[PATCH 2/3] tests: Fix booting wmediumd

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Previously, the wmediumd failed to boot with trailing error message.

Specify packet error rate file(default is tests/signal_table_ieee80211ax) or error_probs.

This patch fixes the issue. The signal_table_ieee80211ax file was
copied from wmediumd github page.

Signed-off-by: Masashi Honma <masashi.honma@xxxxxxxxx>
 tests/hwsim/signal_table_ieee80211ax | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/hwsim/test_wmediumd.py         |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/hwsim/signal_table_ieee80211ax

diff --git a/tests/hwsim/signal_table_ieee80211ax b/tests/hwsim/signal_table_ieee80211ax
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69c441f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hwsim/signal_table_ieee80211ax
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# RSSI vs MCS vs PER table, based on 11-14-0571-12-00ax-evaluation-methodology.docx assuming No is -91dBm.
+# bitrate	1Mbps	2Mbps	5.5Mbps	6Mbps	9Mbps	11Mbps	12Mbps	18Mbps	24Mbps	36Mbps	48Mbps	54Mbps
+# RSSI [dBm]	0	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11
+-100	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-99	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-98	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-97	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-96	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-95	0.9995	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-94	0.529	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-93	0.0427	0.9194	0.9995	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-92	0.0014	0.1765	0.529	0.9995	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-91	0.00E+00	0.0086	0.0427	0.529	0.9995	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-90	0.00E+00	0.0001	0.0014	0.0427	0.529	0.9995	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-89	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0014	0.0427	0.529	0.9997	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-88	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0014	0.0427	0.5462	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-87	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0014	0.0439	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-86	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0016	0.9597	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-85	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.2239	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-84	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0117	0.8908	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-83	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.2343	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-82	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.024	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-81	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-80	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.979	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-79	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.3536	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-78	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0356	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-77	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0018	1.00E+00	1.00E+00
+-76	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.9496	1.00E+00
+-75	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.379	0.9981
+-74	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.061	0.6465
+-73	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0057	0.1343
+-72	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0004	0.0145
+-71	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.0007
+-70	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-69	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-68	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-67	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-66	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-65	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-64	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-63	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-62	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-61	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
+-60	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00	0.00E+00
diff --git a/tests/hwsim/test_wmediumd.py b/tests/hwsim/test_wmediumd.py
index 42cb9c9..08e21a1 100644
--- a/tests/hwsim/test_wmediumd.py
+++ b/tests/hwsim/test_wmediumd.py
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def test_wmediumd_simple(dev, apdev, params):
         f.write(CFG % (apdev[0]['bssid'], dev[0].own_addr()))
-            p = subprocess.Popen(['wmediumd', '-l', '6', '-c', fn],
+            p = subprocess.Popen(['wmediumd', '-l', '6', '-x', './signal_table_ieee80211ax', '-c', fn],
                                  stdout=open(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(params['logdir'], 'wmediumd.log')), 'a'),
         except OSError, e:

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