GnuGK successfully route calls from softphone that uses public IP to GW that has private-internal IP. When it comes to route calls between endpoints that are both on public IP, it returns normal drop immediately if it manage to send the call, and the phone is picked up it returns normal drop after 5 sec. When the connection is opened in those 5 sec, voice cannot be delivered from both sides, no one can hear no one. I have tried with and without proxy, to see if the call will last more, but it is the same. Gateways that are endpoints are cisco. Softphone is netmeeting or private h323 dialer. Scenario 1 (Works fine) : Softphone ( -> Internet -> GNUGK (, -> LAN -> GW ( (Even if it is not in proxy mode I can hear at list one voice channel) Scenario 2 (Problem) : Softphone ( -> Internet -> GNUGK (, -> Internet -> GW ( (normal drop problem in routed mode, direct signaling and in proxy routed mode) Scenario 3 (Problem) : GW( -> LAN -> GNUGK (, -> Internet -> GW ( (normal drop problem in proxy mode, in routed mode without proxy is the same. If I disable proxy for testing, still there is no sound on any voice channel incoming or outgoing). I would appreciate any help. The config: [Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42 Name=GNUGK ;StatusPort=7000 [RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 H245Routed=1 CallSignalPort=0 CallSignalHandlerNumber=1 RemoveH245AddressOnTunneling=1 AcceptNeighborsCalls=1 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 SupportNATedEndpoints=1 DropCallsByReleaseComplete=1 RemoveCallOnDRQ=1 SendReleaseCompleteOnDRQ=1 ForwardOnFacility=1 ShowForwarderNumber=1 Q931PortRange=20000-20999 H245PortRange=30000-30999 ConnectTimeout=60000 ############ [Proxy] Enable=1 ProxyForNAT=1 ############# [GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow default=allow [RasSrv::RRQAuth] default=allow [RasSrv::RRQFeatures] OverwriteEPOnSameAddress=1 AcceptEndpointIdentifier=1 AcceptGatewayPrefixes=1 [RasSrv::ARQFeatures] ArjReasonRouteCallToSCN=1 ArjReasonRouteCallToGatekeeper=1 CallUnregisteredEndpoints=1 RemoveTrailingChar=# ParseEmailAliases=1 [RasSrv::LRQFeatures] NeighborTimeout=2 ForwardHopCount=2 AlwaysForwardLRQ=1 AcceptForwardedLRQ=1 IncludeDestinationInfoInLCF=1 CiscoGKCompatible=1 #### RRQ,ARQ,Configuration section for Gatekeeper Authenticateion module [Gatekeeper::Auth] RadAuth=optional;RRQ,ARQ RadAliasAuth=required;RRQ,ARQ default=allow [RadAuth] Servers= SharedSecret=xxxxxxxx LocalInterface= RadiusPortRange=10000-11000 RequestTimeout=2000 IdCacheTimeout=9000 SocketDeleteTimeout=60000 AppendCiscoAttributes=1 IncludeEndpointIP=1 RequestRetransmissions=2 [RadAliasAuth] Servers= SharedSecret=xxxxxxxx LocalInterface= RadiusPortRange=10000-11000 RequestTimeout=2000 IdCacheTimeout=9000 SocketDeleteTimeout=60000 AppendCiscoAttributes=1 IncludeEndpointIP=1 RequestRetransmissions=2 #### Configuration section for Gatekeeper Accounting module [Gatekeeper::Acct] RadAcct=optional;start,stop RadAliasAcct=required;start,stop default=accept [RadAcct] Servers= LocalInterface= SharedSecret=xxxxxxxxxxxx RadiusPortRange=10000-11000 RequestTimeout=3500 IdCacheTimeout=9000 SocketDeleteTimeout=60000 RequestRetransmissions=4 RoundRobinServers=1 AppendCiscoAttributes=1 [RadAliasAcct] Servers= LocalInterface= SharedSecret=xxxxxxxxxx RadiusPortRange=10000-11000 RequestTimeout=3500 IdCacheTimeout=9000 SocketDeleteTimeout=60000 RequestRetransmissions=4 RoundRobinServers=1 AppendCiscoAttributes=1 #### Configuration section for PermanentEndpoints module [RasSrv::RRQFeatures] [RasSrv::GWPrefixes] cisco1=299 [RasSrv::PermanentEndpoints];299;496 -------------- Regards Jove |