GK in Private IP not working - Help Needed

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Dear All,

I am running gnugk 2.2.3 in windows 2000 server for
the past six months with static IP. After knowing GK
can be in private IP, i have introduced
and put the GK behind my linksys 54G router. I am able
to make call using gatekeeper. Working last one month
without any issues.

Recently in linksys made some changes and after that
it is not working. Now GK whenever starts listening in and only. Changes in linksys or
in my network which is causing problem..I am not
sure.. Now linksys setting is DMZ to DMZ
settings or port forwarding needed? gatekeeper.ini, I
haven't changed anything. If port forwarding what are
the ports to open?

Thanks for your time and suggestion.


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