re: GPM Problems - more information

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On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 10:06, Peter Berg Larsen wrote:
> On 5 Apr 2002, Troy Schultz wrote:
> > If I manage to kill the X process and the Xinit process I still cannot
> > start another X session.  I have done some more testing and found the
> > problem may be related to the Radeon driver in XFree86 version 4.2.0. 
> But if understand you correct it does not happen if you do not use
> gpm? What happens if you skip using gpm, and configure X to use the
> synaptic as ps2 mouse? 
If I do not use gpm 1.20.0 then things seem OK.  At first I was using X
configured to use the touchpad directly as a ps2 device and everything
was fine.  I then changed to gpm 1.19.6 and things were still fine.  The
problems with X hanging if I switched consoles only started with gpm

I have also tried re-installing gpm-1.19.6 and X behaves when switching
between the console.  However as soon I re-installed gpm 1.20.0 the
problems resumed.  I am only having this issue with gpm 1.20.0, you
patches do not seem to be the problem as if I run an unpatched gpm I
still get the same problem.

> > Using gpm 1.20.0 and your latest patches the 4-way scroll button
> > responds, but does not provide anything usefull.  Here is what I get;
> > 
> > - Press UP, mouse pointer moves right at a slow speed for approx. 2
> > seconds
> > - Press RIGHT, mouse pointer moves up at a faster speed for approx. 2
> > seconds
> > - Press DOWN, mouse pointer moves up at a slow speed for approx. 2
> > seconds
> > - Press LEFT, mouse pointer moves right at a faster speed for approx. 2
> > seconds
> Thats bad, because then it is going to be difficult to destinguise stick
> motion and 4-way bottons. (I think the data is recognize as stick data,
> try turning of stick_enabled and it will stop)
I had first tried using your stick_enabled=true with the hopes that it
may work with the 4-way scroll.  However if I do not enable the stick I
get errors if I do press the 4-way scroll key.  The error in
/var/log/messages is as follows;

Apr  5 14:31:13 p2710 gpm[1943]: === ERROR ===:
Apr  5 14:31:13 p2710 gpm[1943]: ^MSynps2: Pressure is 0, but x or y is
not 0

> > His hack was to use the 4-way scroll button on the Compaq to act as
> > normal mouse buttons.  He used LEFT for the left button, UP for the
> > middle button, and RIGHT for the right button. 
> Could be implemented if there is a way to distinguise this from stick
> motions.
> >  His hack also provided a bit better milti-finger detection
> Yes and no. Set palm_detect_level to 1 (and palm_detect_enabled on). There
> is no way to use two/three finger botton taps with this settings, though.
> If you dont use this feature then it a better detection. 
> Peter

I am still working to determine exactly what is happening and will let
you know what I find.

I hate to have to revert to using the touchpad as a standard ps2
pointing device, I very much like the window scrolling and the ability
to change the sensitivity of the touchpad.

Troy Schultz

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