I'm trying to get an understanding of how these two interact. I thought I knew, but based on what's working and what's not, maybe I don't! I have GnuGK and Codian 3241's in my network. The Codian is also a gatekeeper. I would like to configure a network where hosts register with their local gatekeeper with their full e.164 so that all locations can have a single "flat" numbering space and a single directory. (011 in the U.S. vs. 00 in Europe vs. 0011 in Australia, etc makes things complicated). But I'd also like to use TEHO. I'm trying to get calls that are dialed in the U.S. that are destined for Dubai to exit out from London. (May not be the most optimal ISDN route, but this is just for testing.) [RoutingPolicy] default=explicit,internal,neighbor,catchall,enum,srv,dns ; London Polycom units register as 4420123456789 [Neighbor::lon] GatekeeperIdentifier=lon Host= SendPrefixes=44 AcceptPrefixes=* ForwardLRQ=depends [Neighbor::phi] GatekeeperIdentifier=phi host= SendPrefixes=33,1215 AcceptPrefixes=* ForwardLRQ=depends [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints] [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] london=971 I thought that what should happen is that because GW prefix "971" is configured for London, if I dial 971412345678 then the call should go to London, where I have a IP to ISDN dial plan that says "if the call starts with "971", then prepend "00" and send it to the PRI" However, what's happening is that a LRQ is being made and sent to the London Codian, which sends back a LRJ (because there aren't any units in London registered that are 971412345678.) 2009/12/08 13:00:40.236 2 Neighbor.cxx(892) NB 1 LRQ(s) sent 2009/12/08 13:00:40.349 4 RasSrv.cxx(216) RAS Receiving on 2009/12/08 13:00:40.349 2 RasSrv.cxx(175) RAS Read from 2009/12/08 13:00:40.349 3 RasSrv.cxx(224) RAS locationReject { requestSeqNum = 3 rejectReason = requestDenied <<null>> } 2009/12/08 13:00:40.349 2 RasSrv.cxx(1379) RAS Trapped LRJ 2009/12/08 13:00:40.349 5 Neighbor.cxx(939) NB Received LRJ message matched pending LRQ for neighbor lon: 2009/12/08 13:00:40.349 5 Neighbor.cxx(974) NB LRQ rejected for neighbor lon: 2009/12/08 13:00:40.349 5 Routing.h(177) ROUTING Checking policy CatchAllPolicy for the request ARQ 40509 And then my CatchAll triggers, so the call gets sent to that location, which isn't what I want. What am I doing wrong? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Return on Information: Google Enterprise Search pays you back Get the facts. http://p.sf.net/sfu/google-dev2dev _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=openh323gk-users Unsubscribe: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openh323gk-users Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/