Re: GnuGK as proxy

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Hi ,
Actually all ports are open from LAN to DMZ (GnuGK)  and Internet to DMZ (GnuGK) for test and monitoring purpose.
I am in lan (10.65.8.X/24) and I have Ekiga. When I define my GnuGK as gatekeeper. No need username and password because of Auth  is "allow" in gnugk.ini file
Then I tun my ekiga with debug mode I see that my ekiga is registered and something happens on GnuGk log file.
Then I call a defined client. But no log shown on Gatekeeper log file. It means nothing reaches to  gatekeeper.
I attach ekiga log

Really complicated

On 05/13/2015 05:32 AM, Simon Horne wrote:



The config looks ok so it might be a firewall issue. There is no packets reaching the gatekeeper. Grab a Wireshark trace off the gatekeeper to figure out what packets (if any) are being received and check you have not missed a firewall on the box.




From: Tevfik Ceydeliler [mailto:tevfik.ceydeliler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 9:03 PM
To: openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: GnuGK as proxy


I want to use gnu gk as H323 proxy "on dmz"
And I have Cİsco Telepresence SX20
But cant connect to Cİsco to gnugk and then Internet client
What is can be wrong?

  • And I have this configuration:

 this is a basic startup configuration for GnuGk
; it allows anyone to register and make calls


; add more entries, if you access the status port from other hosts



Query=SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = '%u'

Query=SELECT alias FROM aliases, users WHERE aliases.username = users.username AND users.username = '%u';


; rotate trace file daily


  • Here is the log file:

2015/05/12 13:43:08.616    2       singleton.cxx(24)    Create instance: Toolkit(1)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.616    5         Toolkit.cxx(1384)    GK    Trying file name /tmp/gnugk.ini-9538 for temp config
2015/05/12 13:43:08.616    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 9 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.617    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26a4010 PXConfigWriteThread
2015/05/12 13:43:08.617    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 3
2015/05/12 13:43:08.617    4          config.cxx(221)    PTLib    Created PXConfig 0x26a2220
2015/05/12 13:43:08.617    4          config.cxx(336)    PTLib    Reading config file: /tmp/gnugk.ini-9538
2015/05/12 13:43:08.617    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 10 PTextFile
2015/05/12 13:43:08.617    5         Toolkit.cxx(1420)    GK    Trying file name /tmp/gnugk.ini-3266 for external config
2015/05/12 13:43:08.617    4          config.cxx(221)    PTLib    Created PXConfig 0x26a4ba0
2015/05/12 13:43:08.618    4          config.cxx(336)    PTLib    Reading config file: /tmp/gnugk.ini-3266
2015/05/12 13:43:08.618    3         Toolkit.cxx(1838)    Minimum H.225 version for GK generated messages:
2015/05/12 13:43:08.618    3         Toolkit.cxx(1840)    Minimum H.245 version for GK generated messages:
2015/05/12 13:43:08.619    4         Toolkit.cxx(511)    InterfaceTable: <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) <00-0C-29-8C-47-D8> (eth0)

2015/05/12 13:43:08.619    2         Toolkit.cxx(541)    Internal Network Detected
2015/05/12 13:43:08.619    2         Toolkit.cxx(392)    Network=, IP=
2015/05/12 13:43:08.619    2         Toolkit.cxx(400)    Default IP=
2015/05/12 13:43:08.619    4         Toolkit.cxx(511)    InterfaceTable: <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) <00-0C-29-8C-47-D8> (eth0)

2015/05/12 13:43:08.620    2         Toolkit.cxx(541)    Internal Network Detected
2015/05/12 13:43:08.620    1         Toolkit.cxx(638)    External IP= dynamic=0
2015/05/12 13:43:08.620    2         Toolkit.cxx(392)    Network=, IP=
2015/05/12 13:43:08.620    2         Toolkit.cxx(392)    Network=, IP=
2015/05/12 13:43:08.621    2         Toolkit.cxx(400)    Default IP=
2015/05/12 13:43:08.621    2         Toolkit.cxx(673)    GK    H.323 Proxy enabled
2015/05/12 13:43:08.621    2       singleton.cxx(24)    Create instance: RasSrv(2)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.621    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26a96e8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.621    2         Toolkit.cxx(706)    GK    INI Internal Network 0 = (3,0)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.621    2         Toolkit.cxx(1060)    GK    Loaded per GW rewrite data:
2015/05/12 13:43:08.621    2         Toolkit.cxx(1063)    GK    No per GW data loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.621    4         Toolkit.cxx(2064)    AliasSQL    Query: SELECT alias FROM aliases, users WHERE aliases.username = users.username AND users.username = '%u';
2015/05/12 13:43:08.622    4            udll.cxx(333)    UDLL    opening
2015/05/12 13:43:08.622    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26a1f20 (4654) Housekeeper:0x7f59c713f700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.623    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26a4010 (4655) PXConfigWriteThread:0x7f59c70fe700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.623    4          config.cxx(196)    PTLib    Config file cache write back thread started.
2015/05/12 13:43:08.625    5     gksql_mysql.cxx(389)    AssignedAliases::SQL    MySQL connection to root@localhost[gatekeeper] established successfully
2015/05/12 13:43:08.626    5     gksql_mysql.cxx(389)    AssignedAliases::SQL    MySQL connection to root@localhost[gatekeeper] established successfully
2015/05/12 13:43:08.626    5     gksql_mysql.cxx(389)    AssignedAliases::SQL    MySQL connection to root@localhost[gatekeeper] established successfully
2015/05/12 13:43:08.626    5     gksql_mysql.cxx(389)    AssignedAliases::SQL    MySQL connection to root@localhost[gatekeeper] established successfully
2015/05/12 13:43:08.627    5     gksql_mysql.cxx(389)    AssignedAliases::SQL    MySQL connection to root@localhost[gatekeeper] established successfully
2015/05/12 13:43:08.627    3           gksql.cxx(102)    AssignedAliases::SQL    Database connection pool created: root@localhost[gatekeeper]
2015/05/12 13:43:08.627    5           gksql.cxx(105)    AssignedAliases::SQL    Connection pool: 5 SQL connections created, 0 failed
2015/05/12 13:43:08.627    5           clirw.cxx(460)    CLIRW    0 inbound rules loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.627    5           clirw.cxx(472)    CLIRW    0 outbound rules loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.628    2       singleton.cxx(24)    Create instance: CapacityControl(3)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.628    5         capctrl.cxx(257)    CAPCTRL    0 IP rules loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.628    5         capctrl.cxx(268)    CAPCTRL    0 H.323 ID rules loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.628    5         capctrl.cxx(279)    CAPCTRL    0 CLI rules loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.628    5         capctrl.cxx(257)    CAPCTRL    0 IP rules loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.628    5         capctrl.cxx(268)    CAPCTRL    0 H.323 ID rules loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.628    5         capctrl.cxx(279)    CAPCTRL    0 CLI rules loaded
2015/05/12 13:43:08.629    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 15 PTextFile
2015/05/12 13:43:08.629    5              gk.cxx(1694)    GK    Daily rotation enabled (first rotation scheduled at Tue, 12 May 2015 23:59:00 +03:00
2015/05/12 13:43:08.630    1              gk.cxx(1446)    GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'YasarGk' started
Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(3.9.0) Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=1,pgsql=0,firebird=0,odbc=0,sqlite=0,large_fdset=0,crypto/ssl=0,h46018=1,h46023=1,ldap=0,ssh=0,ipv6=0,h235media=0,lua=0,h46017=1,snmp=1,h46026=0) H323Plus(1.26.6) PTLib(2.10.9)
Build(May  7 2015, 14:33:57) Sys(Linux x86_64 3.13.0-32-generic)

2015/05/12 13:43:08.630    1              gk.cxx(1448)    Current file handle limit: 1024
2015/05/12 13:43:08.631    2       singleton.cxx(24)    Create instance: CallTable(4)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.631    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e1f38
2015/05/12 13:43:08.631    2              gk.cxx(1504)    GK    Total bandwidth not limited
2015/05/12 13:43:08.631    2              gk.cxx(1513)    GK    TimeToLive for Registrations: 600
2015/05/12 13:43:08.631    2    ProxyChannel.cxx(771)    H245PortRange: 56000-56999
2015/05/12 13:43:08.631    2    ProxyChannel.cxx(771)    RTPPortRange: 55000-55999
2015/05/12 13:43:08.631    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e2348
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    2       singleton.cxx(24)    Create instance: Agent(5)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 16 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26e25d0
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 4
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 1 total - 1 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e2938
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 18 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26e2bc0
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 5
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 2 total - 2 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e3098
2015/05/12 13:43:08.632    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 20 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26e3320
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 6
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 3 total - 3 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e37b8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 22 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26e3a40
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 7
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 4 total - 4 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e3ed8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 24 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26e4160
2015/05/12 13:43:08.633    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 5 total - 5 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e4668
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 26 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26e48f0
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 9
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 6 total - 6 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    2          RasSrv.cxx(854)    GK    Using Routed Signalling
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    2          RasSrv.cxx(855)    GK    H.245 Routed Enabled
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    2          RasSrv.cxx(857)    GK    H.245 tunneling translation Enabled
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    2          RasSrv.cxx(860)    GK    H.460.17 Registrations Disabled
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    2          RasSrv.cxx(864)    GK    H.460.18 Registrations Enabled
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    2          RasSrv.cxx(878)    GK    No ENUMservers set, using defaults
2015/05/12 13:43:08.634    2          RasSrv.cxx(899)    GK    No RDSservers set, using defaults
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    2       singleton.cxx(24)    Create instance: RegistrationTable(6)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e4cd8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e57f8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    4        yasocket.cxx(1100)    TCPSrv    CpsLimit disabled
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 28 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26e5a80
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 10
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 7 total - 7 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e65b8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.635    2          RasSrv.cxx(963)    GK    Home =
2015/05/12 13:43:08.636    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 29 PUDPSocket
2015/05/12 13:43:08.636    1          RasSrv.cxx(620)    Listening to
2015/05/12 13:43:08.636    5        yasocket.cxx(991)    RasSrv    Total sockets: 1
2015/05/12 13:43:08.636    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 30 PUDPSocket
2015/05/12 13:43:08.636    1          RasSrv.cxx(620)    Listening to
2015/05/12 13:43:08.637    5        yasocket.cxx(991)    RasSrv    Total sockets: 2
2015/05/12 13:43:08.637    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 31 CallSignalListener
2015/05/12 13:43:08.637    1          RasSrv.cxx(620)    Listening to
2015/05/12 13:43:08.637    5        yasocket.cxx(991)    TCPSrv    Total sockets: 1
2015/05/12 13:43:08.637    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 32 StatusListener
2015/05/12 13:43:08.637    1          RasSrv.cxx(620)    Listening to
2015/05/12 13:43:08.637    5        yasocket.cxx(991)    TCPSrv    Total sockets: 2
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 33 PUDPSocket
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    1          RasSrv.cxx(1027)    RAS    Broadcast listener listening at
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    5        yasocket.cxx(991)    RasSrv    Total sockets: 3
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    2       singleton.cxx(24)    Create instance: MultiplexedRTPHandler(7)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26e4160 (4661) Worker:0x7f59c6fb9700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023567193856 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job ProxyH(4) at Worker thread 140023567193856
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26e5a80 (4663) Worker:0x7f59c4965700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023527003904 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.638    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job TCPSrv at Worker thread 140023527003904
2015/05/12 13:43:08.639    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26e2bc0 (4658) Worker:0x7f59c707c700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.639    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023567992576 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.639    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job ProxyH(1) at Worker thread 140023567992576
2015/05/12 13:43:08.639    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26e48f0 (4662) Worker:0x7f59c49a6700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.639    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023527270144 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.639    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job ProxyRTP(0) at Worker thread 140023527270144
2015/05/12 13:43:08.639    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26e3320 (4659) Worker:0x7f59c703b700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.639    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023567726336 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.640    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job ProxyH(2) at Worker thread 140023567726336
2015/05/12 13:43:08.640    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26e3a40 (4660) Worker:0x7f59c6ffa700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.640    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023567460096 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.640    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job ProxyH(3) at Worker thread 140023567460096
2015/05/12 13:43:08.640    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e8228
2015/05/12 13:43:08.640    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26e85c8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.640    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 35 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.640    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26e8840
2015/05/12 13:43:08.641    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 11
2015/05/12 13:43:08.641    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 8 total - 8 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.641    4        yasocket.cxx(1100)    TCPSrv    CpsLimit disabled
2015/05/12 13:43:08.641    2         Routing.cxx(994)    VQueue    (CTI) Virtual queues disabled - no virtual queues configured
2015/05/12 13:43:08.641    2       singleton.cxx(24)    Create instance: Routing::Analyzer(8)
2015/05/12 13:43:08.641    5         osutils.cxx(2219)    PTLib    Created read/write mutex 0x26eaae0
2015/05/12 13:43:08.642    2          gkacct.cxx(961)    GKACCT    Successfully logged event 8
2015/05/12 13:43:08.642    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 37 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/12 13:43:08.642    5        tlibthrd.cxx(406)    PTLib    Created thread 0x26ed130
2015/05/12 13:43:08.642    4        tlibthrd.cxx(572)    PTLib    Thread high water mark set: 12
2015/05/12 13:43:08.642    5             job.cxx(338)    JOB    Worker threads: 9 total - 9 busy, 0 idle
2015/05/12 13:43:08.642    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26e25d0 (4657) Worker:0x7f59c70bd700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.642    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023568258816 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.643    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job ProxyH(0) at Worker thread 140023568258816
2015/05/12 13:43:08.643    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26e8840 (4664) Worker:0x7f59c4924700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.643    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023526737664 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.643    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job MultiplexedRTPReader at Worker thread 140023526737664
2015/05/12 13:43:08.643    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 38 PUDPSocket
2015/05/12 13:43:08.643    1    ProxyChannel.cxx(8858)    RTPM    Multiplex RTP listener listening on port 2776
2015/05/12 13:43:08.643    5        yasocket.cxx(991)    MultiplexedRTPReader    Total sockets: 1
2015/05/12 13:43:08.644    4          osutil.cxx(189)    PWLib    File handle high water mark set: 39 PUDPSocket
2015/05/12 13:43:08.644    1    ProxyChannel.cxx(8867)    RTPM    Multiplex RTCP listener listening on port 2777
2015/05/12 13:43:08.644    5        yasocket.cxx(991)    MultiplexedRTPReader    Total sockets: 2
2015/05/12 13:43:08.644    5        tlibthrd.cxx(483)    PTLib    Started thread 0x26ed130 (4665) Worker:0x7f59c48e3700
2015/05/12 13:43:08.644    5             job.cxx(162)    JOB    Worker 140023526471424 started
2015/05/12 13:43:08.644    5             job.cxx(180)    JOB    Starting Job HouseKeeping at Worker thread 140023526471424


Image removed by sender.

Bu elektronik postada bulunan tum fikir ve gorusler ve ekindeki dosyalar sadece adres sahip/sahiplerine ait olup, Yasar Toplulugu Sirketleri bu mesajin icerigi ile ilgili olarak hic bir hukuksal sorumlulugu kabul etmez. Eger gonderilmesi dusunulen kisi veya kurulus degilseniz, lutfen gonderen kisiyi derhal haberdar ediniz ve mesaji sisteminizden siliniz.The information contained in this e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and Yasar Group Companies do not accept legal responsibility for the contents. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and delete it from your system.

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Bu elektronik postada bulunan tum fikir ve gorusler ve ekindeki dosyalar sadece adres sahip/sahiplerine ait olup, Yasar Toplulugu Sirketleri bu mesajin icerigi ile ilgili olarak hic bir hukuksal sorumlulugu kabul etmez. Eger gonderilmesi dusunulen kisi veya kurulus degilseniz, lutfen gonderen kisiyi derhal haberdar ediniz ve mesaji sisteminizden siliniz.The information contained in this e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and Yasar Group Companies do not accept legal responsibility for the contents. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender and delete it from your system.
 on Unix Linux (3.13.0-37-generic-x86_64) with PTLib (v2.10.10 (svn:29149)) at 2015/5/13 10:56:52.539
2015/05/13 10:56:52.544	  0:00.006	                       	PTLib	Maximum per-process file handles is 1024
2015/05/13 10:56:52.545	  0:00.006	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/ptlib-2.10.10/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.545	  0:00.007	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/ptlib-2.10.10/devices/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.545	  0:00.007	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/ptlib-2.10.10/devices/videoinput/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.545	  0:00.007	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/ptlib-2.10.10/devices/videoinput/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.551	  0:00.013	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/ptlib-2.10.10/devices/sound/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.551	  0:00.013	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/ptlib-2.10.10/devices/sound/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.555	  0:00.016	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/ptlib-2.10.10/devices/sound/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.558	  0:00.020	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/ptlib-2.10.10/devices/sound/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.560	  0:00.021	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.560	  0:00.021	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.560	  0:00.021	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.560	  0:00.022	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.560	  0:00.022	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.561	  0:00.022	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.561	  0:00.022	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.561	  0:00.022	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.561	  0:00.023	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.561	  0:00.023	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.562	  0:00.023	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.562	  0:00.024	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.563	  0:00.024	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.563	  0:00.024	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/audio/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.563	  0:00.025	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/video/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.563	  0:00.025	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/video/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.566	  0:00.028	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/video/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.567	  0:00.028	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/video/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.567	  0:00.028	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/video/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.568	  0:00.029	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/codecs/video/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.568	  0:00.030	                       	PLUGIN	Enumerating plugin directory /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/fax/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.568	  0:00.030	                       	UDLL	opening /usr/lib/opal-3.10.10/fax/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.570	  0:00.032	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec g722_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.570	  0:00.032	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format G.722-64k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.571	  0:00.032	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec iLBC_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.571	  0:00.032	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format iLBC
2015/05/13 10:56:52.571	  0:00.032	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format iLBC-13k3
2015/05/13 10:56:52.571	  0:00.033	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format iLBC-15k2
2015/05/13 10:56:52.571	  0:00.033	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec g7221_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.571	  0:00.033	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format G.722.1-24k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.033	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format G.722.1-32k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.033	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec ima_adpcm_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.033	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format MS-IMA-ADPCM
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.033	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec gsmamrcodec_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.033	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format GSM-AMR
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec g726_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format G.726-40k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format G.726-32k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.572	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format G.726-24k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format G.726-16k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec silk_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SILK-8
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SILK-16
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec g7222_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.034	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format G.722.2
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.035	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec gsm0610_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.035	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format GSM-06.10
2015/05/13 10:56:52.573	  0:00.035	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format MS-GSM
2015/05/13 10:56:52.574	  0:00.035	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec speex_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.574	  0:00.035	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.574	  0:00.035	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexIETFNarrow-8k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.574	  0:00.036	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexIETFNarrow-11k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.574	  0:00.036	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexIETFNarrow-15k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.575	  0:00.036	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.575	  0:00.037	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.575	  0:00.037	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexIETFWide-20.6k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.576	  0:00.037	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexWNarrow-8k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.576	  0:00.038	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexWide-20.6k
2015/05/13 10:56:52.576	  0:00.038	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexNB
2015/05/13 10:56:52.577	  0:00.038	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format SpeexWB
2015/05/13 10:56:52.577	  0:00.039	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec lpc10_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.577	  0:00.039	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format LPC-10
2015/05/13 10:56:52.577	  0:00.039	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec h263_ffmpeg_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.577	  0:00.039	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.577	  0:00.039	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format H.263plus
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.039	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating H.263 plugin capability
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.039	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating H.263 plugin capability
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.039	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.039	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format H.263
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating H.263 plugin capability
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating H.263 plugin capability
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec h261_vic_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format H.261
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating H.261 plugin capability
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating H.261 plugin capability
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec theora_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.578	  0:00.040	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.579	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format theora
2015/05/13 10:56:52.579	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec h264_x264_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.579	  0:00.040	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.579	  0:00.040	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format H.264
2015/05/13 10:56:52.579	  0:00.041	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.579	  0:00.041	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.579	  0:00.041	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format H.264-1
2015/05/13 10:56:52.580	  0:00.041	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.580	  0:00.041	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.580	  0:00.041	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format H.264-0
2015/05/13 10:56:52.580	  0:00.041	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.580	  0:00.042	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec mpeg4_ffmpeg_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.580	  0:00.042	                       	Plugin	Started logging.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.580	  0:00.042	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format MPEG4
2015/05/13 10:56:52.581	  0:00.042	                       	OpalPlugin	Not adding H.323 capability for plugin codec MPEG4 as this has been specifically disabled
2015/05/13 10:56:52.581	  0:00.043	                       	OpalPlugin	Using default handler for plugin codec spandsp_ptplugin
2015/05/13 10:56:52.581	  0:00.043	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format T.38
2015/05/13 10:56:52.581	  0:00.043	                       	OpalPlugin	Creating new media format TIFF-File
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.044	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 11 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.044	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 13 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.044	                       	PTLib	No permission to set priority level 4
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.044	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 2
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.044	                       	PTLib	No permission to set priority level 4
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.045	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 3
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.045	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 18 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.045	                       	PTLib	No permission to set priority level 4
2015/05/13 10:56:52.583	  0:00.045	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 4
2015/05/13 10:56:52.584	  0:00.045	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 20 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.584	  0:00.046	                       	PTLib	No permission to set priority level 4
2015/05/13 10:56:52.584	  0:00.046	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 5
2015/05/13 10:56:52.585	  0:00.046	                       	HalManager_dbus	Initialising HAL Manager
2015/05/13 10:56:52.585	  0:00.047	                       	HalManager_dbus	Populating device list
2015/05/13 10:56:52.586	  0:00.047	                       	HalManager_dbus	Populating full device list failed - The name org.freedesktop.Hal was not provided by any .service files
2015/05/13 10:56:52.586	  0:00.047	                       	HalManager_dbus	Populating interface list
2015/05/13 10:56:52.586	  0:00.047	                       	HalManager_dbus	Populating full interface list failed - Method "getDevices" with signature "" on interface "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" doesn't exist

2015/05/13 10:56:52.586	  0:00.048	                       	PV4L2Plugin	Detecting V4L2 devices
2015/05/13 10:56:52.587	  0:00.048	                       	PV4L2Plugin	detected device metadata at /sys/class/video4linux/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.691	  0:00.153	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 26 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.692	  0:00.153	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 6
2015/05/13 10:56:52.692	  0:00.153	                       	OpalMan	Created manager.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.692	  0:00.154	                       	PV4L2Plugin	Detecting V4L2 devices
2015/05/13 10:56:52.692	  0:00.154	                       	PV4L2Plugin	detected device metadata at /sys/class/video4linux/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.698	  0:00.160	                       	OpalMan	Attached endpoint with prefix pc
2015/05/13 10:56:52.698	  0:00.160	                       	OpalEP	Created endpoint: pc
2015/05/13 10:56:52.698	  0:00.160	                       	LocalEP	Created endpoint.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.718	  0:00.180	                       	PCSS	Created PC sound system endpoint.
Null Audio
HDA Intel PCH [ALC292 Analog]
Null Audio
HDA Intel PCH [ALC292 Analog]

2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.185	                       	OPAL	SetMediaFormatOrder()
2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.185	                       	OPAL	SetMediaFormatMask()
2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.186	                       	OpalMan	Attached endpoint with prefix sip
2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.186	                       	OpalEP	Created endpoint: sip
2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.186	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 27 PUDPSocket
2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.186	                       	IfaceMon	Initial interface list: <00-00-00-00-00-00> (lo) <34-E6-D7-16-C4-ED> (eth0)

2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.186	                       	PTLIB	Opened NetLink socket
2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.186	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 31 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.724	  0:00.186	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 7
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.186	Network In...38210f2700	IfaceMon	Started interface monitor thread.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.186	                       	OpalMan	Attached endpoint with prefix sips
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.186	                       	SIP	Created endpoint.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.186	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 32 PUDPSocket
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.186	                       	MonSock	Created socket bundle for all interfaces.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.186	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 33 PUDPSocket
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.186	                       	MonSock	Created bundled UDP socket
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.186	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 35 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.187	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 8
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.187	                       	PTLib	No permission to set priority level 4
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.187	Opal Liste...3808062700	Listen	Started listening thread on udp$*:5060
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.187	                       	OpalMan	Added route "sip:.*=pc:*"
2015/05/13 10:56:52.725	  0:00.187	                       	OpalMan	Added route "pc:.*=sip:<da>"
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	OpalMan	Attached endpoint with prefix h323
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	OpalEP	Created endpoint: h323
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	OpalMan	Attached endpoint with prefix h323s
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	H323	Created endpoint.
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 36 PTCPSocket
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 38 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 9
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	OpalMan	Added route "h323:.*=pc:*"
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.187	                       	OpalMan	Added route "pc:.*=h323:<da>"
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.188	Opal Liste...38001a2700	Listen	Started listening thread on tcp$*:1720
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.188	Opal Liste...38001a2700	Listen	Waiting on socket accept on tcp$*:1720
2015/05/13 10:56:52.726	  0:00.188	                       	Error: cannot create presentity for h323:a@
2015/05/13 10:56:52.739	  0:00.200	                       	MediaFormat	Removing codecs SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.263,H.263plus,H.264,H.264-0,H.264-1,MPEG4,PCM-16S-48kHz,PCM-16S-32kHz,PCM-16S-16kHz,PCM-16-48kHz,PCM-16-32kHz,PCM-16-16kHz,PCM-16,UserInput/RFC2833,NamedSignalEvent,YUV420P,MSRP,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling
2015/05/13 10:56:52.739	  0:00.201	                       	OPAL	SetMediaFormatMask(G.722-64k,G.722.1-24k,G.722.1-32k,G.722.2,SILK-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-06.10,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SILK-8,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,T.38,TIFF-File,iLBC,iLBC-13k3,iLBC-15k2,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,T.140,MSRP,SIP-IM,NamedSignalEvent)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.739	  0:00.201	                       	OPAL	SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.263,H.263plus,H.264,H.264-0,H.264-1,MPEG4,PCM-16S-48kHz,PCM-16S-32kHz,PCM-16S-16kHz,PCM-16-48kHz,PCM-16-32kHz,PCM-16-16kHz,PCM-16,UserInput/RFC2833,NamedSignalEvent,YUV420P,MSRP,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.748	  0:00.209	                       	MediaFormat	Removing codecs SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.263,H.263plus,H.264,H.264-0,H.264-1,MPEG4,PCM-16S-48kHz,PCM-16S-32kHz,PCM-16S-16kHz,PCM-16-48kHz,PCM-16-32kHz,PCM-16-16kHz,PCM-16,UserInput/RFC2833,NamedSignalEvent,YUV420P,MSRP,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling
2015/05/13 10:56:52.748	  0:00.210	                       	OPAL	SetMediaFormatMask(G.722-64k,G.722.1-24k,G.722.1-32k,G.722.2,SILK-16,G.726-16k,G.726-24k,G.726-32k,G.726-40k,GSM-06.10,GSM-AMR,LPC-10,MS-GSM,MS-IMA-ADPCM,SILK-8,SpeexIETFNarrow-11k,SpeexIETFNarrow-15k,SpeexIETFNarrow-18.2k,SpeexIETFNarrow-24.6k,SpeexIETFNarrow-5.95k,SpeexIETFNarrow-8k,SpeexNB,SpeexWNarrow-8k,T.38,TIFF-File,iLBC,iLBC-13k3,iLBC-15k2,RFC4175_YCbCr-4:2:0,T.140,MSRP,SIP-IM,NamedSignalEvent)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.748	  0:00.210	                       	OPAL	SetMediaFormatOrder(SpeexIETFWide-20.6k,SpeexWB,SpeexWide-20.6k,G.711-uLaw-64k,G.711-ALaw-64k,theora,H.261,H.263,H.263plus,H.264,H.264-0,H.264-1,MPEG4,PCM-16S-48kHz,PCM-16S-32kHz,PCM-16S-16kHz,PCM-16-48kHz,PCM-16-32kHz,PCM-16-16kHz,PCM-16,UserInput/RFC2833,NamedSignalEvent,YUV420P,MSRP,SIP-IM,T.140,H.224/H323AnnexQ,H.224/HDLCTunneling)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.749	  0:00.210	                       	OpalConfBridge	maximum_video_tx_bitrate set to 1024kb/s
2015/05/13 10:56:52.758	  0:00.220	                       	Ekiga	Nat binding delay set to 10
2015/05/13 10:56:52.762	  0:00.223	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 40 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:52.762	  0:00.223	                       	Ekiga	Started STUN detector
2015/05/13 10:56:52.762	  0:00.223	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 10
2015/05/13 10:56:52.762	  0:00.223	StunDetect...3800161700	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 41 PUDPSocket
2015/05/13 10:56:52.798	  0:00.259	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.798	  0:00.259	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 0] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.798	  0:00.259	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 1] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.798	  0:00.259	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 2] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.798	  0:00.259	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel PCH [ALC292 Analog] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.798	  0:00.259	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: PulseAudio (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.798	  0:00.259	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_03.0.hdmi-stereo (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.798	  0:00.259	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.879	  0:00.340	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.879	  0:00.340	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 0] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.879	  0:00.341	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 1] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.879	  0:00.341	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 2] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.879	  0:00.341	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel PCH [ALC292 Analog] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.879	  0:00.341	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: PulseAudio (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.879	  0:00.341	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_03.0.hdmi-stereo (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.879	  0:00.341	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.886	  0:00.347	                       	AudioInputCore	Detected Device: Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.886	  0:00.347	                       	AudioInputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel PCH [ALC292 Analog] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.886	  0:00.347	                       	AudioInputCore	Detected Device: PulseAudio (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.886	  0:00.347	                       	AudioInputCore	Detected Device: alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.888	  0:00.350	                       	PV4L2Plugin	Detecting V4L2 devices
2015/05/13 10:56:52.889	  0:00.350	                       	PV4L2Plugin	detected device metadata at /sys/class/video4linux/
2015/05/13 10:56:52.892	  0:00.353	                       	VidInputCore	Detected Device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo)
2015/05/13 10:56:52.892	  0:00.353	                       	VidInputCore	Detected Device: Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.007	  0:00.469	                       	VideoOutputCoreConfBridge	Updating video view
2015/05/13 10:56:53.007	  0:00.469	                       	VideoOutputCoreConfBridge	Updating zoom
2015/05/13 10:56:53.007	  0:00.469	                       	VideoOutputCoreConfBridge	Updating Video Settings
2015/05/13 10:56:53.008	  0:00.469	                       	VideoOutputCoreConfBridge	Updating Video Settings
2015/05/13 10:56:53.008	  0:00.469	                       	VideoOutputCoreConfBridge	Updating Video Settings
2015/05/13 10:56:53.008	  0:00.469	                       	VideoOutputCoreConfBridge	Updating Video Settings
2015/05/13 10:56:53.008	  0:00.469	                       	VidInputCoreConfBridge	Updating preview size and fps
2015/05/13 10:56:53.008	  0:00.470	                       	VidInputCore	Setting new preview config: 320x240/30
2015/05/13 10:56:53.010	  0:00.472	                       	VidInputCoreConfBridge	Updating preview size and fps
2015/05/13 10:56:53.010	  0:00.472	                       	VidInputCore	Setting new preview config: 320x240/30
2015/05/13 10:56:53.012	  0:00.474	                       	PV4L2Plugin	Detecting V4L2 devices
2015/05/13 10:56:53.012	  0:00.474	                       	PV4L2Plugin	detected device metadata at /sys/class/video4linux/
2015/05/13 10:56:53.017	  0:00.478	                       	VidInputCore	Detected Device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.017	  0:00.478	                       	VidInputCore	Detected Device: Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.017	  0:00.478	                       	VidInputCoreConfBridge	Updating device
2015/05/13 10:56:53.017	  0:00.478	                       	VidInputCore	Setting device: Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.017	  0:00.478	                       	GMVideoInputManager_ptlib	Setting Device Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.017	  0:00.479	                       	PV4L2Plugin	Detecting V4L2 devices
2015/05/13 10:56:53.017	  0:00.479	                       	PV4L2Plugin	detected device metadata at /sys/class/video4linux/
2015/05/13 10:56:53.021	  0:00.483	                       	VidInputCore	Detected Device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.021	  0:00.483	                       	VidInputCore	Detected Device: Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.021	  0:00.483	                       	VidInputCoreConfBridge	Updating device
2015/05/13 10:56:53.021	  0:00.483	                       	VidInputCore	Setting device: Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.021	  0:00.483	                       	GMVideoInputManager_ptlib	Setting Device Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.021	  0:00.483	                       	PV4L2Plugin	Detecting V4L2 devices
2015/05/13 10:56:53.021	  0:00.483	                       	PV4L2Plugin	detected device metadata at /sys/class/video4linux/
2015/05/13 10:56:53.025	  0:00.487	                       	VidInputCore	Detected Device: Moving Logo (Moving Logo/Moving Logo)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.025	  0:00.487	                       	VidInputCore	Detected Device: Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.026	  0:00.487	                       	VidInputCoreConfBridge	Updating device
2015/05/13 10:56:53.026	  0:00.487	                       	VidInputCore	Setting device: Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.026	  0:00.487	                       	GMVideoInputManager_ptlib	Setting Device Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_HD (PTLIB/V4L2)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.026	  0:00.487	                       	VidInputCoreConfBridge	Updating image
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 0] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 1] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel HDMI [HDMI 2] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel PCH [ALC292 Analog] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: PulseAudio (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_03.0.hdmi-stereo (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Detected Device: alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.032	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCoreConfBridge	Set device to ALSA/Default
2015/05/13 10:56:53.033	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Setting device[0]: Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.033	  0:00.494	                       	GMAudioOutputManager_ptlib	Setting Device[0] Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.033	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCoreConfBridge	Updating device
2015/05/13 10:56:53.033	  0:00.494	                       	AudioOutputCore	Setting device[1]: Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.052	  0:00.513	                       	AudioInputCore	Detected Device: Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.052	  0:00.513	                       	AudioInputCore	Detected Device: HDA Intel PCH [ALC292 Analog] (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.052	  0:00.513	                       	AudioInputCore	Detected Device: PulseAudio (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.052	  0:00.513	                       	AudioInputCore	Detected Device: alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo (PTLIB/Pulse)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.052	  0:00.513	                       	AudioInputCore	Setting device: Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.052	  0:00.513	                       	GMAudioInputManager_ptlib	Setting Device Default (PTLIB/ALSA)
2015/05/13 10:56:53.052	  0:00.513	                       	AudioInputCore	Set device to ALSA/Default
2015/05/13 10:56:53.083	  0:00.545	                       	Ekiga version 4.0.1
2015/05/13 10:56:53.083	  0:00.545	                       	PTLIB version 2.10.10
2015/05/13 10:56:53.083	  0:00.545	                       	OPAL version 3.10.10
2015/05/13 10:56:53.083	  0:00.545	                       	Accelerated rendering support enabled
2015/05/13 10:56:53.083	  0:00.545	                       	DBUS support enabled
2015/05/13 10:56:53.084	  0:00.545	                       	GConf support enabled
2015/05/13 10:56:55.166	  0:02.627	StunDetect...3800161700	STUN	No response to STUN server
2015/05/13 10:56:55.166	  0:02.628	StunDetect...3800161700	OPAL	STUN server "" replies Blocked, external IP
2015/05/13 10:56:55.166	  0:02.628	StunDetect...3800161700	PTLib	Thread ended: name="StunDetector:0x7f3800161700", real=2.405, kernel=0.000 (0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2015/05/13 10:56:55.485	  0:02.947	                       	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 48 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:55.485	  0:02.947	                       	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 11
2015/05/13 10:56:55.485	  0:02.947	subscriber...37c0683700	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 49 PUDPSocket
2015/05/13 10:56:55.485	  0:02.947	subscriber...37c0683700	MonSock	Created socket bundle for all interfaces.
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.947	subscriber...37c0683700	H323	Authenticator list is size 3
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.947	subscriber...37c0683700	H460	Endpoint Attached
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.947	subscriber...37c0683700	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 51 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.947	subscriber...37c0683700	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 12
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.947	subscriber...37c0683700	H460	Endpoint Attached
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.947	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	RAS	Background thread started
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	subscriber...37c0683700	OpalUDP	Started connect to
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	subscriber...37c0683700	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 52 PUDPSocket
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	subscriber...37c0683700	MonSock	Created bundled UDP socket
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	subscriber...37c0683700	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 54 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	subscriber...37c0683700	PTLib	Thread high water mark set: 13
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	subscriber...37c0683700	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 55 PTextFile
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	Transactor...37c0601700	Trans	Starting listener thread on udp$<if=udp$*:5061>
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	subscriber...37c0683700	PTLib	Thread ended: name="subscriber:0x7f37c0683700", real=0.001, kernel=0.000 (0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2015/05/13 10:56:55.486	  0:02.948	Housekeepe...3821237700	Ekiga	Stopped STUN detector
2015/05/13 10:56:55.987	  0:03.448	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	RAS	Time To Live reregistration
2015/05/13 10:56:55.988	  0:03.450	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	OpalUDP	Writing to interface 0 - ""
2015/05/13 10:56:55.989	  0:03.450	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	PWLib	File handle low water mark set: 39 PUDPSocket
2015/05/13 10:56:55.989	  0:03.450	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	OpalMan	Listener interfaces: associated transport=udp$
2015/05/13 10:56:55.989	  0:03.451	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	Trans	Sending PDU:
  gatekeeperRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 16288
    protocolIdentifier =
    rasAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        0a 41 08 64                                        .A.d
      port = 5061
    endpointType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  3 octets {
          00 00 00                                           ...
        versionId =  35 octets {
          34 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  50 41 4c 20 76 33 2e 31   4.0.1 (OPAL v3.1
          30 2e 31 30 20 28 73 76  6e 3a 32 39 31 35 30 29   0.10 (svn:29150)
      terminal = {
      mc = false
      undefinedNode = false
    endpointAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  1 characters {
        0061                                      a
      [1]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0054 0065 0076 0066 0069 006b             Tevfik
    authenticationCapability = 2 entries {
      [0]=pwdHash <<null>>
      [1]=authenticationBES radius <<null>>
    algorithmOIDs = 3 entries {
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
2015/05/13 10:56:55.990	  0:03.451	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	OpalUDP	Setting interface to 
2015/05/13 10:56:55.990	  0:03.451	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	Trans	Waiting on response to seqnum=16288 for 5.0 seconds
2015/05/13 10:56:55.993	  0:03.454	Transactor...37c0601700	H225RAS	Receiving PDU:
  gatekeeperConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 16288
    protocolIdentifier =
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  7 characters {
      0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
    rasAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        0a 01 00 32                                        ...2
      port = 1719
2015/05/13 10:56:55.993	  0:03.455	Transactor...37c0601700	OpalUDP	Setting interface to
2015/05/13 10:56:55.993	  0:03.455	Transactor...37c0601700	RAS	Gatekeeper discovered at: udp$ (if=udp$
2015/05/13 10:56:55.994	  0:03.456	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	OpalMan	Listener interfaces: associated transport=udp$
2015/05/13 10:56:55.995	  0:03.456	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	Trans	Making request: registrationRequest
2015/05/13 10:56:55.995	  0:03.457	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator H235AnnexD_Procedure1<active>
2015/05/13 10:56:55.995	  0:03.457	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator CAT<active>
2015/05/13 10:56:55.995	  0:03.457	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator MD5<active>
2015/05/13 10:56:55.996	  0:03.457	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	H235RAS	H235AuthProcedure1 hashing completed: "a"
2015/05/13 10:56:55.996	  0:03.457	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	Trans	Sending PDU:
  registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 16289
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = true
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 41 08 64                                        .A.d
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 41 08 64                                        .A.d
        port = 5061
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  3 octets {
          00 00 00                                           ...
        versionId =  35 octets {
          34 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  50 41 4c 20 76 33 2e 31   4.0.1 (OPAL v3.1
          30 2e 31 30 20 28 73 76  6e 3a 32 39 31 35 30 29   0.10 (svn:29150)
      terminal = {
      mc = false
      undefinedNode = false
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  1 characters {
        0061                                      a
      [1]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0054 0065 0076 0066 0069 006b             Tevfik
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  7 characters {
      0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 9
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 61
      productId =  3 octets {
        00 00 00                                           ...
      versionId =  35 octets {
        34 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  50 41 4c 20 76 33 2e 31   4.0.1 (OPAL v3.1
        30 2e 31 30 20 28 73 76  6e 3a 32 39 31 35 30 29   0.10 (svn:29150)
    timeToLive = 60000
    tokens = 1 entries {
        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.
        timeStamp = 1431503815
        challenge =  16 octets {
          d8 72 49 27 af 05 74 79  6c 93 98 6d ac cf 99 55   .rI'..tyl..m...U
        random = 200
        generalID =  2 characters {
          0061 0000                                 a 
    cryptoTokens = 2 entries {
      [0]=nestedcryptoToken cryptoHashedToken {
        tokenOID =
        hashedVals = {
          tokenOID =
          timeStamp = 1431503815
          random = 1086621560
          generalID =  7 characters {
            0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
          sendersID =  1 characters {
            0061                                      a
        token = {
          algorithmOID =
          paramS = {
          hash = Hex:  74 57 65 6c 56 65 7e 62  79 74 65 53             
      [1]=cryptoEPPwdHash {
        alias = h323_ID  1 characters {
          0061                                      a
        timeStamp = 1431503815
        token = {
          algorithmOID = 1.2.840.113549.2.5
          paramS = {
          hash = Hex:  3e 31 b6 8a fa 82 e3 d3  b9 6c fa a3 2d 7e 09 94 
    keepAlive = false
    willSupplyUUIEs = true
    maintainConnection = false
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    usageReportingCapability = {
      nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries {
      startTime = <<null>>
      endTime = <<null>>
      terminationCause = <<null>>
    callCreditCapability = {
      canEnforceDurationLimit = true
2015/05/13 10:56:55.996	  0:03.458	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	Trans	Waiting on response to seqnum=16289 for 3.0 seconds
2015/05/13 10:56:56.000	  0:03.462	Transactor...37c0601700	H225RAS	Receiving PDU:
  registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 16289
    protocolIdentifier =
    nonStandardData = {
      nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
        t35CountryCode = 138
        t35Extension = 2
        manufacturerCode = 2
      data =  5 octets {
        4e 6f 4e 41 54                                     NoNAT
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 01 00 32                                        ...2
        port = 11720
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  1 characters {
        0061                                      a
      [1]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0054 0065 0076 0066 0069 006b             Tevfik
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  7 characters {
      0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
    endpointIdentifier =  15 characters {
      0031 0032 0038 0039 0033 0037 0034 0033   12893743
      0039 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064 0070        99_endp
    timeToLive = 600
    willRespondToIRR = false
    maintainConnection = false
    serviceControl = 1 entries {
        sessionId = 0
        contents = callCreditServiceControl {
          callStartingPoint = connect <<null>>
        reason = refresh <<null>>
    supportsAdditiveRegistration = <<null>>
2015/05/13 10:56:56.000	  0:03.462	Transactor...37c0601700	Trans	Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1<active>,CAT<active>,MD5<active>
2015/05/13 10:56:56.000	  0:03.462	Transactor...37c0601700	H235RAS	Received unsecured RAS message (no crypto tokens), need one of:
2015/05/13 10:56:56.001	  0:03.462	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	Trans	Response to seqnum=16289 had invalid crypto tokens.
2015/05/13 10:56:56.001	  0:03.462	GkMonitor:...37c0642700	RAS	Failed registration of  with YasarGk
2015/05/13 10:57:05.462	  0:12.924	                       	OpalMan	Set up call from pc:* to h323:
2015/05/13 10:57:05.463	  0:12.924	                       	Call	Created Call[C742fc7c91]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.463	  0:12.924	                       	OpalMan	Set up connection to "pc:*"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.472	  0:12.933	                       	PCSS	Sound player device set to "EKIGA"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.937	                       	PCSS	Sound recording device set to "EKIGA"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	OpalCon	Created connection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	LocalCon	Created connection with token "P496ce50c2"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	Silence	Parameters set: mode=NoSilenceDetection, threshold=0, silencedb=3200 samples, signaldb=80 samples, period=4800 samples
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	Silence	Handler created
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	Echo Canceler	Handler created
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	PCSS	Created PC sound system connection: token="P496ce50c2" player="EKIGA" recorder="EKIGA"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	Call	GetOtherPartyConnection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	OpalCon	SetPhase from UninitialisedPhase to SetUpPhase for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	OpalMan	OnIncoming connection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	Call	GetOtherPartyConnection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	Call	GetOtherPartyConnection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	OpalMan	Searching for route "pc:tevfik	h323:"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	OpalMan	Did not match regex "^sip:.*	.*$" ("sip:.*")
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	OpalMan	Matched regex "^pc:.*	.*$" ("pc:.*")
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	OpalMan	Set up connection to "h323:"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.476	  0:12.938	                       	H323	Making call to: h323:
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.938	                       	OpalCon	Created connection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.938	                       	RFC2833	Handler created
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.938	                       	RFC2833	Handler created
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.938	                       	H460	Endpoint Attached
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.939	                       	H323	Created new connection: localhost/18892
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.939	                       	LocalCon	Outgoing call routed to h323: for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.939	                       	OpalMan	SetUpCall succeeded, call=Call[C742fc7c91]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.939	CallSetup:...37c05c0700	Call	OnSetUp Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.939	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H225	Started call thread
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.939	CallSetup:...37c05c0700	OpalCon	OnSetUpConnectionCall[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.477	  0:12.939	CallSetup:...37c05c0700	OpalEP	OnSetUpConnection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.939	CallSetup:...37c05c0700	PTLib	Thread ended: name="CallSetup:0x7f37c05c0700", real=0.000, kernel=0.000 (0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.939	H225 Calle...37c057f700	RAS	AdmissionRequest answering = 0 local alias name aTevfik
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.939	H225 Calle...37c057f700	Trans	Making request: admissionRequest
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.939	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator H235AnnexD_Procedure1<active>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.940	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator CAT<active>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.940	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator MD5<active>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.940	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H235RAS	H235AuthProcedure1 hashing completed: "a"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.940	H225 Calle...37c057f700	Trans	Sending PDU:
  admissionRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 16290
    callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
    endpointIdentifier =  1 characters {
    destinationInfo = 1 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  19 characters {
        0038 0032 002e 0032 0032 0032 002e 0031   82.222.1
        0037 0039 002e 0032 0031 0035 003a 0031   79.215:1
        0037 0032 0030                            720
    destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
      ip =  4 octets {
        52 de b3 d7                                        R...
      port = 1720
    srcInfo = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  1 characters {
        0061                                      a
      [1]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0054 0065 0076 0066 0069 006b             Tevfik
    bandWidth = 100000
    callReferenceValue = 18892
    conferenceID =  16 octets {
      48 f9 cc 50 b3 f7 e4 11  9c 7f 34 e6 d7 16 c4 ed   H..P......4.....
    activeMC = false
    answerCall = false
    canMapAlias = true
    callIdentifier = {
      guid =  16 octets {
        0e f7 cc 50 b3 f7 e4 11  9c 7f 34 e6 d7 16 c4 ed   ...P......4.....
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  7 characters {
      0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
    tokens = 1 entries {
        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.
        timeStamp = 1431503825
        challenge =  16 octets {
          b6 f4 4f 0c 98 ae f2 4c  18 99 a6 54 5c ef de 48   ..O....L...T\..H
        random = 201
        generalID =  2 characters {
          0061 0000                                 a 
    cryptoTokens = 2 entries {
      [0]=nestedcryptoToken cryptoHashedToken {
        tokenOID =
        hashedVals = {
          tokenOID =
          timeStamp = 1431503825
          random = 1086621561
          generalID =  7 characters {
            0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
          sendersID =  15 characters {
            0031 0032 0038 0039 0033 0037 0034 0033   12893743
            0039 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064 0070        99_endp
        token = {
          algorithmOID =
          paramS = {
          hash = Hex:  74 57 65 6c 56 65 7e 62  79 74 65 53             
      [1]=cryptoEPPwdHash {
        alias = h323_ID  1 characters {
          0061                                      a
        timeStamp = 1431503825
        token = {
          algorithmOID = 1.2.840.113549.2.5
          paramS = {
          hash = Hex:  a7 a5 8e 98 12 17 a5 e0  0d c4 21 5d ad bd e6 eb 
    willSupplyUUIEs = true
    canMapSrcAlias = false
2015/05/13 10:57:05.478	  0:12.940	H225 Calle...37c057f700	Trans	Waiting on response to seqnum=16290 for 3.0 seconds
2015/05/13 10:57:05.482	  0:12.943	Transactor...37c0601700	H225RAS	Receiving PDU:
  admissionReject {
    requestSeqNum = 16290
    rejectReason = callerNotRegistered <<null>>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.482	  0:12.943	Transactor...37c0601700	Trans	admissionRequest rejected: callerNotRegistered
2015/05/13 10:57:05.482	  0:12.943	Transactor...37c0601700	Trans	Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1<active>,CAT<active>,MD5<active>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.482	  0:12.944	Transactor...37c0601700	H235RAS	Received unsecured RAS message (no crypto tokens), need one of:
2015/05/13 10:57:05.482	  0:12.944	H225 Calle...37c057f700	Trans	Response to seqnum=16290 had invalid crypto tokens.
2015/05/13 10:57:05.482	  0:12.944	H225 Calle...37c057f700	RAS	Endpoint has become unregistered during ARQ from gatekeeper YasarGk
2015/05/13 10:57:05.483	  0:12.944	H225 Calle...37c057f700	OpalMan	Listener interfaces: associated transport=udp$
2015/05/13 10:57:05.483	  0:12.944	H225 Calle...37c057f700	Trans	Making request: registrationRequest
2015/05/13 10:57:05.483	  0:12.944	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator H235AnnexD_Procedure1<active>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.483	  0:12.944	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator CAT<active>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.483	  0:12.945	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H235RAS	Prepared PDU with authenticator MD5<active>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.483	  0:12.945	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H235RAS	H235AuthProcedure1 hashing completed: "a"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.483	  0:12.945	H225 Calle...37c057f700	Trans	Sending PDU:
  registrationRequest {
    requestSeqNum = 16291
    protocolIdentifier =
    discoveryComplete = false
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 41 08 64                                        .A.d
        port = 1720
    rasAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 41 08 64                                        .A.d
        port = 5061
    terminalType = {
      vendor = {
        vendor = {
          t35CountryCode = 9
          t35Extension = 0
          manufacturerCode = 61
        productId =  3 octets {
          00 00 00                                           ...
        versionId =  35 octets {
          34 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  50 41 4c 20 76 33 2e 31   4.0.1 (OPAL v3.1
          30 2e 31 30 20 28 73 76  6e 3a 32 39 31 35 30 29   0.10 (svn:29150)
      terminal = {
      mc = false
      undefinedNode = false
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  1 characters {
        0061                                      a
      [1]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0054 0065 0076 0066 0069 006b             Tevfik
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  7 characters {
      0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
    endpointVendor = {
      vendor = {
        t35CountryCode = 9
        t35Extension = 0
        manufacturerCode = 61
      productId =  3 octets {
        00 00 00                                           ...
      versionId =  35 octets {
        34 2e 30 2e 31 20 28 4f  50 41 4c 20 76 33 2e 31   4.0.1 (OPAL v3.1
        30 2e 31 30 20 28 73 76  6e 3a 32 39 31 35 30 29   0.10 (svn:29150)
    timeToLive = 60000
    tokens = 1 entries {
        tokenOID = 1.2.840.113548.
        timeStamp = 1431503825
        challenge =  16 octets {
          2b a4 f7 70 ab 83 56 e5  d5 7d 3b 80 46 f3 db e0   +..p..V..};.F...
        random = 202
        generalID =  2 characters {
          0061 0000                                 a 
    cryptoTokens = 2 entries {
      [0]=nestedcryptoToken cryptoHashedToken {
        tokenOID =
        hashedVals = {
          tokenOID =
          timeStamp = 1431503825
          random = 1086621562
          generalID =  7 characters {
            0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
          sendersID =  15 characters {
            0031 0032 0038 0039 0033 0037 0034 0033   12893743
            0039 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064 0070        99_endp
        token = {
          algorithmOID =
          paramS = {
          hash = Hex:  74 57 65 6c 56 65 7e 62  79 74 65 53             
      [1]=cryptoEPPwdHash {
        alias = h323_ID  1 characters {
          0061                                      a
        timeStamp = 1431503825
        token = {
          algorithmOID = 1.2.840.113549.2.5
          paramS = {
          hash = Hex:  a7 a5 8e 98 12 17 a5 e0  0d c4 21 5d ad bd e6 eb 
    keepAlive = false
    willSupplyUUIEs = true
    maintainConnection = false
    supportsAltGK = <<null>>
    usageReportingCapability = {
      nonStandardUsageTypes = 0 entries {
      startTime = <<null>>
      endTime = <<null>>
      terminationCause = <<null>>
    callCreditCapability = {
      canEnforceDurationLimit = true
2015/05/13 10:57:05.483	  0:12.945	H225 Calle...37c057f700	Trans	Waiting on response to seqnum=16291 for 3.0 seconds
2015/05/13 10:57:05.488	  0:12.950	Transactor...37c0601700	H225RAS	Receiving PDU:
  registrationConfirm {
    requestSeqNum = 16291
    protocolIdentifier =
    nonStandardData = {
      nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
        t35CountryCode = 138
        t35Extension = 2
        manufacturerCode = 2
      data =  5 octets {
        4e 6f 4e 41 54                                     NoNAT
    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
      [0]=ipAddress {
        ip =  4 octets {
          0a 01 00 32                                        ...2
        port = 11720
    terminalAlias = 2 entries {
      [0]=h323_ID  1 characters {
        0061                                      a
      [1]=h323_ID  6 characters {
        0054 0065 0076 0066 0069 006b             Tevfik
    gatekeeperIdentifier =  7 characters {
      0059 0061 0073 0061 0072 0047 006b        YasarGk
    endpointIdentifier =  15 characters {
      0031 0032 0038 0039 0033 0037 0034 0033   12893743
      0039 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064 0070        99_endp
    timeToLive = 600
    willRespondToIRR = false
    maintainConnection = false
    serviceControl = 1 entries {
        sessionId = 0
        contents = callCreditServiceControl {
          callStartingPoint = connect <<null>>
        reason = refresh <<null>>
    supportsAdditiveRegistration = <<null>>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.488	  0:12.950	Transactor...37c0601700	Trans	Using credentials from request: H235AnnexD_Procedure1<active>,CAT<active>,MD5<active>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.488	  0:12.950	Transactor...37c0601700	H235RAS	Received unsecured RAS message (no crypto tokens), need one of:
2015/05/13 10:57:05.488	  0:12.950	H225 Calle...37c057f700	Trans	Response to seqnum=16291 had invalid crypto tokens.
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.950	H225 Calle...37c057f700	RAS	Failed registration of  with YasarGk
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.950	H225 Calle...37c057f700	H225	Gatekeeper refused admission: securityDenial
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.950	H225 Calle...37c057f700	OpalCon	SetPhase from UninitialisedPhase to ReleasingPhase for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.950	H225 Calle...37c057f700	OpalCon	Call end reason for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892] set to EndedBySecurityDenial
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.950	H225 Calle...37c057f700	OpalCon	Releasing asynchronously Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.950	H225 Calle...37c057f700	PWLib	File handle high water mark set: 56 Thread unblock pipe
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.951	OnRelease:...37c053e700	H323	OnReleased: localhost/18892, connectionState=AwaitingGatekeeperAdmission
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.951	H225 Calle...37c057f700	PWLib	File handle low water mark set: 39 PTextFile
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.951	OnRelease:...37c053e700	H225	Sending release complete PDU: callRef=18892
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.951	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	Already released Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.489	  0:12.951	OnRelease:...37c053e700	Opal	Transport clean up on termination
2015/05/13 10:57:05.490	  0:12.951	OnRelease:...37c053e700	Opal	Transport Close
2015/05/13 10:57:05.490	  0:12.951	H225 Calle...37c057f700	PTLib	Thread ended: name="H225 Caller:0x7f37c057f700", real=0.012, kernel=0.000 (0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)
2015/05/13 10:57:05.500	  0:12.962	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	OnReleased Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.500	  0:12.962	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	Media streams closed.
2015/05/13 10:57:05.500	  0:12.962	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalEP	OnReleased Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.962	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalMan	OnReleased Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.962	OnRelease:...37c053e700	Call	OnReleased Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.962	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	SetPhase from SetUpPhase to ReleasingPhase for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	Call end reason for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2] set to EndedBySecurityDenial
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	Releasing synchronously Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	OnReleased Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	Media streams closed.
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalEP	OnReleased Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalMan	OnReleased Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	Call	OnReleased Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.501	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalMan	OnClearedCall Call[C742fc7c91] from "pc:tevfik" to "h323:"
2015/05/13 10:57:05.502	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	SetPhase from ReleasingPhase to ReleasedPhase for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.502	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	Connection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2] released
        Initial Time: Wed, 13 May 2015 10:57:05 +03:00
          SetUpPhase: 0.000
     ProceedingPhase: N/A
       AlertingPhase: N/A
      ConnectedPhase: N/A
    EstablishedPhase: N/A
     ForwardingPhase: N/A
      ReleasingPhase: 0.024
       ReleasedPhase: 0.025
     Call end reason: EndedBySecurityDenial

2015/05/13 10:57:05.502	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	SetPhase from ReleasingPhase to ReleasedPhase for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.502	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	Connection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892] released
        Initial Time: Wed, 13 May 2015 10:57:05 +03:00
          SetUpPhase: N/A
     ProceedingPhase: N/A
       AlertingPhase: N/A
      ConnectedPhase: N/A
    EstablishedPhase: N/A
     ForwardingPhase: N/A
      ReleasingPhase: 0.012
       ReleasedPhase: 0.024
     Call end reason: EndedBySecurityDenial

2015/05/13 10:57:05.502	  0:12.963	OnRelease:...37c053e700	OpalCon	OnRelease thread completed for Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892]
2015/05/13 10:57:05.502	  0:12.964	OnRelease:...37c053e700	PTLib	Thread ended: name="OnRelease:0x7f37c053e700", real=0.012, kernel=0.000 (0%), user=0.000 (0%), both=0.000 (0%)

(ekiga:5553): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 4294967295 was not found when attempting to remove it
2015/05/13 10:57:05.509	  0:12.971	                       	AEScheduler	Removing Event incoming_call_sound from queue
2015/05/13 10:57:05.509	  0:12.971	                       	AEScheduler	Removing Event ring_tone_sound from queue
2015/05/13 10:57:05.694	  0:13.156	Opal Garba...3821133700	PCSS	Deleted PC sound system connection.
2015/05/13 10:57:05.694	  0:13.156	Opal Garba...3821133700	LocalCon	Deleted connection.
2015/05/13 10:57:05.695	  0:13.156	Opal Garba...3821133700	OpalCon	Connection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<pc>[P496ce50c2] destroyed.
2015/05/13 10:57:05.695	  0:13.157	Opal Garba...3821133700	Opal	Transport clean up on termination
2015/05/13 10:57:05.696	  0:13.157	Opal Garba...3821133700	Opal	Transport Close
2015/05/13 10:57:05.696	  0:13.157	Opal Garba...3821133700	Opal	Deleted transport tcp$*<if=tcp$>
2015/05/13 10:57:05.696	  0:13.157	Opal Garba...3821133700	H323	Connection localhost/18892 deleted.
2015/05/13 10:57:05.696	  0:13.158	Opal Garba...3821133700	OpalCon	Connection Call[C742fc7c91]-EP<h323>[localhost/18892] destroyed.
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