[PATCH 6/18] many-mice.patch

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ChangeSet@xxxx, 2004-08-10 00:52:54-05:00, dtor_core@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Get rid of 2 mice limitation by removing mouse_features array,
  mice are allocated on the heap. Protocol drivers can allocate
  and attach private data to the mouse structure for later use.

 gpm.c               |  435 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 gpn.c               |  232 ++++++++++++++-------------
 headers/gpmInt.h    |  120 +++++---------
 headers/synaptics.h |    4 
 mice.c              |  357 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 prog/mouse-test.c   |  168 +++++++++-----------
 server_tools.c      |  177 ++++++---------------
 startup.c           |  107 +++++++-----
 synaptics.c         |   19 +-
 9 files changed, 739 insertions(+), 880 deletions(-)


diff -Nru a/src/gpm.c b/src/gpm.c
--- a/src/gpm.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/gpm.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -42,43 +42,19 @@
 #define NULL_SET ((fd_set *)NULL)
-#define resetTimeout() (timeout.tv_sec=SELECT_TIME,timeout.tv_usec=0)
-extern int errno;
-static void gpm_killed(int);
+#define resetTimeout() (timeout.tv_sec = SELECT_TIME, timeout.tv_usec = 0)
+#define GET_TIME(tv) (gettimeofday(&tv, (struct timezone *)NULL))
+#define DIF_TIME(t1,t2) ((t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec)*1000 + (t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec)/1000)
- * all the values duplicated for dual-mouse operation are
- * now in this structure (see gpmInt.h)
- * mouse_table[0] is single mouse, mouse_table[1] and mouse_table[2]
- * are copied data from mouse_table[0] for dual mouse operation.
- */
-struct mouse_features mouse_table[3] = {
-   {
-      (char *)NULL /* extra */,
-      (Gpm_Type *)NULL,
-      -1
-   }
-struct mouse_features *which_mouse;
-/* These are only the 'global' options */
+extern int errno;
-int opt_test=DEF_TEST;
-int opt_double=0;
 char *opt_special=NULL; /* special commands, like reboot or such */
-static int opt_resize=0; /* not really an option */
 struct repeater repeater;
-int eventFlag=0;
-fd_set selSet, readySet, connSet;
+static int console_resized; /* not really an option */
 static struct {
    int   x, y;
@@ -86,63 +62,77 @@
    int   clicks;
 } state;
+static void gpm_killed(int signo)
+   if (signo == SIGWINCH) {
+      gpm_report(GPM_PR_WARN, GPM_MESS_RESIZING, option.progname, getpid());
+      console_resized = 1;
+   } else {
+      if (signo == SIGUSR1)
+         gpm_report(GPM_PR_WARN, GPM_MESS_KILLED_BY, option.progname, getpid(), option.progname);
+      exit(0);
+   }
  * fetch the actual device data from the mouse device, dependent on
  * what Gpm_Type is being passed.
-static inline char *getMouseData(int fd, Gpm_Type *type, int text_mode)
+static char *getMouseData(int fd, Gpm_Type *type, int text_mode)
    static unsigned char data[32]; /* quite a big margin :) */
-   char *edata=data+type->packetlen;
-   int howmany=type->howmany;
-   int i,j;
+   unsigned char *pdata;
+   int len, togo;
-/*....................................... read and identify one byte */
-   if (read(fd, data, howmany)!=howmany) {
-      if (opt_test) exit(0);
+   /*....................................... read and identify one byte */
+   if (read(fd, data, type->howmany) != type->howmany) {
+      if (option.test) exit(0);
       gpm_report(GPM_PR_ERR,GPM_MESS_READ_FIRST, strerror(errno));
       return NULL;
    if (!text_mode && repeater.fd != -1 && repeater.raw)
-      write(repeater.fd, data, howmany);
+      write(repeater.fd, data, type->howmany);
-   if ((data[0]&(m_type->proto)[0]) != (m_type->proto)[1]) {
-      if (m_type->getextra == 1) {
-         data[1]=GPM_EXTRA_MAGIC_1; data[2]=GPM_EXTRA_MAGIC_2;
-         gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,GPM_EXTRA_DATA,data[0]);
+   if ((data[0] & type->proto[0]) != type->proto[1]) {
+      if (type->getextra == 1) {
+         data[1] = GPM_EXTRA_MAGIC_1; data[2] = GPM_EXTRA_MAGIC_2;
+         gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG, GPM_EXTRA_DATA, data[0]);
          return data;
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,GPM_MESS_PROT_ERR);
+      gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG, GPM_MESS_PROT_ERR);
       return NULL;
-/*....................................... read the rest */
+   /*....................................... read the rest */
     * well, this seems to work almost right with ps2 mice. However, I've never
     * tried ps2 with the original selection package, which called usleep()
-   if((i=m_type->packetlen-howmany)) /* still to get */
+   if ((togo = type->packetlen - type->howmany)) { /* still to get */
+      pdata = &data[type->howmany];
       do {
-         j = read(fd,edata-i,i); /* edata is pointer just after data */
-         if (!text_mode && repeater.fd != -1 && repeater.raw && j > 0)
-            write(repeater.fd, edata - i, j);
-         i -= j;
-      } while (i && j);
+         if ((len = read(fd, pdata, togo)) == 0)
+            break;
+         if (!text_mode && repeater.fd != -1 && repeater.raw && len > 0)
+            write(repeater.fd, pdata, len);
+         pdata += len;
+         togo -= len;
+      } while (togo);
+   }
-   if (i) {
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_ERR,GPM_MESS_READ_REST, strerror(errno));
+   if (togo) {
+      gpm_report(GPM_PR_ERR, GPM_MESS_READ_REST, strerror(errno));
       return NULL;
-   if ((data[1]&(m_type->proto)[2]) != (m_type->proto)[3]) {
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_INFO,GPM_MESS_SKIP_DATA);
+   if ((data[1] & type->proto[2]) != type->proto[3]) {
+      gpm_report(GPM_PR_INFO, GPM_MESS_SKIP_DATA);
       return NULL;
-   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,GPM_MESS_DATA_4,data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3]);
+   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG, GPM_MESS_DATA_4, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]);
    return data;
@@ -150,8 +140,7 @@
 void handle_console_resize(Gpm_Event *ePtr)
    int old_x, old_y;
-   int i;
-   struct mouse_features *which_mouse; /* local */
+   struct micetab *mouse;
    old_x = console.max_x; old_y = console.max_y;
@@ -163,18 +152,18 @@
       state.y = ePtr->y = ePtr->y * console.max_y / old_y;
-   for (i=1; i <= 1+opt_double; i++) {
-      which_mouse=mouse_table+i; /* used to access options */
+   for (mouse = micelist; mouse; mouse = mouse->next) {
        * the following operation is based on the observation that 80x50
        * has square cells. (An author-centric observation ;-)
-      opt_scaley = opt_scale * 50 * console.max_x / 80 / console.max_y;
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG, GPM_MESS_X_Y_VAL, opt_scale, opt_scaley);
+      mouse->options.scaley = mouse->options.scalex * 50 * console.max_x / 80 / console.max_y;
+      gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG, GPM_MESS_X_Y_VAL, 
+                 mouse->options.scalex, mouse->options.scaley);
-static void handle_repeater(Gpm_Event *new_event, Gpm_Event *event)
+static void handle_repeater(struct Gpm_Type *m_type, Gpm_Event *new_event, Gpm_Event *event)
    static struct timeval last;
    struct timeval now;
@@ -201,126 +190,122 @@
  * to retrieve the hardware independent event data, then optionally repeat
  * the data via repeat_fun() to the repeater device
-static inline int processMouse(int fd, Gpm_Event *event, Gpm_Type *type, int text_mode)
+static enum mouse_rslt processMouse(struct micetab *mouse, int attempt,
+                                    Gpm_Event *event, int text_mode)
    char *data;
    unsigned char shift_state;
    static int last_active;
    static int fine_dx, fine_dy;
-   static int i, m;
+   int i;
    static Gpm_Event nEvent;
-   static struct timeval tv1={0,0}, tv2; /* tv1==0: first click is single */
-   static struct timeval timeout={0,0};
+   struct timeval now;
+   static struct timeval button_release; /* tv1==0: first click is single */
+   static struct timeval timeout = {0, 0};
    fd_set fdSet;
-   static int newB=0, oldB=0, oldT=0; /* old buttons and Type to chain events */
-   /* static int buttonlock, buttonlockflag; */
-#define GET_TIME(tv) (gettimeofday(&tv, (struct timezone *)NULL))
-#define DIF_TIME(t1,t2) ((t2.tv_sec -t1.tv_sec) *1000+ \
-                          (t2.tv_usec-t1.tv_usec)/1000)
-   oldT=event->type;
-   if (eventFlag) {
-      eventFlag=0;
-      if (m_type->absolute) {     /* a pen or other absolute device */
-         event->x=nEvent.x;
-         event->y=nEvent.y;
+   struct Gpm_Type *type = mouse->type;
+   struct miceopt *opt = &mouse->options;
+   static int oldB;       /* old buttons and Type to chain events */
+   int oldT = event->type;
+   enum mouse_rslt rslt = MOUSE_DATA_OK;
+   if (attempt > 1) {
+      if (type->absolute) {     /* a pen or other absolute device */
+         event->x = nEvent.x;
+         event->y = nEvent.y;
-      event->dx=nEvent.dx;
-      event->dy=nEvent.dy;
-      event->buttons=nEvent.buttons;
+      event->dx = nEvent.dx;
+      event->dy = nEvent.dy;
+      event->buttons = nEvent.buttons;
    } else {
-      event->dx=event->dy=0;
-      event->wdx=event->wdy=0;
+      event->dx = event->dy = 0;
+      event->wdx = event->wdy = 0;
       nEvent.modifiers = 0; /* some mice set them */
-      FD_ZERO(&fdSet); FD_SET(fd,&fdSet); i=0;
+      FD_ZERO(&fdSet); FD_SET(mouse->dev.fd, &fdSet);
+      i = 0;
       do { /* cluster loop */
-         if(((data=getMouseData(fd,m_type, text_mode))==NULL)
-            || ((*(m_type->fun))(&nEvent,data)==-1) ) {
-            if (!i) return 0;
+         if ((data = getMouseData(mouse->dev.fd, type, text_mode)) == NULL ||
+             type->fun(&mouse->dev, &mouse->options, data, &nEvent) == -1) {
+            if (!i) return MOUSE_NO_DATA;
             else break;
          event->modifiers = nEvent.modifiers; /* propagate modifiers */
          /* propagate buttons */
-         nEvent.buttons = (opt_sequence[nEvent.buttons&7]&7) |
-            (nEvent.buttons & ~7); /* change the order */
-         oldB=newB; newB=nEvent.buttons;
-         if (!i) event->buttons=nEvent.buttons;
+         nEvent.buttons = (opt->sequence[nEvent.buttons & 7] & 7) |
+                          (nEvent.buttons & ~7); /* change the order */
+         if (!i) event->buttons = nEvent.buttons;
-         if (oldB!=newB) {
-            eventFlag = (i!=0)*(which_mouse-mouse_table); /* 1 or 2 */
+         if (oldB != nEvent.buttons) {
+            rslt = MOUSE_MORE_DATA;
          /* propagate movement */
-         if (!(m_type->absolute)) { /* mouse */
-            if (abs(nEvent.dx)+abs(nEvent.dy) > opt_delta)
-               nEvent.dx*=opt_accel, nEvent.dy*=opt_accel;
+         if (!type->absolute) { /* mouse */
+            if (abs(nEvent.dx) + abs(nEvent.dy) > opt->delta)
+               nEvent.dx *= opt->accel, nEvent.dy *= opt->accel;
             /* increment the reported dx,dy */
-            event->dx+=nEvent.dx;
-            event->dy+=nEvent.dy;
+            event->dx += nEvent.dx;
+            event->dy += nEvent.dy;
          } else { /* a pen */
             /* get dx,dy to check if there has been movement */
-            event->dx = (nEvent.x) - (event->x);
-            event->dy = (nEvent.y) - (event->y);
+            event->dx = nEvent.x - event->x;
+            event->dy = nEvent.y - event->y;
          /* propagate wheel */
          event->wdx += nEvent.wdx;
          event->wdy += nEvent.wdy;
-         select(fd+1,&fdSet,(fd_set *)NULL,(fd_set *)NULL,&timeout/* zero */);
+         select(mouse->dev.fd + 1, &fdSet, NULL_SET, NULL_SET, &timeout/* zero */);
-      } while (i++ <opt_cluster && nEvent.buttons==oldB && FD_ISSET(fd,&fdSet));
+      } while (i++ < opt->cluster && FD_ISSET(mouse->dev.fd, &fdSet));
    } /* if(eventFlag) */
-/*....................................... update the button number */
+   /*....................................... update the button number */
-   if ((event->buttons&GPM_B_MIDDLE) && !opt_three) opt_three++;
+   if ((event->buttons & GPM_B_MIDDLE) && opt->three_button) opt->three_button++;
-/*....................................... we're a repeater, aren't we? */
+   /*....................................... we're a repeater, aren't we? */
    if (!text_mode) {
       if (repeater.fd != -1 && !repeater.raw)
-         handle_repeater(&nEvent, event);
-      return 0; /* no events nor information for clients */
+         handle_repeater(type, &nEvent, event);
+      oldB = nEvent.buttons;
+      return MOUSE_NO_DATA; /* no events nor information for clients */
 /*....................................... no, we arent a repeater, go on */
    /* use fine delta values now, if delta is the information */
-   if (!(m_type)->absolute) {
-      fine_dx+=event->dx;             fine_dy+=event->dy;
-      event->dx=fine_dx/opt_scale;    event->dy=fine_dy/opt_scaley;
-      fine_dx %= opt_scale;           fine_dy %= opt_scaley;
+   if (!mouse->type->absolute) {
+      fine_dx += event->dx;
+      fine_dy += event->dy;
+      event->dx = fine_dx / opt->scalex;
+      event->dy = fine_dy / opt->scaley;
+      fine_dx %= opt->scalex;
+      fine_dy %= opt->scaley;
    /* up and down, up and down, ... who does a do..while(0) loop ???
       and then makes a break into it... argh ! */
-   if (!event->dx && !event->dy && (event->buttons==oldB))
-      do { /* so to break */
-         static long awaketime;
-         /*
-          * Ret information also if never happens, but enough time has elapsed.
-          * Note: return 1 will segfault due to missing event->vc; FIXME!
-          */
-         if (time(NULL)<=awaketime) return 0;
-         awaketime=time(NULL)+1;
-         break;
-      } while (0);
-/*....................................... fill missing fields */
+   if (!event->dx && !event->dy && event->buttons == oldB) {
+      static time_t awaketime;
+      /*
+       * Ret information also if never happens, but enough time has elapsed.
+       * Note: return 1 will segfault due to missing event->vc; FIXME!
+       */
+      if (time(NULL) <= awaketime) return MOUSE_NO_DATA;
+      awaketime = time(NULL) + 1;
+   }
-   event->x += event->dx, event->y += event->dy;
+   /*....................................... fill missing fields */
+   event->x += event->dx; event->y += event->dy;
    state.buttons = event->buttons;
    event->vc = get_console_state(&shift_state);
@@ -337,8 +322,8 @@
    switch(event->type) {                /* now provide the cooked bits */
       case GPM_DOWN:
-         GET_TIME(tv2);
-         if (tv1.tv_sec && (DIF_TIME(tv1, tv2) < opt_time)) /* check first click */
+         GET_TIME(now);
+         if (button_release.tv_sec && (DIF_TIME(button_release, now) < opt->time)) /* check first click */
             state.clicks++, state.clicks %= 3; /* 0, 1 or 2 */
             state.clicks = 0;
@@ -346,7 +331,7 @@
       case GPM_UP:
-         GET_TIME(tv1);
+         GET_TIME(button_release);
          event->buttons ^= oldB; /* for button-up, tell which one */
          event->type |= oldT & GPM_MFLAG;
          event->type |= GPM_SINGLE << state.clicks;
@@ -379,99 +364,63 @@
     * The i variable is how much margin is allowed. "m" is which one is there.
-   m = 0;
    i = (event->type & (GPM_DRAG|GPM_UP)) != 0; /* i is boolean */
    if (event->y > console.max_y) {
       event->y = console.max_y + 1 - !i;
       i = 0;
-      m = GPM_BOT;
+      event->margin = GPM_BOT;
    } else if (event->y <= 0) {
       event->y = 1 - i;
       i = 0;
-      m = GPM_TOP;
+      event->margin = GPM_TOP;
    if (event->x > console.max_x) {
       event->x = console.max_x + 1 - !i;
-      if (!m) m = GPM_RGT;
+      if (!event->margin) event->margin = GPM_RGT;
    } else if (event->x <= 0) {
       event->x = 1 - i;
-      if (!m) m = GPM_LFT;
+      if (!event->margin) event->margin = GPM_LFT;
-   event->margin = m;
    gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"M: %3i %3i (%3i %3i) - butt=%i vc=%i cl=%i",
-                                       event->dx,event->dy,
-                                       event->x,event->y,
-                                       event->buttons, event->vc,
-                                       event->clicks);
+                            event->dx, event->dy, event->x, event->y,
+                            event->buttons, event->vc, event->clicks);
    /* update the global state */
    state.x = event->x; state.y = event->y;
+   oldB = nEvent.buttons;
-   if (opt_special && event->type & GPM_DOWN) 
-      return processSpecial(event);
-   return 1;
-static void gpm_killed(int signo)
-   if(signo==SIGWINCH) {
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_WARN,GPM_MESS_RESIZING, option.progname, getpid());
-      opt_resize++;
-      return;
-   }
-   if (signo==SIGUSR1)
-     gpm_report(GPM_PR_WARN,GPM_MESS_KILLED_BY,option.progname, getpid(),option.progname);
-   exit(0);
+   if (opt_special && (event->type & GPM_DOWN) && !processSpecial(event))
+      rslt = MOUSE_NO_DATA;
+   return rslt;
 int old_main()
    int ctlfd;
-   int i, text_mode, fd;
+   int i, text_mode;
    struct timeval timeout;
    int maxfd = -1;
-   int pending;
+   int pending, attempt;
    Gpm_Event event;
+   struct micetab *mouse;
    struct client_info *ci;
+   fd_set selSet, readySet, connSet;
+   enum mouse_rslt rslt;
-   for (i = 1; i <= 1+opt_double; i++) {
-      which_mouse=mouse_table+i; /* used to access options */
-      if (!opt_dev) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_NEED_MDEV);
-      if(!strcmp(opt_dev,"-")) fd=0; /* use stdin */
-      else if( (fd=open(opt_dev,O_RDWR | O_NDELAY)) < 0)
-         gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_OPEN,opt_dev); 
-      /* and then reset the flag */
-      fcntl(fd,F_SETFL,fcntl(fd,F_GETFL) & ~O_NDELAY);
-      /* init the device, and use the return value as new mouse type */
-      if (m_type->init)
-         m_type=(m_type->init)(fd, m_type->flags, m_type);
-      if (!m_type) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_MOUSE_INIT);
-      which_mouse->fd=fd;
-      maxfd=max(fd, maxfd);
-   }
-/*....................................... catch interesting signals */
+   /*....................................... catch interesting signals */
    signal(SIGTERM, gpm_killed);
    signal(SIGINT,  gpm_killed);
    signal(SIGUSR1, gpm_killed); /* usr1 is used by a new gpm killing the old */
    signal(SIGWINCH,gpm_killed); /* winch can be sent if console is resized */
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);    /* WARN */
+   init_mice();
    handle_console_resize(&event); /* get screen dimensions */
    ctlfd = listen_for_clients();
    /*....................................... wait for mouse and connections */
@@ -479,86 +428,88 @@
    FD_SET(ctlfd, &connSet);
    maxfd = max(maxfd, ctlfd);
-   if (opt_double) FD_SET(mouse_table[2].fd, &connSet);
+   for (mouse = micelist; mouse; mouse = mouse->next) {
+      FD_SET(mouse->dev.fd, &connSet);
+      maxfd = max(maxfd, mouse->dev.fd);
+   }
    readySet = connSet;
-   FD_SET(mouse_table[1].fd, &readySet);
-/*--------------------------------------- main loop begins here */
+   /*--------------------------------------- main loop begins here */
-   while(1) {
-      selSet=readySet;
+   while (1) {
+      selSet = readySet;
-      if (opt_test) timeout.tv_sec=0;
+      if (option.test) timeout.tv_sec = 0;
-      if (eventFlag) { /* an event left over by clustering */
-         pending=1;
-         FD_ZERO(&selSet);
-         FD_SET(mouse_table[eventFlag].fd,&selSet);
+      while ((pending = select(maxfd + 1, &selSet, NULL_SET, NULL_SET, &timeout)) == 0) {
+         selSet = readySet;
+         resetTimeout();
-      else
-         while((pending=select(maxfd+1,&selSet,NULL_SET,NULL_SET,&timeout))==0){
-            selSet=readySet;
-            resetTimeout();
-         } /* go on */
-      if (opt_resize) { /* did the console resize? */
+      if (console_resized) { /* did the console resize? */
-         opt_resize--;
+         console_resized = 0;
          signal(SIGWINCH, gpm_killed); /* reinstall handler */
       if (pending < 0) {
-         if (errno==EBADF) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_SELECT_PROB);
-         gpm_report(GPM_PR_ERR,GPM_MESS_SELECT_STRING,strerror(errno));
-         selSet=readySet;
+         if (errno == EBADF) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_SELECT_PROB);
+         gpm_report(GPM_PR_ERR, GPM_MESS_SELECT_STRING, strerror(errno));
+         selSet = readySet;
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,GPM_MESS_SELECT_TIMES,pending);
+      gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG, GPM_MESS_SELECT_TIMES, pending);
-/*....................................... manage graphic mode */
+      /*....................................... manage graphic mode */
-     /* 
-      * Be sure to be in text mode. This used to be before select,
-      * but actually it only matters if you have events.
-      */
+      /*
+       * Be sure to be in text mode. This used to be before select,
+       * but actually it only matters if you have events.
+       */
       text_mode = is_text_console();
       if (!text_mode && !repeater.type && !repeater.raw) {
-         close(mouse_table[i].fd);
+         /* if we don't have repeater then there is only one mouse so
+          * we can safely use micelist
+          */
+         close(micelist->dev.fd);
          /* reopen, reinit (the function is only used if we have one mouse device) */
-         if ((mouse_table[i].fd = open(opt_dev, O_RDWR)) < 0)
-            gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_OPEN,opt_dev);
-         if (m_type->init)
-            m_type->init(mouse_table[i].fd, m_type->flags, m_type);
-         maxfd = max(maxfd, mouse_table[1].fd);
+         if ((micelist->dev.fd = open(micelist->device, O_RDWR)) < 0)
+            gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_OPEN, micelist->device);
+         if (micelist->type->init)
+            micelist->type->init(&micelist->dev, &micelist->options, micelist->type);
+         maxfd = max(maxfd, micelist->dev.fd);
          readySet = connSet;
-         FD_SET(mouse_table[1].fd, &readySet);
+         FD_SET(micelist->dev.fd, &readySet);
          continue; /* reselect */
-/*....................................... got mouse, process event */
- * Well, actually, run a loop to maintain inlining of functions without
- * lenghtening the file. This is not too clean a code, but it works....
- */
-      for (i=1; i <= 1+opt_double; i++) {
-         which_mouse=mouse_table+i; /* used to access options */
-         if (FD_ISSET(which_mouse->fd,&selSet)) {
-            FD_CLR(which_mouse->fd,&selSet); pending--;
-            if (processMouse(which_mouse->fd, &event, m_type, text_mode)) {
-               /* pass it to the client or to the default handler,
-                * or to the selection handler
-                */
-               if (event.vc > MAX_VC) event.vc = 0;
-               if (event.vc == 0 || !cinfo[event.vc] || !do_client(cinfo[event.vc], &event))
-                  if (!cinfo[0] || !do_client(cinfo[0], &event))
-                     do_selection(&event, opt_three);
-            }
+      /*....................................... got mouse, process event */
+      /*
+       * Well, actually, run a loop to maintain inlining of functions without
+       * lenghtening the file. This is not too clean a code, but it works....
+       */
+      for (mouse = micelist; mouse; mouse = mouse->next) {
+         if (FD_ISSET(mouse->dev.fd, &selSet)) {
+            FD_CLR(mouse->dev.fd, &selSet);
+            pending--;
+            attempt = 0;
+            do {
+               rslt = processMouse(mouse, ++attempt, &event, text_mode);
+               if (rslt != MOUSE_NO_DATA) {
+                  /* pass it to the client or to the default handler,
+                   * or to the selection handler
+                   */
+                  if (event.vc > MAX_VC) event.vc = 0;
+                  if (event.vc == 0 || !cinfo[event.vc] || !do_client(cinfo[event.vc], &event))
+                     if (!cinfo[0] || !do_client(cinfo[0], &event))
+                        do_selection(&event, mouse->options.three_button);
+               }
+            } while (rslt == MOUSE_MORE_DATA);
@@ -586,7 +537,7 @@
                FD_CLR(ci->fd, &selSet);
                if (!process_client_request(ci, i, state.x, state.y, state.clicks,
-                                           state.buttons, opt_three)) {
+                                           state.buttons, micelist->options.three_button)) {
                   FD_CLR(ci->fd, &connSet);
                   FD_CLR(ci->fd, &readySet);
                   remove_client(ci, i);
diff -Nru a/src/gpn.c b/src/gpn.c
--- a/src/gpn.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/gpn.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>        /* strerror(); ?!? memcpy() */
 #include <ctype.h>         /* isdigit */
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>        /* Log uses it */
 #include <unistd.h>        /* getopt(),symlink() */
 #include "headers/message.h"
@@ -49,83 +47,67 @@
    return 1;
-/* itz Sat Sep 12 10:55:51 PDT 1998 Added this as replacement for the
-   unwanted functionality in check_uniqueness. */
-void check_kill(void)
-   int old_pid;
-   FILE* fp = fopen(GPM_NODE_PID, "r");
-   /* if we cannot find the old pid file, leave */
-   if (fp == NULL) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_OPEN, GPM_NODE_PID);
-   /* else read the pid */
-   if (fscanf(fp,"%d",&old_pid) != 1)
-   fclose(fp);
-   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,GPM_MESS_KILLING,old_pid);
-   /* first check if we run */
-   if (kill(old_pid,0) == -1) {
-      unlink(GPM_NODE_PID);
-   }
-   /* then kill us (not directly, but the other instance ... ) */
-   if (kill(old_pid,SIGTERM) == -1)
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_CANT_KILL, old_pid);
-   gpm_report(GPM_PR_INFO,GPM_MESS_KILLED,old_pid);
-   exit(0);
-/* itz Sat Sep 12 10:30:05 PDT 1998 this function used to mix two
-   completely different things; opening a socket to a running daemon
-   and checking that a running daemon existed.  Ugly. */
-/* rewritten mostly on 20th of February 2002 - nico */   
-void check_uniqueness(void)
-   FILE *fp    =  0;
-   int old_pid = -1;
-   if((fp = fopen(GPM_NODE_PID, "r")) != NULL) {
-      fscanf(fp, "%d", &old_pid);
-      if (kill(old_pid,0) == -1) {
-         unlink(GPM_NODE_PID);
-      } else /* we are really running, exit asap! */ 
-         gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_ALREADY_RUN, old_pid);
-   }
-   /* now try to sign ourself */
-   if ((fp = fopen(GPM_NODE_PID,"w")) != NULL) {
-      fprintf(fp,"%d\n",getpid());
-      fclose(fp);
-   } else {
-   }
  * the function returns a valid type pointer or NULL if not found
-struct Gpm_Type *find_mouse_by_name(char *name)
+static struct Gpm_Type *find_mouse_by_name(char *name)
    Gpm_Type *type;
    char *s;
    int len = strlen(name);
-   for (type=mice; type->fun; type++) {
+   for (type = mice; type->fun; type++) {
       if (!strcasecmp(name, type->name)) break;
       /* otherwise, look in the synonym list */
       for (s = type->synonyms; s; s = strchr(s, ' ')) {
          while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++; /* skip spaces */
-         if(!strncasecmp(name, s, len) && !isprint(*(s + len))) break;/*found*/
+         if (!strncasecmp(name, s, len) && !isprint(*(s + len))) break;/*found*/
-   	if(s) break; /* found a synonym */
+   	if (s) break; /* found a synonym */
-   if (!type->fun) return NULL;
-   return type;
+   return type->fun ? type : NULL;
+static void init_button_sequence(struct miceopt *opt, char *arg)
+   int i;
+   static struct {
+      char *in;
+      char *out;
+   } seq[] = {
+      {"123", "01234567"},
+      {"132", "02134657"},
+      {"213", "01452367"}, /* warning: these must be readable as integers... */
+      {"231", "02461357"},
+      {"312", "04152637"},
+      {"321", "04261537"},
+      {NULL, NULL}
+   };
+   if (strlen(arg) != 3 || atoi(arg) < 100)
+      exit(usage("sequence"));
+   for (i = 0; seq[i].in && strcmp(seq[i].in, arg); i++);
+      if (!seq[i].in)
+         exit(usage("button sequence"));
+   opt->sequence = strdup(seq[i].out); /* I can rewrite on it */
+static void validate_mouse(struct micetab *mouse, int mouse_no)
+   if (!mouse->device) {
+      if (!mouse->type && mouse_no > 1)
+         gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,
+            "No device/protocol specified for mouse #%d, probably extra -M option?", mouse_no);
+      else
+         gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, "No device specified for mouse #%d", mouse_no);
+   }
+   if (!mouse->type)
+      mouse->type = find_mouse_by_name(DEF_TYPE);
+   if (!mouse->options.sequence)
+      init_button_sequence(&mouse->options, DEF_SEQUENCE);
 static void validate_repeater(char *type)
@@ -149,57 +131,87 @@
 void cmdline(int argc, char **argv)
-   extern struct options option;
+   struct micetab *mouse;
+   struct miceopt *opt;
    char options[]="a:A::b:B:d:Dg:hi:kl:m:Mo:pr:R::s:S:t:TuvV::23";
-   int  opt;
+   int  opt_char, tmp;
+   int  mouse_no = 1;
-   /* initialize for the dual mouse */ 
-   mouse_table[2]=mouse_table[1]=mouse_table[0]; /* copy defaults */
-   which_mouse=mouse_table+1; /* use the first */
-   while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, options)) != -1) {
-      switch (opt) {
-         case 'a': opt_accel = atoi(optarg);             break;
-         case 'A': sel_opts.aged = 1;
-                   if (optarg)
-                      sel_opts.age_limit = atoi(optarg); break;
-         case 'b': opt_baud = atoi(optarg);              break;
-         case 'B': opt_sequence = optarg;                break;
-         case 'd': opt_delta = atoi(optarg);             break;
-         case 'D': option.run_status = GPM_RUN_DEBUG;    break;
-         case 'g': opt_glidepoint_tap=atoi(optarg);      break;
-         case 'h': exit(usage(NULL));
-         case 'i': opt_time=atoi(optarg);                break;
-         case 'k': check_kill();                         break;
-         case 'l': console.charset = optarg;             break;
-         case 'm': add_mouse(GPM_ADD_DEVICE,optarg);     
-                   opt_dev = optarg;                     break; /* GO AWAY!*/
-         case 'M':   opt_double++;
+   mouse = add_mouse();
+   opt = &mouse->options;
+   while ((opt_char = getopt(argc, argv, options)) != -1) {
+      switch (opt_char) {
+         case 'a':   if ((opt->accel = atoi(optarg)) < 1)
+                        exit(usage("acceleration"));
+                     break;
+         case 'A':   sel_opts.aged = 1;
+                     if (optarg)
+                        sel_opts.age_limit = atoi(optarg);
+                     break;
+         case 'b':   opt->baud = atoi(optarg);
+                     break;
+         case 'B':   init_button_sequence(opt, optarg);
+                     break;
+         case 'd':   if ((opt->delta = atoi(optarg)) < 2)
+                        exit(usage("delta"));
+                     break;
+         case 'D':   option.run_status = GPM_RUN_DEBUG;
+                     break;
+         case 'g':   if (atoi(optarg) > 3)
+                        exit(usage("glidepoint tap button"));
+                     opt->glidepoint_tap = GPM_B_LEFT >> (atoi(optarg) - 1);
+                     break;
+         case 'h':   exit(usage(NULL));
+         case 'i':   opt->time = atoi(optarg);
+                     break;
+         case 'k':   kill_gpm();
+                     break;
+         case 'l':   console.charset = optarg;
+                     break;
+         case 'm':   mouse->device = optarg;
+                     break;
+         case 'M':   validate_mouse(mouse, mouse_no);
+                     mouse = add_mouse();
+                     opt = &mouse->options;
+                     mouse_no++;
                      if (!repeater.type && !repeater.raw)
                         repeater.type = find_mouse_by_name(DEF_REP_TYPE);
-            which_mouse=mouse_table+2;                   break;
-         case 'o': add_mouse(GPM_ADD_OPTIONS,optarg);
-                   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"options: %s",optarg);
-                   opt_options = optarg;                 break; /* GO AWAY */
-         case 'p': sel_opts.ptrdrag = 0;                 break;
-         case 'r':
-            /* being called responsiveness, I must take the inverse */
-            opt_scale=atoi(optarg);
-            if(!opt_scale || opt_scale > 100) opt_scale=100; /* the maximum */
-            else opt_scale=100/opt_scale;                break;
+                     break;
+         case 'o':   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"options: %s", optarg);
+                     opt->text = optarg;
+                     break;
+         case 'p':   sel_opts.ptrdrag = 0;
+                     break;
+         case 'r':   /* being called responsiveness, I must take the inverse */
+                     tmp = atoi(optarg);
+                     if (!tmp || tmp > 100) tmp = 1;
+                     opt->scalex = 100 / tmp;
+                     break;
          case 'R':   validate_repeater((optarg) ? optarg : DEF_REP_TYPE);
-         case 's': opt_sample = atoi(optarg);            break;
-         case 'S': if (optarg) opt_special = optarg;
-                   else opt_special="";                  break;
-         case 't': add_mouse(GPM_ADD_TYPE,optarg);
-                   opt_type = optarg;                    break; /* GO AWAY */
-         case 'u': option.autodetect = 1;                break;
-         case 'T': opt_test++;                           break;
-         case 'v': printf(GPM_MESS_VERSION "\n");        exit(0);
-         case '2': opt_three = -1;                       break;
-         case '3': opt_three =  1;                       break;
-         default: exit(usage("commandline"));
+         case 's':   opt->sample = atoi(optarg);
+                     break;
+         case 'S':   if (optarg) opt_special = optarg;
+                     else opt_special="";
+                     break;
+         case 't':   mouse->type = find_mouse_by_name(optarg);
+                     if (!mouse->type)
+                        exit(M_listTypes());
+                     break;
+         case 'u':   option.autodetect = 1;
+                     break;
+         case 'T':   option.test++;
+                     break;
+         case 'v':   printf(GPM_MESS_VERSION "\n");
+                     exit(0);
+         case '2':   opt->three_button = -1;
+                     break;
+         case '3':   opt->three_button = 1;
+                     break;
+         default:    exit(usage("commandline"));
+   validate_mouse(micelist, mouse_no);
diff -Nru a/src/headers/gpmInt.h b/src/headers/gpmInt.h
--- a/src/headers/gpmInt.h	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/headers/gpmInt.h	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@
-#include <sys/types.h>          /* time_t */ /* for whom ????  FIXME */
 #include "gpm.h"
 #if !defined(__GNUC__)
@@ -51,12 +49,10 @@
 #define DEF_SCALE           10
 #define DEF_TIME           250    /* time interval (ms) for multiple clicks */
 #define DEF_THREE            0    /* have three buttons? */
-#define DEF_KERNEL           0    /* no kernel module, by default */
 /* 10 on old computers (<=386), 0 on current machines */
 #define DEF_CLUSTER          0    /* maximum number of clustered events */
-#define DEF_TEST             0
 #define DEF_PTRDRAG          1    /* double or triple click */
 #define DEF_GLIDEPOINT_TAP   0    /* tapping emulates no buttons by default */
@@ -74,11 +70,6 @@
 #define GPM_PTS_CONSOLE      "/dev/pts/0"
 #define GPM_OLD_CONSOLE      "/dev/tty0"
-/* for adding a mouse; add_mouse */
-#define GPM_ADD_DEVICE        0
-#define GPM_ADD_TYPE          1
-#define GPM_ADD_OPTIONS       2
 /*** mouse commands ***/ 
 #define GPM_AUX_SEND_ID    0xF2
@@ -107,70 +98,49 @@
 /*....................................... Structures */
+struct micedev {
+   int   fd;
+   void  *private;
+struct miceopt {
+   char  *sequence;
+   int   baud;
+   int   sample;
+   int   delta;
+   int   accel;
+   int   scalex, scaley;
+   int   time;
+   int   cluster;
+   int   three_button;
+   int   glidepoint_tap;
+   char  *text;            /* extra textual options supplied via '-o text' */
  * and this is the entry in the mouse-type table
 typedef struct Gpm_Type {
-  char *name;
-  char *desc;             /* a descriptive line */
-  char *synonyms;         /* extra names (the XFree name etc) as a list */
-  int (*fun)(Gpm_Event *state, unsigned char *data);
-  struct Gpm_Type *(*init)(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type);
-  unsigned short flags;
-  unsigned char proto[4];
-  int packetlen;
-  int howmany;            /* how many bytes to read at a time */
-  int getextra;           /* does it get an extra byte? (only mouseman) */
-  int absolute;           /* flag indicating absolute pointing device */
+   char *name;
+   char *desc;             /* a descriptive line */
+   char *synonyms;         /* extra names (the XFree name etc) as a list */
+   int (*fun)(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state);
+   int (*init)(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type);
+   unsigned short flags;
+   unsigned char proto[4];
+   int packetlen;
+   int howmany;            /* how many bytes to read at a time */
+   int getextra;           /* does it get an extra byte? (only mouseman) */
+   int absolute;           /* flag indicating absolute pointing device */
-  int (*repeat_fun)(Gpm_Event *state, int fd); /* repeat this event into fd */
+   int (*repeat_fun)(Gpm_Event *state, int fd); /* repeat this event into fd */
                           /* itz Mon Jan 11 23:27:54 PST 1999 */
 }                   Gpm_Type;
 #define GPM_EXTRA_MAGIC_1 0xAA
 #define GPM_EXTRA_MAGIC_2 0x55
-/*....................................... Global variables */
-/* this structure is used to hide the dual-mouse stuff */
-struct mouse_features {
-  char *opt_type, *opt_dev, *opt_sequence;
-  int opt_baud,opt_sample,opt_delta, opt_accel, opt_scale, opt_scaley;
-  int opt_time, opt_cluster, opt_three, opt_glidepoint_tap;
-  char *opt_options; /* extra textual configuration */
-  Gpm_Type *m_type;
-  int fd;
-extern struct mouse_features mouse_table[3], *which_mouse; /*the current one*/
-/* this is not very clean, actually, but it works fine */
-#define opt_type     (which_mouse->opt_type)
-#define opt_dev      (which_mouse->opt_dev)
-#define opt_sequence (which_mouse->opt_sequence)
-#define opt_baud     (which_mouse->opt_baud)
-#define opt_sample   (which_mouse->opt_sample)
-#define opt_delta    (which_mouse->opt_delta)
-#define opt_accel    (which_mouse->opt_accel)
-#define opt_scale    (which_mouse->opt_scale)
-#define opt_scaley   (which_mouse->opt_scaley)
-#define opt_time     (which_mouse->opt_time)
-#define opt_cluster  (which_mouse->opt_cluster)
-#define opt_three    (which_mouse->opt_three)
-#define opt_glidepoint_tap (which_mouse->opt_glidepoint_tap)
-#define opt_options  (which_mouse->opt_options)
-#define m_type       (which_mouse->m_type)
-/* the other variables */
-extern int opt_test;
-extern int opt_kill;
-extern int opt_kernel, opt_explicittype;
 extern char *opt_special;
-extern int opt_double;
 extern Gpm_Type mice[];             /* where the hell are the descriptions...*/
 /* new variables <CLEAN> */
@@ -185,30 +155,31 @@
 /* contains all mice */
 struct micetab {
    struct micetab *next;
-   char *device;
-   char *protocol;
-   char *options;
+   struct micedev dev;
+   struct miceopt options;
+   Gpm_Type       *type;
+   char           *device;
 struct options {
    int autodetect;            /* -u [aUtodetect..'A' is not available] */
-   int no_mice;               /* number of mice */
+   int test;
    int run_status;            /* startup/daemon/debug */
    char *progname;            /* hopefully gpm ;) */
-   struct micetab *micelist;  /* mice and their options */
 /* global variables */
 struct options option;        /* one should be enough for us */
 extern struct repeater repeater; /* again, only one */
+extern struct micetab *micelist;
 /* new variables </CLEAN> */
 /*....................................... Prototypes */
          /* server_tools.c */
-void add_mouse (int type, char *value);
-int  init_mice (struct micetab *micelist);
-int  reset_mice(struct micetab *micelist);
+struct micetab *add_mouse(void);
+void init_mice(void);
+void cleanup_mice(void);
          /* startup.c */
 void startup(int argc, char **argv);
@@ -218,16 +189,15 @@
        /* gpn.c */
 void cmdline(int argc, char **argv);
-int giveInfo(int request, int fd);
-int usage(char *whofailed);
-struct Gpm_Type *find_mouse_by_name(char *name);
+int  giveInfo(int request, int fd);
+int  usage(char *whofailed);
 void check_uniqueness(void);
-void check_kill(void);
+void kill_gpm(void);
        /* mice.c */
 extern int M_listTypes(void);
-       /* special.c */
+      /* special.c */
 int processSpecial(Gpm_Event *event);
 int twiddler_key(unsigned long message);
 int twiddler_key_init(void);
diff -Nru a/src/headers/synaptics.h b/src/headers/synaptics.h
--- a/src/headers/synaptics.h	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/headers/synaptics.h	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 ** Process the touchpad 6/7/8 byte data.
-void syn_process_serial_data (Gpm_Event *state,
+void syn_process_serial_data (int fd, Gpm_Event *state,
 			      unsigned char *data);
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 ** Process the touchpad 6 byte data.
-void syn_process_ps2_data (Gpm_Event *state,
+void syn_process_ps2_data (int fd, Gpm_Event *state,
 			   unsigned char *data);
diff -Nru a/src/mice.c b/src/mice.c
--- a/src/mice.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/mice.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -46,15 +46,11 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <termios.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <termios.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h> /* stat() */
-#include <sys/time.h> /* select() */
 #include <linux/kdev_t.h> /* MAJOR */
 #include <linux/keyboard.h>
@@ -138,7 +134,7 @@
-static int M_evdev (Gpm_Event * state, unsigned char *data)
+static int M_evdev(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    struct input_event thisevent;
    (void) memcpy (&thisevent, data, sizeof (struct input_event));
@@ -159,7 +155,7 @@
 #endif /* HAVE_LINUX_INPUT_H */
-static int M_ms(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_ms(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
     * some devices report a change of middle-button state by
@@ -178,7 +174,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_ms_plus(Gpm_Event *state, unsigned char *data)
+static int M_ms_plus(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    static unsigned char prev=0;
@@ -198,7 +194,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_ms_plus_lr(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_ms_plus_lr(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
     * Same as M_ms_plus but with an addition by Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
@@ -234,7 +230,7 @@
 int SUMMA_BORDER=100;
 int summamaxx,summamaxy;
 char summaid=-1;
-static int M_summa(Gpm_Event *state, unsigned char *data)
+static int M_summa(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    int x, y;
@@ -301,7 +297,7 @@
 /* 'Genitizer' (kw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 11/12/97) */
-static int M_geni(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_geni(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    /* this is a little confusing. If we use the stylus, we
     * have three buttons (tip, lower, upper), and if
@@ -324,7 +320,7 @@
 /* m$ 'Intellimouse' (steveb 20/7/97) */
-static int M_ms3(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_ms3(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    state->wdx = state->wdy = 0;
    state->buttons= ((data[0] & 0x20) >> 3)   /* left */
@@ -375,7 +371,7 @@
 /* M_brw is a variant of m$ 'Intellimouse' the middle button is different */
-static int M_brw(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_brw(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    state->buttons= ((data[0] & 0x20) >> 3)   /* left */
       | ((data[3] & 0x20) >> 4)   /* middle */
@@ -396,7 +392,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_bare(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_bare(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    /* a bare ms protocol */
    state->buttons= ((data[0] & 0x20) >> 3) | ((data[0] & 0x10) >> 4);
@@ -405,7 +401,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_sun(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_sun(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    state->buttons= (~data[0]) & 0x07;
    state->dx=      (signed char)(data[1]);
@@ -413,7 +409,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_msc(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_msc(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    state->buttons= (~data[0]) & 0x07;
    state->dx=      (signed char)(data[1]) + (signed char)(data[3]);
@@ -465,7 +461,7 @@
    return write(fd,buffer,4);
-static int M_logimsc(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data) /* same as msc */
+static int M_logimsc(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    state->buttons= (~data[0]) & 0x07;
    state->dx=      (signed char)(data[1]) + (signed char)(data[3]);
@@ -473,7 +469,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_mm(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_mm(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    state->buttons= data[0] & 0x07;
    state->dx=      (data[0] & 0x10) ?   data[1] : - data[1];
@@ -481,7 +477,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_logi(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data) /* equal to mm */
+static int M_logi(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    state->buttons= data[0] & 0x07;
    state->dx=      (data[0] & 0x10) ?   data[1] : - data[1];
@@ -489,7 +485,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_bm(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data) /* equal to sun */
+static int M_bm(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    state->buttons= (~data[0]) & 0x07;
    state->dx=      (signed char)data[1];
@@ -497,7 +493,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_ps2(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_ps2(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    static int tap_active=0; /* there exist glidepoint ps2 mice */
@@ -506,8 +502,8 @@
       !!(data[0]&2) * GPM_B_RIGHT +
       !!(data[0]&4) * GPM_B_MIDDLE;
-   if (data[0]==0 && opt_glidepoint_tap) /* by default this is false */
-      state->buttons = tap_active = opt_glidepoint_tap;
+   if (data[0]==0 && opt->glidepoint_tap) /* by default this is false */
+      state->buttons = tap_active = opt->glidepoint_tap;
    else if (tap_active) {
       if (data[0]==8)
          state->buttons = tap_active = 0;
@@ -530,10 +526,11 @@
       state->dy= -((data[0] & 0x20) ? data[2]-256 : data[2]);
       state->dy = 0;
    return 0;
-static int M_imps2(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_imps2(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    static int tap_active=0;         /* there exist glidepoint ps2 mice */
@@ -543,8 +540,8 @@
    state->buttons= ((data[0] & 1) << 2)   /* left              */
       | ((data[0] & 6) >> 1);             /* middle and right  */
-   if (data[0]==0 && opt_glidepoint_tap) // by default this is false
-      state->buttons = tap_active = opt_glidepoint_tap;
+   if (data[0]==0 && opt->glidepoint_tap) // by default this is false
+      state->buttons = tap_active = opt->glidepoint_tap;
    else if (tap_active) {
       if (data[0]==8)
          state->buttons = tap_active = 0;
@@ -574,7 +571,7 @@
-static int M_netmouse(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_netmouse(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    /* Avoid these beasts if you can.  They connect to normal PS/2 port,
     * but their protocol is one byte longer... So if you have notebook
@@ -613,45 +610,45 @@
 /* standard ps2 */
-static Gpm_Type *I_ps2(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+int I_ps2(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    static unsigned char s[] = { 246, 230, 244, 243, 100, 232, 3, };
-   write (fd, s, sizeof (s));
+   write(dev->fd, s, sizeof (s));
    usleep (30000);
-   tcflush (fd, TCIFLUSH);
-   return type;
+   tcflush (dev->fd, TCIFLUSH);
+   return 0;
-static Gpm_Type *I_netmouse(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_netmouse(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    unsigned char magic[6] = { 0xe8, 0x03, 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xe9 };
    int i;
-   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt_options, ',')) return NULL;
+   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt->text, ',')) return -1;
    for (i=0; i<6; i++) {
       unsigned char c = 0;
-      write( fd, magic+i, 1 );
-      read( fd, &c, 1 );
+      write(dev->fd, magic+i, 1 );
+      read(dev->fd, &c, 1 );
       if (c != 0xfa) {
-         return NULL;
+         return -1;
       unsigned char rep[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
-      read( fd, rep, 1 );
-      read( fd, rep+1, 1 );
-      read( fd, rep+2, 1 );
+      read( dev->fd, rep, 1 );
+      read( dev->fd, rep+1, 1 );
+      read( dev->fd, rep+2, 1 );
       if (rep[0] || (rep[1] != 0x33) || (rep[2] != 0x55)) {
          gpm_report(GPM_PR_ERR,GPM_MESS_NETM_INV_MAGIC, rep[0], rep[1], rep[2]);
-         return NULL;
+         return -1;
-   return type;
+   return 0;
-static int M_mman(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_mman(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
     * the damned MouseMan has 3/4 bytes packets. The extra byte 
@@ -689,7 +686,7 @@
       } else {
          if (b & 0x2) prev |= GPM_B_MIDDLE;
-         if (b & 0x1) prev |= opt_glidepoint_tap;
+         if (b & 0x1) prev |= opt->glidepoint_tap;
@@ -733,7 +730,7 @@
 #define IsA(m) ((WacomModell==(-1))? 0:!strcmp(#m,wcmodell[WacomModell].name))
-static int M_wacom(Gpm_Event *state, unsigned char *data)
+static int M_wacom(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    static int ox=-1, oy;
    int x, y;
@@ -823,7 +820,7 @@
 #define CAL_Y_MAX 0xF40
-static int M_calus(Gpm_Event *state, unsigned char *data)
+static int M_calus(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    int x, y;
@@ -855,7 +852,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_calus_rel(Gpm_Event *state, unsigned char *data)
+static int M_calus_rel(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    static int ox=-1, oy;
    int x, y;
@@ -889,7 +886,7 @@
-static int M_ncr(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_ncr(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    int x,y;
@@ -931,7 +928,7 @@
    return 0;
-static int M_twid(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_twid(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    unsigned long message=0UL; int i,h,v;
    static int lasth, lastv, lastkey, key, lock=0, autorepeat=0;
@@ -1049,7 +1046,7 @@
 /* Joystick mouse emulation (David Given) */
-static int M_js(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_js(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    struct JS_DATA_TYPE *jdata = (void*)data;
    static int centerx = 0;
@@ -1098,21 +1095,21 @@
 #endif /* have joystick.h */
 /* Synaptics TouchPad mouse emulation (Henry Davies) */
-static int M_synaptics_serial(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_synaptics_serial(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
-   syn_process_serial_data (state, data);
+   syn_process_serial_data(dev->fd, state, data);
    return 0;
 /* Synaptics TouchPad mouse emulation (Henry Davies) */
-static int M_synaptics_ps2(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_synaptics_ps2(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
-   syn_process_ps2_data(state, data);
+   syn_process_ps2_data(dev->fd, state, data);
    return 0;
-static int M_mtouch(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_mtouch(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
     * This is a simple decoder for the MicroTouch touch screen
@@ -1150,7 +1147,7 @@
    if (avgx < 0) { /* press event */
-      if (DIF_TIME(uptv, tv) < opt_time) {
+      if (DIF_TIME(uptv, tv) < opt->time) {
          /* count as button press placed at finger-up pixel */
          state->buttons = GPM_B_LEFT;
          realposx = avgx = upx; state->x = REAL_TO_XCELL(realposx);
@@ -1192,7 +1189,7 @@
 static int gunze_calib[4]; /* x0,y0 x1,y1 (measured at 1/8 and 7/8) */
 static int gunze_debounce = 100; /* milliseconds: ignore shorter taps */
-static int M_gunze(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_gunze(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
     * This generates button-1 events, by now.
@@ -1255,7 +1252,7 @@
       timediff = DIF_TIME(uptv, tv);
       released = 0;
-      if (timediff > gunze_debounce && timediff < opt_time) {
+      if (timediff > gunze_debounce && timediff < opt->time) {
          /* count as button press placed at finger-up pixel */
          dragging = 1;
          state->buttons = GPM_B_LEFT;
@@ -1304,7 +1301,7 @@
 /* corresponding correction of the protocol identification     */
 /* mask) 2001/07/12 by Maciej W. Rozycki (macro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) */
-static int M_vsxxx_aa(Gpm_Event *state, unsigned char *data)
+static int M_vsxxx_aa(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
 /* The mouse protocol is as follows:
@@ -1354,7 +1351,7 @@
 /*  Genius Wizardpad tablet  --  Matt Kimball (mkimball@xxxxxxxxxxxx)  */
 static int wizardpad_width = -1;
 static int wizardpad_height = -1;
-static int M_wp(Gpm_Event *state,  unsigned char *data)
+static int M_wp(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, unsigned char *data, Gpm_Event *state)
    int x, y, pressure;
@@ -1380,9 +1377,9 @@
 /* Then, mice should be initialized */
-static Gpm_Type* I_empty(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_empty(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
-    return check_no_options(type->name, opt_options, ',') ? type : NULL;
+    return check_no_options(type->name, opt->text, ',') ? 0 : -1;
 static int setspeed(int fd,int old,int new,int needtowrite,unsigned short flags)
@@ -1439,27 +1436,27 @@
     {1E9,"N"}, };
-static Gpm_Type* I_serial(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_serial(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    int i; unsigned char c;
    fd_set set; struct timeval timeout={0,0}; /* used when not debugging */
    /* accept "-o dtr", "-o rts" and "-o both" */
-   if (option_modem_lines(fd, type->name, opt_options)) return NULL;
+   if (option_modem_lines(dev->fd, type->name, opt->text)) return -1;
 #ifndef DEBUG
    /* flush any pending input (thanks, Miguel) */
    for(i=0; /* always */ ; i++) {
-      FD_SET(fd,&set);
-      switch(select(fd+1,&set,(fd_set *)NULL,(fd_set *)NULL,&timeout/*zero*/)){
-         case  1: if (read(fd,&c,1)==0) break;
+      FD_SET(dev->fd,&set);
+      switch(select(dev->fd+1,&set,(fd_set *)NULL,(fd_set *)NULL,&timeout/*zero*/)){
+         case  1: if (read(dev->fd,&c,1)==0) break;
          case -1: continue;
-   if (type->fun==M_logimsc) write(fd, "QU", 2 );
+   if (type->fun==M_logimsc) write(dev->fd, "QU", 2 );
 #if 0 /* Did this ever work? -- I don't know, but should we not remove it,
        * if it doesn't work ??? -- Nico */
@@ -1472,7 +1469,7 @@
    /* Non mman: change from any available speed to the chosen one */
    for (i=9600; i>=1200; i/=2)
-      setspeed(fd, i, opt_baud, (type->fun != M_mman) /* write */, flags);
+      setspeed(dev->fd, i, opt->baud, (type->fun != M_mman) /* write */, type->flags);
     * reset the MouseMan/TrackMan to use the 3/4 byte protocol
@@ -1480,50 +1477,50 @@
     * Changed after 1.14; why not having "I_mman" now?
    if (type->fun==M_mman) {
-      setspeed(fd, 1200, 1200, 0, flags); /* no write */
-      write(fd, "*X", 2);
-      setspeed(fd, 1200, opt_baud, 0, flags); /* no write */
-      return type;
+      setspeed(dev->fd, 1200, 1200, 0, type->flags); /* no write */
+      write(dev->fd, "*X", 2);
+      setspeed(dev->fd, 1200, opt->baud, 0, type->flags); /* no write */
+      return 0;
    if(type->fun==M_geni) {
-      setspeed(fd, 1200, 9600, 1, flags); /* write */
-      write(fd, ":" ,1); 
-      write(fd, "E" ,1); /* setup tablet. relative mode, resolution... */
-      write(fd, "@" ,1); /* setup tablet. relative mode, resolution... */
+      setspeed(dev->fd, 1200, 9600, 1, type->flags); /* write */
+      write(dev->fd, ":" ,1);
+      write(dev->fd, "E" ,1); /* setup tablet. relative mode, resolution... */
+      write(dev->fd, "@" ,1); /* setup tablet. relative mode, resolution... */
    if (type->fun==M_synaptics_serial) {
       int packet_length;
-      setspeed (fd, 1200, 1200, 1, flags);
-      packet_length = syn_serial_init (fd);
-      setspeed (fd, 1200, 9600, 1, flags);
+      setspeed (dev->fd, 1200, 1200, 1, type->flags);
+      packet_length = syn_serial_init (dev->fd);
+      setspeed (dev->fd, 1200, 9600, 1, type->flags);
       type->packetlen = packet_length;
       type->howmany   = packet_length;
    if (type->fun==M_vsxxx_aa) {
-      setspeed (fd, 4800, 4800, 0, flags); /* no write */
-      write(fd, "R", 1); /* initialize a mouse; without getting an "R" */
+      setspeed (dev->fd, 4800, 4800, 0, type->flags); /* no write */
+      write(dev->fd, "R", 1); /* initialize a mouse; without getting an "R" */
                          /* a mouse does not send a bytestream         */
-   return type;
+   return 0;
-static Gpm_Type* I_logi(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_logi(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    int i;
    struct stat buf;
    int busmouse;
-   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt_options, ',')) return NULL;
+   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt->text, ',')) return -1;
    /* is this a serial- or a bus- mouse? */
-   if(fstat(fd,&buf)==-1) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FSTAT);
+   if(fstat(dev->fd,&buf)==-1) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FSTAT);
    /* I don't know why this is herein, but I remove it. I don't think a 
@@ -1536,20 +1533,20 @@
    type->howmany = busmouse ? 3 : 1;
    /* change from any available speed to the chosen one */
-   for (i=9600; i>=1200; i/=2) setspeed(fd, i, opt_baud, 1 /* write */, flags);
+   for (i=9600; i>=1200; i/=2) setspeed(dev->fd, i, opt->baud, 1 /* write */, type->flags);
    /* this stuff is peculiar of logitech mice, also for the serial ones */
-   write(fd, "S", 1);
-   setspeed(fd, opt_baud, opt_baud, 1 /* write */,
+   write(dev->fd, "S", 1);
+   setspeed(dev->fd, opt->baud, opt->baud, 1 /* write */,
    /* configure the sample rate */
-   for (i=0;opt_sample<=sampletab[i].sample;i++) ;
-   write(fd,sampletab[i].code,1);
-   return type;
+   for (i=0;opt->sample<=sampletab[i].sample;i++) ;
+   write(dev->fd,sampletab[i].code,1);
+   return 0;
-static Gpm_Type *I_wacom(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_wacom(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
 /* wacom graphire tablet */
 #define UD_RESETBAUD     "\r$"      /* reset baud rate to default (wacom V) */
@@ -1564,19 +1561,19 @@
       /* Init Wacom communication; this is modified from xf86Wacom.so module */
       /* Set speed to 19200 */
-      setspeed (fd, 1200, 19200, 0, B19200|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL);
+      setspeed (dev->fd, 1200, 19200, 0, B19200|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL);
       /* Send Reset Baudrate Command */ 
-      write(fd, UD_RESETBAUD, strlen(UD_RESETBAUD));
+      write(dev->fd, UD_RESETBAUD, strlen(UD_RESETBAUD));
       /* Send Reset Command */
-      write(fd, UD_RESET,     strlen(UD_RESET));
+      write(dev->fd, UD_RESET,     strlen(UD_RESET));
       /* Set speed to 9600bps */
-      setspeed (fd, 1200, 9600, 0, B9600|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL);
+      setspeed (dev->fd, 1200, 9600, 0, B9600|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL);
       /* Send Reset Command */
-      write(fd, UD_RESET, strlen(UD_RESET));
+      write(dev->fd, UD_RESET, strlen(UD_RESET));
-      write(fd, UD_STOP, strlen(UD_STOP));
+      write(dev->fd, UD_STOP, strlen(UD_STOP));
@@ -1590,7 +1587,7 @@
       struct timeval timeout;
       fd_set readfds;
       int err;
-      FD_ZERO(&readfds);  FD_SET(fd, &readfds);
+      FD_ZERO(&readfds);  FD_SET(dev->fd, &readfds);
       timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 200000;
       err = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
@@ -1606,11 +1603,11 @@
        * Get Data to buffer until full or timeout.
        * Give back 0 for timeout and !0 for buffer full
-      if (cmd) write(fd,cmd,strlen(cmd));
+      if (cmd) write(dev->fd,cmd,strlen(cmd));
       memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); p=buffer;
       while (err != -1 && err && (p-buffer)<(sizeof(buffer)-1)) {
-         p+= read(fd,p,(sizeof(buffer)-1)-(p-buffer));
+         p+= read(dev->fd,p,(sizeof(buffer)-1)-(p-buffer));
       /* return 1 for buffer full */
@@ -1634,7 +1631,7 @@
          {"",          OPT_END}
-   parse_options(type->name, opt_options, ',', optioninfo);
+   parse_options(type->name, opt->text, ',', optioninfo);
    type->absolute = WacomAbsoluteWanted;
@@ -1668,23 +1665,23 @@
       wmaxx = (wmaxx-wcmodell[WacomModell].border);
       wmaxy = (wmaxy-wcmodell[WacomModell].border);
-   write(fd,UD_SENDCOORDS,4);
+   write(dev->fd,UD_SENDCOORDS,4);
-   return type;
+   return 0;
-static Gpm_Type *I_pnp(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_pnp(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    struct termios tty;
    /* accept "-o dtr", "-o rts" and "-o both" */
-   if (option_modem_lines(fd, type->name, opt_options)) return NULL;
+   if (option_modem_lines(dev->fd, type->name, opt->text)) return -1;
     * Just put the device to 1200 baud. Thanks to Francois Chastrette
     * for his great help and debugging with his own pnp device.
-   tcgetattr(fd, &tty);
+   tcgetattr(dev->fd, &tty);
    tty.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
    tty.c_oflag = 0;
@@ -1692,15 +1689,15 @@
    tty.c_line = 0;
    tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
-   tty.c_cflag = flags | B1200;
-   tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty); /* set parameters */
+   tty.c_cflag = type->flags | B1200;
+   tcsetattr(dev->fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty); /* set parameters */
     * Don't read the silly initialization string. I don't want to see
     * the vendor name: it is only propaganda, with no information.
-   return type;
+   return 0;
@@ -1748,7 +1745,7 @@
 /* intellimouse, ps2 version: Ben Pfaff and Colin Plumb */
 /* Autodetect: Steve Bennett */
-static Gpm_Type *I_imps2(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_imps2(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    int id;
    static unsigned char basic_init[] = { GPM_AUX_ENABLE_DEV, GPM_AUX_SET_SAMPLE, 100 };
@@ -1756,36 +1753,36 @@
    static unsigned char ps2_init[] = { GPM_AUX_SET_SCALE11, GPM_AUX_ENABLE_DEV, GPM_AUX_SET_SAMPLE, 100, GPM_AUX_SET_RES, 3, };
    /* Do a basic init in case the mouse is confused */
-   write_to_mouse(fd, basic_init, sizeof (basic_init));
+   write_to_mouse(dev->fd, basic_init, sizeof (basic_init));
    /* Now try again and make sure we have a PS/2 mouse */
-   if (write_to_mouse(fd, basic_init, sizeof (basic_init)) != 0) {
+   if (write_to_mouse(dev->fd, basic_init, sizeof (basic_init)) != 0) {
-      return(NULL);
+      return -1;
    /* Try to switch to 3 button mode */
-   if (write_to_mouse(fd, imps2_init, sizeof (imps2_init)) != 0) {
+   if (write_to_mouse(dev->fd, imps2_init, sizeof (imps2_init)) != 0) {
-      return(NULL);
+      return -1;
    /* Read the mouse id */
-   id = read_mouse_id(fd);
+   id = read_mouse_id(dev->fd);
    if (id == GPM_AUX_ID_ERROR) {
       id = GPM_AUX_ID_PS2;
    /* And do the real initialisation */
-   if (write_to_mouse(fd, ps2_init, sizeof (ps2_init)) != 0) {
+   if (write_to_mouse(dev->fd, ps2_init, sizeof (ps2_init)) != 0) {
    if (id == GPM_AUX_ID_IMPS2) {
    /* Really an intellipoint, so initialise 3 button mode (4 byte packets) */
-      return type;
+      return 0;
    if (id != GPM_AUX_ID_PS2) {
       gpm_report(GPM_PR_ERR,GPM_MESS_IMPS2_BAD_ID, id);
@@ -1793,64 +1790,64 @@
    else gpm_report(GPM_PR_INFO,GPM_MESS_IMPS2_PS2);
    for (type=mice; type->fun; type++)
-      if (strcmp(type->name, "ps2") == 0) return(type);
+      if (strcmp(type->name, "ps2") == 0) return 0;
    /* ps2 was not found!!! */
-   return(NULL);
+   return -1;
  * This works with Dexxa Optical Mouse, but because in X same initstring
  * is named ExplorerPS/2 so I named it in the same way.
-static Gpm_Type *I_exps2(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_exps2(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    static unsigned char s1[] = { 243, 200, 243, 200, 243, 80, };
-   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt_options, ',')) return NULL;
+   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt->text, ',')) return -1;
-   write (fd, s1, sizeof (s1));
+   write (dev->fd, s1, sizeof (s1));
    usleep (30000);
-   tcflush (fd, TCIFLUSH);
-   return type;
+   tcflush (dev->fd, TCIFLUSH);
+   return 0;
-static Gpm_Type *I_twid(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_twid(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
-   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt_options, ',')) return NULL;
+   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt->text, ',')) return -1;
-   if (twiddler_key_init() != 0) return NULL;
+   if (twiddler_key_init() != 0) return -1;
    * the twiddler is a serial mouse: just drop dtr
    * and run at 2400 (unless specified differently) 
-   if (opt_baud == DEF_BAUD) opt_baud = 2400;
-   opt_options = "dtr";
-   return I_serial(fd, flags, type);
+   if (opt->baud == DEF_BAUD) opt->baud = 2400;
+   opt->text = "dtr";
+   return I_serial(dev, opt, type);
-static Gpm_Type *I_calus(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_calus(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
-   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt_options, ',')) return NULL;
+   if (!check_no_options(type->name, opt->text, ',')) return -1;
-   if (opt_baud == 1200) opt_baud = 9600; /* default to 9600 */
-   return I_serial(fd, flags, type);
+   if (opt->baud == 1200) opt->baud = 9600; /* default to 9600 */
+   return I_serial(dev, opt, type);
 /* synaptics touchpad, ps2 version: Henry Davies */
-static Gpm_Type *I_synps2(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_synps2(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
-   syn_ps2_init (fd);
-   return type;
+   syn_ps2_init (dev->fd);
+   return 0;
-static Gpm_Type *I_summa(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_summa(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    void resetsumma()
-      write(fd,0,1); /* Reset */
+      write(dev->fd,0,1); /* Reset */
       usleep(400000); /* wait */
    int waitsumma()
@@ -1858,7 +1855,7 @@
       struct timeval timeout;
       fd_set readfds;
       int err;
-      FD_ZERO(&readfds);  FD_SET(fd, &readfds);
+      FD_ZERO(&readfds);  FD_SET(dev->fd, &readfds);
       timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 200000;
       err = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout);
@@ -1881,34 +1878,34 @@
    char GEN_MODELL=0x7f;
    /* Set speed to 9600bps */
-   setspeed (fd, 1200, 9600, 1, B9600|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL|PARENB|PARODD);  
+   setspeed (dev->fd, 1200, 9600, 1, B9600|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL|PARENB|PARODD);
-   write(fd, SS_PROMPT_MODE, strlen(SS_PROMPT_MODE));
+   write(dev->fd, SS_PROMPT_MODE, strlen(SS_PROMPT_MODE));
    if (strstr(type->name,"acecad")!=NULL) summaid=11;
    if (summaid<0) { /* Summagraphics test */
       /* read the Summa Firm-ID */
-      write(fd, SS_FIRMID, strlen(SS_FIRMID));
+      write(dev->fd, SS_FIRMID, strlen(SS_FIRMID));
       if (!((err == -1) || (!err))) {
          summaid=10; /* Original Summagraphics */
-         read(fd, buffer, 255); /* Read Firm-ID */
+         read(dev->fd, buffer, 255); /* Read Firm-ID */
    if (summaid<0) { /* Genius-test */
-      write(fd,GEN_MMSERIES,1); 
-      write(fd,&GEN_MODELL,1); /* Read modell */
+      write(dev->fd,GEN_MMSERIES,1);
+      write(dev->fd,&GEN_MODELL,1); /* Read modell */
       if (!((err == -1) || (!err))) { /* read Genius-ID */
          if (!((err == -1) || (!err))) {
             if (!((err == -1) || (!err))) {
-               read(fd,&config,1);
+               read(dev->fd,&config,1);
                summaid=(config[0] & 224) >> 5; /* genius tablet-id (0-7)*/
@@ -1918,29 +1915,29 @@
    /* unknown tablet ?*/
    if ((summaid<0) || (summaid==11)) { 
-      write(fd, SS_BINARY_FMT SS_PROMPT_MODE, 3);
+      write(dev->fd, SS_BINARY_FMT SS_PROMPT_MODE, 3);
    /* read tablet size */
-   if (!((err == -1) || (!err))) read(fd,buffer,sizeof(buffer));
-   write(fd,SS_READCONFIG,1);
-   read(fd,&config,5);
+   if (!((err == -1) || (!err))) read(dev->fd,buffer,sizeof(buffer));
+   write(dev->fd,SS_READCONFIG,1);
+   read(dev->fd,&config,5);
    summamaxx=(config[2]<<7 | config[1])-(SUMMA_BORDER*2);
    summamaxy=(config[4]<<7 | config[3])-(SUMMA_BORDER*2);
-   if (summaid<0) write(fd,SS_500LPI SS_TABID0 SS_BINARY_FMT,4);
+   if (summaid<0) write(dev->fd,SS_500LPI SS_TABID0 SS_BINARY_FMT,4);
-   return type;
+   return 0;
-static Gpm_Type *I_mtouch(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_mtouch(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    struct termios tty;
    /* Set speed to 9600bps (copied from I_summa, above :) */
-   tcgetattr(fd, &tty);
+   tcgetattr(dev->fd, &tty);
    tty.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
    tty.c_oflag = 0;
    tty.c_lflag = 0;
@@ -1948,17 +1945,17 @@
    tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    tty.c_cflag = B9600|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL;
-   tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty);
+   tcsetattr(dev->fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty);
    /* Turn it to "format tablet" and "mode stream" */
-   write(fd,"\001MS\r\n\001FT\r\n",10);
+   write(dev->fd,"\001MS\r\n\001FT\r\n",10);
-   return type;
+   return 0;
 /* simple initialization for the gunze touchscreen */
-static Gpm_Type *I_gunze(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_gunze(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    struct termios tty;
    FILE *f;
@@ -1973,23 +1970,23 @@
       /* FIXME: add corner tapping */
       {"",         OPT_END}
-   parse_options(type->name, opt_options, ',', optioninfo);
+   parse_options(type->name, opt->text, ',', optioninfo);
    /* check that the baud rate is valid */
-   if (opt_baud == DEF_BAUD) opt_baud = 19200; /* force 19200 as default */
-   if (opt_baud != 9600 && opt_baud != 19200) {
+   if (opt->baud == DEF_BAUD) opt->baud = 19200; /* force 19200 as default */
+   if (opt->baud != 9600 && opt->baud != 19200) {
       gpm_report(GPM_PR_ERR, GPM_MESS_GUNZE_WRONG_BAUD, option.progname, type->name);
-      opt_baud = 19200;
+      opt->baud = 19200;
-   tcgetattr(fd, &tty);
+   tcgetattr(dev->fd, &tty);
    tty.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
    tty.c_oflag = 0;
    tty.c_lflag = 0;
    tty.c_line = 0;
    tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
-   tty.c_cflag = (opt_baud == 9600 ? B9600 : B19200) |CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL;
-   tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty);
+   tty.c_cflag = (opt->baud == 9600 ? B9600 : B19200) |CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL;
+   tcsetattr(dev->fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty);
    /* FIXME: try to find some information about the device */
@@ -2012,18 +2009,18 @@
       gunze_calib[0] = gunze_calib[1] = 128; /* 1/8 */
       gunze_calib[2] = gunze_calib[3] = 896; /* 7/8 */
-   return type;
+   return 0;
 /*  Genius Wizardpad tablet  --  Matt Kimball (mkimball@xxxxxxxxxxxx)  */
-static Gpm_Type *I_wp(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type)
+static int I_wp(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type)
    struct termios tty;
    char tablet_info[256];
    int count, pos, size;
    /* Set speed to 9600bps (copied from I_summa, above :) */
-   tcgetattr(fd, &tty);
+   tcgetattr(dev->fd, &tty);
    tty.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
    tty.c_oflag = 0;
    tty.c_lflag = 0;
@@ -2031,22 +2028,22 @@
    tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
    tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    tty.c_cflag = B9600|CS8|CREAD|CLOCAL|HUPCL;
-   tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty);
+   tcsetattr(dev->fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty);
    /*  Reset the tablet (':') and put it in remote mode ('S') so that
      it isn't sending anything to us.  */
-   write(fd, ":S", 2);
-   tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty);
+   write(dev->fd, ":S", 2);
+   tcsetattr(dev->fd, TCSAFLUSH, &tty);
    /*  Query the model of the tablet  */
-   write(fd, "T", 1);
+   write(dev->fd, "T", 1);
-   count = read(fd, tablet_info, 255);
+   count = read(dev->fd, tablet_info, 255);
    /*  The tablet information should start with "KW" followed by the rest of
      the model number.  If it isn't there, it probably isn't a WizardPad.  */
-   if(count < 2) return NULL;
-   if(tablet_info[0] != 'K' || tablet_info[1] != 'W') return NULL;
+   if(count < 2) return -1;
+   if(tablet_info[0] != 'K' || tablet_info[1] != 'W') return -1;
    /*  Now, we want the width and height of the tablet.  They should be 
      of the form "X###" and "Y###" where ### is the number of units of
@@ -2068,9 +2065,9 @@
    /*  Set the tablet to stream mode with 180 updates per sec.  ('O')  */
-   write(fd, "O", 1);
+   write(dev->fd, "O", 1);
-   return type;
+   return 0;
diff -Nru a/src/prog/mouse-test.c b/src/prog/mouse-test.c
--- a/src/prog/mouse-test.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/prog/mouse-test.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -50,22 +50,9 @@
 #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
-/* this material is needed to pass options to mice.c */
-struct mouse_features mymouse = {
-   (char *)NULL /* extra */,
-   (Gpm_Type *)NULL,
-   -1 /* fd */
 /* and this is a workaroud */
 struct winsize win;
-struct mouse_features *which_mouse=&mymouse;
 char *progname;
 char *consolename;
 int devcount=0;
@@ -78,9 +65,9 @@
 struct device {
    char *name;
-   int fd;
+   struct micedev mdev;
    struct device *next;
+} *devlist;
 static int message(void)
@@ -148,46 +135,48 @@
    Place the description here.
-struct device **gpm_makedev(struct device **current, char *name)
+void gpm_makedev(char *name)
-   int fd; int modes;
+   struct device *dev;
+   int fd;
+   int modes;
    if ((fd=open(name,O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK))==-1) {
-      return current;
-   }
-   modes = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
-   if (0 > fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, modes & ~O_NONBLOCK)) {
-      close(fd);
-      perror(name);
-      return current;
+   } else {
+      modes = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
+      if (0 > fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, modes & ~O_NONBLOCK)) {
+         close(fd);
+         perror(name);
+      } else {
+         dev = malloc(sizeof(struct device));
+         if (!dev) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,"malloc()");
+         dev->name=strdup(name);
+         if (!dev->name) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,"malloc()");
+         dev->mdev.fd=fd;
+         dev->mdev.private = NULL;
+         dev->next=devlist;
+         devlist = dev;
+         devcount++;
+      }
-   *current=malloc(sizeof(struct device));
-   if (!*current) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,"malloc()");
-   (*current)->name=strdup(name);
-   if (!(*current)->name) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,"malloc()");
-   (*current)->fd=fd;
-   (*current)->next=NULL;
-   devcount++;
-   return &((*current)->next);
-Gpm_Type *(*I_serial)(int fd, unsigned short flags, struct Gpm_Type *type);
+int (*I_serial)(struct micedev *dev, struct miceopt *opt, struct Gpm_Type *type);
    Place the description here.
-int mousereopen(int oldfd, char *name, Gpm_Type *type)
+int mousereopen(struct micedev *dev, char *name, Gpm_Type *type, struct miceopt *opts)
-   int fd;
    if (!type) type=mice+1; /* ms */
-   close(oldfd);
+   close(dev->fd);
-   fd=open(name,O_RDWR);
-   if (fd < 0) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,name);
-   (*I_serial)(fd,type->flags,type); /* ms initialization */
-   return fd;
+   dev->fd=open(name,O_RDWR);
+   if (dev->fd < 0) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,name);
+   I_serial(dev, opts, type); /* ms initialization */
+   return dev->fd;
 int noneofthem(void)
@@ -280,10 +269,9 @@
    struct item *list=NULL;
    struct item **nextitem;
-   struct device *devlist=NULL;
-   struct device **nextdev;
+   struct device *nextdev;
    Gpm_Type *cursor;
-   int i, mousefd;
+   int i;
    char *mousename;
 #define BUFLEN 512
    char buf[BUFLEN];
@@ -293,6 +281,9 @@
    int trial, readamount,packetsize,got;
    int baudtab[4]={1200,9600,4800,2400};
 #define BAUD(i) (baudtab[(i)%4])
+   struct miceopt opt = {0};
+   struct micedev mdev = {0};
    consolename = Gpm_get_console();
    if (!isatty(fileno(stdin))) {
@@ -305,8 +296,8 @@
    /* init the list of possible devices */
-   for (nextdev=&devlist, i=1; i<argc; i++)
-      nextdev=gpm_makedev(nextdev,argv[i]);
+   for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
+      gpm_makedev(argv[i]);
    if (argc==1) { /* no cmdline, get all devices */
       FILE *f;
@@ -319,7 +310,7 @@
       if (!f) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,"popen()");
       while (fgets(s,64,f)) {
          s[strlen(s)-1]='\0'; /* trim '\n' */
-         nextdev=gpm_makedev(nextdev,s);
+         gpm_makedev(s);
@@ -344,18 +335,18 @@
       /* BUG */ /* Logitech initialization is not performed */
-      opt_baud=BAUD(trial);
-      printf("\r\nTrying with %i baud\r\n",opt_baud);
+      opt.baud=BAUD(trial);
+      printf("\r\nTrying with %i baud\r\n",opt.baud);
       FD_ZERO(&devSet); FD_ZERO(&gotSet);
       FD_SET(fileno(stdin),&devSet); maxfd=fileno(stdin);
       printf("\r\n The possible device nodes are:\r\n");
-      for (nextdev=&devlist; *nextdev; nextdev=&((*nextdev)->next)) {
-         printf("\t%s\r\n", (*nextdev)->name);
-         FD_SET((*nextdev)->fd,&devSet);
-         maxfd=max((*nextdev)->fd,maxfd);
-         (*I_serial)((*nextdev)->fd,(mice+1)->flags,mice+1); /* try ms mode */
+      for (nextdev=devlist; nextdev; nextdev=nextdev->next) {
+         printf("\t%s\r\n", nextdev->name);
+         FD_SET(nextdev->mdev.fd, &devSet);
+         maxfd=max(nextdev->mdev.fd,maxfd);
+         I_serial(&nextdev->mdev, &opt, mice+1); /* try ms mode */
@@ -377,43 +368,43 @@
-         for (nextdev=&devlist; *nextdev; nextdev=&((*nextdev)->next))
-	         if (FD_ISSET((*nextdev)->fd,&devSet)) {
+         for (nextdev=devlist; nextdev; nextdev=nextdev->next)
+	         if (FD_ISSET(nextdev->mdev.fd,&devSet)) {
-	            FD_CLR((*nextdev)->fd,&savSet);
-	            FD_SET((*nextdev)->fd,&gotSet);
+	            FD_CLR(nextdev->mdev.fd,&savSet);
+	            FD_SET(nextdev->mdev.fd,&gotSet);
-      if (gotthem) for (nextdev=&devlist; *nextdev; /* nothing */ ) {
-	      cur=*nextdev;
-	      if (!FD_ISSET(cur->fd,&gotSet)) {
+      if (gotthem) for (nextdev=devlist; nextdev; /* nothing */ ) {
+	      cur=nextdev;
+	      if (!FD_ISSET(cur->mdev.fd,&gotSet)) {
 	         printf("removing \"%s\" from the list\r\n",cur->name);
-	         *nextdev=cur->next;
-	         close(cur->fd);
+	         nextdev=cur->next;
+	         close(cur->mdev.fd);
 	      } else {
-	         read(cur->fd,buf,80); /* flush */
-	         nextdev=&(cur->next); /* follow list */
+	         read(cur->mdev.fd,buf,80); /* flush */
+	         nextdev=cur->next; /* follow list */
    } /* devcount>1 */
-   mousefd=devlist->fd;
+   mdev=devlist->mdev;
    printf("\r\nOk, so your mouse device is \"%s\"\r\n",mousename);
    /* now close and reopen it, complete with initialization */
-   opt_baud=BAUD(0);
-   mousefd=mousereopen(mousefd,mousename,NULL);
+   opt.baud=BAUD(0);
+   mousereopen(&mdev, mousename, NULL,&opt);
-   FD_SET(mousefd,&checkSet);
+   FD_SET(mdev.fd,&checkSet);
-   maxfd=max(mousefd,fileno(stdin));
+   maxfd=max(mdev.fd, fileno(stdin));
 /*====================================== Identify mouse type */
@@ -438,7 +429,7 @@
    printf("\r\nNow please press and release your left mouse button,\r\n"
 	 "one time only\r\n\r\n");
-   i=read(mousefd,buf,1);
+   i=read(mdev.fd, buf, 1);
    if (i==-1 && errno==EINVAL)
@@ -464,7 +455,7 @@
-   read(mousefd,buf,BUFLEN); /* flush */
+   read(mdev.fd, buf, BUFLEN); /* flush */
 /*====================================== Packet size - second step */
@@ -482,12 +473,12 @@
    while (packetsize==1) {
       int success3=0,success5=0;
-      opt_baud=BAUD(trial);
-      printf("\tBaud rate is %i\r\n",opt_baud);
-      mousefd=mousereopen(mousefd,mousename,NULL);
+      opt.baud=BAUD(trial);
+      printf("\tBaud rate is %i\r\n",opt.baud);
+      mousereopen(&mdev, mousename,NULL, &opt);
       printf("\r\n==> Detecting the packet size\r\n");
-      got=eventlist(mousefd,buf,BUFLEN,GPM_B_LEFT,readamount);
+      got=eventlist(mdev.fd,buf,BUFLEN,GPM_B_LEFT,readamount);
       /* try three -- look at repeating arrays of 6 bytes */
       for (i=0;i<got-12;i++)
@@ -511,7 +502,6 @@
 /*====================================== Use that info to discard protocols */
    for (nextitem=&list; *nextitem; /* nothing */) {
       struct item *cur=*nextitem;
       int packetheads=0;
@@ -528,7 +518,7 @@
          if ( ((buf[i]  &(cur->this->proto)[0]) == (cur->this->proto)[1])
 	      && ((buf[i+1]&(cur->this->proto)[2]) == (cur->this->proto)[3]) ) {
-	         if ((*(cur->this->fun))(&event,buf+i)==-1) {
+	         if ((*(cur->this->fun))(&mdev, &opt, buf+i, &event)==-1) {
@@ -592,7 +582,7 @@
  * First trial: remove the "-t ms" extension if spurious buttons come in
-   got=eventlist(mousefd,buf,BUFLEN,0,readamount);
+   got=eventlist(mdev.fd,buf,BUFLEN,0,readamount);
    for (nextitem=&list; *nextitem; /* nothing */) {
       struct item *cur=*nextitem;
@@ -602,7 +592,7 @@
       for (i=0;i<got;i++) {
          if ( ((buf[i]  &(cur->this->proto)[0]) == (cur->this->proto)[1])
             && ((buf[i+1]&(cur->this->proto)[2]) == (cur->this->proto)[3]) ) {
-               if ((*(cur->this->fun))(&event,buf+i)==-1) continue;
+               if ((*(cur->this->fun))(&mdev, &opt, buf+i, &event)==-1) continue;
                if (event.buttons) pending--;
@@ -622,8 +612,8 @@
    printf("\r\n==> Looking for '-t mman'and enhanced ms\r\n");
-   mousefd=mousereopen(mousefd,mousename, mice /* mman */);
-   got=eventlist(mousefd,buf,BUFLEN,GPM_B_MIDDLE,readamount);
+   mousereopen(&mdev, mousename, mice /* mman */, &opt);
+   got=eventlist(mdev.fd, buf, BUFLEN, GPM_B_MIDDLE, readamount);
    /* if it uses the 4-byte protocol, find it in a rude way */
    for (pending=0,i=0;i<got-16;i++)
@@ -644,7 +634,7 @@
       for (i=0;i<got;i++) {
          if ( ((buf[i]  &(cur->this->proto)[0]) == (cur->this->proto)[1])
             && ((buf[i+1]&(cur->this->proto)[2]) == (cur->this->proto)[3]) ) {
-               if ((*(cur->this->fun))(&event,buf+i)==-1) continue;
+               if ((*(cur->this->fun))(&mdev,&opt,buf+i,&event)==-1) continue;
                if (event.buttons && event.buttons!=GPM_B_MIDDLE) pending--;
 	            if (event.buttons==GPM_B_MIDDLE) pending++;
@@ -675,16 +665,16 @@
       char *Xtognames[3]={"'ClearDTR' and 'ClearRTS'","'ClearDTR'","'ClearRTS'"}; 
       int alllines,lines, index;
-      ioctl(mousefd, TIOCMGET, &alllines);
+      ioctl(mdev.fd, TIOCMGET, &alllines);
       printf("\r\nSome mice change protocol to three-buttons-aware if some\r\n"
 		   "\r\ncontrol lines are toggled after opening\r\n");
       for (index=0;index<3;index++) {
-         mousereopen(mousefd,mousename,NULL);
+         mousereopen(&mdev, mousename, NULL, &opt);
          lines = alllines & ~toggle[index];
-         ioctl(mousefd, TIOCMSET, &lines);
+         ioctl(mdev.fd, TIOCMSET, &lines);
          printf("\r\n==> Trying with '-o %s'\r\n",tognames[index]);
-         got=eventlist(mousefd,buf,BUFLEN,GPM_B_MIDDLE,readamount);
+         got=eventlist(mdev.fd, buf, BUFLEN, GPM_B_MIDDLE, readamount);
          /* if it uses the 5-byte protocol, find it in a rude way */
          for (pending=0,i=0;i<got-20;i++)
@@ -715,7 +705,7 @@
-   got=eventlist(mousefd,buf,BUFLEN,GPM_B_MIDDLE,readamount);
+   got=eventlist(mdev.fd,buf,BUFLEN,GPM_B_MIDDLE,readamount);
    /* if it uses the 5-byte protocol, find it in a rude way */
    for (pending=0,i=0;i<got-20;i++)
diff -Nru a/src/server_tools.c b/src/server_tools.c
--- a/src/server_tools.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/server_tools.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -21,151 +21,78 @@
  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc() */
+#include <sys/fcntl.h>
 #include "headers/gpmInt.h"
 #include "headers/message.h"
-#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc() */
+struct micetab *micelist;
-/* DESCR:   add this to the list of mice. initialization follows later */
-/* RETURN:  - */
+/* DESCR:   allocate a new mouse and to the list of mice. initialization follows later */
+/* RETURN:  new mouse structure */
 /* COMMENT: does error handling and exiting itself */
-void add_mouse(int type, char *value)
+struct micetab *add_mouse(void)
-   struct micetab *tmp = option.micelist;
+   struct micetab *mouse;
-   /* PREAMBLE for all work: */
-   /* -m /dev/misc/psaux -t ps2 [ -o options ] */
+   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG, "adding mouse device");
+   if (!(mouse = malloc(sizeof(struct micetab))))
+      gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_NO_MEM);
+   memset(mouse, 0, sizeof(struct micetab));
+   mouse->options.sequence = NULL;
+   mouse->options.sample = DEF_SAMPLE;
+   mouse->options.delta = DEF_DELTA;
+   mouse->options.accel = DEF_ACCEL;
+   mouse->options.scalex = DEF_SCALE;
+   mouse->options.scaley = DEF_SCALE;
+   mouse->options.time = DEF_TIME;
+   mouse->options.cluster = DEF_CLUSTER;
+   mouse->options.three_button = DEF_THREE;
+   mouse->options.glidepoint_tap = DEF_GLIDEPOINT_TAP;
+   mouse->options.text = NULL;
-   switch(type) {
+   mouse->next = micelist;
+   micelist = mouse;
-      /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-      /********************** -m mousedevice *********************************/
-      /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-      case GPM_ADD_DEVICE:
-         /* first invocation */
-         if(option.micelist == NULL) {
-            gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"adding mouse device: %s",value);
-            option.micelist = (struct micetab *) malloc(sizeof(struct micetab));
-            if(!option.micelist) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_NO_MEM);
-            option.micelist->next      = NULL;
-            option.micelist->device    = value;
-            option.micelist->protocol  = NULL;
-            option.micelist->options   = NULL;
-            return;
-         }
-         /* find actual mouse */
-         while(tmp->device != NULL && tmp->protocol != NULL && tmp->next !=NULL)
-            tmp = tmp->next;
-         gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"finished searching");
-         /* found end of micelist, add new mouse */
-         if(tmp->next == NULL && tmp->protocol != NULL) {
-            gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"next mouse making");
-            tmp->next = (struct micetab *) malloc(sizeof(struct micetab));
-            if(!tmp) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_NO_MEM);
-            tmp->next      = NULL;
-            tmp->device    = value;
-            tmp->protocol  = NULL;
-            tmp->options   = NULL;
-            return;
-         } else gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FIRST_DEV);
-         //} else if(tmp->device != NULL && tmp->protocol == NULL)
-         // gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FIRST_DEV); /* -m -m */
-         break;
-      /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-      /************************* -t type / protocol **************************/
-      /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-      case GPM_ADD_TYPE:
-         if(option.micelist == NULL) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FIRST_DEV);
-         /* skip to next mouse, where either device or protocol is missing */
-         while(tmp->device != NULL && tmp->protocol != NULL && tmp->next !=NULL)
-            tmp = tmp->next;
-         /* check whether device (-m) is there, if so, write protocol */
-         if(tmp->device == NULL) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FIRST_DEV);
-         else {
-            gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"adding mouse type: %s",value);
-            tmp->protocol = value;
-            option.no_mice++;          /* finally we got our mouse */
-         }
-         break;
-      /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-      /*************************** -o options ********************************/
-      /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-      case GPM_ADD_OPTIONS:
-         if(option.micelist == NULL) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FIRST_DEV);
-         /* look for the last mouse */
-         tmp = option.micelist;
-         while(tmp->next != NULL) tmp = tmp->next;
-         /* if -m or -t are missing exit */
-         if(tmp->device == NULL || tmp->protocol == NULL)
-            gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FIRST_DEV);
-         else {
-            gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"adding mouse options: %s",value);
-            tmp->options = value;
-         }   
-         break;
-   }
+   return mouse;
-/* DESCR:   mice initialization. currently print mice. */
-/* RETURN:  0 - failed to init one or more devices 
-            1 - init was fine */
+/* DESCR:   mice initialization. calls appropriate init functions. */
 /* COMMENT: does error handling and exiting itself */
-int init_mice(struct micetab *micelist)
+void init_mice(void)
-   struct micetab *tmp = micelist;
+   struct micetab *mouse;
+   for (mouse = micelist; mouse; mouse = mouse->next) {
+      if (!strcmp(mouse->device, "-"))
+         mouse->dev.fd = 0; /* use stdin */
+      else if ((mouse->dev.fd = open(mouse->device, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY)) < 0)
+         gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_OPEN, mouse->device);
-   while(tmp != NULL) {           /* there are still mice to init */
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"initialize %s with proto %s",tmp->device,tmp->protocol);
-      if(tmp->options != NULL) {
-         gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"and options %s",tmp->options);
-      }
-      tmp = tmp->next;
-   }
+      /* and then reset the flag */
+      fcntl(mouse->dev.fd, F_SETFL, fcntl(mouse->dev.fd, F_GETFL) & ~O_NDELAY);
-   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"finished initialization");
-   return 1;
+      /* init the device, and use the return value as new mouse type */
+      if (mouse->type->init)
+         if (mouse->type->init(&mouse->dev, &mouse->options, mouse->type))
+            gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_MOUSE_INIT);
+   }
 /* DESCR:   when leaving, we should reset mice to their normal state */
-/* RETURN:  0 - failed to reset one or more devices 
-            1 - reset was fine */
 /* COMMENT: does error handling and exiting itself */
-int reset_mice(struct micetab *micelist)
+void cleanup_mice(void)
-   struct micetab *tmp = micelist;
-   struct micetab *end = tmp;
+   struct micetab *tmp;
-   while(tmp != NULL) { /* FIXME! I never get NULL, as free()d before */
-      end = tmp;
-      while(tmp->next != NULL) {       /* set end to the last mouse */
-         end = tmp;
-         tmp = tmp->next;
-      }
-      gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"reset: %s with proto %s",end->device,end->protocol);
-      if(tmp->options != NULL) {
-         gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"and options %s",end->options);
-      }
-      free(end);                       /* be clean() */
-      tmp = micelist;                  /* reset to the first mice again */
+   while ((tmp = micelist)) {
+      if (micelist->dev.private)
+         free(micelist->dev.private);
+      micelist = micelist->next;
+      free(tmp);
-   return 1;
diff -Nru a/src/startup.c b/src/startup.c
--- a/src/startup.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/startup.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <string.h>     /* strlen() */
 #include <errno.h>      /* errno */
 #include <unistd.h>     /* unlink,geteuid */
+#include <signal.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>  /* geteuid, mknod */
 #include <sys/stat.h>   /* mknod */
 #include <fcntl.h>      /* mknod */
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@
 /* what todo atexit */
 static void gpm_exited(void)
@@ -49,30 +50,12 @@
    extern struct options option;
    extern int errno;
-   int i,opt;
-   static struct {
-      char *in;
-      char *out;
-   } seq[] = {
-      {"123","01234567"},
-      {"132","02134657"},
-      {"213","01452367"}, /* warning: these must be readable as integers... */
-      {"231","02461357"},
-      {"312","04152637"},
-      {"321","04261537"},
-      {NULL,NULL}
-   };
    /* basic settings */
    option.run_status    = GPM_RUN_STARTUP;      /* 10,9,8,... let's go */
    option.autodetect    = 0;                    /* no mouse autodection */
+   option.test          = 0;
    option.progname      = argv[0];              /* who we are */
-   /* basic2: are not necessary for oops()ing, if not root */
-   option.no_mice       = 0;                    /* counts -m + -t */
-   option.micelist      = NULL;                 /* no mice found yet */
    console.device       = Gpm_get_console();    /* get consolename */
    cmdline(argc, argv);                         /* parse command line */
@@ -97,29 +80,7 @@
          gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_OPEN, GPM_NODE_FIFO);
-   /* duplicate initialization */
-   for (i=1; i <= 1+opt_double; i++) {
-      which_mouse=mouse_table+i; /* used to access options */
-      if (opt_accel < 1) exit(usage("acceleration"));
-      if (opt_delta < 2) exit(usage("delta"));
-      if (strlen(opt_sequence) != 3 || atoi(opt_sequence)<100)
-         exit(usage("sequence"));
-      if (opt_glidepoint_tap > 3) exit(usage("glidepoint tap button"));
-      if (opt_glidepoint_tap)
-         opt_glidepoint_tap=GPM_B_LEFT >> (opt_glidepoint_tap-1);
-      /* choose the sequence */
-      for (opt=0; seq[opt].in && strcmp(seq[opt].in,opt_sequence); opt++) ;
-      if(!seq[opt].in) exit(usage("button sequence"));
-      opt_sequence=strdup(seq[opt].out); /* I can rewrite on it */
-      /* look for the mouse type */
-      m_type = find_mouse_by_name(opt_type);
-      if (!m_type) /* not found */
-         exit(M_listTypes());
-   }
-   if(option.run_status == GPM_RUN_STARTUP ) { /* else is debugging */
+   if(option.run_status == GPM_RUN_STARTUP) { /* else is debugging */
       /* goto background and become a session leader (Stefan Giessler) */  
       switch(fork()) {
          case -1: gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_FORK_FAILED);   /* error  */
@@ -137,13 +98,63 @@
    /* is changing to root needed, because of relative paths ? or can we just
     * remove and ignore it ?? FIXME */
    if (chdir("/") < 0) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_CHDIR_FAILED);
-   //return mouse_table[1].fd; /* the second is handled in the main() */
+   atexit(gpm_exited);                          /* call gpm_exited at the end */
-   /****************** OLD CODE from gpn.c  END ***********************/
+/* itz Sat Sep 12 10:30:05 PDT 1998 this function used to mix two
+   completely different things; opening a socket to a running daemon
+   and checking that a running daemon existed.  Ugly. */
+/* rewritten mostly on 20th of February 2002 - nico */
+void check_uniqueness(void)
+   FILE *fp    =  0;
+   int old_pid = -1;
-   init_mice(option.micelist);                  /* reads option.micelist */
-   atexit(gpm_exited);                          /* call gpm_exited at the end */
+   if ((fp = fopen(GPM_NODE_PID, "r")) != NULL) {
+      fscanf(fp, "%d", &old_pid);
+      if (kill(old_pid, 0) == -1) {
+         unlink(GPM_NODE_PID);
+      } else /* we are really running, exit asap! */
+         gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_ALREADY_RUN, old_pid);
+   }
+   /* now try to sign ourself */
+   if ((fp = fopen(GPM_NODE_PID,"w")) != NULL) {
+      fprintf(fp,"%d\n",getpid());
+      fclose(fp);
+   } else {
+   }
+/* itz Sat Sep 12 10:55:51 PDT 1998 Added this as replacement for the
+   unwanted functionality in check_uniqueness. */
+void kill_gpm(void)
+   int old_pid;
+   FILE* fp = fopen(GPM_NODE_PID, "r");
+   /* if we cannot find the old pid file, leave */
+   if (fp == NULL) gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS,GPM_MESS_OPEN, GPM_NODE_PID);
+   /* else read the pid */
+   if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &old_pid) != 1)
+   fclose(fp);
+   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG, GPM_MESS_KILLING, old_pid);
+   /* first check if we run */
+   if (kill(old_pid,0) == -1) {
+      unlink(GPM_NODE_PID);
+   }
+   /* then kill us (not directly, but the other instance ... ) */
+   if (kill(old_pid, SIGTERM) == -1)
+      gpm_report(GPM_PR_OOPS, GPM_MESS_CANT_KILL, old_pid);
+   gpm_report(GPM_PR_INFO, GPM_MESS_KILLED, old_pid);
+   exit(0);
diff -Nru a/src/synaptics.c b/src/synaptics.c
--- a/src/synaptics.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
+++ b/src/synaptics.c	2004-08-10 01:17:58 -05:00
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
 static int           scrolling_speed_timer = 0;
 static int           scrolling_amount_left = 0;   /* Tells how much to scroll up or down */
+static int           mouse_fd;
@@ -1160,8 +1160,8 @@
 	status = GPM_B_NOT_SET;
       case Reset_Touchpad_Action:
-	syn_ps2_reset(which_mouse->fd);
-	syn_ps2_absolute_mode(which_mouse->fd);
+	syn_ps2_reset(mouse_fd);
+	syn_ps2_absolute_mode(mouse_fd);
 	status = GPM_B_NOT_SET;
       case Toggle_Four_Way_Button_Action:
@@ -2952,10 +2952,8 @@
 	     data [0],data [1],data [2],data [3],data [4],data [5]);
   if (reset_on_error_enabled) {
-    /* Hack to get the fd: which_mouse is the current mouse,
-       and as the synaptic code is called, it is the current mouse. */
-    syn_ps2_reset(which_mouse->fd);
-    syn_ps2_absolute_mode(which_mouse->fd);
+    syn_ps2_reset(mouse_fd);
+    syn_ps2_absolute_mode(mouse_fd);
   report->left        = 0;
@@ -3110,7 +3108,7 @@
 ** Process the touchpad 6 byte report.
-void syn_process_serial_data (Gpm_Event *state,
+void syn_process_serial_data (int fd, Gpm_Event *state,
 			      unsigned char *data) 
   /* initialize the state */
@@ -3118,6 +3116,8 @@
   state->dx      = 0;
   state->dy      = 0;
+  mouse_fd = fd; /* cheat */
   syn_serial_translate_data (data, &cur_report);
   if (wmode_enabled){
@@ -3198,7 +3198,7 @@
 ** Process the touchpad 6 byte report.
-void syn_process_ps2_data (Gpm_Event *state,
+void syn_process_ps2_data (int fd, Gpm_Event *state,
 			   unsigned char *data) 
   /*   gpm_report(GPM_PR_DEBUG,"Data %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x",data[0],data[1],data[2],data[3],data[4],data[5]); */
@@ -3208,6 +3208,7 @@
   state->dx      = 0;
   state->dy      = 0;
+  mouse_fd = fd; /* cheat */
   if (wmode_enabled) {
     syn_ps2_translate_wmode_data (data, &cur_report);
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