If it's a GTK+ application, you can code around the accessible interfaces
that all GTK+ widgets expose to do exactly what you want to do.
You'll get details of how you can do this by looking at the atspi toolkit.
at-poke is an example of an application which does something very similar,
you could look at the sources to know more.
----- Original Message -----
From: "sripurna mutalik" <sripurna007@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <gtk-list@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 11:38 AM
Subject: How to control one GTK application by another
Hi all,
I have two applications A and B (both GTK) and i want to control B from A.
Application B is not written by me and there is no IPC mechanisms that it
supports (such as pipes or sockets or shared files).
By control i mean i want to access all the facilities in B from A.
Facilities such as pushing buttons, filling text area by some text and even
starting and closing of that application. Is there any way of doing this.
Searching through net i found that i first need to get the windowid of the
application B when it starts. How can i get the window ID of another
application and how do i generate events (like pushing buttons) for
application B from A.
Please help me out... its urgent ....Thanks in advance.
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