Daniel Kasak wrote:
Hi all.
I'm a newbie Perl developer, and I'm part-way through porting our
database front-ends from Access to Perl / Gtk2 ( running on Linux ).
We need a few printable reports that I have to rebuild. I've started out
doing them in a Perl CGI script, exporting an HTML 'report' and firing
up Mozilla to view / print them. This is less than perfect. Mozilla
doesn't support the @page directive, so controlling pagination and
headers / footers is a nightmare.
What options do I have with GTK / Gnome?
Requirements are basically headers & footers and pagination, and of
course Perl bindings, but I'll check this out.
Any takers?
Haven't dealt with text processing for a while but there's a few ways:
- generate the reports directly as TEX or postscript (TEX is hard to learn),
- generate the reports in a word-processor and embed keywords
in it, and save in TEX or postscript format as a canned file, then
run sed or C regex lib commands to replace the keywords with your
own end-user text.