It's been really useful.
I am getting really good info about all of it. Not just the "what use to develop", but also about what technique to use.
For example, I use A LOT of variables to construct a simple dialog, but I think it will be more sane to use just one or two, as mention by Richard Boaz. Take a look at this part of my code: (don't mind for the names of the variables, it's in my local language. And yes, I like to initialize variables, always. :-) )
GtkWidget *dialog = NULL;
GtkWidget *vbox01 = NULL;
GtkWidget *rotulo_codigo = NULL;
GtkWidget *entrada_codigo = NULL;
GtkWidget *rotulo_nome = NULL;
GtkWidget *entrada_nome = NULL;
GtkWidget *rotulo_ano = NULL;
GtkWidget *spin_ano = NULL;
GtkObject *spin_ano_adj = NULL;
GtkWidget *rotulo_sem = NULL;
GtkWidget *spin_sem = NULL;
GtkObject *spin_sem_adj = NULL;
GtkWidget *rotulo_escolhe_semestre = NULL;
GtkWidget *cbox_escolhe_semestre = NULL;
GtkWidget *arvore_dados = NULL;
GtkTreeStore *armazena = NULL;
GtkWidget *hbox01 = NULL;
GtkWidget *hbox02 = NULL;
GtkWidget *hbox03 = NULL;
GtkWidget *hbox04 = NULL;
GtkWidget *hbox05 = NULL;
Another good one I think I will use is the reduced number of callbacks.
Every dialog in my code, for example, has its own callback. I think its going to be more clear if I group all of them at the same one.
And more ideas that I am not going to bother you about.
I am a little excited about the possibilities, I admit. ;-)
Well, getting back to the IDEs (or as mentioned by Tristan Berkom, "User interface Designer"), I am still thinking about it. I installed the new version of Glade (was running glade-2, now running glade-3) and took a look at the libglade. It seems to be a great idea, although I didn't really got into it. Need more research by myself to understand how to use it.
What I am realizing is that if you want a specific GUI it's more convenient to do it by hand but, if it's a general one, which will use the standard widgets at the standard ways, the IDEs (or UIDs) happens to be a very good idea.
Still a little confuse about what paradigm to use, I confess. But now with more baggage to make my choice. :-)
2007/4/14, Robert Pearce <
On Sat, 14 Apr 2007 12:42:21 +0100 jcupitt@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Having said that, most people tell me it has an awful interface, so
> maybe you shouldn't listen to me.
If the sort of people who like most of what's out there think your
interface is "awful" then I'd probably think it's really nice. I'm
amazed at how ghastly most GUIs are. But then I think of computers as
tools for doing what I want them to do, not a display case for
avant-garde graphic design, so what would I know?
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Diogo F. S. Ramos
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