You will end making all of those widgets by your self (as all media player does for the main window) which will lead to a lots of possible drawing errors and maybe you wont be using gtk at all unless you use gtk for special windows like configuration.
If you want multiform skins you will need also transparencies.
If you just want themes then you have to make a sub-titlebar-widget which should draw the borders and title and leave inside the container to add more gtk boxes, think a customized gtk.Frame().
For multiform skins you will need to define an abstract base class with all the actions you will allow to perform on the main interface or skin, think gtk.Action().
Then you will have to develop a way to have overlapeable widgets with custom-non-square mouse areas, think a sort of gtk.EventBox(), those image-widgets would have the animations you want, like changing the image when mouse is on top and would be child of the background-image-widget and maybe also on top of other widgets.
All of that makes a lot of complex functions and widgets, and you will loose a lot of time developing it. Open source programmers tends to dedicate the time to good and well working functionalities and easy and standard-looking UIs.
I hate skinable media players like winamp which are a crap as a productive software. Winamp users normally doesnt understand why it sucks. I havent found a better player than amarok yet, i hope bangee one day to become one.
But also i think that the normal gtk-theme used in all distros has too much big buttons, i hate it too.
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