {
-		struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s;
-		struct wpa_interface iface;
-		os_memset(&iface, 0, sizeof(iface));
-		iface.ifname = ifname;
-		iface.driver = driver;
-		iface.driver_param = driver_param;
-		iface.confname = confname;
-		iface.bridge_ifname = bridge_ifname;
-		/* Otherwise, have wpa_supplicant attach to it. */
-		wpa_s = wpa_supplicant_add_iface(global, &iface, NULL);
-		if (wpa_s && wpa_s->dbus_path) {
-			const char *path = wpa_s->dbus_path;
-			reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-			dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH,
-						 &path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
-		} else {
-			reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-				message, WPAS_ERROR_ADD_ERROR,
-				"wpa_supplicant couldn't grab this interface.");
-		}
-	}
-	os_free(driver);
-	os_free(driver_param);
-	os_free(confname);
-	os_free(bridge_ifname);
-	return reply;
-	reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	goto out;
- * wpas_dbus_global_remove_interface - Request deregistration of an interface
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @global: wpa_supplicant global data structure
- * Returns: a dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0), or returns a dbus error message with more information
- *
- * Handler function for "removeInterface" method call.  Handles requests
- * by dbus clients to deregister a network interface that wpa_supplicant
- * currently manages.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_remove_interface(DBusMessage *message,
-						struct wpa_global *global)
-	struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s;
-	char *path;
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL,
-				   DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &path,
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	wpa_s = wpa_supplicant_get_iface_by_dbus_path(global, path);
-	if (wpa_s == NULL) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error(message);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (!wpa_supplicant_remove_iface(global, wpa_s, 0)) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
-	} else {
-		reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-			"wpa_supplicant couldn't remove this interface.");
-	}
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_global_get_interface - Get the object path for an interface name
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @global: %wpa_supplicant global data structure
- * Returns: The object path of the interface object,
- *          or a dbus error message with more information
- *
- * Handler function for "getInterface" method call. Handles requests
- * by dbus clients for the object path of an specific network interface.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_get_interface(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_global *global)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	const char *ifname;
-	const char *path;
-	struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s;
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL,
-				   DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &ifname,
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	wpa_s = wpa_supplicant_get_iface(global, ifname);
-	if (wpa_s == NULL || !wpa_s->dbus_path) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error(message);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	path = wpa_s->dbus_path;
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	dbus_message_append_args(reply,
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_global_set_debugparams- Set the debug params
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @global: %wpa_supplicant global data structure
- * Returns: a dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0), or returns a dbus error message with more information
- *
- * Handler function for "setDebugParams" method call. Handles requests
- * by dbus clients for the object path of an specific network interface.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_set_debugparams(DBusMessage *message,
-					       struct wpa_global *global)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	int debug_level;
-	dbus_bool_t debug_timestamp;
-	dbus_bool_t debug_show_keys;
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL,
-				   DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &debug_level,
-				   DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &debug_timestamp,
-				   DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &debug_show_keys,
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	}
-	if (wpa_supplicant_set_debug_params(global, debug_level,
-					    debug_timestamp ? 1 : 0,
-					    debug_show_keys ? 1 : 0)) {
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	}
-	reply = wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_scan - Request a wireless scan on an interface
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: a dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "scan" method call of a network device. Requests
- * that wpa_supplicant perform a wireless scan as soon as possible
- * on a particular wireless interface.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_scan(DBusMessage *message,
-				   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	wpa_s->scan_req = MANUAL_SCAN_REQ;
-	wpa_supplicant_req_scan(wpa_s, 0, 0);
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
- * wpas_dbus_iface_scan_results - Get the results of a recent scan request
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: a dbus message containing a dbus array of objects paths, or returns
- *          a dbus error message if not scan results could be found
- *
- * Handler function for "scanResults" method call of a network device. Returns
- * a dbus message containing the object paths of wireless networks found.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_scan_results(DBusMessage *message,
-					   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply;
-	DBusMessageIter iter;
-	DBusMessageIter sub_iter;
-	struct wpa_bss *bss;
-	if (!wpa_s->dbus_path)
-		return dbus_message_new_error(message,
-					      "no D-Bus interface available");
-	/* Create and initialize the return message */
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter);
-	if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY,
-					      &sub_iter))
-		goto error;
-	/* Loop through scan results and append each result's object path */
-	dl_list_for_each(bss, &wpa_s->bss_id, struct wpa_bss, list_id) {
-		char path_buf[WPAS_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH_MAX];
-		char *path = path_buf;
-		/* Construct the object path for this network.  Note that ':'
-		 * is not a valid character in dbus object paths.
-		 */
-		os_snprintf(path, WPAS_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH_MAX,
-			    "%s/" WPAS_DBUS_BSSIDS_PART "/"
-			    wpa_s->dbus_path, MAC2STR(bss->bssid));
-		if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&sub_iter,
-						    &path))
-			goto error;
-	}
-	if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &sub_iter))
-		goto error;
-	return reply;
-	dbus_message_unref(reply);
-	return dbus_message_new_error(message, WPAS_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR,
-				      "an internal error occurred returning scan results");
- * wpas_dbus_bssid_properties - Return the properties of a scanned network
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * @res: wpa_supplicant scan result for which to get properties
- * Returns: a dbus message containing the properties for the requested network
- *
- * Handler function for "properties" method call of a scanned network.
- * Returns a dbus message containing the the properties.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_bssid_properties(DBusMessage *message,
-					 struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					 struct wpa_bss *bss)
-	DBusMessage *reply;
-	DBusMessageIter iter, iter_dict;
-	const u8 *wpa_ie, *rsn_ie, *wps_ie;
-	/* Dump the properties into a dbus message */
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	wpa_ie = wpa_bss_get_vendor_ie(bss, WPA_IE_VENDOR_TYPE);
-	rsn_ie = wpa_bss_get_ie(bss, WLAN_EID_RSN);
-	wps_ie = wpa_bss_get_vendor_ie(bss, WPS_IE_VENDOR_TYPE);
-	dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter);
-	if (!wpa_dbus_dict_open_write(&iter, &iter_dict) ||
-	    !wpa_dbus_dict_append_byte_array(&iter_dict, "bssid",
-					     (const char *) bss->bssid,
-					     ETH_ALEN) ||
-	    !wpa_dbus_dict_append_byte_array(&iter_dict, "ssid",
-					     (const char *) bss->ssid,
-					     bss->ssid_len) ||
-	    (wpa_ie &&
-	     !wpa_dbus_dict_append_byte_array(&iter_dict, "wpaie",
-					      (const char *) wpa_ie,
-					      wpa_ie[1] + 2)) ||
-	    (rsn_ie &&
-	     !wpa_dbus_dict_append_byte_array(&iter_dict, "rsnie",
-					      (const char *) rsn_ie,
-					      rsn_ie[1] + 2)) ||
-	    (wps_ie &&
-	     !wpa_dbus_dict_append_byte_array(&iter_dict, "wpsie",
-					     (const char *) wps_ie,
-					      wps_ie[1] + 2)) ||
-	    (bss->freq &&
-	     !wpa_dbus_dict_append_int32(&iter_dict, "frequency", bss->freq)) ||
-	    !wpa_dbus_dict_append_uint16(&iter_dict, "capabilities",
-					 bss->caps) ||
-	    (!(bss->flags & WPA_BSS_QUAL_INVALID) &&
-	     !wpa_dbus_dict_append_int32(&iter_dict, "quality", bss->qual)) ||
-	    (!(bss->flags & WPA_BSS_NOISE_INVALID) &&
-	     !wpa_dbus_dict_append_int32(&iter_dict, "noise", bss->noise)) ||
-	    (!(bss->flags & WPA_BSS_LEVEL_INVALID) &&
-	     !wpa_dbus_dict_append_int32(&iter_dict, "level", bss->level)) ||
-	    !wpa_dbus_dict_append_int32(&iter_dict, "maxrate",
-					wpa_bss_get_max_rate(bss) * 500000) ||
-	    !wpa_dbus_dict_close_write(&iter, &iter_dict)) {
-		if (reply)
-			dbus_message_unref(reply);
-		reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-			"an internal error occurred returning BSSID properties.");
-	}
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_capabilities - Return interface capabilities
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a dict of strings
- *
- * Handler function for "capabilities" method call of an interface.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_capabilities(DBusMessage *message,
-					   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	struct wpa_driver_capa capa;
-	int res;
-	DBusMessageIter iter, iter_dict;
-	char **eap_methods;
-	size_t num_items;
-	dbus_bool_t strict = FALSE;
-	DBusMessageIter iter_dict_entry, iter_dict_val, iter_array;
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL,
-				   DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &strict,
-		strict = FALSE;
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	dbus_message_iter_init_append(reply, &iter);
-	if (!wpa_dbus_dict_open_write(&iter, &iter_dict))
-		goto error;
-	/* EAP methods */
-	eap_methods = eap_get_names_as_string_array(&num_items);
-	if (eap_methods) {
-		dbus_bool_t success;
-		size_t i = 0;
-		success = wpa_dbus_dict_append_string_array(
-			&iter_dict, "eap", (const char **) eap_methods,
-			num_items);
-		/* free returned method array */
-		while (eap_methods[i])
-			os_free(eap_methods[i++]);
-		os_free(eap_methods);
-		if (!success)
-			goto error;
-	}
-	res = wpa_drv_get_capa(wpa_s, &capa);
-	/***** pairwise cipher */
-	if (res < 0) {
-		if (!strict) {
-			const char *args[] = {"CCMP", "TKIP", "NONE"};
-			if (!wpa_dbus_dict_append_string_array(
-				    &iter_dict, "pairwise", args,
-				    ARRAY_SIZE(args)))
-				goto error;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_begin_string_array(&iter_dict, "pairwise",
-						      &iter_dict_entry,
-						      &iter_dict_val,
-						      &iter_array) ||
-		    ((capa.enc & WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_ENC_CCMP) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "CCMP")) ||
-		    ((capa.enc & WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_ENC_TKIP) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "TKIP")) ||
-		    ((capa.key_mgmt & WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_KEY_MGMT_WPA_NONE) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "NONE")) ||
-		    !wpa_dbus_dict_end_string_array(&iter_dict,
-						    &iter_dict_entry,
-						    &iter_dict_val,
-						    &iter_array))
-			goto error;
-	}
-	/***** group cipher */
-	if (res < 0) {
-		if (!strict) {
-			const char *args[] = {
-				"CCMP", "TKIP", "WEP104", "WEP40"
-			};
-			if (!wpa_dbus_dict_append_string_array(
-				    &iter_dict, "group", args,
-				    ARRAY_SIZE(args)))
-				goto error;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_begin_string_array(&iter_dict, "group",
-						      &iter_dict_entry,
-						      &iter_dict_val,
-						      &iter_array))
-			goto error;
-		if (((capa.enc & WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_ENC_CCMP) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "CCMP")) ||
-		    ((capa.enc & WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_ENC_TKIP) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "TKIP")) ||
-		    ((capa.enc & WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_ENC_WEP104) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "WEP104")) ||
-		    ((capa.enc & WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_ENC_WEP40) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "WEP40")) ||
-		    !wpa_dbus_dict_end_string_array(&iter_dict,
-						    &iter_dict_entry,
-						    &iter_dict_val,
-						    &iter_array))
-			goto error;
-	}
-	/***** key management */
-	if (res < 0) {
-		if (!strict) {
-			const char *args[] = {
-				"WPA-PSK", "WPA-EAP", "IEEE8021X", "WPA-NONE",
-				"NONE"
-			};
-			if (!wpa_dbus_dict_append_string_array(
-				    &iter_dict, "key_mgmt", args,
-				    ARRAY_SIZE(args)))
-				goto error;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_begin_string_array(&iter_dict, "key_mgmt",
-						      &iter_dict_entry,
-						      &iter_dict_val,
-						      &iter_array) ||
-		    !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(&iter_array,
-							    "NONE") ||
-		    !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(&iter_array,
-							    "IEEE8021X") ||
-		    ((capa.key_mgmt & (WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_KEY_MGMT_WPA |
-				       WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_KEY_MGMT_WPA2)) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "WPA-EAP")) ||
-		    ((capa.key_mgmt & (WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_KEY_MGMT_WPA_PSK |
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "WPA-PSK")) ||
-		    ((capa.key_mgmt & WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_KEY_MGMT_WPA_NONE) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "WPA-NONE")) ||
-		    !wpa_dbus_dict_end_string_array(&iter_dict,
-						    &iter_dict_entry,
-						    &iter_dict_val,
-						    &iter_array))
-			goto error;
-	}
-	/***** WPA protocol */
-	if (res < 0) {
-		if (!strict) {
-			const char *args[] = { "RSN", "WPA" };
-			if (!wpa_dbus_dict_append_string_array(
-				    &iter_dict, "proto", args,
-				    ARRAY_SIZE(args)))
-				goto error;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_begin_string_array(&iter_dict, "proto",
-						      &iter_dict_entry,
-						      &iter_dict_val,
-						      &iter_array) ||
-		    ((capa.key_mgmt & (WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_KEY_MGMT_WPA2 |
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "RSN")) ||
-		    ((capa.key_mgmt & (WPA_DRIVER_CAPA_KEY_MGMT_WPA |
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "WPA")) ||
-		    !wpa_dbus_dict_end_string_array(&iter_dict,
-						    &iter_dict_entry,
-						    &iter_dict_val,
-						    &iter_array))
-			goto error;
-	}
-	/***** auth alg */
-	if (res < 0) {
-		if (!strict) {
-			const char *args[] = { "OPEN", "SHARED", "LEAP" };
-			if (!wpa_dbus_dict_append_string_array(
-				    &iter_dict, "auth_alg", args,
-				    ARRAY_SIZE(args)))
-				goto error;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_begin_string_array(&iter_dict, "auth_alg",
-						      &iter_dict_entry,
-						      &iter_dict_val,
-						      &iter_array) ||
-		    ((capa.auth & WPA_DRIVER_AUTH_OPEN) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "OPEN")) ||
-		    ((capa.auth & WPA_DRIVER_AUTH_SHARED) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "SHARED")) ||
-		    ((capa.auth & WPA_DRIVER_AUTH_LEAP) &&
-		     !wpa_dbus_dict_string_array_add_element(
-			     &iter_array, "LEAP")) ||
-		    !wpa_dbus_dict_end_string_array(&iter_dict,
-						    &iter_dict_entry,
-						    &iter_dict_val,
-						    &iter_array))
-			goto error;
-	}
-	if (!wpa_dbus_dict_close_write(&iter, &iter_dict))
-		goto error;
-	return reply;
-	if (reply)
-		dbus_message_unref(reply);
-	return dbus_message_new_error(
-		"an internal error occurred returning interface capabilities.");
- * wpas_dbus_iface_add_network - Add a new configured network
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing the object path of the new network
- *
- * Handler function for "addNetwork" method call of a network interface.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_add_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					  struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	struct wpa_ssid *ssid = NULL;
-	char path_buf[WPAS_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH_MAX], *path = path_buf;
-	if (wpa_s->dbus_path)
-		ssid = wpa_supplicant_add_network(wpa_s);
-	if (ssid == NULL) {
-		reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-			"wpa_supplicant could not add a network on this interface.");
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Construct the object path for this network. */
-	os_snprintf(path, WPAS_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH_MAX,
-		    "%s/" WPAS_DBUS_NETWORKS_PART "/%d",
-		    wpa_s->dbus_path, ssid->id);
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH,
-				 &path, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_remove_network - Remove a configured network
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "removeNetwork" method call of a network interface.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_remove_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	const char *op;
-	char *iface = NULL, *net_id = NULL;
-	int id;
-	int result;
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL,
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Extract the network ID */
-	iface = wpas_dbus_decompose_object_path(op, &net_id, NULL);
-	if (iface == NULL || net_id == NULL) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(message);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	/* Ensure the network is actually a child of this interface */
-	if (!wpa_s->dbus_path || os_strcmp(iface, wpa_s->dbus_path) != 0) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(message);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	id = strtoul(net_id, NULL, 10);
-	result = wpa_supplicant_remove_network(wpa_s, id);
-	if (result == -1) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(message);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (result == -2) {
-		reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-			"error removing the specified on this interface.");
-		goto out;
-	}
-	reply = wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
-	os_free(iface);
-	os_free(net_id);
-	return reply;
-static const char * const dont_quote[] = {
-	"key_mgmt", "proto", "pairwise", "auth_alg", "group", "eap",
-	"opensc_engine_path", "pkcs11_engine_path", "pkcs11_module_path",
-	"bssid", "scan_freq", "freq_list", NULL
-static dbus_bool_t should_quote_opt(const char *key)
-	int i = 0;
-	while (dont_quote[i] != NULL) {
-		if (os_strcmp(key, dont_quote[i]) == 0)
-			return FALSE;
-		i++;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_set_network - Set options for a configured network
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * @ssid: wpa_ssid structure for a configured network
- * Returns: a dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "set" method call of a configured network.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					  struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					  struct wpa_ssid *ssid)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	struct wpa_dbus_dict_entry entry = { .type = DBUS_TYPE_STRING };
-	DBusMessageIter	iter, iter_dict;
-	dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter);
-	if (!wpa_dbus_dict_open_read(&iter, &iter_dict, NULL)) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	while (wpa_dbus_dict_has_dict_entry(&iter_dict)) {
-		char *value = NULL;
-		size_t size = 50;
-		int ret;
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_get_entry(&iter_dict, &entry)) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message,
-								 NULL);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		/* Type conversions, since wpa_supplicant wants strings */
-		if (entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY &&
-		    entry.array_type == DBUS_TYPE_BYTE) {
-			if (entry.array_len <= 0)
-				goto error;
-			size = entry.array_len * 2 + 1;
-			value = os_zalloc(size);
-			if (value == NULL)
-				goto error;
-			ret = wpa_snprintf_hex(value, size,
-					       (u8 *) entry.bytearray_value,
-					       entry.array_len);
-			if (ret <= 0)
-				goto error;
-		} else if (entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-			if (should_quote_opt(entry.key)) {
-				size = os_strlen(entry.str_value);
-				/* Zero-length option check */
-				if (size == 0)
-					goto error;
-				size += 3;  /* For quotes and terminator */
-				value = os_zalloc(size);
-				if (value == NULL)
-					goto error;
-				ret = os_snprintf(value, size, "\"%s\"",
-						  entry.str_value);
-				if (os_snprintf_error(size, ret))
-					goto error;
-			} else {
-				value = os_strdup(entry.str_value);
-				if (value == NULL)
-					goto error;
-			}
-		} else if (entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_UINT32) {
-			value = os_zalloc(size);
-			if (value == NULL)
-				goto error;
-			ret = os_snprintf(value, size, "%u",
-					  entry.uint32_value);
-			if (os_snprintf_error(size, ret))
-				goto error;
-		} else if (entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_INT32) {
-			value = os_zalloc(size);
-			if (value == NULL)
-				goto error;
-			ret = os_snprintf(value, size, "%d",
-					  entry.int32_value);
-			if (os_snprintf_error(size, ret))
-				goto error;
-		} else
-			goto error;
-		if (wpa_config_set(ssid, entry.key, value, 0) < 0)
-			goto error;
-		if ((os_strcmp(entry.key, "psk") == 0 &&
-		     value[0] == '"' && ssid->ssid_len) ||
-		    (os_strcmp(entry.key, "ssid") == 0 && ssid->passphrase))
-			wpa_config_update_psk(ssid);
-		else if (os_strcmp(entry.key, "priority") == 0)
-			wpa_config_update_prio_list(wpa_s->conf);
-		os_free(value);
-		wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-		continue;
-	error:
-		os_free(value);
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, entry.key);
-		wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-		break;
-	}
-	if (!reply)
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_enable_network - Mark a configured network as enabled
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * @ssid: wpa_ssid structure for a configured network
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "enable" method call of a configured network.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_enable_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					     struct wpa_ssid *ssid)
-	wpa_supplicant_enable_network(wpa_s, ssid);
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
- * wpas_dbus_iface_disable_network - Mark a configured network as disabled
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * @ssid: wpa_ssid structure for a configured network
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "disable" method call of a configured network.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_disable_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					      struct wpa_ssid *ssid)
-	wpa_supplicant_disable_network(wpa_s, ssid);
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
- * wpas_dbus_iface_select_network - Attempt association with a configured network
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "selectNetwork" method call of network interface.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_select_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	const char *op;
-	struct wpa_ssid *ssid;
-	char *iface_obj_path = NULL;
-	char *network = NULL;
-	if (os_strlen(dbus_message_get_signature(message)) == 0) {
-		/* Any network */
-		ssid = NULL;
-	} else {
-		int nid;
-		if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL,
-					   DBUS_TYPE_OBJECT_PATH, &op,
-					   DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message,
-								 NULL);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		/* Extract the network number */
-		iface_obj_path = wpas_dbus_decompose_object_path(op,
-								 &network,
-								 NULL);
-		if (iface_obj_path == NULL) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error(message);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		/* Ensure the object path really points to this interface */
-		if (network == NULL || !wpa_s->dbus_path ||
-		    os_strcmp(iface_obj_path, wpa_s->dbus_path) != 0) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(message);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		nid = strtoul(network, NULL, 10);
-		if (errno == EINVAL) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(message);
-			goto out;
-		}
-		ssid = wpa_config_get_network(wpa_s->conf, nid);
-		if (ssid == NULL) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(message);
-			goto out;
-		}
-	}
-	/* Finally, associate with the network */
-	wpa_supplicant_select_network(wpa_s, ssid);
-	reply = wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
-	os_free(iface_obj_path);
-	os_free(network);
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_disconnect - Terminate the current connection
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "disconnect" method call of network interface.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_disconnect(DBusMessage *message,
-					 struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	wpas_request_disconnection(wpa_s);
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
- * wpas_dbus_iface_set_ap_scan - Control roaming mode
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "setAPScan" method call.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_ap_scan(DBusMessage *message,
-					  struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	dbus_uint32_t ap_scan = 1;
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_UINT32, &ap_scan,
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	if (wpa_supplicant_set_ap_scan(wpa_s, ap_scan)) {
-		reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-		goto out;
-	}
-	reply = wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_set_smartcard_modules - Set smartcard related module paths
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "setSmartcardModules" method call.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_smartcard_modules(
-	DBusMessage *message, struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessageIter iter, iter_dict;
-	char *opensc_engine_path = NULL;
-	char *pkcs11_engine_path = NULL;
-	char *pkcs11_module_path = NULL;
-	struct wpa_dbus_dict_entry entry;
-	if (!dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter))
-		goto error;
-	if (!wpa_dbus_dict_open_read(&iter, &iter_dict, NULL))
-		goto error;
-	while (wpa_dbus_dict_has_dict_entry(&iter_dict)) {
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_get_entry(&iter_dict, &entry))
-			goto error;
-		if (!strcmp(entry.key, "opensc_engine_path") &&
-		    entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-			os_free(opensc_engine_path);
-			opensc_engine_path = os_strdup(entry.str_value);
-			wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-			if (opensc_engine_path == NULL)
-				goto error;
-		} else if (!strcmp(entry.key, "pkcs11_engine_path") &&
-			   entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-			os_free(pkcs11_engine_path);
-			pkcs11_engine_path = os_strdup(entry.str_value);
-			wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-			if (pkcs11_engine_path == NULL)
-				goto error;
-		} else if (!strcmp(entry.key, "pkcs11_module_path") &&
-				 entry.type == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-			os_free(pkcs11_module_path);
-			pkcs11_module_path = os_strdup(entry.str_value);
-			wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-			if (pkcs11_module_path == NULL)
-				goto error;
-		} else {
-			wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-			goto error;
-		}
-	}
-	os_free(wpa_s->conf->opensc_engine_path);
-	wpa_s->conf->opensc_engine_path = opensc_engine_path;
-	os_free(wpa_s->conf->pkcs11_engine_path);
-	wpa_s->conf->pkcs11_engine_path = pkcs11_engine_path;
-	os_free(wpa_s->conf->pkcs11_module_path);
-	wpa_s->conf->pkcs11_module_path = pkcs11_module_path;
-	wpa_sm_set_eapol(wpa_s->wpa, NULL);
-	eapol_sm_deinit(wpa_s->eapol);
-	wpa_s->eapol = NULL;
-	wpa_supplicant_init_eapol(wpa_s);
-	wpa_sm_set_eapol(wpa_s->wpa, wpa_s->eapol);
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
-	os_free(opensc_engine_path);
-	os_free(pkcs11_engine_path);
-	os_free(pkcs11_module_path);
-	return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
- * wpas_dbus_iface_get_state - Get interface state
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a STRING representing the current
- *          interface state
- *
- * Handler function for "state" method call.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_get_state(DBusMessage *message,
-					struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	const char *str_state;
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	if (reply != NULL) {
-		str_state = wpa_supplicant_state_txt(wpa_s->wpa_state);
-		dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &str_state,
-	}
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_get_scanning - Get interface scanning state
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: wpa_supplicant structure for a network interface
- * Returns: A dbus message containing whether the interface is scanning
- *
- * Handler function for "scanning" method call.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_get_scanning(DBusMessage *message,
-					   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	dbus_bool_t scanning = wpa_s->scanning ? TRUE : FALSE;
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	if (reply != NULL) {
-		dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &scanning,
-	} else {
-		wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR,
-			   "dbus: Not enough memory to return scanning state");
-	}
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_set_blobs - Store named binary blobs (ie, for certificates)
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant data structure
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Asks wpa_supplicant to internally store a one or more binary blobs.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_blobs(DBusMessage *message,
-					struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	struct wpa_dbus_dict_entry entry = { .type = DBUS_TYPE_STRING };
-	DBusMessageIter	iter, iter_dict;
-	dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter);
-	if (!wpa_dbus_dict_open_read(&iter, &iter_dict, NULL))
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	while (wpa_dbus_dict_has_dict_entry(&iter_dict)) {
-		struct wpa_config_blob *blob;
-		if (!wpa_dbus_dict_get_entry(&iter_dict, &entry)) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message,
-								 NULL);
-			break;
-		}
-		if (entry.type != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY ||
-		    entry.array_type != DBUS_TYPE_BYTE) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(
-				message, "Byte array expected.");
-			break;
-		}
-		if ((entry.array_len <= 0) || (entry.array_len > 65536) ||
-		    !strlen(entry.key)) {
-			reply = wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(
-				message, "Invalid array size.");
-			break;
-		}
-		blob = os_zalloc(sizeof(*blob));
-		if (blob == NULL) {
-			reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-				message, WPAS_ERROR_ADD_ERROR,
-				"Not enough memory to add blob.");
-			break;
-		}
-		blob->data = os_zalloc(entry.array_len);
-		if (blob->data == NULL) {
-			reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-				message, WPAS_ERROR_ADD_ERROR,
-				"Not enough memory to add blob data.");
-			os_free(blob);
-			break;
-		}
-		blob->name = os_strdup(entry.key);
-		blob->len = entry.array_len;
-		os_memcpy(blob->data, (u8 *) entry.bytearray_value,
-				entry.array_len);
-		if (blob->name == NULL) {
-			wpa_config_free_blob(blob);
-			reply = dbus_message_new_error(
-				message, WPAS_ERROR_ADD_ERROR,
-				"Error adding blob.");
-			break;
-		}
-		/* Success */
-		if (!wpa_config_remove_blob(wpa_s->conf, blob->name))
-			wpas_notify_blob_removed(wpa_s, blob->name);
-		wpa_config_set_blob(wpa_s->conf, blob);
-		wpas_notify_blob_added(wpa_s, blob->name);
-		wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-	}
-	wpa_dbus_dict_entry_clear(&entry);
-	return reply ? reply : wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
- * wpas_dbus_iface_remove_blob - Remove named binary blobs
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant data structure
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Asks wpa_supplicant to remove one or more previously stored binary blobs.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_remove_blobs(DBusMessage *message,
-					   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessageIter iter, array;
-	char *err_msg = NULL;
-	dbus_message_iter_init(message, &iter);
-	if (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY ||
-	    dbus_message_iter_get_element_type(&iter) != DBUS_TYPE_STRING)
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	dbus_message_iter_recurse(&iter, &array);
-	while (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&array) == DBUS_TYPE_STRING) {
-		const char *name;
-		dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&array, &name);
-		if (!os_strlen(name))
-			err_msg = "Invalid blob name.";
-		else if (wpa_config_remove_blob(wpa_s->conf, name) != 0)
-			err_msg = "Error removing blob.";
-		else
-			wpas_notify_blob_removed(wpa_s, name);
-		dbus_message_iter_next(&array);
-	}
-	if (err_msg)
-		return dbus_message_new_error(message, WPAS_ERROR_REMOVE_ERROR,
-					      err_msg);
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
- * wpas_dbus_iface_flush - Clear BSS of old or all inactive entries
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant data structure
- * Returns: a dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0), or returns a dbus error message with more information
- *
- * Handler function for "flush" method call. Handles requests for an
- * interface with an optional "age" parameter that specifies the minimum
- * age of a BSS to be flushed.
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_flush(DBusMessage *message,
-				    struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	int flush_age = 0;
-	if (os_strlen(dbus_message_get_signature(message)) != 0 &&
-	    !dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL,
-				   DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &flush_age,
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	}
-	if (flush_age == 0)
-		wpa_bss_flush(wpa_s);
-	else
-		wpa_bss_flush_by_age(wpa_s, flush_age);
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.h b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e60ad06a0..000000000
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- * WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface
- * Copyright (c) 2006, Dan Williams <dcbw@xxxxxxxxxx> and Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
- * See README for more details.
- */
-struct wpa_bss;
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_iface_error(DBusMessage *message);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_network_error(DBusMessage *message);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_add_interface(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_global *global);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_remove_interface(DBusMessage *message,
-						struct wpa_global *global);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_get_interface(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_global *global);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_global_set_debugparams(DBusMessage *message,
-					       struct wpa_global *global);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_scan(DBusMessage *message,
-				   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_scan_results(DBusMessage *message,
-					   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_bssid_properties(DBusMessage *message,
-					 struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					 struct wpa_bss *bss);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_capabilities(DBusMessage *message,
-					   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_add_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					  struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_remove_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					  struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					  struct wpa_ssid *ssid);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_enable_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					     struct wpa_ssid *ssid);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_disable_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
-					      struct wpa_ssid *ssid);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_select_network(DBusMessage *message,
-					     struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_disconnect(DBusMessage *message,
-					 struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_ap_scan(DBusMessage *message,
-					  struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_smartcard_modules(
-	DBusMessage *message, struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_get_state(DBusMessage *message,
-					struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_get_scanning(DBusMessage *message,
-					   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_set_blobs(DBusMessage *message,
-					struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_remove_blobs(DBusMessage *message,
-					   struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pbc(DBusMessage *message,
-				      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pin(DBusMessage *message,
-				      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_reg(DBusMessage *message,
-				      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_flush(DBusMessage *message,
-				    struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(DBusMessage *message);
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(DBusMessage *message,
-					       const char *arg);
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers_wps.c b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers_wps.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c8405b85..000000000
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/dbus_old_handlers_wps.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * WPA Supplicant / dbus-based control interface (WPS)
- * Copyright (c) 2006, Dan Williams <dcbw@xxxxxxxxxx> and Red Hat, Inc.
- *
- * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
- * See README for more details.
- */
-#include "includes.h"
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include "common.h"
-#include "../config.h"
-#include "../wpa_supplicant_i.h"
-#include "../wps_supplicant.h"
-#include "dbus_old.h"
-#include "dbus_old_handlers.h"
- * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pbc - Request credentials using WPS PBC method
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant data structure
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "wpsPbc" method call
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pbc(DBusMessage *message,
-				      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	char *arg_bssid = NULL;
-	u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
-	int ret = 0;
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_bssid,
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	if (os_strcmp(arg_bssid, "any") == 0)
-		ret = wpas_wps_start_pbc(wpa_s, NULL, 0, 0);
-	else if (!hwaddr_aton(arg_bssid, bssid))
-		ret = wpas_wps_start_pbc(wpa_s, bssid, 0, 0);
-	else {
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message,
-							"Invalid BSSID");
-	}
-	if (ret < 0) {
-		return dbus_message_new_error(
-			"Could not start PBC negotiation");
-	}
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
- * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pin - Establish the PIN number of the enrollee
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant data structure
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "wpsPin" method call
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_pin(DBusMessage *message,
-				      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	DBusMessage *reply = NULL;
-	char *arg_bssid;
-	char *pin = NULL;
-	u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN], *_bssid = NULL;
-	int ret;
-	char npin[9];
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_bssid,
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	if (os_strcmp(arg_bssid, "any") == 0)
-		_bssid = NULL;
-	else if (!hwaddr_aton(arg_bssid, bssid))
-		_bssid = bssid;
-	else {
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message,
-							"Invalid BSSID");
-	}
-	if (os_strlen(pin) > 0)
-		ret = wpas_wps_start_pin(wpa_s, _bssid, pin, 0,
-	else
-		ret = wpas_wps_start_pin(wpa_s, _bssid, NULL, 0,
-	if (ret < 0) {
-		return dbus_message_new_error(message,
-					      "Could not init PIN");
-	}
-	reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(message);
-	if (reply == NULL)
-		return NULL;
-	if (ret > 0) {
-		ret = os_snprintf(npin, sizeof(npin), "%08d", ret);
-		if (os_snprintf_error(sizeof(npin), ret))
-			return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message,
-								"invalid PIN");
-		pin = npin;
-	}
-	dbus_message_append_args(reply, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &pin,
-	return reply;
- * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_reg - Request credentials using the PIN of the AP
- * @message: Pointer to incoming dbus message
- * @wpa_s: %wpa_supplicant data structure
- * Returns: A dbus message containing a UINT32 indicating success (1) or
- *          failure (0)
- *
- * Handler function for "wpsReg" method call
- */
-DBusMessage * wpas_dbus_iface_wps_reg(DBusMessage *message,
-				      struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
-	char *arg_bssid;
-	char *pin = NULL;
-	u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
-	int ret = 0;
-	if (!dbus_message_get_args(message, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &arg_bssid,
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message, NULL);
-	if (!hwaddr_aton(arg_bssid, bssid))
-		ret = wpas_wps_start_reg(wpa_s, bssid, pin, NULL);
-	else {
-		return wpas_dbus_new_invalid_opts_error(message,
-							"Invalid BSSID");
-	}
-	if (ret < 0) {
-		return dbus_message_new_error(message,
-					      "Could not request credentials");
-	}
-	return wpas_dbus_new_success_reply(message);
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.service.in b/wpa_supplicant/dbus/fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.service.in
deleted file mode 100644
index a75918f93..000000000
--- a/wpa_supplicant/dbus/fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.service.in
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-[D-BUS Service]
-Exec=@BINDIR@/wpa_supplicant -u
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/defconfig b/wpa_supplicant/defconfig
index 4cb292e83..316ef8907 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/defconfig
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/defconfig
@@ -352,10 +352,6 @@ CONFIG_IEEE80211W=y
 #PLATFORMSDKLIB="/opt/Program Files/Microsoft Platform SDK/Lib"
-# Add support for old DBus control interface
-# (fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant)
 # Add support for new DBus control interface
 # (fi.w1.hostap.wpa_supplicant1)
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/doc/docbook/wpa_supplicant.sgml b/wpa_supplicant/doc/docbook/wpa_supplicant.sgml
index ebf102edf..aaff15002 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/doc/docbook/wpa_supplicant.sgml
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/doc/docbook/wpa_supplicant.sgml
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
 	  <para>Enable DBus control interface. If enabled, interface
 	  definitions may be omitted. (This is only available
 	  if <command>wpa_supplicant</command> was built with
-	  the <literal>CONFIG_DBUS</literal> option.)</para>
+	  the <literal>CONFIG_CTRL_IFACE_DBUS_NEW</literal> option.)</para>
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/examples/wpas-test.py b/wpa_supplicant/examples/wpas-test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index bdd16a8a8..000000000
--- a/wpa_supplicant/examples/wpas-test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-import dbus
-import sys, os
-import time
-WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
-WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant"
-WPAS_DBUS_OPATH = "/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant"
-WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACES_INTERFACE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.Interface"
-WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACES_OPATH = "/fi/epitest/hostap/WPASupplicant/Interfaces"
-WPAS_DBUS_BSSID_INTERFACE = "fi.epitest.hostap.WPASupplicant.BSSID"
-def byte_array_to_string(s):
-	import urllib
-	r = ""    
-	for c in s:
-		if c >= 32 and c < 127:
-			r += "%c" % c
-		else:
-			r += urllib.quote(chr(c))
-	return r
-def main():
-	if len(sys.argv) != 2:
-		print("Usage: wpas-test.py <interface>")
-		os._exit(1)
-	ifname = sys.argv[1]
-	bus = dbus.SystemBus()
-	wpas_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE, WPAS_DBUS_OPATH)
-	wpas = dbus.Interface(wpas_obj, WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACE)
-	# See if wpa_supplicant already knows about this interface
-	path = None
-	try:
-		path = wpas.getInterface(ifname)
-	except dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException as exc:
-		if str(exc) != "wpa_supplicant knows nothing about this interface.":
-			raise exc
-		try:
-			path = wpas.addInterface(ifname, {'driver': dbus.Variant('wext')})
-		except dbus.dbus_bindings.DBusException as exc:
-			if str(exc) != "wpa_supplicant already controls this interface.":
-				raise exc
-	if_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE, path)
-	iface = dbus.Interface(if_obj, WPAS_DBUS_INTERFACES_INTERFACE)
-	iface.scan()
-	# Should really wait for the "scanResults" signal instead of sleeping
-	time.sleep(5)
-	res = iface.scanResults()
-	print("Scanned wireless networks:")
-	for opath in res:
-		net_obj = bus.get_object(WPAS_DBUS_SERVICE, opath)
-		net = dbus.Interface(net_obj, WPAS_DBUS_BSSID_INTERFACE)
-		props = net.properties()
-		# Convert the byte-array for SSID and BSSID to printable strings
-		bssid = ""
-		for item in props["bssid"]:
-			bssid = bssid + ":%02x" % item
-		bssid = bssid[1:]
-		ssid = byte_array_to_string(props["ssid"])
-		wpa = "no"
-		if props.has_key("wpaie"):
-			wpa = "yes"
-		wpa2 = "no"
-		if props.has_key("rsnie"):
-			wpa2 = "yes"
-		freq = 0
-		if props.has_key("frequency"):
-			freq = props["frequency"]
-		caps = props["capabilities"]
-		qual = props["quality"]
-		level = props["level"]
-		noise = props["noise"]
-		maxrate = props["maxrate"] / 1000000
-		print("  %s  ::  ssid='%s'  wpa=%s  wpa2=%s  quality=%d%%  rate=%d  freq=%d" % (bssid, ssid, wpa, wpa2, qual, maxrate, freq))
-	wpas.removeInterface(dbus.ObjectPath(path))
-	# Should fail here with unknown interface error
-	iface.scan()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-	main()
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/main.c b/wpa_supplicant/main.c
index e08c2fd26..51a8a0298 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/main.c
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/main.c
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ static void usage(void)
-#endif /* CONFIG_DBUS */
 	       "vW] [-P<pid file>] "
 	       "[-g<global ctrl>] \\\n"
 	       "        [-G<group>] \\\n"
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ static void usage(void)
 	       "  -T = record to Linux tracing in addition to logging\n"
 	       "       (records all messages regardless of debug verbosity)\n"
 	       "  -u = enable DBus control interface\n"
-#endif /* CONFIG_DBUS */
 	       "  -v = show version\n"
 	       "  -W = wait for a control interface monitor before starting\n");
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 		case 't':
 		case 'u':
 			params.dbus_ctrl_interface = 1;
-#endif /* CONFIG_DBUS */
 		case 'v':
 			printf("%s\n", wpa_supplicant_version);
 			exitcode = 0;
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/notify.c b/wpa_supplicant/notify.c
index e5e45de18..bedb74b34 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/notify.c
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/notify.c
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #include "wps_supplicant.h"
 #include "binder/binder.h"
 #include "dbus/dbus_common.h"
-#include "dbus/dbus_old.h"
 #include "dbus/dbus_new.h"
 #include "rsn_supp/wpa.h"
 #include "fst/fst.h"
@@ -27,13 +26,13 @@
 int wpas_notify_supplicant_initialized(struct wpa_global *global)
 	if (global->params.dbus_ctrl_interface) {
 		global->dbus = wpas_dbus_init(global);
 		if (global->dbus == NULL)
 			return -1;
-#endif /* CONFIG_DBUS */
 	global->binder = wpas_binder_init(global);
@@ -47,10 +46,10 @@ int wpas_notify_supplicant_initialized(struct wpa_global *global)
 void wpas_notify_supplicant_deinitialized(struct wpa_global *global)
 	if (global->dbus)
-#endif /* CONFIG_DBUS */
 	if (global->binder)
@@ -64,9 +63,6 @@ int wpas_notify_iface_added(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
 	if (wpa_s->p2p_mgmt)
 		return 0;
-	if (wpas_dbus_register_iface(wpa_s))
-		return -1;
 	if (wpas_dbus_register_interface(wpa_s))
 		return -1;
@@ -79,9 +75,6 @@ void wpas_notify_iface_removed(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
 	if (wpa_s->p2p_mgmt)
-	/* unregister interface in old DBus ctrl iface */
-	wpas_dbus_unregister_iface(wpa_s);
 	/* unregister interface in new DBus ctrl iface */
@@ -94,10 +87,6 @@ void wpas_notify_state_changed(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
 	if (wpa_s->p2p_mgmt)
-	/* notify the old DBus API */
-	wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_state_change(wpa_s, new_state,
-						old_state);
 	/* notify the new DBus API */
 	wpas_dbus_signal_prop_changed(wpa_s, WPAS_DBUS_PROP_STATE);
@@ -267,9 +256,6 @@ void wpas_notify_scanning(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
 	if (wpa_s->p2p_mgmt)
-	/* notify the old DBus API */
-	wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scanning(wpa_s);
 	/* notify the new DBus API */
 	wpas_dbus_signal_prop_changed(wpa_s, WPAS_DBUS_PROP_SCANNING);
@@ -289,9 +275,6 @@ void wpas_notify_scan_results(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s)
 	if (wpa_s->p2p_mgmt)
-	/* notify the old DBus API */
-	wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_scan_results(wpa_s);
@@ -303,8 +286,6 @@ void wpas_notify_wps_credential(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s,
 #ifdef CONFIG_WPS
-	/* notify the old DBus API */
-	wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_wps_cred(wpa_s, cred);
 	/* notify the new DBus API */
 	wpas_dbus_signal_wps_cred(wpa_s, cred);
 #endif /* CONFIG_WPS */
@@ -838,9 +819,6 @@ void wpas_notify_certification(struct wpa_supplicant *wpa_s, int depth,
 				"depth=%d %s", depth, altsubject[i]);
-	/* notify the old DBus API */
-	wpa_supplicant_dbus_notify_certification(wpa_s, depth, subject,
-						 cert_hash, cert);
 	/* notify the new DBus API */
 	wpas_dbus_signal_certification(wpa_s, depth, subject, altsubject,
 				       num_altsubject, cert_hash, cert);
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/systemd/wpa_supplicant.service.in b/wpa_supplicant/systemd/wpa_supplicant.service.in
index bc5d49af8..75a37a8cd 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/systemd/wpa_supplicant.service.in
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/systemd/wpa_supplicant.service.in
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ Wants=network.target
 ExecStart=@BINDIR@/wpa_supplicant -u
diff --git a/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant_i.h b/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant_i.h
index 760849a16..fa0770fa9 100644
--- a/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant_i.h
+++ b/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant_i.h
@@ -504,9 +504,6 @@ struct wpa_supplicant {
 	int matched;
 #endif /* CONFIG_MATCH_IFACE */
-	char *dbus_path;
 	char *dbus_new_path;
 	char *dbus_groupobj_path;

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