Hi, I have a huge project built with Gale (Gnome Glade 0.6.2) and GNOME/GTK+1.2 on RedHat 7.x. This summer I would like to upgrade to GNOME 2.x on RedHat Linux 8.x. What is the appropriate way to do this and how to convert tons of code and continue working with all the source code we have built over the years ? I want to get a good impression of the trouble/catastrofes we will probably encounter. We do not have the manpower to let it take much more than two weeks. I know we lag behind in upgrading to GNOME 2.0, but there are too much external libraries which are mission critical to upgrade on a whimp. Best regards, Peter Van Osta Union Biometrica N.V./S.A. European Scientific Operations (ESO) Cipalstraat 3 B-2440 Geel Belgium Tel.: +32 (0)14 570 619 Fax.: +32 (0)14 570 621 http://www.unionbio.com/ http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/pvosta/cvwww.htm