xavier.droubay@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Can you give me advices ? I am lost and don't know what to do.
Cheers, Xavier Droubay.
Are you only concerned with upgrading gtk+-1.2 on your system ?
If that is the case, I would firstly obtain the versions of rpms
you are about to overwrite in case you need to do a backup, and then
I would brutaly `rpm -Uvvh newversion.rpm --force --nodeps'.
In an rpm upgrade, the old package is removed and then the new package
is installed (so `rpm -e' essentially complains about the same things),
it seems that in your case, the application dependancies are hardwired
directly to the file `libgtk-1.2.so.0' instead of to the package and its
version, I guess that the new build only provides the real file which
may look like `libgtk-1.2.so.0.9.1' or something and then runs ldconfig
to create the proper symlink; ofcourse this is purly speculation.
PS: Sorry about previous mail, I misclicked :-/