Hi, Sorry if this is a bit OT for this list but I'm guessing a lot of gtk/linux folk will be using the NVidia ia32 drivers. Has anyone else noticed a recent problem with gtk applications? I have been successfully using the drivers up to and including version 3123 on a variety of machines (P3 and Athlon)and have always noticed improvements not only with GL applications but also my 'normal' gtk applications which involve rapid updating of pixmaps etc. I've been running under various RH distributions from 6.2 to 9.0. The last two releases installed under RH9.0 seem to have a problem however. My GTK applications which run fine under the default 'nv' drivers run very slowly. Any fairly rapid drawing pushes the CPU usage to 100%! I don't want to start a discussion that should be on the NVidia list and this may indeed be hardware related (although the same card/machine works fine with RH8.0/3123 drivers) but I just wondered if any other GTK programmers have noticed/resolved this? Nick Soffe