Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 07:16:25PM -0500, Andrew Pimlott: > > > > > Feb 23 16:51:46 pervalidus gpm[29033]: info: [/usr/local/src/gpm-1.20.0/src/gpn.c(363)]: > > > > > Feb 23 16:51:46 pervalidus gpm[29033]: Started gpm successfully. Entered daemon mode. > > > Just wanted to have it easy to locate where an error comes from. > > If you get an error, you can exactly trace it down to a position in gpms > > source code. > > I think it's overkill, but at least people would probably prefer it > on one line. Or is it syslog that breaks the line? No/yes: syslog(LOG_INFO | LOG_USER, GPM_STRING_INFO); vsyslog(LOG_INFO | LOG_USER, text, ap); First reporting the line/kind of type (info/err/warn/debug) and then the actual message. Was too lazy to put in together. And I think most people will not even see that there are two lines in the file because they don't pay attention to it. Personally I like this way, because (as said) you can easily grep the localtion of the error. In fact, in case of INFO it's perhaps oversized. But in some cases the last info message can help you to find out, after which code segment gpm quit/break down. -- Nico Schottelius Please send your messages pgp-signed or pgp-encrypted. If you don't know what pgp is visit (public pgp key:
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