For those of you still using v2.09 you will encounter a problem with passwords if you use MySQL v4.1.x and above. You will have to put in an entry in the [MySQLd] section:- set passwords = old_passwords = 1 or start the service with the old_passwords parameter. The best is to use a MySQL v3.23.x or v4.0.26. Unfortunately, the use of these earlier versions of MySQL did not provide you the means of using certain nice string and data functions available in the later versions like STR_TO_DATE. If you are using MySQL v3.23.x or v4.0.x, then the following will be useful for your [SQLAcct] section of the GNUgk config file:- [Gatekeeper::Acct] SQLAcct=required;start,update,stop [SQLAcct] Driver=MySQL Host=localhost Database=gnugk Username=gkuser Password=gkpwd MinPoolSize=5 StartQuery=INSERT INTO cdrs (gkname, sessid, callno, username, calling, called, duration, disconnectcause) VALUES ('%g', '%s', %n, '%u', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{Called-Station-Id}', %d, %c) StartQueryAlt=UPDATE cdrs SET username = '%u', calling = '%{Calling-Station-Id}', called = '%{Called-Station-Id}', duration = %d, disconnectcause = %c WHERE gkname = '%g' AND sessid = '%s' UpdateQuery=UPDATE cdrs SET duration = %d WHERE gkname = '%g' AND sessid = '%s' StopQuery=UPDATE cdrs SET username = '%u', calling = '%{Calling-Station-Id}', called = '%{Called-Station-Id}', duration = %d, disconnectcause = %c, cttime = CONCAT(RIGHT(@a:=RIGHT('%{connect-time}',11), 4), '-', LPAD(FIND_IN_SET(LEFT(@a, 3), 'Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec'), 2, '0'), '-', LPAD(TRIM(MID(@a, 5, 2)), 2, '0'), ' ', LEFT('%{connect-time}',8))) WHERE gkname = '%g' AND sessid = '%s' StopQueryAlt=INSERT INTO cdrs (gkname, sessid, callno, username, calling, called, duration, disconnectcause, cttime) VALUES ('%g', '%s', %n, '%u', '%{Calling-Station-Id}', '%{Called-Station-Id}', %d, %c, CONCAT(RIGHT(@a:=RIGHT('%{connect-time}',11), 4), '-', LPAD(FIND_IN_SET(LEFT(@a, 3), 'Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec'), 2, '0'), '-', LPAD(TRIM(MID(@a, 5, 2)), 2, '0'), ' ', LEFT('%{connect-time}',8))) Also the following SQL statements can be used for creating a rudimentary CDR table:- create database if not exists `gnugk`; USE `gnugk`; CREATE TABLE `cdrs` ( `CDRID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `gkname` varchar(30) default NULL, `sessid` varchar(16) default NULL, `callno` int(11) default NULL, `username` varchar(30) default NULL, `calling` varchar(25) default NULL, `called` varchar(25) default NULL, `cttime` datetime default NULL, `duration` int(11) default NULL, `disconnectcause` int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`CDRID`) ) TYPE=MyISAM; The above can be split int the config and sql parts and made a part of the contrib sections and is useful for those who want cdrs only and not billing - more for identity and backhaul calling. Regards, Ap.Muthu ------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files for problems? Stop! Download the new AJAX search engine that makes searching your log files as easy as surfing the web. DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: Unsubscribe: Homepage: