This is because this section works only for registered endpoints (not the permanent or unregistered ones, unless Setup contains a correct H.323 ID). ----- Original Message ----- From: "Balgansuren Batsukh" <balgaa@xxxxxxxx> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:49 AM I am trying to use RasSrv::GWRewriteE164 on GnuGK and i follow instruction on manual. Connection diagram: =============== c.c.c.c---0888 prefix---->GnuGK---0673, 562046 or direct country code--->a/x/y/z carrier We are using sqlbill for prepaid origination/termination. That's why we need to translate 0888--->090 to do make billing calculation on GnuGK? We configured GnuGK for full-proxy. Please find below configuration: ======================= [Gatekeeper::Auth] SQLAuth=required;Setup,SetupUnreg FileIPAuth=required;RRQ,LRQ,Setup [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] RoundRobinGateways=1 ;CallUnregisteredEndpoints=1 [RasSrv::GWRewriteE164] railcom=in=0888=090;out=09086=56204686;out=090=0673 [RasSrv::RewriteE164] [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints] x.x.x.250=sigaco;4976 y.y.y.172=sigaco1;4976 z.z.z.101=starlink;0673,001 a.a.a.34=voipexchange;7,81,976,001 c.c.c.c=railcom; ###### our new case using PostgreSQL [SQLAuth] Driver=PostgreSQL Host=localhost Database=voipdb Username=gkradius Password=gkradius CallQuery=SELECT 1, credit_time('%u','%{callerip}','%{Called-Station-Id}') as credittime [SQLAcct] Driver=PostgreSQL Host=localhost Database=voipdb Username=gkradius Password=gkradius StartQuery=INSERT INTO voipcall (id, h323id, acctsessionid, h323confid, gkip, gkid, callingstationip, callingstationid, called stationip, calledstationid, setuptime, acctstarttime, acctstartdelay, acctupdatetime) VALUES (DEFAULT, '%u', '%s', '%{ConfId}' , '%{gkip}', '%g', NULLIF('%{caller-ip}', '')::INET, '%{Calling-Station-Id}', NULLIF('%{callee-ip}', '')::INET, '%{Called-Stat ion-Id}', NULLIF('%{setup-time}', '')::TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE, now(), 0, now()) UpdateQuery=UPDATE voipcall SET duration = '%d', connecttime = NULLIF('%{connect-time}','')::TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE, acct updatetime = now() WHERE acctsessionid = '%s' AND gkid = '%g' AND acctstoptime IS NULL StopQuery=UPDATE voipcall SET acctstoptime = now(), duration = '%d', terminatecause = '%c', acctstopdelay = 0, setuptime = NUL LIF('%{setup-time}', '')::TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE, connecttime = NULLIF('%{connect-time}', '')::TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZON E, disconnecttime = NULLIF('%{disconnect-time}', '')::TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE WHERE acctsessionid = '%s' AND gkid = '%g' A ND acctstoptime IS NULL StopQueryAlt=INSERT INTO voipcall (id, h323id, acctsessionid, h323confid, gkip, gkid, callingstationip, callingstationid, call edstationip, calledstationid, setuptime, connecttime, disconnecttime, terminatecause, duration, acctstarttime, acctstartdelay, acctupdatetime, acctstoptime, acctstopdelay) VALUES (DEFAULT,'%u', '%s', '%{ConfId}', '%{gkip}', '%g', NULLIF('%{caller-ip}', '')::INET, '%{Calling-Station-Id}', NULLIF('%{callee-ip}', '')::INET, '%{Called-Station-Id}', NULLIF('%{setup-time}','')::TIM ESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE, NULLIF('%{connect-time}','')::TIMESTAMP(0) WITH TIME ZONE, NULLIF('%{disconnect-time}','')::TIMESTAM P(0) WITH TIME ZONE, '%c', '%d', (now() - '%d'::INTERVAL), 0, now(), now(), 0) Above RasSrv::GWRewriteE164 section doesn't work at all. Is there any additional configuration required? Regards, Balgaa ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys - and earn cash _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: Unsubscribe: Homepage: