hi, use asterisk-oh323 module to your asterisk and be sure to create a valid user access for the asterisk in the gnugk. in the asterisk side, create a context that accept all h323 incoming calls in your extension.conf configure oh323.conf to use that context whenever any calls routed from gnugk to asterisk. after that you can create an IVR function to that context. --- Code Nirmata <codenirmata@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi all, > How can I write configuretion to use ASTERISK as > my IVR with GnuGK? > Can anyone give some examples of configuretion? > and from where I can > get details help to use ASTERISK as IVR with > GnuGK,please give me some > useful links. > > Regards > > > > --------------------------------- > Yahoo! Shopping > Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! > Shopping Kolosos, COE Philippines Linux Registered User # 373129 __________________________________________ Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less. dsl.yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------- This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files for problems? Stop! Download the new AJAX search engine that makes searching your log files as easy as surfing the web. DOWNLOAD SPLUNK! http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=7637&alloc_id=16865&op=click _______________________________________________________ Posting: mailto:Openh323gk-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Archive: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=8549 Unsubscribe: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/openh323gk-users Homepage: http://www.gnugk.org/