Just define 2 permanent endpoints for prefix 049 and 040.
Then create two GWRewriteE164 "out" rules to remove
prefixes when a call leaves the gk. Check the manual for details.
----- Original Message -----
From: "George Ciuperca" <cg2you@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:58 PM
I have a simple question regarding routing calls in
GNU Gatekeeper.Supposedly I have 2 other gatekeeprs in
two countries, how could I route calls starting with
one prefix(say it 049), but deleting the prefix , to
one gatekeeper and starting with other prefix(say it
040) to other gatekeeper(same way - deleting prefix).
So, as an example of what I'm trying to do is :
calling 0491234 would reach user 1234 in gk1
calling 0405678 would reach user 5678 in gk2.
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
George Ciuperca
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