Re: urgent help needed.

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2006/06/27 21:37:45.296 1       ProxyChannel.cxx(2316)  Q931d
Could not open/connect Q.931 socket at 218.212.xx.xx:0
- error 12/1073751873: WIN32 error 10049

WIN32 error 10049 means port 0 was allocated. Seems like there is a bug 
somewhere. What GnuGK version are you using?


At 06:01 PM 28/06/2006, you wrote:
>Hi Simon,
>After enabling proxy option also calls failing with
>'DIDN'T ACCEPT THE Call' message. The issue is, I am
>able to makre the call in the first instance (if proxy
>is enabled or disabled). If making any change in
>gateway and restarting calls fail with above message.
>EP1 and GK in 192.168.80.x network behind router.
>GK with NetworkInterfaces=private and public IP
>EP2 - behind router with DMZ configuration
>The log file genertaed (with proxy enabled) is given
>below for both cases;
>case 1. call success...I have made three to four
> to connect and talk.
>case 2. call failure....after restart of
>gateway(Welltech)..can't connect.message is
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.296 1       ProxyChannel.cxx(2316)  Q931d
>Could ot open/connect Q.931 socket at 218.212.xx.xx:0
>- error 12/1073751873: WIN32 error 10049
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.296 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2328)  Q931
>59.144.xx.xx:1720 DIDN'T ACCEPT THE CALL
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.312 2             RasTbl.cxx(2235)  CDR
>ignore not connected call
>LoG Success
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.109 2             RasSrv.cxx(173)   RAS
>Read from
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.109 3             RasSrv.cxx(219)   RAS
>admissionRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 22632
>     callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
>     callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0039 0031 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     destinationInfo = 2 entries {
>       [0]=dialedDigits "808984259260"
>       [1]=dialedDigits "808984259260"
>     }
>     srcInfo = 3 entries {
>       [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {
>         0053 0049 004e 0047 0041 0031
>       }
>       [1]=h323_ID  12 characters {
>         0030 0030 0030 0034 0030 0066 0030 0030
>         0033 0065 0035 0036                       3e56
>       }
>       [2]=dialedDigits "111"
>     }
>     srcCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         da d4 xx xx
>     ....
>       }
>       port = 2022
>     }
>     bandWidth = 1280
>     callReferenceValue = 27373
>     conferenceID =  16 octets {
>       00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10 4b
>   ....>V.......T.K
>     }
>     activeMC = FALSE
>     answerCall = FALSE
>     canMapAlias = FALSE
>     callIdentifier = {
>       guid =  16 octets {
>         00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10
>4a   ....>V.......T.J
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  8 characters {
>       0047 004e 0055 0047 004b 0030 0030 0031
>     }
>     willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.109 1             RasSrv.cxx(343)   RAS
>ARQ Received
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.109 3             RasSrv.cxx(1948)  GK
>ARQ will request bandwith of 1280
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.109 2             RasTbl.cxx(695)   RASTBL
>Gateway 7920_endp matched by prefix 808
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.109 2             RasTbl.cxx(2029)
>CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 2, total sessions : 1
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.109 2             RasSrv.cxx(388)
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.109 3             RasSrv.cxx(231)   RAS
>Send to
>admissionConfirm {
>     requestSeqNum = 22632
>     bandWidth = 1280
>     callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
>     destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         c0 a8 50 64
>     ..Pd
>       }
>       port = 3817
>     }
>     irrFrequency = 120
>     willRespondToIRR = FALSE
>     uuiesRequested = {
>       setup = FALSE
>       callProceeding = FALSE
>       connect = FALSE
>       alerting = FALSE
>       information = FALSE
>       releaseComplete = FALSE
>       facility = FALSE
>       progress = FALSE
>       empty = FALSE
>       status = FALSE
>       statusInquiry = FALSE
>       setupAcknowledge = FALSE
>       notify = FALSE
>     }
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.171 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(771)   Q931s
>Received: Setup CRV=27373 from
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.171 2             gkacct.cxx(984)   GKACCT
>Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 2
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.171 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(1776)  Q931s
>Call 2 is NAT type 1
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.171 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(1781)  Q931s
>Using NAT socket 59.144.xx.xx:1728
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.171 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(637)   GK
>Call 2 proxy enabled
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.171 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2651)  H245
>Set h245Address to 218.212.xx.xx:3829
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.562 2             RasSrv.cxx(173)   RAS
>Read from 59.144.xx.xx:1024
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.562 3             RasSrv.cxx(219)   RAS
>admissionRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 20873
>     callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
>     callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0039 0032 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     destinationInfo = 2 entries {
>       [0]=h323_ID  4 characters {
>         0074 0065 0073 0074                       test
>       }
>       [1]=dialedDigits "0"
>     }
>     destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         3b 90 xx xx
>     ;...
>       }
>       port = 1720
>     }
>     srcInfo = 3 entries {
>       [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {
>         0053 0049 004e 0047 0041 0031
>       }
>       [1]=h323_ID  12 characters {
>         0030 0030 0030 0034 0030 0066 0030 0030
>         0033 0065 0035 0036                       3e56
>       }
>       [2]=dialedDigits "111"
>     }
>     srcCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         da d4 xx xx
>     ....
>       }
>       port = 3817
>     }
>     bandWidth = 1280
>     callReferenceValue = 30578
>     conferenceID =  16 octets {
>       00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10 4b
>   ....>V.......T.K
>     }
>     activeMC = FALSE
>     answerCall = TRUE
>     canMapAlias = TRUE
>     callIdentifier = {
>       guid =  16 octets {
>         00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10
>4a   ....>V.......T.J
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  8 characters {
>       0047 004e 0055 0047 004b 0030 0030 0031
>     }
>     willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.562 1             RasSrv.cxx(343)   RAS
>ARQ Received
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.578 3             RasSrv.cxx(1948)  GK
>ARQ will request bandwith of 1280
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.578 3             RasSrv.cxx(2053)  GK
>ACF: found existing call no 2
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.578 2             RasSrv.cxx(388)
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.578 3             RasSrv.cxx(231)   RAS
>Send to 59.144.xx.xx:1024
>admissionConfirm {
>     requestSeqNum = 20873
>     bandWidth = 1280
>     callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
>     destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         da d4 xx xx
>     ....
>       }
>       port = 3817
>     }
>     irrFrequency = 120
>     willRespondToIRR = FALSE
>     uuiesRequested = {
>       setup = FALSE
>       callProceeding = FALSE
>       connect = FALSE
>       alerting = FALSE
>       information = FALSE
>       releaseComplete = FALSE
>       facility = FALSE
>       progress = FALSE
>       empty = FALSE
>       status = FALSE
>       statusInquiry = FALSE
>       setupAcknowledge = FALSE
>       notify = FALSE
>     }
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.796 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(771)   Q931s
>Received: Information CRV=0 from 59.144.xx.xx:1729
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.796 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(1932)  Q931s
>59.144.xx.xx:1729 NAT Information message from EPID =
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.796 3             RasTbl.cxx(256)   Q931
>NAT socket detected at 59.144.xx.xx:1729 for endpoint
>2006/06/27 21:27:09.796 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(771)   Q931s
>Received: CallProceeding CRV=27373 from
>2006/06/27 21:27:12.875 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(771)   Q931s
>Received: Alerting CRV=27373 from 59.144.xx.xx:3817
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.875 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(771)   Q931s
>Received: Connect CRV=27373 from 59.144.xx.xx:3817
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.875 2             gkacct.cxx(984)   GKACCT
>Successfully logged event 32 for call no. 2
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.875 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2651)  H245
>Set h245Address to
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.890 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2578)  H245
>Connected from
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.921 2             RasSrv.cxx(173)   RAS
>Read from
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.921 3             RasSrv.cxx(219)   RAS
>bandwidthRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 22633
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0039 0031 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     conferenceID =  16 octets {
>       00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10 4b
>   ....>V.......T.K
>     }
>     callReferenceValue = 27373
>     bandWidth = 128
>     callIdentifier = {
>       guid =  16 octets {
>         00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10
>4a   ....>V.......T.J
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  8 characters {
>       0047 004e 0055 0047 004b 0030 0030 0031
>     }
>     answeredCall = FALSE
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.921 1             RasSrv.cxx(343)   RAS
>BRQ Received
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.921 2             RasSrv.cxx(388)
>2006/06/27 21:27:13.921 3             RasSrv.cxx(231)   RAS
>Send to
>bandwidthConfirm {
>     requestSeqNum = 22633
>     bandWidth = 128
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:14.218 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2607)  H245
>Connect to 59.144.xx.xx:2001 from
>2006/06/27 21:27:15.375 1       ProxyChannel.cxx(3059)  RTP
>RTP socket not available - error
>12/1073751872: Address in use
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.609 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(771)   Q931s
>Received: ReleaseComplete CRV=27373 from
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.609 1             RasTbl.cxx(2231)
>CDR|2|00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12 81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10
>4a|21|Tue, 27 Jun 2006 21:27:13 +0800|Tue, 27 Jun 2006
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.609 3             gkacct.cxx(944)   GKACCT
>FileAcct logged event 2 for call no. 2
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.609 2             gkacct.cxx(984)   GKACCT
>Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 2
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.625 2             RasSrv.cxx(173)   RAS
>Read from
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.625 3             RasSrv.cxx(219)   RAS
>disengageRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 22634
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0039 0031 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     conferenceID =  16 octets {
>       00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10 4b
>   ....>V.......T.K
>     }
>     callReferenceValue = 27373
>     disengageReason = normalDrop <<null>>
>     callIdentifier = {
>       guid =  16 octets {
>         00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10
>4a   ....>V.......T.J
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  8 characters {
>       0047 004e 0055 0047 004b 0030 0030 0031
>     }
>     answeredCall = FALSE
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.625 1             RasSrv.cxx(343)   RAS
>DRQ Received
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.625 2             RasSrv.cxx(388)
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.625 3             RasSrv.cxx(231)   RAS
>Send to
>disengageConfirm {
>     requestSeqNum = 22634
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.671 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(3000)  RTP
>Error(0): Input/output error (12:1073751878)
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.734 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(3000)  RTP
>Error(0): Input/output error (12:1073751878)
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.796 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(3000)  RTP
>Error(0): Input/output error (12:1073751878)
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.859 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(3000)  RTP
>Error(0): Input/output error (12:1073751878)
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.906 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(3829)  Proxy
>59.144.xx.xx:2001 forward blocked
>2006/06/27 21:27:34.906 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(3000)  RTP
>Error(0): Input/output error (12:1073751878)
>2006/06/27 21:27:35.187 2             RasSrv.cxx(173)   RAS
>Read from 59.144.xx.xx:1024
>2006/06/27 21:27:35.187 3             RasSrv.cxx(219)   RAS
>disengageRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 20874
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0039 0032 0030 005f 0065 006e 0064
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     conferenceID =  16 octets {
>       00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10 4b
>   ....>V.......T.K
>     }
>     callReferenceValue = 30578
>     disengageReason = normalDrop <<null>>
>     callIdentifier = {
>       guid =  16 octets {
>         00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 1d dc 90 1b 54 10
>4a   ....>V.......T.J
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  8 characters {
>       0047 004e 0055 0047 004b 0030 0030 0031
>     }
>     answeredCall = TRUE
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:35.187 1             RasSrv.cxx(343)   RAS
>DRQ Received
>2006/06/27 21:27:35.187 2             RasSrv.cxx(388)
>2006/06/27 21:27:35.187 3             RasSrv.cxx(231)   RAS
>Send to
>disengageConfirm {
>     requestSeqNum = 20874
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:27:39.625 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   Q931s
>Delete socket 59.144.xx.xx:3817
>2006/06/27 21:27:39.625 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   Q931s
>Delete socket
>2006/06/27 21:27:40.265 3             RasTbl.cxx(1368)  Gk
>Delete Call No. 2
>2006/06/27 21:27:44.640 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   H245d
>Delete socket 59.144.xx.xx:2001
>2006/06/27 21:27:44.640 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   H245s
>Delete socket
>2006/06/27 21:27:44.734 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   RTP
>Delete socket
>2006/06/27 21:27:44.734 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   RTCP
>Delete socket
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.218 2             RasSrv.cxx(173)   RAS
>Read from
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.218 3             RasSrv.cxx(219)   RAS
>admissionRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 22644
>     callType = pointToPoint <<null>>
>     callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0039 0031 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     destinationInfo = 2 entries {
>       [0]=dialedDigits "50469884259260"
>       [1]=dialedDigits "50469884259260"
>     }
>     srcInfo = 3 entries {
>       [0]=h323_ID  6 characters {
>         0053 0049 004e 0047 0041 0031
>       }
>       [1]=h323_ID  12 characters {
>         0030 0030 0030 0034 0030 0066 0030 0030
>         0033 0065 0035 0036                       3e56
>       }
>       [2]=dialedDigits "111"
>     }
>     srcCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         da d4 xx xx
>     ....
>       }
>       port = 2023
>     }
>     bandWidth = 1280
>     callReferenceValue = 27377
>     conferenceID =  16 octets {
>       00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 22 00 cb 11 e0 10 4f
>   ....>V...".....O
>     }
>     activeMC = FALSE
>     answerCall = FALSE
>     canMapAlias = FALSE
>     callIdentifier = {
>       guid =  16 octets {
>         00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 22 00 cb 11 e0 10
>4e   ....>V...".....N
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  8 characters {
>       0047 004e 0055 0047 004b 0030 0030 0031
>     }
>     willSupplyUUIEs = FALSE
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.218 1             RasSrv.cxx(343)   RAS
>ARQ Received
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.218 3             RasSrv.cxx(1948)  GK
>ARQ will request bandwith of 1280
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.218 2             RasTbl.cxx(695)   RASTBL
>Gateway 7922_endp matched by prefix 5046
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.218 2             RasTbl.cxx(2029)
>CallTable::Insert(CALL) Call No. 5, total sessions : 1
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.218 2             RasSrv.cxx(388)
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.218 3             RasSrv.cxx(231)   RAS
>Send to
>admissionConfirm {
>     requestSeqNum = 22644
>     bandWidth = 1280
>     callModel = gatekeeperRouted <<null>>
>     destCallSignalAddress = ipAddress {
>       ip =  4 octets {
>         c0 a8 50 64
>     ..Pd
>       }
>       port = 3817
>     }
>     irrFrequency = 120
>     willRespondToIRR = FALSE
>     uuiesRequested = {
>       setup = FALSE
>       callProceeding = FALSE
>       connect = FALSE
>       alerting = FALSE
>       information = FALSE
>       releaseComplete = FALSE
>       facility = FALSE
>       progress = FALSE
>       empty = FALSE
>       status = FALSE
>       statusInquiry = FALSE
>       setupAcknowledge = FALSE
>       notify = FALSE
>     }
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.281 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(771)   Q931s
>Received: Setup CRV=27377 from
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.281 2             gkacct.cxx(984)   GKACCT
>Successfully logged event 1 for call no. 5
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.281 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(1776)  Q931s
>Call 5 is NAT type 1
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.281 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(637)   GK
>Call 5 proxy enabled
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.281 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2651)  H245
>Set h245Address to 218.212.xx.xx:3914
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.296 1       ProxyChannel.cxx(2316)  Q931d
>Could not open/connect Q.931 socket at 218.212.xx.xx:0
>- error 12/1073751873: WIN32 error 10049
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.296 3       ProxyChannel.cxx(2328)  Q931
>59.144.xx.xx DIDN'T ACCEPT THE CALL
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.312 2             RasTbl.cxx(2235)  CDR
>ignore not connected call
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.312 3             gkacct.cxx(944)   GKACCT
>FileAcct logged event 2 for call no. 5
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.312 2             gkacct.cxx(984)   GKACCT
>Successfully logged event 2 for call no. 5
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.312 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   Q931d
>Delete socket 59.144.xx.xx:1720
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.312 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   Q931s
>Delete socket
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.328 2             RasSrv.cxx(173)   RAS
>Read from
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.328 3             RasSrv.cxx(219)   RAS
>disengageRequest {
>     requestSeqNum = 22645
>     endpointIdentifier =  9 characters {
>       0037 0039 0031 0039 005f 0065 006e 0064
>       0070                                      p
>     }
>     conferenceID =  16 octets {
>       00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 22 00 cb 11 e0 10 4f
>   ....>V...".....O
>     }
>     callReferenceValue = 27377
>     disengageReason = normalDrop <<null>>
>     callIdentifier = {
>       guid =  16 octets {
>         00 04 0f 00 3e 56 02 12  81 22 00 cb 11 e0 10
>4e   ....>V...".....N
>       }
>     }
>     gatekeeperIdentifier =  8 characters {
>       0047 004e 0055 0047 004b 0030 0030 0031
>     }
>     answeredCall = FALSE
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.328 1             RasSrv.cxx(343)   RAS
>DRQ Received
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.328 2             RasSrv.cxx(388)
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.343 3             RasSrv.cxx(231)   RAS
>Send to
>disengageConfirm {
>     requestSeqNum = 22645
>   }
>2006/06/27 21:37:45.734 3             RasTbl.cxx(1368)  Gk
>Delete Call No. 5
>2006/06/27 21:37:50.312 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   H245d
>Delete socket
>2006/06/27 21:37:50.312 3           yasocket.cxx(566)   H245s
>Delete socket
>--- rajan a p <dr_apr@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi Simon,
> >
> > can you give your contact mailid, so that I can send
> > my logs collected at -ttttt level. Regarding
> > enabling
> > proxy, I will try that option by evening and update
> > you.
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > Rajan
> >
> >
> > --- Simon Horne <s.horne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > You are attempting to call a Gateway which is
> > behind
> > > a NAT .
> > > You are getting call end reason "destination
> > > unreachable"
> > >
> > > you have not enabled the proxy function.
> > > [Proxy]
> > > Enable=0
> > >
> > > You must enable the proxy function so GnuGK can
> > > alter media port opening
> > > timings so to traverse the NAT.
> > >
> > > Simon
> > >
> > > At 12:34 AM 27/06/2006, you wrote:
> > > >Dear Forum members,
> > > >
> > > >My setup is like this:
> > > >EP1-->GNUGK--->EP2
> > > >EP1-
> > > >GNUGK-,218.212.xx.xx/0
> > > >EP2-125.22.xx.xx(behind router with DMZ)
> > > >
> > > >Call from EP1 to EP2 fail with following message
> > > >"ProxyChannel.cxx(2270) Q931    125.22.xx.xx:1720
> > > DIDN'T
> > > >
> > > >my gatekeeper.ini as follows:
> > > >[Gatekeeper::Main]
> > > >FourtyTwo=42
> > > >Name=GNUGK
> > > >EndpointSuffix=_gnugk
> > > >TimeToLive=300
> > >
> > >NetworkInterfaces=,218.212.xx.xx/0
> > > >StatusTraceLevel=2
> > > >
> > > >[RoutedMode]
> > > >GKRouted=1
> > > >H245Routed=0
> > > >CallSignalPort=0
> > > >AcceptNeighborCalls=1
> > > >AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1
> > > >RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1
> > > >RemoveCallOnDRQ=0
> > > >DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1
> > > >SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ=1
> > > >SupportNATedEndpoints=1
> > > >TranslateFacility=1
> > > >TcpKeepAlive=0
> > > >
> > > >[Proxy]
> > > >Enable=0
> > > >ProxyForNAT=1
> > > >ProxyForSameNAT=0
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >[RasSrv::RRQFeatures]
> > > >AcceptEndpointIdentifier=0
> > > >AcceptGatewayPrefixes=1
> > > >OverwriteEPOnSameAddress=1
> > > >
> > > >[RasSrv::ARQFeatures]
> > > >CallUnregisteredEndpoints=1
> > > >ArjReasonRouteCallToSCN=1
> > > >ArjReasonRouteCallToGatekeeper=1
> > > >RemoveTrailingChar=#
> > > >
> > > >[CallTable]
> > > >GenerateNBCDR=1
> > > >GenerateUCCDR=0
> > > >
> > > >suggest me the correct gatekeeper.ini, any
> > > consultant
> > > >to correct this config and suggest billing for
> > > >Singapore client.
> > > >
> > > >Thanks for your time and support.
> > > >
> > > >Rajan
> > > >
> > >
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Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security?
Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier
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