The following is the code used to create the problem combo box. The
combo box is part of a rather involved dialog box that gets
initialization data for a war game I'm developing. The combo
represents the start time of the battle.
void game_dialog (mData *map)
GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_dialog_new ();
GtkWidget *vbox = get_dialog_work_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
GtkWidget *combo1 = gtk_combo_box_new_text ();
GtkWidget *stbox = gtk_fixed_new ();
gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (stbox), stlab, 5, 5);
gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (stbox), combo1, 150, 1);
set_start_times (combo1);
gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo1), stime);
gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), stbox, FALSE, FALSE, 5);
void set_start_times (GtkWidget *combo)
int k = 0;
char *text = get_text ("hours");
char time[20];
char temp[20];
for (k = 100; k <= 2400; k += 100)
itoa (k, time, 10);
if (k < 1000)
strcpy (temp, "0");
strcat (temp, time);
strcpy (time, temp);
strcat (time, " ");
strcat (time, text);
gtk_combo_box_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo), time);
Thanks for the held,
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