Re: Can't get my Avaya 4620 to work with gnugk

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Sorry for flooding the list with my logs, but I found something  
It seems to complain about NAT but I don't understand this line:

2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 4       ProxyChannel.cxx(901)   Q931    Send  
to {

Why port 5060 ? I'm confused.

2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 3             gkauth.cxx(1067)  GKAUTH   
FileIPAuth Setup check ok
2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2036)  Q931s   Reject  
unregistered call 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 a0 from
2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 4       ProxyChannel.cxx(2142)  Q931s    
WARNING: Unregistered party cannot detect if NATed
2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 2             RasTbl.cxx(3130)   
CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1
2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 2             gkacct.cxx(1043)  GKACCT   
Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 1
2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 2             RasTbl.cxx(3538)  CDR     ignore  
not connected call
2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 2             gkacct.cxx(1043)  GKACCT   
Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1
2009/11/02 12:57:21.810 4       ProxyChannel.cxx(901)   Q931    Send  
to {

And here is the complete Log from the moment the phone connects until  
I receive an error message from the phone

2009/11/02 12:51:29.480 4             RasSrv.cxx(230)   RAS      
Receiving on
2009/11/02 12:51:29.481 2             RasSrv.cxx(189)   RAS     Read  
2009/11/02 12:51:29.481 3             RasSrv.cxx(238)   RAS
gatekeeperRequest {
     requestSeqNum = 2
     protocolIdentifier =
     nonStandardData = {
       nonStandardIdentifier = object 2.16.840.1.113778.4.2.1
       data =  3 octets {
         85 01 40                                           ..@
     rasAddress = ipAddress {
       ip =  4 octets {
         c0 a8 01 a0                                        ....
       port = 49300
     endpointType = {
       terminal = {
       mc = false
       undefinedNode = false
     endpointAlias = 1 entries {
       [0]=dialedDigits "800"
     tokens = 1 entries {
         tokenOID = 2.16.840.1.114187.1.6.2
         dhkey = {
           halfkey = Hex {
             8e 4f 7b 20 8b 97 71 48  3e b2 59 56 66 32 d2 19
             28 76 97 f3 fa 1b a5 6a  be ce 36 f4 a4 9d 32 79
             f8 61 a6 ec ac 0c 01 30  f1 4b b6 7f f9 31 97 7a
             7a b4 cb 17 bb 7b 36 cd  31 96 7d 43 83 0c 70 bb
             06 94 b6 09 1e fa ed 6d  1b e5 e1 39 a9 8b 19 5f
             90 65 b9 0a 12 53 e6 bd  5b d8 e8 ac ea 2b d6 3e
             61 81 f9 b6 4d 73 c5 44  ef 0e 38 ed 8b 8b ad 69
             65 64 ee 07 6b 3c 31 8e  11 0c 11 78 4a e1 fa  
68           }
           modSize =
           generator =
         profileInfo = 2 entries {
             elementID = 2
             element = octets  4 octets {
               45 7e 00 00                                        E~..
             elementID = 1
             element = octets  12 octets {
               36 3d 00 00 48 0e 00 00  34 15 00 00                
     authenticationCapability = 2 entries {
       [0]=pwdSymEnc <<null>>
       [1]=keyExch 2.16.840.1.114187.1.6.2
     algorithmOIDs = 2 entries {
2009/11/02 12:51:29.482 4             osutil.cxx(188)   PWLib   File  
handle high water mark set: 34 Thread unblock pipe
2009/11/02 12:51:29.482 4           tlibthrd.cxx(380)   PWLib   Thread  
high water mark set: 12
2009/11/02 12:51:29.482 1             RasSrv.cxx(368)   RAS     GRQ  
Received from
2009/11/02 12:51:29.482 2             RasSrv.cxx(408)   GCF||800|terminal;
2009/11/02 12:51:29.482 3             RasSrv.cxx(250)   RAS     Send  
gatekeeperConfirm {
     requestSeqNum = 2
     protocolIdentifier =
     gatekeeperIdentifier =  10 characters {
       004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
       0047 004b                                 GK
     rasAddress = ipAddress {
       ip =  4 octets {
         bc 28 e9 66                                        .(.f
       port = 1719
2009/11/02 12:51:29.524 4             RasSrv.cxx(230)   RAS      
Receiving on
2009/11/02 12:51:29.524 2             RasSrv.cxx(189)   RAS     Read  
2009/11/02 12:51:29.524 3             RasSrv.cxx(238)   RAS
registrationRequest {
     requestSeqNum = 3
     protocolIdentifier =
     nonStandardData = {
       nonStandardIdentifier = object 2.16.840.1.113778.4.2.1
       data =  25 octets {
         09 81 01 00 18 1e 90 01  20 01 00 06 00 04 0d  
27   ........ ......'
         85 83 01 00 02 00 07 01  00                        .........
     discoveryComplete = true
     callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
       [0]=ipAddress {
         ip =  4 octets {
           c0 a8 01 a0                                        ....
         port = 4264
     rasAddress = 1 entries {
       [0]=ipAddress {
         ip =  4 octets {
           c0 a8 01 a0                                        ....
         port = 49300
     terminalType = {
       terminal = {
       mc = false
       undefinedNode = false
     terminalAlias = 1 entries {
       [0]=dialedDigits "800"
     endpointVendor = {
       vendor = {
         t35CountryCode = 181
         t35Extension = 0
         manufacturerCode = 16726
       productId =  8 octets {
         49 50 5f 50 68 6f 6e 65                            IP_Phone
       versionId =  5 octets {
         32 2e 33 30 30                                     2.300
     cryptoTokens = 1 entries {
       [0]=cryptoEPPwdEncr {
         algorithmOID = 2.16.840.1.114187.1.3
         paramS = {
         encryptedData =  0 octets {

     keepAlive = false
     willSupplyUUIEs = false
2009/11/02 12:51:29.525 1             RasSrv.cxx(368)   RAS     RRQ  
Received from
2009/11/02 12:51:29.525 3             gkauth.cxx(982)   GKAUTH   
FileIPAuth RRQ check ok
2009/11/02 12:51:29.525 1             RasTbl.cxx(282)   New EP||800:dialedDigits|terminal|8641_endp

2009/11/02 12:51:29.525 2             RasSrv.cxx(408)   RCF||800:dialedDigits|terminal|8641_endp;
2009/11/02 12:51:29.525 3             RasSrv.cxx(250)   RAS     Send  
registrationConfirm {
     requestSeqNum = 3
     protocolIdentifier =
     nonStandardData = {
       nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
         t35CountryCode = 138
         t35Extension = 2
         manufacturerCode = 2
       data =  19 octets {
         4e 41 54 3d 32 31 33 2e  31 34 33 2e 31 31 38 2e    
         31 30 39                                           109
     callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
       [0]=ipAddress {
         ip =  4 octets {
           bc 28 e9 66                                        .(.f
         port = 1721
     terminalAlias = 1 entries {
       [0]=dialedDigits "800"
     gatekeeperIdentifier =  10 characters {
       004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
       0047 004b                                 GK
     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
       0038 0036 0034 0031 005f 0065 006e 0064   8641_end
       0070                                      p
     timeToLive = 120
     willRespondToIRR = false
     maintainConnection = false
2009/11/02 12:51:30.145 4           yasocket.cxx(904)   TCPSrv  Accept  
request on
2009/11/02 12:51:30.495 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(958)   Q931s    
Received: Setup CRV=1 from
2009/11/02 12:51:30.495 4       ProxyChannel.cxx(901)   Q931     
Received: {
   q931pdu = {
     protocolDiscriminator = 8
     callReference = 1
     from = originator
     messageType = Setup
     IE: Bearer-Capability = {
       80 90 a2                                           ...
     IE: User-User = {
       20 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 02 00 00 00 00 00  
00    .....J.........
       00 10 00 00 00 00 00 c0  a8 01 a0 81 01 00 06  
88   ................
       e0 00 00 11 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 10 00 00 00  
00   ................
       00 c0 a8 01 a0 83 da 1e  1b 00 00 00 20 40 10 20   ............  
       00 40 0a 60 86 48 01 86  fc 0b 01 05 01 43 09  
80   .@.`.H.......C..
       03 00 00 01 2e 40 00 01  06 04 01 00 60 40 10  
20   .....@......`@.
       00 40 0a 60 86 48 01 86  fc 0b 01 05 01 43 3b  
80   .@.`.H.......C;.
       12 1f 00 01 00 c0 a8 01  a0 1c 76 00 c0 a8 01  
a0   ..........v.....
       1c 77 40 1b 00 00 02 20  40 10 20 00 40 0a 60 86   .w@....  
@. .@.`.
       48 01 86 fc 0b 01 05 01  41 09 80 03 00 00 01 2e    
       40 00 03 06 04 01 00 60  40 10 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
       48 01 86 fc 0b 01 05 01  41 3b 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
       c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77 40 1d  
00   .....v......w@..
       00 04 20 40 12 20 00 40  0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc 0b   ..  
@. .@.`.H....
       01 05 01 50 20 01 00 80  03 00 00 01 30 40 00 05   ...P ....... 
       06 04 01 00 60 40 12 20  00 40 0a 60 86 48 01  
86   ....`@. .@.`.H..
       fc 0b 01 05 01 50 20 01  05 80 12 1f 00 01 00  
c0   .....P .........
       a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0 a8  01 a0 1c 77 40 1b 00  
00   ....v......w@...
       06 20 40 10 20 00 40 0a  60 86 48 01 86 fc 0b 01   .  
@. .@.`.H.....
       05 01 4b 00 80 03 00 00  01 2e 40 00 07 06 04  
01   ..K.......@.....
       00 60 40 10 20 00 40 0a  60 86 48 01 86 fc 0b  
01   .`@. .@.`.H.....
       05 01 4b 05 80 12 1f 00  01 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c  
76   ..K............v
       00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77 40  1d 00 00 08 20 40 12 20   ......w@....  
       00 40 0a 60 86 48 01 86  fc 0b 01 05 01 50 00  
01   .@.`.H.......P..
       00 80 03 00 00 01 30 40  00 09 06 04 01 00 60 40   ...... 
       12 20 00 40 0a 60 86 48  01 86 fc 0b 01 05 01  
50   . .@.`.H.......P
       00 01 05 80 12 1f 00 01  00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76  
00   ..............v.
       c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77 40 1b  00 00 0a 20 40 10 20 00   .....w@....  
@. .
       40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc  0b 01 02 02 43 09 80 03    
       00 00 01 2e 40 00 0b 06  04 01 00 60 40 10 20  
00   ....@......`@. .
       40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc  0b 01 02 02 43 3b 80 12    
       1f 00 01 00 c0 a8 01 a0  1c 76 00 c0 a8 01 a0  
1c   .........v......
       77 40 1b 00 00 0c 20 40  10 20 00 40 0a 60 86 48   w@....  
@. .@.`.H
       01 86 fc 0b 01 02 02 41  09 80 03 00 00 01 2e  
40   .......A.......@
       00 0d 06 04 01 00 60 40  10 20 00 40 0a 60 86  
48   ......`@. .@.`.H
       01 86 fc 0b 01 02 02 41  3b 80 12 1f 00 01 00  
c0   .......A;.......
       a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0 a8  01 a0 1c 77 40 1d 00  
00   ....v......w@...
       0e 20 40 12 20 00 40 0a  60 86 48 01 86 fc 0b 01   .  
@. .@.`.H.....
       02 02 50 20 01 00 80 03  00 00 01 30 40 00 0f 06   ..P ....... 
       04 01 00 60 40 12 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86  
fc   ...`@. .@.`.H...
       0b 01 02 02 50 20 01 05  80 12 1f 00 01 00 c0  
a8   ....P ..........
       01 a0 1c 76 00 c0 a8 01  a0 1c 77 40 1b 00 00  
10   ...v......w@....
       20 40 10 20 00 40 0a 60  86 48 01 86 fc 0b 01 02     
@. .@.`.H......
       02 4b 00 80 03 00 00 01  2e 40 00 11 06 04 01  
00   .K.......@......
       60 40 10 20 00 40 0a 60  86 48 01 86 fc 0b 01 02    
`@. .@.`.H......
       02 4b 05 80 12 1f 00 01  00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76  
00   .K............v.
       c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77 40 1d  00 00 12 20 40 12 20 00   .....w@....  
@. .
       40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc  0b 01 02 02 50 00 01 00    
       80 03 00 00 01 30 40 00  13 06 04 01 00 60 40 12   ..... 
       20 00 40 0a 60 86 48 01  86 fc 0b 01 02 02 50  
00    .@.`.H.......P.
       01 05 80 12 1f 00 01 00  c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00  
c0   .............v..
       a8 01 a0 1c 77 40 0b 00  00 14 0c 60 09 80 03  
00   ....w@.....`....
       00 01 1e 40 00 15 06 04  01 00 4c 60 3b 80 12  
1f   ...@......L`;...
       00 01 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c  76 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c  
77   ........v......w
       40 0b 00 00 16 0c 20 09  80 03 00 00 01 1e 40 00    
@..... .......@.
       17 06 04 01 00 4c 20 3b  80 12 1f 00 01 00 c0  
a8   .....L ;........
       01 a0 1c 76 00 c0 a8 01  a0 1c 77 40 0c 00 00  
18   ...v......w@....
       0e 04 01 00 80 03 00 00  01 1f 40 00 19 06 04  
01   ..........@.....
       00 4e 04 01 05 80 12 1f  00 01 00 c0 a8 01 a0  
1c   .N..............
       76 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77  40 0b 00 00 1a 0d 60 00    
       80 03 00 00 01 1e 40 00  1b 06 04 01 00 4d 60  
05   ......@......M`.
       80 12 1f 00 01 00 c0 a8  01 a0 1c 76 00 c0 a8  
01   ...........v....
       a0 1c 77 40 0c 00 00 1c  0e 00 01 00 80 03 00  
00   ..w@............
       01 1f 40 00 1d 06 04 01  00 4e 00 01 05 80 12  
1f   ..@......N......
       00 01 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c  76 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c  
77   ........v......w
       40 01 80 01 80 10 80 01  00 00                     @.........
   h225pdu = {
     h323_uu_pdu = {
       h323_message_body = setup {
         protocolIdentifier =
         sourceInfo = {
           terminal = {
           mc = false
           undefinedNode = false
         activeMC = false
         conferenceID =  16 octets {
           00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00  00 00 00 00 c0 a8 01  
a0   ................
         conferenceGoal = callIndependentSupplementaryService <<null>>
         callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
         callIdentifier = {
           guid =  16 octets {
             00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00  00 00 00 00 c0 a8 01  
a0   ................
         fastStart = 30 entries {
           [0]= 27 octets {
             00 00 00 20 40 10 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 05 01 43 09 80 03  00 00  
01                  ....C......
           [1]= 46 octets {
             40 00 01 06 04 01 00 60  40 10 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 05 01  43 3b 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [2]= 27 octets {
             00 00 02 20 40 10 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 05 01 41 09 80 03  00 00  
01                  ....A......
           [3]= 46 octets {
             40 00 03 06 04 01 00 60  40 10 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 05 01  41 3b 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [4]= 29 octets {
             00 00 04 20 40 12 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 05 01 50 20 01 00  80 03 00 00  
01            ....P .......
           [5]= 48 octets {
             40 00 05 06 04 01 00 60  40 12 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 05 01  50 20 01 05 80 12 1f 00    
H.......P ......
             01 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76  00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40   .......v......w@
           [6]= 27 octets {
             00 00 06 20 40 10 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 05 01 4b 00 80 03  00 00  
01                  ....K......
           [7]= 46 octets {
             40 00 07 06 04 01 00 60  40 10 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 05 01  4b 05 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [8]= 29 octets {
             00 00 08 20 40 12 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 05 01 50 00 01 00  80 03 00 00  
01            ....P........
           [9]= 48 octets {
             40 00 09 06 04 01 00 60  40 12 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 05 01  50 00 01 05 80 12 1f 00    
             01 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76  00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40   .......v......w@
           [10]= 27 octets {
             00 00 0a 20 40 10 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 02 02 43 09 80 03  00 00  
01                  ....C......
           [11]= 46 octets {
             40 00 0b 06 04 01 00 60  40 10 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 02 02  43 3b 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [12]= 27 octets {
             00 00 0c 20 40 10 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 02 02 41 09 80 03  00 00  
01                  ....A......
           [13]= 46 octets {
             40 00 0d 06 04 01 00 60  40 10 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 02 02  41 3b 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [14]= 29 octets {
             00 00 0e 20 40 12 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 02 02 50 20 01 00  80 03 00 00  
01            ....P .......
           [15]= 48 octets {
             40 00 0f 06 04 01 00 60  40 12 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 02 02  50 20 01 05 80 12 1f 00    
H.......P ......
             01 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76  00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40   .......v......w@
           [16]= 27 octets {
             00 00 10 20 40 10 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 02 02 4b 00 80 03  00 00  
01                  ....K......
           [17]= 46 octets {
             40 00 11 06 04 01 00 60  40 10 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 02 02  4b 05 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [18]= 29 octets {
             00 00 12 20 40 12 20 00  40 0a 60 86 48 01 86 fc   ...  
@. .@.`.H...
             0b 01 02 02 50 00 01 00  80 03 00 00  
01            ....P........
           [19]= 48 octets {
             40 00 13 06 04 01 00 60  40 12 20 00 40 0a 60 86    
@......`@. .@.`.
             48 01 86 fc 0b 01 02 02  50 00 01 05 80 12 1f 00    
             01 00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76  00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40   .......v......w@
           [20]= 11 octets {
             00 00 14 0c 60 09 80 03  00 00  
01                  ....`......
           [21]= 30 octets {
             40 00 15 06 04 01 00 4c  60 3b 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [22]= 11 octets {
             00 00 16 0c 20 09 80 03  00 00  
01                  .... ......
           [23]= 30 octets {
             40 00 17 06 04 01 00 4c  20 3b 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
@......L ;......
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [24]= 12 octets {
             00 00 18 0e 04 01 00 80  03 00 00  
01               ............
           [25]= 31 octets {
             40 00 19 06 04 01 00 4e  04 01 05 80 12 1f 00 01    
             00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00  c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40      ......v......w@
           [26]= 11 octets {
             00 00 1a 0d 60 00 80 03  00 00  
01                  ....`......
           [27]= 30 octets {
             40 00 1b 06 04 01 00 4d  60 05 80 12 1f 00 01 00    
             c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00 c0  a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40         .....v......w@
           [28]= 12 octets {
             00 00 1c 0e 00 01 00 80  03 00 00  
01               ............
           [29]= 31 octets {
             40 00 1d 06 04 01 00 4e  00 01 05 80 12 1f 00 01    
             00 c0 a8 01 a0 1c 76 00  c0 a8 01 a0 1c 77  
40      ......v......w@
         mediaWaitForConnect = true
         canOverlapSend = true
       h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/02 12:51:30.497 3             gkauth.cxx(1067)  GKAUTH   
FileIPAuth Setup check ok
2009/11/02 12:51:30.497 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2036)  Q931s   Reject  
unregistered call 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 c0 a8 01 a0 from
2009/11/02 12:51:30.497 4       ProxyChannel.cxx(2142)  Q931s    
WARNING: Unregistered party cannot detect if NATed
2009/11/02 12:51:30.497 2             RasTbl.cxx(3130)   
CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 1, total sessions : 1
2009/11/02 12:51:30.497 2             gkacct.cxx(1043)  GKACCT   
Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 1
2009/11/02 12:51:30.497 2             RasTbl.cxx(3538)  CDR     ignore  
not connected call
2009/11/02 12:51:30.497 2             gkacct.cxx(1043)  GKACCT   
Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 1
2009/11/02 12:51:30.497 4       ProxyChannel.cxx(901)   Q931    Send  
to {
   q931pdu = {
     protocolDiscriminator = 8
     callReference = 32769
     from = destination
     messageType = ReleaseComplete
     IE: Cause - Call rejected = {
       80 95                                              ..
     IE: User-User = {
       25 80 06 00 08 91 4a 00  02 01 11 00 00 00 00 00    
       00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00  c0 a8 01 a0 02 80 01  
00   ................
   h225pdu = {
     h323_uu_pdu = {
       h323_message_body = releaseComplete {
         protocolIdentifier =
         callIdentifier = {
           guid =  16 octets {
             00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00  00 00 00 00 c0 a8 01  
a0   ................
       h245Tunneling = false
2009/11/02 12:51:30.498 3           yasocket.cxx(576)   Q931s   Delete  
2009/11/02 12:51:30.839 4             RasSrv.cxx(230)   RAS      
Receiving on
2009/11/02 12:51:30.839 2             RasSrv.cxx(189)   RAS     Read  
2009/11/02 12:51:30.839 3             RasSrv.cxx(238)   RAS
gatekeeperRequest {
     requestSeqNum = 4
     protocolIdentifier =
     nonStandardData = {
       nonStandardIdentifier = object 2.16.840.1.113778.4.2.1
       data =  3 octets {
         85 01 40                                           ..@
     rasAddress = ipAddress {
       ip =  4 octets {
         c0 a8 01 a0                                        ....
       port = 49301
     endpointType = {
       terminal = {
       mc = false
       undefinedNode = false
     endpointAlias = 1 entries {
       [0]=dialedDigits "800"
     tokens = 1 entries {
         tokenOID = 2.16.840.1.114187.1.6.2
         dhkey = {
           halfkey = Hex {
             e0 2b 54 b4 9d 0f ca c4  cc d1 9b 6c ae 64 08 7c
             8a 92 9a 6e a1 4f e9 63  33 14 43 65 42 61 5f bf
             45 0e c2 1e cd 6a 49 a1  e7 bf 00 81 fd 71 83 34
             b8 65 f1 9d 28 e7 41 34  ed 7b 6f 24 97 99 4b 8d
             8c 6e 3d 8f 48 d3 ce 69  ff ae 5d 24 a0 d1 9c df
             8e 99 37 4f e8 e0 83 90  69 40 60 f6 d0 af f0 4f
             c2 03 d6 a6 11 84 4b e6  a1 b8 89 b7 8e 96 9f c2
             79 f9 13 d3 58 4f 72 a0  62 8c 44 a7 75 9f fb  
a0           }
           modSize =
           generator =
         profileInfo = 2 entries {
             elementID = 2
             element = octets  4 octets {
               45 7e 00 00                                        E~..
             elementID = 1
             element = octets  12 octets {
               37 ad 00 00 27 49 00 00  69 9e 00 00                
     authenticationCapability = 2 entries {
       [0]=pwdSymEnc <<null>>
       [1]=keyExch 2.16.840.1.114187.1.6.2
     algorithmOIDs = 2 entries {
2009/11/02 12:51:30.840 1             RasSrv.cxx(368)   RAS     GRQ  
Received from
2009/11/02 12:51:30.840 2             RasSrv.cxx(408)   GCF||800|terminal;
2009/11/02 12:51:30.840 3             RasSrv.cxx(250)   RAS     Send  
gatekeeperConfirm {
     requestSeqNum = 4
     protocolIdentifier =
     gatekeeperIdentifier =  10 characters {
       004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
       0047 004b                                 GK
     rasAddress = ipAddress {
       ip =  4 octets {
         bc 28 e9 66                                        .(.f
       port = 1719
2009/11/02 12:51:30.883 4             RasSrv.cxx(230)   RAS      
Receiving on
2009/11/02 12:51:30.883 2             RasSrv.cxx(189)   RAS     Read  
2009/11/02 12:51:30.883 3             RasSrv.cxx(238)   RAS
registrationRequest {
     requestSeqNum = 5
     protocolIdentifier =
     nonStandardData = {
       nonStandardIdentifier = object 2.16.840.1.113778.4.2.1
       data =  25 octets {
         09 81 01 00 18 1e 90 01  20 01 00 06 00 04 0d  
27   ........ ......'
         85 83 01 00 02 00 07 01  00                        .........
     discoveryComplete = true
     callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
       [0]=ipAddress {
         ip =  4 octets {
           c0 a8 01 a0                                        ....
         port = 6446
     rasAddress = 1 entries {
       [0]=ipAddress {
         ip =  4 octets {
           c0 a8 01 a0                                        ....
         port = 49301
     terminalType = {
       terminal = {
       mc = false
       undefinedNode = false
     terminalAlias = 1 entries {
       [0]=dialedDigits "800"
     endpointVendor = {
       vendor = {
         t35CountryCode = 181
         t35Extension = 0
         manufacturerCode = 16726
       productId =  8 octets {
         49 50 5f 50 68 6f 6e 65                            IP_Phone
       versionId =  5 octets {
         32 2e 33 30 30                                     2.300
     cryptoTokens = 1 entries {
       [0]=cryptoEPPwdEncr {
         algorithmOID = 2.16.840.1.114187.1.3
         paramS = {
         encryptedData =  0 octets {

     keepAlive = false
     willSupplyUUIEs = false
2009/11/02 12:51:30.884 1             RasSrv.cxx(368)   RAS     RRQ  
Received from
2009/11/02 12:51:30.884 3             gkauth.cxx(982)   GKAUTH   
FileIPAuth RRQ check ok
2009/11/02 12:51:30.884 2             RasSrv.cxx(408)   RRJ||800:dialedDigits|terminal|duplicateAlias;
2009/11/02 12:51:30.884 3             RasSrv.cxx(250)   RAS     Send  
registrationReject {
     requestSeqNum = 5
     protocolIdentifier =
     rejectReason = duplicateAlias 1 entries {
       [0]=dialedDigits "800"
     gatekeeperIdentifier =  10 characters {
       004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
       0047 004b                                 GK
2009/11/02 12:51:30.993 3             RasTbl.cxx(2143)  Gk      Delete  
Call No. 1

On 2. Nov 2009, at 12:38 , Cristian Livadaru wrote:

> ahaaa .... this is interesting.
> PrintAllRegistrations
> AllRegistrations
> RCF||ASTERISK:h323_ID|gateway|2242_endp
> RCF||800:dialedDigits|terminal|2243_endp
> Number of Endpoints: 2
> is the Phone I am using.
> Do I have to enter the NATed IP ? Or the public IP ? or is something
> special needed to get NAT running.
> Sorry for these stupid questions but as I mentioned, I have no clues
> about H.323
> Cris
> On 2. Nov 2009, at 12:11 , Jan Willamowius wrote:
>> I don't see where the other registration with 800 is commin from
>> either. Did you grep the full trace for it ?
>> When you connect to the status port, you can say
>> "PrintAllRegistrations" and that will tell you about all endpoints
>> currently registered. If there is some other endpoint, you should see
>> it there. Or you just give the phone another number to test.
>> Adding a TimeToLive=120 to your configs main section would also be a
>> good idea.
>> Regards,
>> Jan
>> Cristian Livadaru wrote:
>>> I just did some tests with X-Meeting on Mac OS.
>>> Here gk seems to tell me everything is ok, although X-Meeting gives
>>> me
>>> an error but I don't really care about X-Meeting right now.
>>> 2009/11/02 11:35:11.473 1             RasSrv.cxx(368)   RAS     RRQ
>>> Received from
>>> 2009/11/02 11:35:11.473 3             gkauth.cxx(982)   GKAUTH
>>> FileIPAuth RRQ check ok
>>> 2009/11/02 11:35:11.473 2             RasSrv.cxx(408)   RCF|
>>> Livadaru:h323_ID=800:dialedDigits=436512345:dialedDigits|terminal|
>>> 2984_endp;
>>> 2009/11/02 11:35:11.473 3             RasSrv.cxx(250)   RAS     Send
>>> to
>>> registrationConfirm {
>>>    requestSeqNum = 47992
>>>    protocolIdentifier =
>>>    nonStandardData = {
>>>      nonStandardIdentifier = h221NonStandard {
>>>        t35CountryCode = 138
>>>        t35Extension = 2
>>>        manufacturerCode = 2
>>>      }
>>>      data =  5 octets {
>>>        4e 6f 4e 41 54                                     NoNAT
>>>      }
>>>    }
>>>    callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
>>>      [0]=ipAddress {
>>>        ip =  4 octets {
>>>          bc 28 e9 66                                        .(.f
>>>        }
>>>        port = 1721
>>>      }
>>>    }
>>>    terminalAlias = 3 entries {
>>>      [0]=h323_ID  17 characters {
>>>        0043 0072 0069 0073 0074 0069 0061 006e   Cristian
>>>        0020 004c 0069 0076 0061 0064 0061 0072    Livadar
>>>        0075                                      u
>>>      }
>>>      [1]=dialedDigits "800"
>>>      [2]=dialedDigits "436512345"
>>>    }
>>>    gatekeeperIdentifier =  10 characters {
>>>      004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
>>>      0047 004b                                 GK
>>>    }
>>>    endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>>>      0032 0039 0038 0034 005f 0065 006e 0064   2984_end
>>>      0070                                      p
>>>    }
>>>    willRespondToIRR = false
>>>    maintainConnection = false
>>>    serviceControl = 1 entries {
>>>      [0]={
>>>        sessionId = 0
>>>        contents = callCreditServiceControl {
>>>          callStartingPoint = connect <<null>>
>>>        }
>>>        reason = refresh <<null>>
>>>      }
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> When I quit X-Meeting and connect the phone:
>>> 2009/11/02 11:37:20.864 1             RasSrv.cxx(368)   RAS     RRQ
>>> Received from
>>> 2009/11/02 11:37:20.864 3             gkauth.cxx(982)   GKAUTH
>>> FileIPAuth RRQ check ok
>>> 2009/11/02 11:37:20.864 2             RasSrv.cxx(408)   RRJ|
>>> 2009/11/02 11:37:20.864 3             RasSrv.cxx(250)   RAS     Send
>>> to
>>> registrationReject {
>>>    requestSeqNum = 5
>>>    protocolIdentifier =
>>>    rejectReason = duplicateAlias 1 entries {
>>>      [0]=dialedDigits "800"
>>>    }
>>>    gatekeeperIdentifier =  10 characters {
>>>      004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
>>>      0047 004b                                 GK
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> 2009/11/02 11:37:21.113 3             RasTbl.cxx(2143)  Gk
>>> Delete
>>> Call No. 1
>>> I really don't get it where the duplicateAlias is coming from :(
>>> Cris
>>> On 2. Nov 2009, at 10:27 , Cristian Livadaru wrote:
>>>> That's what I thought so I commented out that line and tried again,
>>>> still no luck. here is my complete config file:
>>>> [Gatekeeper::Main]
>>>> Fortytwo=42
>>>> Name=OpenH323GK
>>>> [RoutedMode]
>>>> GKRouted=1
>>>> H245Routed=0
>>>> RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=0
>>>> AcceptNeighborsCalls=1
>>>> AcceptUnregisteredCalls=0
>>>> SupportNATedEndpoints=1
>>>> DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1
>>>> [Proxy]
>>>> [RasSrv::GWPrefixes]
>>>> [RasSrv::RRQFeatures]
>>>> [RasSrv::ARQFeatures]
>>>> ArjReasonRouteCallToGatekeeper=1
>>>> RemoveTrailingChar=#
>>>> RoundRobinGateways=1
>>>> [RoutingPolicy]
>>>> default=explicit,internal,parent,neighbor
>>>> [RasSrv::RRQAuth]
>>>> default=confirm
>>>> [GkStatus::Auth]
>>>> rule=allow
>>>> [RasSrv::RewriteE164]
>>>> [RasSrv::LRQFeatures]
>>>> [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints]
>>>> [Gatekeeper::Auth]
>>>> FileIPAuth=required;RRQ,LRQ,Setup
>>>> ;SimplePasswordAuth=sufficient;RRQ,ARQ,BRQ,DRQ,LRQ,IRQ
>>>> ;default=allow
>>>> [CallTable]
>>>> [H225toQ931]
>>>> [Gatekeeper::Acct]
>>>> [NATedEndpoints]
>>>> [CTI::Agents]
>>>> VirtualQueueAliases=CC
>>>> RequestTimeout=10
>>>> [CTI::MakeCall]
>>>> EndpointAlias=DialOut
>>>> UseH450=0
>>>> Interface=
>>>> Gatekeeper=
>>>> [SimplePasswordAuth]
>>>> KeyFilled=123
>>>> CheckID=FALSE
>>>> PasswordTimeout=0
>>>> ;800=Bq56xYcO+9M=
>>>> [FileIPAuth]
>>>> ;
>>>> ;;48,49,44
>>>> any=reject
>>>> Cris
>>>> On 2. Nov 2009, at 10:04 , Jan Willamowius wrote:
>>>>> You actually passed the RRQ check, bvut it looks like you still
>>>>> have
>>>>> that permanent endpoint configured with the same alias. If you  
>>>>> take
>>>>> that out, it will register.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Jan
>>>>> Cristian Livadaru wrote:
>>>>>> Unfortunately it didn't quite work.
>>>>>> I have set:
>>>>>> [Gatekeeper::Auth]
>>>>>> FileIPAuth=required;RRQ,LRQ,Setup
>>>>>> [FileIPAuth]
>>>>>> any=reject
>>>>>> gk says:
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.726 4             RasSrv.cxx(230)   RAS
>>>>>> Receiving on
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.726 2             RasSrv.cxx(189)   RAS
>>>>>> Read
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.726 3             RasSrv.cxx(238)   RAS
>>>>>> registrationRequest {
>>>>>>  requestSeqNum = 5
>>>>>>  protocolIdentifier =
>>>>>>  nonStandardData = {
>>>>>>    nonStandardIdentifier = object 2.16.840.1.113778.4.2.1
>>>>>>    data =  25 octets {
>>>>>>      09 81 01 00 18 1e 90 01  20 01 00 06 00 04 0d
>>>>>> 27   ........ ......'
>>>>>>      85 83 01 00 02 00 07 01  00                        .........
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  discoveryComplete = true
>>>>>>  callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
>>>>>>    [0]=ipAddress {
>>>>>>      ip =  4 octets {
>>>>>>        c0 a8 01 a0                                        ....
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      port = 5344
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  rasAddress = 1 entries {
>>>>>>    [0]=ipAddress {
>>>>>>      ip =  4 octets {
>>>>>>        c0 a8 01 a0                                        ....
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      port = 49301
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  terminalType = {
>>>>>>    terminal = {
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>    mc = false
>>>>>>    undefinedNode = false
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  terminalAlias = 1 entries {
>>>>>>    [0]=dialedDigits "800"
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  endpointVendor = {
>>>>>>    vendor = {
>>>>>>      t35CountryCode = 181
>>>>>>      t35Extension = 0
>>>>>>      manufacturerCode = 16726
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>    productId =  8 octets {
>>>>>>      49 50 5f 50 68 6f 6e 65                            IP_Phone
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>    versionId =  5 octets {
>>>>>>      32 2e 33 30 30                                     2.300
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  cryptoTokens = 1 entries {
>>>>>>    [0]=cryptoEPPwdEncr {
>>>>>>      algorithmOID = 2.16.840.1.114187.1.3
>>>>>>      paramS = {
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      encryptedData =  0 octets {
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  keepAlive = false
>>>>>>  willSupplyUUIEs = false
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.726 1             RasSrv.cxx(368)   RAS
>>>>>> RRQ
>>>>>> Received from
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.726 3             gkauth.cxx(982)   GKAUTH
>>>>>> FileIPAuth RRQ check ok
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.726 3             gkauth.cxx(982)   GKAUTH
>>>>>> default RRQ check ok
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.726 2             RasSrv.cxx(408)   RRJ|
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.726 3             RasSrv.cxx(250)   RAS
>>>>>> Send
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> registrationReject {
>>>>>>  requestSeqNum = 5
>>>>>>  protocolIdentifier =
>>>>>>  rejectReason = duplicateAlias 1 entries {
>>>>>>    [0]=dialedDigits "800"
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>  gatekeeperIdentifier =  10 characters {
>>>>>>    004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
>>>>>>    0047 004b                                 GK
>>>>>>  }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> 2009/11/02 09:45:15.861 3             RasTbl.cxx(2143)  Gk
>>>>>> Delete
>>>>>> Call No. 1
>>>>>> Cris
>>>>>> On 1. Nov 2009, at 23:15 , Jan Willamowius wrote:
>>>>>>> If you can't turn sending a password off in the phone, it might
>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>> work if GnuGk just ignores the password it gets.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>>> Cristian Livadaru wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks Jan, I will try this tomorrow morning.
>>>>>>>> But I'm not so sure I can set up this phone without
>>>>>>>> authentication.
>>>>>>>> But I will give it a shot.
>>>>>>>> Cris
>>>>>>>> On 1. Nov 2009, at 22:02 , Jan Willamowius wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>>>>>> permanent endpoints settings have nothing to do with your
>>>>>>>>> authentication.
>>>>>>>>> I would suggest you disable authentcation completely for your
>>>>>>>>> first
>>>>>>>>> test calls. And then maybe use FileIPAuth. Thats probably
>>>>>>>>> easier
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> get going. See
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>>>>> Cristian Livadaru wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> First of all I want to mention that I have no clue about
>>>>>>>>>> H323, I
>>>>>>>>>> am a
>>>>>>>>>> asterisk/SIP user.
>>>>>>>>>> I got a Avaya 4620 IP Phone which, as it seems, can't work
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> sip.
>>>>>>>>>> So I installed gnugk but I am working on it since today
>>>>>>>>>> morning
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> no luck.
>>>>>>>>>> First the Debian Version ( version 2.2.7-3-2) had segfaults
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> PWlib. I downloaded the newest binary from the gnugk site
>>>>>>>>>> (gnugk-2.3.0) and now I'm facing new issues:
>>>>>>>>>> 1) If I use SimplePasswordAuth=sufficient;RRQ,ARQ
>>>>>>>>>> 2009/11/01 19:37:44.554 4               gkauth.h(661)    
>>>>>>>>>> GKAUTH
>>>>>>>>>> SimplePasswordAuth No username resolved from tokens.
>>>>>>>>>> 2009/11/01 19:37:44.554 3             gkauth.cxx(987)    
>>>>>>>>>> GKAUTH
>>>>>>>>>> SimplePasswordAuth RRQ check failed
>>>>>>>>>> 2009/11/01 19:37:44.554 2             RasSrv.cxx(408)   RRJ|
>>>>>>>>>> 2) If Use these settings:
>>>>>>>>>> [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints]
>>>>>>>>>> gnugk tells me:
>>>>>>>>>> 2009/11/01 19:27:06.762 4             gkauth.cxx(1642)   
>>>>>>>>>> GKAUTH
>>>>>>>>>> AliasAuth auth condition not found for alias '800'
>>>>>>>>>> I'm about to through this phone back on ebay and look for a
>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>> SIP
>>>>>>>>>> phone. I wasted two days in trying to get this thing to work
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>>> simply frustrated!
>>>>>>>>>> any idea how I could get this phone to work?
>>>>>>>>>> Cris
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Jan Willamowius, jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
>> -- 
>> Jan Willamowius, jan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
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