smart_n, I've played with Glade and I can't find a way to do this either,
so I'm CCing gtk-list in case anyone there has ideas.
smart_n would like A GtkEntry to expand vertically in a container, such as
a GtkTable or a GtkHBox. For instance, in a GtkHBox:
| | Some |
| GtkEntry | Big |
| | Widget |
At the moment, the GtkEntry just centers itself vertically, regardless of
what packing options I use, without changing its size. I guess that
smart_n would like either
- the GtkEntry's box to fill the whole of the available space with the
text aligned inside the box.
- the GtkEntry's box to fill the whole of the available space with the
text stretched vertically to fill the box.
(I don't personally think that would be very useful or attractive, but I
guess he has his reasons.)
I use the entry widget for displaying the path of the some file, and
there is also "Browse" button, which is used for specifying this path
using Gtk::FileChooserDialog.
And they(entry & button) must have the same height. The height of the
button depends from the icon, which it contain.
You can understand what i want if you look on Gtk::ComboBox widget.
| Gtk::Entry | Gtk::Button |