gtk+-3.18.1/examples/application10 cd aplication10 glib-compile-schemas . glib-compile-resources exampleapp.gresource.xml --target=resources.c --generate-source gcc -o main main.c resources.c exampleapp.c exampleappwin.c exampleappprefs.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-3.0` ./main exampleapp.c Make word list visible and window size medium size, so that not all text is visible. Now click on button "gtkbuilder" It was my feeling that the text area with this search term should scroll into visible area. Often that works, and search term is selected. But it works not always for me. Sometimes just nothing happens. OK, after some more testing: When I click on another button and then on "gtkbuilder" again, that word scrolls into visible area. So the problem is: When word is selected already, but moved outside visible area, then searching for exactly that term does not work or at least does not scroll it into visible area? Why may that occur? And what is the fix, something like un-selecting all before starting search? _______________________________________________ gtk-list mailing list gtk-list@xxxxxxxxx