Re: allowing inbound calls to registered endpoints from unregistered endpoints

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Did you try the AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 setting under RoutedMode section?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Harris L. Gilliam" <harrisg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 02:30
Subject:  allowing inbound calls to registered endpoints
from unregistered endpoints

> Hi,
> I've seen a few posts similar in nature to this in the archives but
> didn't see any solutions.
> I have a very simple GnuGK config that I'm doing as a test.  I have two
> endpoints, one a Polycom VSX7000 and the other a Sony PCS-1.  Both are
> using public static IP adresses on the same subnet and there is no NAT
> involved.  Eventually I will have some NATed endpoints but not for this
> test.
> The Polycom is registered to the GnuGK and the Sony is not registered.
> When using either call signalling routed only (GKRouted=1, H245Routed=0)
> or call signalling and H.245 channel routed (GKRouted=1, H245Routed=1)
> modes the Sony cannot call the Polycom point-to-point (ie: using the
> Polycom's IP address).
> I'm sure there must be a way to do this but since I'm new to GnuGK I
> can't get it working.  Any help much appreciated :-)
> I'm attaching my gnugk.ini file and a log of a failed call.
> -- 
> Harris L. Gilliam
> Totalcom Solutions, Inc.
> "We Bring People Together"
> 978-887-6155 x24


> [Gatekeeper::Main]
> Fortytwo=42
> Name=TotalcomOpenH323GK
> EncryptAllPasswords=1
> ;Home=,,
> Home=,
> [Gatekeeper::Auth]
> FileIPAuth=sufficient;RRQ,LRQ,Setup
> [FileIPAuth]
> ;
> any=reject
> [GkStatus::Auth]
> rule=password
> gkadmin=+MzLqau4S4pO5mFLzIEIlQ==
> [RoutedMode]
> GKRouted=1
> H245Routed=1
> SupportNATedEndpoints=1
> Q931PortRange=20000-20999
> H245PortRange=30000-30999
> [Proxy]
> Enable=0
> T120PortRange=40000-40999
> RTPPortRange=50000-50999


> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.933 2    singleton.cxx(32) Create instance: Toolkit(1)
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.947 2      Toolkit.cxx(264)
Network=, IP=
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.949 2      Toolkit.cxx(264)
Network=, IP=
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.951 2      Toolkit.cxx(265) Default IP=
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.952 2      Toolkit.cxx(342) GK H.323 Proxy disabled
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.953 2      Toolkit.cxx(527) GK Loaded per GW rewrite
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.964 2      Toolkit.cxx(530) GK No per GW data loaded
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.966 2    singleton.cxx(32) Create instance:
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.968 1           gk.cxx(510) OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The
GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'TotalcomOpenH323GK' started
> Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2.4)
Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=1,pgsql=1,large_fdset=0) Build(Oct 16 2006,
14:58:06) Sys(Linux i686
> OpenH323 Gatekeeper - The GNU Gatekeeper with ID 'TotalcomOpenH323GK'
> Gatekeeper(GNU) Version(2.2.4)
Ext(pthreads=1,radius=1,mysql=1,pgsql=1,large_fdset=0) Build(Oct 16 2006,
14:58:06) Sys(Linux i686
> Listen on,
> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
> as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
> of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.968 2    singleton.cxx(32) Create instance:
> Disable Bandwidth Management
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.968 2           gk.cxx(548) GK TimeToLive for
Registrations: -1
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.969 2    singleton.cxx(32) Create instance: RasSrv(4)
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.969 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(181) Q931PortRange: 20000-20999
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.969 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(181) H245PortRange: 30000-30999
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.969 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(181) T120PortRange: 40000-40999
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.970 2 ProxyChannel.cxx(181) RTPPortRange: 50000-50999
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.970 2    singleton.cxx(32) Create instance: Agent(5)
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.972 2       RasSrv.cxx(717) GK Using Routed Signalling
> 2006/12/07 16:25:20.977 2       RasSrv.cxx(718) GK H.245 Routed Enabled
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.183 2    singleton.cxx(32) Create instance:
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.184 2    singleton.cxx(32) Create instance:
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.186 2       RasSrv.cxx(754) GK Home =,
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.188 1       RasSrv.cxx(505) Listening to
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.190 1       RasSrv.cxx(505) Listening to
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.191 1       RasSrv.cxx(505) Listening to
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.194 1       RasSrv.cxx(505) Listening to
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.195 1       RasSrv.cxx(505) Listening to
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.197 1       RasSrv.cxx(505) Listening to
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.198 1       RasSrv.cxx(505) Listening to
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.199 1       RasSrv.cxx(813) RAS Broadcast listener
listening at
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.201 1       gkauth.cxx(283) GKAUTH FileIPAuth rule
added to check RAS: LRQ RRQ, OTHER: SETUP
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.363 2      Routing.cxx(657) VQueue (CTI) Virtual
queues disabled - no virtual queues configured
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.364 2    singleton.cxx(32) Create instance:
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.366 2       gkacct.cxx(1014) GKACCT Successfully
logged event 8
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.464 2       RasSrv.cxx(174) RAS Read from
> 2006/12/07 16:25:21.467 3       RasSrv.cxx(220) RAS
> registrationRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 2734
>     protocolIdentifier =
>     discoveryComplete = FALSE
>     callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
>       [0]=ipAddress {
>         ip =  4 octets {
>           43 5d 1b 94                                        C]..
>         }
>         port = 1720
>       }
>     }
>     rasAddress = 1 entries {
>       [0]=ipAddress {
>         ip =  4 octets {
>           43 5d 1b 94                                        C]..
>         }
>         port = 1719
>       }
>     }
>     terminalType = {
>       vendor = {
>         vendor = {
>           t35CountryCode = 181
>           t35Extension = 0
>           manufacturerCode = 9009
>         }
>         productId =  8 octets {
>           56 53 58 20 37 30 30 30                            VSX 7000
>         }
>         versionId =  31 octets {
>           52 65 6c 65 61 73 65 20  38 2e 30 2e 33 20 2d 20   Release
8.0.3 -
>           30 36 4f 63 74 32 30 30  35 20 31 33 3a 34 39      06Oct2005
>         }
>       }
>       terminal = {
>       }
>       mc = FALSE
>       undefinedNode = FALSE
>     }
>     terminalAlias = 2 entries {
>       [0]=dialedDigits "1201"
>       [1]=h323_ID  22 characters {
>         0054 006f 0074 0061 006c 0063 006f 006d   Totalcom
>         0020 0056 0053 0058 0020 0037 0030 0030    VSX 700
>         0030 0020 0044 0065 006d 006f             0 Demo
>       }
>     }
>     endpointVendor = {
>       vendor = {
>         t35CountryCode = 0
>         t35Extension = 0
>         manufacturerCode = 9009
>       }
>       productId =  8 octets {
>         56 53 58 20 37 30 30 30                            VSX 7000
>       }
>       versionId =  31 octets {
>         52 65 6c 65 61 73 65 20  38 2e 30 2e 33 20 2d 20   Release 8.0.3 -
>         30 36 4f 63 74 32 30 30  35 20 31 33 3a 34 39      06Oct2005 13:49
>       }
>     }
>     timeToLive = 300
>     keepAlive = FALSE
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0035 0036 0038 005f 0065 006e 0064   7568_end
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
>     maintainConnection = FALSE
>     supportsAltGK = <<null>>
>     featureSet = {
>       replacementFeatureSet = FALSE
>       supportedFeatures = 1 entries {
>         [0]={
>           id = standard 9
>         }
>       }
>     }
>     genericData = 1 entries {
>       [0]={
>         id = oid
>         parameters = 1 entries {
>           [0]={
>             id = standard 1
>             content = compound 2 entries {
>               [0]={
>                 id = standard 1
>                 content = bool TRUE
>               }
>               [1]={
>                 id = standard 2
>                 content = bool TRUE
>               }
>             }
>           }
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
> 2006/12/07 16:25:22.133 1       RasSrv.cxx(344) RAS RRQ Received
> 2006/12/07 16:25:22.135 3       gkauth.cxx(919) GKAUTH FileIPAuth RRQ
check ok
> 2006/12/07 16:25:22.137 1       RasTbl.cxx(80) New
EP||1201:dialedDigits=Totalcom VSX 7000
> 2006/12/07 16:25:22.139 2       RasSrv.cxx(389)
RCF||1201:dialedDigits=Totalcom VSX 7000
> 2006/12/07 16:25:22.279 3       RasSrv.cxx(232) RAS Send to
> registrationConfirm {
>     requestSeqNum = 2734
>     protocolIdentifier =
>     callSignalAddress = 1 entries {
>       [0]=ipAddress {
>         ip =  4 octets {
>           43 5d 1b 8d                                        C]..
>         }
>         port = 1721
>       }
>     }
>     terminalAlias = 2 entries {
>       [0]=dialedDigits "1201"
>       [1]=h323_ID  22 characters {
>         0054 006f 0074 0061 006c 0063 006f 006d   Totalcom
>         0020 0056 0053 0058 0020 0037 0030 0030    VSX 700
>         0030 0020 0044 0065 006d 006f             0 Demo
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  18 characters {
>       0054 006f 0074 0061 006c 0063 006f 006d   Totalcom
>       004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
>       0047 004b                                 GK
>     }
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0035 0036 0038 005f 0065 006e 0064   7568_end
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     willRespondToIRR = FALSE
>     maintainConnection = FALSE
>   }
> 2006/12/07 16:25:46.038 2       RasSrv.cxx(174) RAS Read from
> 2006/12/07 16:25:46.039 3       RasSrv.cxx(220) RAS
> admissionRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 2735
>     callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
>     callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0035 0036 0038 005f 0065 006e 0064   7568_end
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     destinationInfo = 1 entries {
>       [0]=h323_ID  22 characters {
>         0054 006f 0074 0061 006c 0063 006f 006d   Totalcom
>         0020 0056 0053 0058 0020 0037 0030 0030    VSX 700
>         0030 0020 0044 0065 006d 006f             0 Demo
>       }
>     }
>     destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         43 5d 1b 94                                        C]..
>       }
>       port = 1720
>     }
>     srcInfo = 0 entries {
>     }
>     srcCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         43 5d 1b 93                                        C]..
>       }
>       port = 2255
>     }
>     bandWidth = 2560
>     callReferenceValue = 1171
>     conferenceID =  16 octets {
>       00 15 ae ab 45 fa 00 1f  34 c9 f4 1d 92 63 60 19   ....E...4....c`.
>     }
>     activeMC = FALSE
>     answerCall = TRUE
>     canMapAlias = TRUE
>     callIdentifier = {
>       guid =  16 octets {
>         00 15 ae ab 45 fa 00 1f  34 c8 f4 1d 92 63 60 19
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  18 characters {
>       0054 006f 0074 0061 006c 0063 006f 006d   Totalcom
>       004f 0070 0065 006e 0048 0033 0032 0033   OpenH323
>       0047 004b                                 GK
>     }
>     willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
>     featureSet = {
>       replacementFeatureSet = FALSE
>       supportedFeatures = 1 entries {
>         [0]={
>           id = standard 9
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
> 2006/12/07 16:25:46.042 1       RasSrv.cxx(344) RAS ARQ Received
> 2006/12/07 16:25:46.043 2       RasSrv.cxx(389)
ARJ||Totalcom VSX 7000
> 2006/12/07 16:25:46.043 3       RasSrv.cxx(232) RAS Send to
> admissionReject {
>     requestSeqNum = 2735
>     rejectReason = routeCallToGatekeeper <<null>>
>   }


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