Melvin, As an after thought, the computation you're doing is fairly complicated isn't it? This isn't a thread-constantly-polling-for-data-on-socket loop sort of thing, right? Paul On 1/24/07, Paul Davis <pjdavis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Melvin, > > Is it *just* your app that becomes unresponsive? Or the entire > desktop? Judging from the discussion I'm guessing that you wrote this > with two threads. What I'm guessing is that your background thread has > maxed out an entire processor. If you've only got one thread doing cpu > intensive tasks it makes sense that it works fine on a dual cpu system > and not a single cpu system. > > There are two methods I can see to solve this problem. The first and > easiest to test and see if it works is to try and reduce the priority > of your computation thread. > > The second is to rework your computational thread so that it > periodically gives up control of the processor so that other process > can run. Quite a bit more complex to accomplish in any meaningful way > and its also quite dependant on the algorithm itself. > > > I have no idea how to fix this, I seemed to have made the fatal assumption > > that linux can time slice gthread code... Is this the problem? > > > > I'm not entirely certain what you're asking. Of course linux is time > slicing your program. This sounds like a typical resource starvation > issue. > > HTH, > Paul > _______________________________________________ gtk-list mailing list gtk-list@xxxxxxxxx