1- if no config, does GnuGK listen on port 1720 or 1721 TCP by default?
Is 1720 or 1721 a "preferred" port?
2- does GnuGK support multiple listening ports?
for example
3- My GnuGK is running under Ubuntu 8.04 behind a NAT.
I have forwarded
port 1718 udp
port 1719 udp
port 1720 tcp
port 1721 tcp
Is the above too many? Did I miss any? port 1731 tcp?
Must I also forward wide ranges of udp ports? I hesitate to do
this for security reasons, but maybe this is necessary?
4- If I can use port forwarding, does moving the Linux box
with GnuGK to the DMZ give any advantages to compensate
for increased exposure?
The filewall /router/NAT is a Linksys box running DD-WRT v2.4.
5- Since not only is GnuGK on the LAN, but also one to three endpoints,
it will not be possible to forward ports 1718 - 1721, 1731 and RTP
ports to the GK and also all the endpoints.
Does this mean the EPs should address the GK only on its LAN IP,
*not* on its public WAN IP? But even then, P2P media exchange
between EPs will require port forwarding and the GK and EPs can
not share the same ports.
Is it even possible to share a LAN between a GK and a few EPs?
Is the presence of a GK on a LAN incompatible with EPs on the
same LAN or vice-versa?
Can LAN EP1 192.168.1.xx and LAN EP2 192.168.1.yy both use
port 1720 to communicate with the GK at 192.168.1.zz ?
I have put various thoughts into an attached image and would like
to know if the illustrated concept is valid?

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