Hi All,
I tried with GtkTreeView but I couldnt click on an entry to select it. I either have mouse or Keyboard in my system and not both at a time. This means that I should design such that it can be selected with a mouse and as well as a keyboard.
Harinandan S
On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Boaz, Richard <Richard.Boaz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
you make exactly the same widget layout, using gtk+ widgets with the functionality you require.i had to do the same thing once upon a time and, using the manuals and widget descriptions, did it.i don't understand your question. in that, what have you tried that didn't work?since i'm assuming you tried to implement this yourself, before simply asking other people who've already done the study work to simply give over the fruits of their labor while you (seemingly) haven't even tried?the list is intended for unobvious problems, not simply posing questions you don't immediately know the answer to and (seemingly) unwilling to invest the time yourself to discover/learn how to do it.sorry if this comes across as bitchy. i guess i resent it a little bit that i've already done the work via study, experimentation, and trial and error; while you simply want the answer without putting in the effort to discover it yourself.richard
From: gtk-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:gtk-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Harinandan S
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 11:10 AM
To: gtk-list
Subject: GTK and Customize menu widget - widget which can display some textand allows selectionHi All,I am using Gtk 2.12.2 and I want to use a widget similar to the one given below (taken for example from WinCVS). How is this possible in GTK?
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