W. Borgert wrote:
on the Ethereal mailing list is a discussion on how to get rid of
glib in Ethereal
An explanation on why people don't like glib is given by Guy Harris
Note, that Ethereal currently can be build with either Gtk+1/glib1
or Gtk+2/glib2, as some platforms seem to have problems with
Gtk+2/glib2. Could someone explain, whether the problem exists
with current glib versions?
Cheers, W. Borgert
To answer http://www.ethereal.com/lists/ethereal-dev/200509/msg00027.html :
It is certainly sound to have as few dependencies as possible in a
project, as long as this does not imply reinventing the wheel, but if
Ethereal people did not know that, they probably wouldn't have acheived
such a nice piece of software :-)
To answer http://www.ethereal.com/lists/ethereal-dev/200509/msg00032.html :
Since glib 2.8 there is a g_try_{malloc,malloc0,realloc} familly of
functions that may be used.
Moreover, remember that (at least since glib 2.0) the memory management
function of the glib you are using are provided as default that can be
overriden at your convenience using the g_mem_set_vtable function,
plsease refere to
for more information.