Re: pango detection issue

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--- Lytithwyn Eldohtar <lytithwyn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> If I read your tool properly, it downloads the packages directly from the
> internet.  I actually don't have a net connection at home.  I can just check
> my email and d/l stuff at work, so I can't use it that way.
> And anyway, I really would like to know what error I made (if any) in
> installing the packages, or what problem exists in my system.
> Here is exactly what I did:
> cairo-1.0.2 - `configure prefix=/usr`, `make && make install`
> atk-1.9.1 - `configure prefix=/usr`, `make && make install`
> glib-2.12.3 - `configure prefix=/usr`, `make && make install`
> pango-1.14.3 - `configure prefix=/usr`, `make && make install`
> gtk+-2.8.9 - `configure prefix=/usr` (which failed, unable to find pango)
> -- 
> chown lytithwyn:lytithwyn /* -R
> You got chownzed.
> > _______________________________________________
> gtk-list mailing list
> gtk-list@xxxxxxxxx

Whose tool are you talking about ? Your Email is addressed to gtk-list@xxxxxxxxxx

Is you are talking about my tool - , then
if you do not want to download from the net, do the following:

1) create a work directory - <workdir>;
cd <workdir>
3) put by whatever means the necessary tarballs into <workdir>, for
example, by downloading the tarballs at work and copying them on a CD,
and then copying from the CD to <workdir>.

My tools does not try to download if it already sees the tarball.

It's much more than just

`configure prefix=/usr`, `make && make install`

- see the log file (when you have access to internet) for exact command lines,
the log file is .


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