Re: Pango [was: Re: gdk-pixbuf]

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--- Bill Cunningham <billcu1@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "David Neèas (Yeti)" <yeti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <gtk-list@xxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 4:31 PM
> Subject: Re: gdk-pixbuf
> > gdk-pixbuf is a library that resides in `gdk-pixbuf'
> > subdirectory of Gtk+ 2.x source code, it is normally
> > installed as a part of Gtk+ 2.x (unless you talk about the
> > old standalone gdk-pixbuf used with Gtk+ 1.x, but I suppose
> > you would mention that).  It does not use gd, nor expat, nor
> > libxml2, and it is not a bunch of HTML pages -- its
> > documentation can be though.
> >
> > Note I don't understand your question at all, I'm just
> > trying to clarify what gdk-pixbuf usually means as your
> > gdk-pixbuf seems to be something different.
> >
> > Yeti
>     " and getting libraries. Now the
> biggest error I get is from pango. It can't find panglox.lo. I have cairo
> and atk installed and X. If I can figure pango out this gdk-pixbuf may be
> irrelevant.
> Bill
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> gtk-list mailing list
> gtk-list@xxxxxxxxx

"I'm reading errors from config.log" - so what ?

Do you understand how 'configure' works ?

You should, first of all, read errors (if any) from configure.log, 
i.e. from screen output of 'configure'.

I have already shown you how to run 'configure' in order to redirect
its screen output to a file.

You are using too much bandwith here (IMHO) by not providing real error
messages - saying "I'm reading errors from config.log" is saying


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