I realize many of you may find the mailing list to be sufficient,
however, I've thrown up a forum at http://gtkforum.micahcarrick.com
anyway. I've been contemplating it for a few months and, other than
this list, I have not found any discussion resources exclusive to GTK+
programming (or the ones I did were dead links).
I've been learing GTK for several months and have found it more
difficult thatn some of the other languages I've learned, not because
the information isn't out there, but that there's not a lot of "holding
your hand" going on. So hopefully I can get this going so that it's a
good place for those of us who struggle and could use a little "hand
holding" when reading through source code and API documentation.
Perhaps nobody cares. Who knows. I'll give it a shot. :)
Take care,