> info: [*** debug ***: [/usr/src/gpm-1.20.0-patched/src/gpm.c(880)]: > Screen size: 80 - 25 > *** debug ***: [/usr/src/gpm-1.20.0-patched/src/gpm.c(897)]: asap, as soon as I am back from holiday and after I wrote the last exams I will cut /usr/src/gpm-1.20.0-patched/src/gpm.c downto gpm.c. Never saw that it could be that way disturbing... Nico -- Nico Schottelius Please send your messages pgp-signed or pgp-encrypted. If you don't know what pgp is visit www.gnupg.org. (public pgp key: ftp.schottelius.org/pub/familiy/nico/pgp-key)
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