I tried to write a similar program to that I found at: https://github.com/GNOME/gtkmm-documentation/tree/master/examples/book/application/app_and_win_menus The problem is that menu does not show itself but menu items do when I click the place the menu bar should appear. How to make menu bar visible? Below is my program. I would appreciate any help because I'm struggling for a long time with the case.
main.cpp #include <iostream> ------------------- simwdg.h #ifndef SIMMENU_H ------------------ simwdg.cpp #include "simwdg.h" SimApp::SimApp ( ) : Gtk::Application ( "KJ.Projects.SimApp" ) { Glib::set_application_name ( "App" ); } SimApp::~SimApp() { } void SimApp::on_startup() { Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> menu = ( Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> ) Gio::Menu::create(), wmenu = ( Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> ) Gio::Menu::create(), fmenu = ( Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> ) Gio::Menu::create(); std::cout << "Startup called" << std::endl; Gio::Application::on_startup(); add_action ( "filenew", sigc::mem_fun ( *this, &SimApp::on_file_menu_new ) ); add_action ( "fileclose", sigc::mem_fun ( *this, &SimApp::on_file_menu_close ) ); menu->append ( "New", "app.filenew" ); set_app_menu ( menu ); fmenu->append("Close", "app.fileclose"); wmenu->append_submenu("File", fmenu); set_menubar(wmenu); } void SimApp::on_activate() { std::cout << "Activate called" << std::endl; Gio::Application::on_activate(); wnd = new SimAppWnd; add_window ( *wnd ); wnd->signal_delete_event().connect ( sigc::mem_fun ( *this, &SimApp::on_delete ) ); hold(); wnd->show_all(); } Glib::RefPtr< SimApp > SimApp::create ( ) { std::cout<<"Create application"<<std::endl; return Glib::RefPtr<SimApp> ( new SimApp() ); } bool SimApp::on_delete ( GdkEventAny* event ) { Gtk::ApplicationWindow *win= ( Gtk::ApplicationWindow * ) get_active_window(); win->set_show_menubar ( false ); release(); return false; } SimAppWnd::SimAppWnd() { Gtk::ApplicationWindow(); set_title ( "Simulation" ); set_default_size ( 300, 300 ); } SimAppWnd::~SimAppWnd() { } void SimApp::on_file_menu() { std::cout << "File menu" << std::endl; } void SimApp::on_file_menu_new() { std::cout << "(app) File menu new" << std::endl; } bool SimAppWnd::on_draw ( const Cairo::RefPtr< Cairo::Context >& cr ) { Gtk::Allocation allocation = get_allocation(); const int width = allocation.get_width(); const int height = allocation.get_height(); std::cout << "On draw: " << "w: " << width << " h: " << height << std::endl; // coordinates for the center of the window // int xc, yc; // xc = width / 2; // yc = height / 2; // // cr->set_line_width ( 10.0 ); // // // draw red lines out from the center of the window // cr->set_source_rgb ( 0.8, 0.0, 0.0 ); // cr->move_to ( 0, 0 ); // cr->line_to ( xc, yc ); // cr->line_to ( 0, height ); // cr->move_to ( xc, yc ); // cr->line_to ( width, yc ); // cr->stroke(); return true; } void SimApp::on_file_menu_close() { std::cout << "(app) File menu close" << std::endl; } -- Regards Krzysztof |
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