On 2011-03-16 23:01 +0300, Georgiewskiy Yuriy wrote GNU Gatekeeper Users:
Seems i miss here, there is two commits to ProxyChannel.cxx at this date, i check it
separately a bit later.
GY>On 2011-03-04 16:03 +0100, Jan Willamowius wrote openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxx:
GY>JW>Georgiewskiy Yuriy wrote:
GY>JW>> JW>can you pinpoint when T38 fax stopped working for you ? between the
GY>JW>> JW>2.3.4 release and the current CVS ? Or between 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 ?
GY>JW>> Hi, no, T38 works on latest stable, and don't works on current cvs only.
GY>JW>There haven't been too many changes since the last release. Can you
GY>JW>check which one broke T38 ?
GY>Hi, it seems it is a commit from 2011-02-15 on ProxyChannel.cxx, i make a diff, after
GY>this changes faxes other t38 don't work.
GY>--- /home/src/gnugk/openh323gk/ProxyChannel.cxx 2011-03-16 22:35:18.000000000 +0300
GY>+++ /tmp/openh323gk/ProxyChannel.cxx 2011-03-16 22:43:24.000000000 +0300
GY>@@ -304,10 +304,10 @@
GY> bool isMute() { return mute; }
GY> void SetMute(bool toMute) { mute = toMute; }
GY> void OnHandlerSwapped() { std::swap(fnat, rnat); }
GY>+ void SetRTPSessionID(WORD id) { m_sessionID = id; }
GY> #ifdef HAS_H46018
GY> void SetUsesH46019fc(bool fc) { m_h46019fc = fc; }
GY> void SetH46019Direction(int dir) { m_h46019dir = dir; }
GY>- void SetH46024SessionID(WORD id) { m_sessionID = id; }
GY> void SetH46019UniDirectional(bool val) { m_h46019uni = val; }
GY> // disabled for now, until we handle 2 payload types per UDPProxy
GY> // void SetKeepAlivePayloadType(int pt) { m_keepAlivePayloadType = pt; }
GY>@@ -337,6 +337,7 @@
GY> bool mute;
GY> bool m_dontQueueRTP;
GY> bool m_EnableRTCPStats;
GY>+ WORD m_sessionID;
GY> #ifdef HAS_H46018
GY> // also used as indicator whether H.460.19 should be used
GY> // int m_keepAlivePayloadType;
GY>@@ -350,7 +351,6 @@
GY> int m_h46019olc;
GY> int m_h46019dir;
GY> bool m_h46019uni;
GY>- WORD m_sessionID;
GY> H323TransportAddress m_h46019fwd;
GY> H323TransportAddress m_h46019rev;
GY> bool m_OLCrev;
GY>@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
GY> void SetUsesH46019fc(bool);
GY> void SetH46019Direction(int dir);
GY> void SetH46019UniDirectional(bool uni);
GY>- void SetH46024SessionID(WORD id);
GY>+ void SetRTPSessionID(WORD id);
GY> private:
GY> void SetNAT(bool);
GY>@@ -5360,12 +5360,12 @@
GY> #endif
GY> // class UDPProxySocket
GY>-UDPProxySocket::UDPProxySocket(const char *t)
GY>+UDPProxySocket::UDPProxySocket(const char *t)
GY> : ProxySocket(this, t),
GY> fSrcIP(0), fDestIP(0), rSrcIP(0), rDestIP(0),
GY>- fSrcPort(0), fDestPort(0), rSrcPort(0), rDestPort(0)
GY>+ fSrcPort(0), fDestPort(0), rSrcPort(0), rDestPort(0), m_sessionID(0)
GY> #ifdef HAS_H46018
GY>- , m_h46019fc(false), m_h46019olc(H46019_NONE), m_h46019dir(H46019_NONE), m_h46019uni(false), m_sessionID(0), m_OLCrev(false)
GY>+ , m_h46019fc(false), m_h46019olc(H46019_NONE), m_h46019dir(H46019_NONE), m_h46019uni(false), m_OLCrev(false)
GY> //, m_keepAlivePayloadType(H46019_UNDEFINED_PAYLOAD_TYPE), m_keepAliveTypeSet(false)
GY> #endif
GY> {
GY>@@ -5503,6 +5503,14 @@
GY> WORD fromPort;
GY> GetLastReceiveAddress(fromIP, fromPort);
GY> buflen = (WORD)GetLastReadCount();
GY>+ // verify packet
GY>+ unsigned int version = 0;
GY>+ if (buflen >= 1)
GY>+ version = (((int)wbuffer[0] & 0xc0) >> 6);
GY>+ if (version != 2) {
GY>+ PTRACE(1, "RTP\tInvalid RTP/RTCP packet: version=" << version);
GY>+ return NoData;
GY>+ }
GY> #ifdef HAS_H46018
GY> int payloadType = H46019_UNDEFINED_PAYLOAD_TYPE;
GY> if (buflen >= 2)
GY>@@ -5707,23 +5715,27 @@
GY> bool direct = ((*m_call)->GetSRC_media_control_IP() == fromIP.AsString());
GY> PIPSocket::Address addr = (DWORD)0;
GY> (*m_call)->GetMediaOriginatingIp(addr);
GY>+ if (buflen < 4) {
GY>+ PTRACE(1, "RTCP\tInvalid RTCP frame");
GY>+ return NoData;
GY>+ }
GY> RTP_ControlFrame frame(2048);
GY> frame.Attach(wbuffer, buflen);
GY> do {
GY> BYTE * payload = frame.GetPayloadPtr();
GY> unsigned size = frame.GetPayloadSize();
GY>- if ((payload == NULL) || (size == 0) || ((payload + size) > (frame.GetPointer() + frame.GetSize()))) {
GY>- /* TODO: 1.shall we test for a maximum size ? Indeed but what's the value ? *
GY>- 2. what's the correct exit status ? */
GY>- PTRACE(1, "RTCP\tSession invalid frame");
GY>- // TODO: return NoData; ?
GY>- break;
GY>+ if ((payload == NULL) || (size == 0)
GY>+ || (frame.GetVersion() != 2)
GY>+ || ((payload + size) > (frame.GetPointer() + frame.GetSize()))) {
GY>+ // TODO: test for a maximum size ? what is the max size ?
GY>+ PTRACE(1, "RTCP\tInvalid RTCP frame");
GY>+ return NoData;
GY> }
GY> switch (frame.GetPayloadType()) {
GY> case RTP_ControlFrame::e_SenderReport :
GY> PTRACE(5, "RTCP\tSession SenderReport packet");
GY>- if (size >= sizeof(RTP_ControlFrame::SenderReport)) {
GY>+ if (size >= (sizeof(PUInt32b)+sizeof(RTP_ControlFrame::SenderReport) + frame.GetCount() * sizeof(RTP_ControlFrame::ReceiverReport))) {
GY> const RTP_ControlFrame::SenderReport & sr = *(const RTP_ControlFrame::SenderReport *)(payload);
GY> if (direct) {
GY> if (m_sessionID == RTP_Session::DefaultAudioSessionID) {
GY>@@ -5751,7 +5763,7 @@
GY> break;
GY> case RTP_ControlFrame::e_ReceiverReport:
GY> PTRACE(5, "RTCP\tSession ReceiverReport packet");
GY>- if (size >= 4) {
GY>+ if (size >= (sizeof(PUInt32b)+frame.GetCount()*sizeof(RTP_ControlFrame::ReceiverReport))) {
GY> BuildReceiverReport(frame, sizeof(PUInt32b), direct);
GY> } else {
GY> PTRACE(5, "RTP\tSession ReceiverReport packet truncated");
GY>@@ -5760,7 +5772,7 @@
GY> case RTP_ControlFrame::e_SourceDescription :
GY> PTRACE(5, "RTCP\tSession SourceDescription packet");
GY> if ((!(*m_call)->GetRTCP_SRC_sdes_flag() && direct) || (!(*m_call)->GetRTCP_DST_sdes_flag() && !direct))
GY>- if (size >= frame.GetCount()*sizeof(RTP_ControlFrame::SourceDescription)) {
GY>+ if (size >= (frame.GetCount()*sizeof(RTP_ControlFrame::SourceDescription))) {
GY> const RTP_ControlFrame::SourceDescription * sdes = (const RTP_ControlFrame::SourceDescription *)payload;
GY> for (PINDEX srcIdx = 0; srcIdx < (PINDEX)frame.GetCount(); srcIdx++) {
GY> const RTP_ControlFrame::SourceDescription::Item * item = sdes->item;
GY>@@ -6129,16 +6141,15 @@
GY> rtcp->SetH46019UniDirectional(true);
GY> }
GY> }
GY>-void RTPLogicalChannel::SetH46024SessionID(WORD id)
GY>+void RTPLogicalChannel::SetRTPSessionID(WORD id)
GY> {
GY> if (rtp)
GY>- rtp->SetH46024SessionID(id);
GY>+ rtp->SetRTPSessionID(id);
GY> if (rtcp)
GY>- rtcp->SetH46024SessionID(id);
GY>+ rtcp->SetRTPSessionID(id);
GY> }
GY> void RTPLogicalChannel::SetMediaControlChannelSource(const H245_UnicastAddress_iPAddress & addr)
GY> {
GY>@@ -6442,8 +6453,8 @@
GY> #ifdef HAS_H46018
GY> lc->SetH46019Direction(m_H46019dir);
GY>- lc->SetH46024SessionID((WORD)h225Params->m_sessionID);
GY> #endif
GY>+ lc->SetRTPSessionID((WORD)h225Params->m_sessionID);
GY> H245_UnicastAddress_iPAddress *addr;
GY> bool changed = false;
GY>@@ -6598,7 +6609,7 @@
GY> ((RTPLogicalChannel*)lc)->SetUsesH46019fc(UsesH46019fc());
GY> ((RTPLogicalChannel*)lc)->SetH46019Direction(GetH46019Direction());
GY> ((RTPLogicalChannel*)lc)->SetH46019UniDirectional(m_h46019uni);
GY>- ((RTPLogicalChannel*)lc)->SetH46024SessionID((WORD)h225Params->m_sessionID);
GY>+ ((RTPLogicalChannel*)lc)->SetRTPSessionID((WORD)h225Params->m_sessionID);
GY> } else {
GY> PTRACE(1, "Can't find RTP port for logical channel " << flcn);
GY> }
GY>C уважением With Best Regards
GY>Георгиевский Юрий. Georgiewskiy Yuriy
GY>+7 4872 711666 +7 4872 711666
GY>факс +7 4872 711143 fax +7 4872 711143
GY>Компания ООО "Ай Ти Сервис" IT Service Ltd
GY>http://nkoort.ru http://nkoort.ru
GY>JID: GHhost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JID: GHhost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
C уважением With Best Regards
Георгиевский Юрий. Georgiewskiy Yuriy
+7 4872 711666 +7 4872 711666
факс +7 4872 711143 fax +7 4872 711143
Компания ООО "Ай Ти Сервис" IT Service Ltd
http://nkoort.ru http://nkoort.ru
JID: GHhost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JID: GHhost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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