Shashi asked [snip] [Proxy] [snip] Is there a way to specifiy which outgoing IP to be used when sending
calls to the gateway? [snip] Not within GNUGK. It’s a routing decision
within the operating system. I’ve struggled with this myself and
found the “best” solution is to just change the “default
gateway” In the OS to the gateway you want ALL
outbound traffic to us. Any 10.20.30.x address WILL go out ETH-0,
10.10.13.x address WILL go out ETH-1, 10.10.12.x WILL go out ETH-2, etc. But all other public addresses will select
the interface of the ‘default” gateway. I’ve tried static routes and found
that caused no audio problem, if the dest IP forwarded the packets to another IP that I didn’t static route over
the same interface. Most of my equipment has 2 NICs, ETH-0
and ETH-1 (BOTH public IP networks) I define ETH-1 to be the default, and all
my equipment with 9.8.7.x addresses all communicate over the ETH-0 interface because they in the same
network, but the ETH-1 is used to communicate to equipment of other companies. I hope this helps? Steve This email was scanned by: Mcafee GroupShield ---------------- CONFIDENTIAL DISCLAMER ---------------- All information provided in this email is considered confidential and proprietary of Planet Telecom, Inc. and Telecenter Inc. Use of this information by anyone other than the recipient or sender will be considered in breach of agreement. |