Check your A800 setting. It is obviously sending a Connect or Answer
message to the gatekeeper regardless of the outcome of the call. Check
AnswerSupervision, AutoAnswer or AutoConnect part or something similar.
Im not very familiar with the A800 so I cant help you much there.
Prinze wrote:
My scenirio as follows,
Dialer -> GnuGK -> Quintum A800 -> PSTN Phone
here, i have faced two problems,
1) if 'Dialer' dial a call to 'PSTN Phone', and if 'PSTN Phone' is
failed to recieve it at the ringing time duration,then after ending of
ringing the GnuGK takes the calls as
successful calls and it costs of PIN,i,e, Dialer shows that the
conversation is continuing,but it is FALSE.
2) if Dialer dial a call to PSTN phone,and PSTN Phone cut it(not eager
to accept the call), then also GnuGK takes it as succesful call and
Dialer contuning to show the call duration ,but is also FALSE .
how can I configure Gnugk initialization files to solve my problems ???
my mysql database is controlled by GnuGK.
Regards and help me.............
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