SQLAcct Implementation

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Hey Everyone:

I just wanted to pass on some learned knowledge about trying to implement SQLAcct on CentOS 5.5 with the pre-compiled GnuGK 2.3.2.

So as a precursor, I installed mysql using yum:

$yum install mysql

Once all was installed and setup all dandy, and my gnugk config had my SQLAcct stuff in it, I tried starting the server.  It failed.  This was the error I continued to get:

gksql_mysql.cxx(385)    SQLAcct    MySQL connection to gkdb@localhost[data] failed (mysql_real_connect failed): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

After looking to make sure localhost was listening for mysql, and making sure my iptables rules were set, it dawned on me to check for the actual socket.  So I tried to locate the "mysqld.sock".  This turned up nothing.  So I decided to check "my.cnf".

This is what "my.cnf" had for the socket file:


So not only was it not in the location that GnuGK was looking, but it was named different.

In summary;  On CentOS 5.5, if you install MySql through yum, the MySql socket file is named mysql.sock and is located in /var/lib/mysql which is different than what the pre-compiled executable for GnuGK looks for, which is mysqld.sock located in /var/run/mysqld

Hopefully someone finds this useful.  :-)


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