I think it's solved. I changed the name of action to "app.filenew" and
it works.
There is another question:
What to do with the warning
"Gtk-WARNING **: GtkMenuBar 0x1586160 is mapped but visible=1
child_visible=1 parent gtkmm__GtkApplicationWindow 0x14c8260 mapped=0"
Krzysztof Jasienski
On 08/18/2016 11:49 PM, Krzysztof wrote:
I'm beginning to manually set up application menu. I've done this:
void SimApp::on_startup()
Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> appmenu = Gio::Menu::create();
Glib::RefPtr<Gio::Menu> itemnew = Gio::Menu::create();
add_action("filenew", sigc::mem_fun(*this,
itemnew->append("New", "filenew");
appmenu->append_submenu("File", itemnew);
The "New" item under File menu is dimmed. What's missing in that code?
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