On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 08:46:36 +1000, Daniel Kasak <dkasak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > We need a few printable reports that I have to rebuild. I've started out > doing them in a Perl CGI script, exporting an HTML 'report' and firing > up Mozilla to view / print them. This is less than perfect. Mozilla > doesn't support the @page directive, so controlling pagination and > headers / footers is a nightmare. > > What options do I have with GTK / Gnome? > Requirements are basically headers & footers and pagination, and of > course Perl bindings, but I'll check this out. I do this by generating latex and using pdflatex to render PDF files. PDF is handy because it gives you good control over paper size and orientation. In perl it's something like: print TEXSOURCE <<LATEX_END; \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{times} \\usepackage[none]{hyphenat} \\usepackage[dvips=false,pdftex=false,vtex=false]{geometry} \\geometry{ paperwidth=${poster_width}cm, paperheight=${poster_height}cm, margin=${inner_margin}cm, noheadfoot } \\usepackage[width=${paper_width}cm,height=${paper_height}cm,center,pdftex]{crop} \\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \\pagestyle{empty} \\begin{document} blah blah blah ${mystuff} etc \\end{document} LATEX_END system "pdflatex texsource && cp texsource.pdf $output_dir/${file_name}.pdf"; I'm typsetting posters. If you're just generating A4 or US Letter you can skip a lot of the pagesize/margin/rotate stuff. John _______________________________________________ gtk-list@xxxxxxxxx http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gtk-list