On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 05:08:28PM +0100, Hrvoje Nikšić wrote:> On Sat, 2006-11-25 at 03:49 +0100, John K Luebs wrote:> > If it's only a prototype, then it is assumed that large portions of> > the system may need to be rearchitected.> > Note that I meant prototype in the "working model" sense, not in a> "throwaway"/"proof of concept" sense. Well you contradict yourself here, because according to you thisprototype didn't work, so it wasn't a "working model". Regardless of thesemantics, large projects should have time budgeted for a "throwaway",no matter what you want to call it. > > Anyway, what you are asking for cannot be done with the traditional > > hammering out of C and C++ code.> > The idea is to reuse GObject facilities where possible (e.g. types,> inheritance, signals, GValues), and simply implement the appropriate> vtable semantics overridable at runtime. I was wondering if anyone else> has stumbled on this and already solved it. This is precisely what pygtk tries to do.> > > Have you looked at how pygtk is built.> > Yes. The problem with PyGTK is that it adds new C code for each GTK> class whose methods must be overridable from Python. That works well> for GTK which is fairly static, but would be a hassle in a system with a> number of evolving classes.>Since C and C++ are not type rich and do not provide a type informationinterface (C++ has RTTI, but it adoption is poor and it's a joke), thereis absolutely no way you can do what you want without some form of IDL("simple") or C parser (not so simple) that generates the necessaryglue. I can't see what is wrong with the way pygtk does things other than thefact that you have to provide defs. Depending on how one writes their Ccode, the right parser and generator it would be possible to do awaywith the defs. The C code that you're talking about is automatically generated, so Idon't think that it would be a problem even with many changing classes. You seem to misunderstand the define-virtual mechanism. Build pygtk andlook at the generated code to see how it works. Take a look atexamples/gtk/widget.py. There you have an entire widget implemented inpython that overrides virtual methods! Regards, -jkl _______________________________________________gtk-list mailing listgtk-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gtk-list