I would like to write a little application to begin with GTK.
My idea would be a little application to automatically transfert a
picture to an FTP server.
It would be usefulle for me when I try to upload a screen shot:
- I take the screenshot
- I store it somewhere on my drive
- I right-clik on the picture and "open it" with my little app
- The "little application" will then display an HTTP (or FTP) where
people can see it
The "opening" would be about sending the picture
It would have a dotfile where the FTP login/pass are stored.
Too much ambitious for a biginner?
What direction should I look into first?
_One_ goal is to have it integrated to XFCE an/or Gnome _later_.
Any advice?
Chef de projet chez Vectoris
System: xUbuntu 8.10 with almost all from package install
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