Hi -
As part of my attempts to make netperf4 easier to use, I'm starting down
the path of writing a small GTK+2 application that will allow the user
to create/edit netperf4 config files. In a netperf4 config file, there
are one or more "netservers" and a netserver can have 0 or more "tests"
associated with it.
At first blush, after reading the Gtk+ 2.0 Tree View tutorial:
A GtkTreeModel/View seemed apropriate, but it would seem that the
assumption is that while there is a parent/child relationship like my
netserver/test, the parent and child have the same columns.
Is there a widget out there already, or some examples, where the child
could have different columns from the parent? Will I have to find a way
to "nest" different GtkListModel/Views?
What I'd like to be able to do is allow the user to click on the expand
gizmo (gee, does my knowledge of terms show?-) of a netserver and list
the tests with their own column headings and such.
thanks for any pointers,
rick jones
an example of a netperf4 config file, with just one netserver, in its
native XML form can be seen here:
or there is the DTD in all its present glory: