Hello, I just wanted to announce that I posted a pet project of mine on sourceforge. It is a collection of various utilities I've written and incluced in that is a fairly simple GTK program for data tracking. It is in essence a XML based database application. It uses an XML template to generate a user interface form (kinda like GLADE but not nearly as powerful) and contains the code to save the form data in a time stamped XML file. The package also contains a command line utility for syncronizing different copies of the form data. Unfortunately the current sourceforge release does not contain templates with it. I will provide templates for this program on the site later. I figured that since this is a GTK list there might be people interested in such a project. The license is LGPL. If anyone has interest in this project, feel free to email me directly. btw, the web page is: http://ioe.sf.net http://sourceforge.net/projects/ioe/ -- Irtza Sharif I need a new tagline... but for now, this one will do. _______________________________________________ gtk-list@xxxxxxxxx http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gtk-list