Niow Kim Chwee ha scritto lo scorso 22/10/2004 3.35:
thanks for replying.
i still have a problem.. how do i select a file from file selection dialog, and display it in the textview widget i created inside a window using glade?
my current approach is to scan the file string using gtk_file_selection_get_file, but i get stuck here.. what should i do next?
thanks in advance
You can try this:
if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) {
/* gets file path and name as a (gchar *)
gFile_in = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dlg));
/* opens a GIOChannel for input
input = g_io_channel_new_file (gFile_in, "r", NULL);
/* gets file content in a buffer of type (gchar *)
g_io_channel_read_to_end (input, & buffer, NULL, NULL);
/* closes the GIOChannel
g_io_channel_shutdown (input, FALSE, NULL);
g_io_channel_unref (input);
/* gets a pointer to the text buffer associated
* with an existing textview
text_buf = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (text_view));
/* puts the buffer into the text buffer
gtk_text_buffer_set_text (text_buf, buffer, -1);
/* deallocates memory
g_free (buffer);
gtk_widget_destroy (dlg);