On Sep 4, 2009, at 1:34 AM, Abdulaziz Ghuloum wrote:
$ CXX='g++ -m32' CC='gcc -m32' CFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 jhbuild
bootstrap --ignore-system
Hmmm. I thought --ignore-system makes jhbuild rebuild its own python
(instead of using the system-supplied one), but apparently not. I tried
$ CXXFLAGS=-m32 CFLAGS=-m32 CC='gcc -m32' CXX='g++ -m32' jhbuild build
but got
I: requested module is in the ignore list, nothing to do.
Then I tried "jhbuild build --force python" but got:
I: requested module is in the ignore list, nothing to do.
which is making me think I'm stupid and a duuh moment is near, but I
don't see it.
Any ideas how to get jhbuild to build its own python?
Alternatively, if I am to build it myself, is it enough to do
./configure --prefix=$HOME/gtk/inst
to get jhbuild to use it instead of the one in /usr/bin or whatever?
Thanks in advance.
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