Re: gdk window clear area problem???

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Dear Paul, Thanks for the quick reply.
The reason I chose to draw in a function other than the on_expose_event is, there are other static things (lines, shapes and text labels) which do not overlap (or need to be updated along) with the number being displayed, for then I will have to redraw the entire widget! Since my target board is a low speed device that will bring serious performance issues (there are more than one of these widgets). To get around the problem I am pre-defining a rectangular area (in the on_size_allocate notification) where my value needs to be displayed, and when time comes I will simply erase that area and paint the new value or if blinking is what I want, just erase. OH I forgot to mention, I dont have a window manager in my target system!!! So does that affect the Gdk.Window in anyway? I hope not.

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 7:30 PM, Paul Davis <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, 2009-01-08 at 19:20 +0530, Mohith Manoj wrote:
> Hi all, this is my first post in the list. Please forgive any mistkes.
> I am developing a gtkmm application in linux under x86 platform (LibC
> and X11). My target is mips board (with uCLibC and DirectFB).
> A custom widget in my app is supposed to show its content (couple of
> numbers) in a blinking manner. For that I have a timer based system
> where a function is called regularly (it doesnt trigger
> on_expose_event) which erases the background on every call (using
> Gdk::clear_area) and paints the value only on alternate calls.

the timer should call queue_draw(); draw only in the expose event

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